Divergent/mods/Screen Space Shaders/gamedata/shaders/r3/ssfx_ao.ps

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* @ Description: AO implementation
* @ Modified time: 2024-11-30 13:33
* @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457
* @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders
#ifndef SSFX_READY
#include "screenspace_common.h"
#include "settings_screenspace_AO.h"
// Internal values
uniform float4 ao_setup; // Res, Intensity, -, Radius
uniform float4 ssfx_ao_setup2; // Distance, HUD, Flora, MaxOcc
float4x4 m_current; // Current projection matrix
float4x4 m_previous; // Previous projection matrix
Texture2D ssfx_ao;
Texture2D s_hud_mask;
Texture2D s_prev_pos;
Texture2D jitter0;
sampler smp_jitter;
float4 main(p_screen I) : SV_Target
// Scale TexCoor
float2 tc = I.tc0.xy * ao_setup.x;
float2 Pos2D = I.hpos.xy * ao_setup.x;
// Sample position buffer
#ifndef USE_MSAA
float4 Pos = s_position.Sample( smp_nofilter, tc );
float4 Pos = s_position.Load( int3( Pos2D, 0 ), 0 );
// Reconstruct Position, Normal and Material
float3 P = float3( Pos.z * ( Pos2D * pos_decompression_params.zw - pos_decompression_params.xy ), Pos.z );
float3 N = gbuf_unpack_normal( Pos.xy );
float mtl = gbuf_unpack_mtl( Pos.w );
// Rendering AO till ssfx_ao_setup2.x || Sky
if (P.z >= ssfx_ao_setup2.x || P.z <= SKY_EPS)
return float4(0,0,0,1);
// Ao Noise
float3 ao_noise = jitter0.Sample(smp_jitter, (tc + timers.xx) * 100).xyz;
// MAT_FLORA from current pixel?
bool mat_flora = abs(mtl - MAT_FLORA) <= 0.04f;
// A factor to adjust some values to only affect weapons ( closer objects )
float4 HudMask = s_hud_mask.Sample(smp_linear, tc);
float WeaponFactor = 1.0 - HudMask.r;
float HUD_Multiply = clamp(1.0 - WeaponFactor, ssfx_ao_setup2.y, 1.0f);
// Var to accumulate the AO
float occ = 0;
float Seed = 0.04f;
// Sample radius
float radius = 0.1f;
// Radius weapon adjustements
radius *= clamp(1.0 - WeaponFactor, 0.1f, 1.0f);
[unroll (SSFX_AO_QUALITY)]
for (int i = 0; i < SSFX_AO_QUALITY; i++)
[unroll (2)]
for (int j = 1; j <= 2; i++)
// Random
ao_noise.xyz = hash33(float3(frac(tc.x + Seed), ao_noise.x + Seed, ao_noise.z - Seed));
ao_noise.xyz = ao_noise.xyz * 2 - 1;
Seed += 0.1031f;
// Use surface normal and add the hemisphere distribution
float3 sample_rays = reflect(ssfx_hemisphere[i], ao_noise * ao_setup.w) + N.xyz;
// Sample position
float3 occ_pos = P.xyz + sample_rays * radius * j;
// Sample position to UV
float2 occ_pos_uv = SSFX_view_to_uv(occ_pos);
// Process valid UV coor
if (SSFX_is_valid_uv(occ_pos_uv))
// Sample depth buffer
float4 sample_pos = SSFX_get_position(occ_pos_uv, 0);
// Difference ( Reconstruct sample position )
float3 diff = float3( sample_pos.z * ( Pos2D * pos_decompression_params.zw - pos_decompression_params.xy ), sample_pos.z ) - occ_pos;
// Distance
float Dist = length(diff);
// Calc occlusion
float AO = max(0.0, dot(gbuf_unpack_normal( sample_pos.xy ), normalize(diff)) - 0.1f) * ( 1.0 / ( 1.0 + Dist * 3.0 ));
// Flora mod
if (abs(gbuf_unpack_mtl(sample_pos.w) - MAT_FLORA) <= 0.04f || mat_flora)
AO = WeaponFactor > 0.0f ? AO : (1.0 - smoothstep(0.0f, 0.6f, Dist )) * ssfx_ao_setup2.z;
// Discard sky.
AO *= !is_sky(sample_pos.z);
// Accumulate final AO
occ += AO * HUD_Multiply;
radius *= 0.5;
// Normalize AO
occ /= SSFX_AO_QUALITY * 2;
// Invert AO
occ = saturate(1.0f - occ);
// AO intensity
occ = pow(occ, ao_setup.y * 10.0f);
// Fadeout using ssfx_ao_setup2.x
float Fadeoff = smoothstep(ssfx_ao_setup2.x * 0.7f, ssfx_ao_setup2.x, P.z);
occ = saturate(occ + Fadeoff);
// -------------
// Position
float4 P4 = float4(P.xyz, 1.0);
// Get current
float4 p_current = mul(m_current, P4);
// Get previous
float4 p_previous = mul(m_previous, P4);
float2 current = p_current.xy / p_current.w;
float2 previous = p_previous.xy / p_previous.w;
// Reprojection UV
float2 uv_rp = current.xy - previous.xy;
uv_rp = float2(uv_rp.x, -uv_rp.y) * 0.5f;
// Velocity
float vel = distance(current, previous);
// HUD Mask
if (WeaponFactor)
// Use HUD motion vectors for reprojection
uv_rp = float2(HudMask.y, -HudMask.z) * 0.5f;
vel = 0; // Disable velocity. Is enough with the disocclusion?
// Noise
float2 rnd = hash22(tc * 100 + timers.xx * 100) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
rnd = rnd * (1.0f / screen_res.xy) * 0.25f;
float2 Rep_Tc = (tc + rnd) - uv_rp;
// Sample previous frame + Reprojection UV
float4 prev = ssfx_ao.Sample(smp_rtlinear, clamp(Rep_Tc / ao_setup.x, 0.0f, float2(0.999f, 0.99f) / ao_setup.x));
// Prev Position + Reprojection UV
float4 prev_P = s_prev_pos.Sample( smp_rtlinear, Rep_Tc );
// Offscreen?
float outoffsrc = any(Rep_Tc < 0) + any(Rep_Tc > 1.0f);
outoffsrc = lerp(outoffsrc, prev.g, 0.9f);
// Disocclusion
float docc = abs(1.0f - P.z / prev_P.z);
// Increase disocclusion for the HUD elements
docc *= 1.0f + 1.0f * WeaponFactor;
// 0 Current frame ~ 1 Prev frame
float weight = saturate(0.97f - (vel + outoffsrc + docc));
// Mix previous frames
occ = lerp(occ, prev.w, weight);
// -------------
// Limit AO maximum occlusion
occ = clamp(occ, ssfx_ao_setup2.w, 1.0f);
// Disocclusion mask
float docc_mask = saturate(docc - 0.05f);
docc_mask = lerp((docc + vel + outoffsrc) * 10, prev.r, 0.95f);
return saturate(float4(docc_mask, outoffsrc, 1.0f, occ));