Divergent/mods/Screen Space Shaders/gamedata/shaders/r3/ssfx_water.ps

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* @ Description: Water Shader
* @ Modified time: 2024-07-31 01:05
* @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457
* @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders
#include "common.h"
#include "anomaly_shaders.h"
#include "reflections.h"
#include "lmodel.h"
// Screen space functions
#include "check_screenspace.h"
#include "screenspace_water.h"
#ifdef SSFX_FOG
#include "screenspace_fog.h"
struct vf
float2 tbase : TEXCOORD0; // base
float4 tnorm0 : TEXCOORD1; // nm0
float4 position_w : TEXCOORD2; // nm1
float3 M1 : TEXCOORD3;
float3 M2 : TEXCOORD4;
float3 M3 : TEXCOORD5;
float3 v2point_w : TEXCOORD6;
float4 tctexgen : TEXCOORD7;
float4 c0 : COLOR0;
float fog : FOG;
float4 hpos : SV_Position;
Texture2D s_water_ssr_noblur;
Texture2D s_perlin;
Texture2D s_water_ssr;
Texture2D s_nmap;
Texture2D s_rainsplash;
Texture2D s_watercaustics;
Texture2D s_wind;
Texture2D s_water_height;
uniform float4 ssfx_water; // Res, Blur, Blur Perlin, -
uniform float4 ssfx_water_setup1; // Distortion, Turbidity, Softborder, Parallax Height
uniform float4 ssfx_water_setup2; // Reflection, Specular, Caustics, Ripples
uniform float4 ssfx_is_underground;
uniform float4 ssfx_issvp;
uniform float4 wind_setup;
uniform float4 ssfx_wind_anim;
static const int q_parallax[4] =
float3 Water_DoParallax(float2 tc, float2 tc_step, float _step, Texture2D height_tex, float height_scale)
// Init vars to store steps
float curr_step = 0;
float2 parallax_tc = tc;
// Store the previous & current sample to do the POM calc later
float prev_Height = 0;
float curr_Height = 0;
float prev_Sam = 0;
float curr_Sam = 0;
do // Basic Step Parallax
// Save previous data ( Used for interpolation and final height )
prev_Height = curr_Height;
prev_Sam = curr_Sam;
// Step TexCoor
parallax_tc -= tc_step;
curr_step += _step;
// Sample
curr_Sam = height_tex.SampleLevel(smp_base, parallax_tc * height_scale, 0).x;
curr_Height = 1.0f - curr_Sam;
} while(curr_Height > curr_step);
// [ POM ] Interpolation between the previous offset and the current offset
float currentDiff = curr_Height - curr_step;
float ratio = currentDiff / (currentDiff - saturate(prev_Height - curr_step + _step));
// Final TexCoor
return float3(lerp(parallax_tc, parallax_tc + tc_step, ratio), curr_Sam);
float4 main( vf I ) : SV_Target
// Wind data
float r = wind_setup.x + 1.57079f;
float2 Wind_Dir = float2(cos(r),sin(r));
float Wind_Int = saturate(wind_setup.y * 0.001);
// Waves speed
float TimeSpeed = clamp(0.97f * Wind_Int, 0.45f, 0.97f);
// 3d view space pos reconstruction math
float3 Pv = float3(I.tctexgen.z * (I.hpos.xy * pos_decompression_params.zw - pos_decompression_params.xy), I.tctexgen.z);
float dist_att = 1.0 - smoothstep(G_SSR_PARALLAX_DISTANCE * 0.6f, G_SSR_PARALLAX_DISTANCE, Pv.z);
// PARALLAX -------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 eye = normalize(mul(float3x3(I.M1.x, I.M2.x, I.M3.x,
I.M1.y, I.M2.y, I.M3.y,
I.M1.z, I.M2.z, I.M3.z), -I.v2point_w.xyz));
float view_angle = abs(dot(float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), eye));
// Dynamic steps
float _step = rcp(lerp(q_parallax[SSFX_WATER_PARALLAX], 1, view_angle)); // 1.0 / Step Qty
_step = dist_att <= 0 ? 1 : _step;
// View direction + bias to try to minimize issues with some slopes.
