Divergent/mods/Screen Space Shaders/gamedata/shaders/r3/ssfx_ssr_gloss.ps

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* @ Description: SSR - Gloss Phase
* @ Modified time: 2024-06-03 09:42
* @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457
* @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders
#include "screenspace_common.h"
#include "settings_screenspace_SSR.h"
uniform float4 ssfx_ssr_2;
uniform float4 ssfx_is_underground;
Texture2D s_hud_mask;
float4 main(p_screen I) : SV_Target
#ifndef USE_MSAA
float4 Pos = s_position.Sample( smp_nofilter, I.tc0 );
float gloss = s_diffuse.Sample( smp_nofilter, I.tc0 ).a;
float4 Pos = s_position.Load( int3( I.hpos.xy, 0 ), 0 );
float gloss = s_diffuse.Load( int3( I.hpos.xy, 0 ), 0 ).a;
float3 P = float3( Pos.z * ( I.hpos * pos_decompression_params.zw - pos_decompression_params.xy ), Pos.z );
float3 N = gbuf_unpack_normal( Pos.xy );
float mtl = gbuf_unpack_mtl( Pos.w );
float HUD_mask = s_hud_mask.Sample(smp_nofilter, I.tc0).r;
bool m_flora = abs(mtl - MAT_FLORA) <= 0.04f;
// Calc reflection bounce
float3 inVec = normalize(P.xyz); // Incident
float3 reVec = reflect(inVec , N); // Reflected
// Transform space and calc reflection vector ( Skybox & Fresnel )
float3 nw = mul(m_inv_V, N);
float3 v2point = mul(m_inv_V, inVec);
float3 v2reflect = reflect(v2point, nw);
// Fresnel
float fresnel = saturate (dot(v2reflect, v2point));
float fresnel_amount = pow(fresnel, 3);
gloss *= fresnel_amount;
float3 sky = SSFX_calc_env(v2reflect) * ssfx_ssr_2.y * !ssfx_is_underground.x;
float3 sky = SSFX_calc_sky(v2reflect) * ssfx_ssr_2.y * !ssfx_is_underground.x;
// Flora intensity
gloss *= m_flora ? G_SSR_FLORA_INTENSITY : 1.0f;
// Global intensity and limit max value.
float main_clamp = clamp(gloss * ssfx_ssr_2.x, 0, G_SSR_MAX_INTENSITY);
// Raise reflection intensity and max limit when raining. ( NOTE: Reverted to rain intensity, but improvements are on the way... )
float rain_extra = G_SSR_WEAPON_RAIN_FACTOR * rain_params.x;
// Weapon intensity and limit max value.
float wpn_clamp = clamp(gloss * ssfx_ssr_2.z, 0, ssfx_ssr_2.w + rain_extra);
wpn_clamp *= rain_params.x;
// Lerp between general reflections and weapon reflections.
gloss = lerp(wpn_clamp, main_clamp, HUD_mask);
// Fog
float fog = 1.0 - saturate(( length(P.xyz) * fog_params.w + fog_params.x));
// Sky discard
if (P.z < SKY_EPS)
sky *= 0;
gloss *= 0;
// Mix
return float4(sky, gloss * fog * fog);