float2 viewdir = eye.xy / eye.z;
// Offset direction
float2 tc_step = _step * viewdir * clamp(ssfx_water_setup1.w * Wind_Int, 0.015f, ssfx_water_setup1.w); // G_SSR_PARALLAX_HEIGHT
// Calc Parallax
float3 tc_parallax = Water_DoParallax(I.tbase , tc_step, _step, s_water_height, 0.35f); // 0.35f
// TCs
float2 tc_parallax = I.tbase + (ssfx_wind_anim.ww * float2(0.065f, 0.445f) * TimeSpeed);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Normal Textures ------------------------------------------------------------
float3 n_tc = 0;
n_tc.xy = tc_parallax.xy;
n_tc.z = tc_parallax.z;
float3 n0 = s_nmap.Sample(smp_base, n_tc.xy + (ssfx_wind_anim.ww * float2(0.23f, 0.10f) * TimeSpeed) ).rgb;
float3 n1 = s_nmap.Sample(smp_base, n_tc.xy - (ssfx_wind_anim.ww * float2(0.21f, 0.28f) * TimeSpeed) ).rgb;
// Wind Layer
float2 wind_layer = s_wind.Sample(smp_base, n_tc.xy * 0.1f + (Wind_Dir * Wind_Int * ssfx_wind_anim.ww * 0.1f)).rg;
n0.xy = lerp(n0.xy, wind_layer.xy, 0.1f * Wind_Int); //dist_att
// Waves Normal
float3 Waves_Normal = n0 * 2.0f - 1.0f;
Waves_Normal.xy += float2(0.095f, 0.088f);
float2 Wave_Int = 0;
Wave_Int.x = clamp(0.1f * Wind_Int, 0.03f, 0.1f);
Wave_Int.y = clamp(0.2f * Wind_Int, 0.1f, 0.2f);
Waves_Normal = normalize(float3(Waves_Normal.xy * Wave_Int.xy * ssfx_water_setup1.x, Waves_Normal.z)); // G_SSR_WATER_DISTORTION
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prepare Stuff --------------------------------------------------------------
float2 PosTc = I.tctexgen.xy / I.tctexgen.z;
#ifndef USE_MSAA
float4 P = s_position.Sample( smp_nofilter, PosTc );
float4 C = s_diffuse.Sample( smp_nofilter, PosTc );
float4 P = s_position.Load( int3( I.hpos.xy, 0 ), 0 );
float4 C = s_diffuse.Load( int3( I.hpos.xy, 0 ), 0 );
// Water Surface to world space
float3 w_s = mul(m_inv_V, Pv );
// Rain intensity. Fadeout and rain cover
half is_raining = rain_params.x > 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
float RainInt = clamp(rain_params.x * 1.6f, 0.65f * is_raining, 1.0f);
// Ripples normal
float2 Ripples = ssfx_rain_ripples( s_rainsplash, n_tc.xy * 0.6f, float3(RainInt, ssfx_water_setup2.w, 15.0f), P.z); // 0.6f // G_SSR_WATER_RIPPLES
Waves_Normal += float3(Ripples, 0) * is_raining;
// Water wave intensity
float3 Navg = ((n0 + n1) * 0.5) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
Navg += float3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f) + float3(Ripples, 0) * is_raining;
Navg.xy *= 0.5f;
float3 Nw = mul (float3x3(I.M1, I.M2, I.M3), Navg);
Nw = normalize (Nw);
float3 v2point = normalize (I.v2point_w);
float3 vreflect = reflect(v2point, Nw.xyz);
float3 eyedir = normalize(Pv);
float3 Nv = normalize(mul(m_V, Nw));
// Refractions normal ( Used by shadows and refraction )
float2 N_Scr = Waves_Normal; //G_SSR_WATER_REFRACTION
// Discard refractions from things above the water ( Like weapons )
float Refraction_Discard = Pv.z < SSFX_get_depth(PosTc + N_Scr, 0);
// Screen UV + Discard
float2 Refraction_UV = N_Scr * Refraction_Discard;
// 3d view space pos reconstruction math
P.xyz = float3( P.z * ( I.hpos.xy * pos_decompression_params.zw - pos_decompression_params.xy ), P.z);
// Bottom of the water to world space ( Project the caustics and water fog )
float3 w_p = mul(m_inv_V, float4(P.xyz , 1));
// Shadows to do some tricks
#ifndef USE_MSAA
float water_shadows = saturate(s_accumulator.Sample(smp_nofilter, PosTc + Refraction_UV).r * 2000);
float water_shadows = saturate(s_accumulator.Load(int3((PosTc + Refraction_UV) * screen_res.xy, 0), 0).r * 2000);
// Fresnel
float fresnel = saturate (dot(vreflect, v2point));
float fresnel_amount = pow(fresnel, 3.0);
//float fresnel = SSFX_calc_fresnel(eyedir, Nv, 1.33f);
//float fresnel_amount = fresnel;
// Sun color
float test_sun = dot(L_sun_color.rgb, 0.5f);
// Caustics offset anim
float4 CausticsT = float4( ssfx_wind_anim.w * 0.1f, 0.0f, -ssfx_wind_anim.w * 0.07f, 0.2f );
// Fake Caustics
float sun_int = smoothstep(0.3f, 1.0f, test_sun);
float3 Ca0 = saturate(s_watercaustics.Sample(smp_base, w_p.xz * (0.19f / G_SSR_WATER_CAUSTICS_SCALE) + CausticsT.xy ) - 0.1f );
float3 Ca1 = saturate(s_watercaustics.Sample(smp_base, w_p.xz * (0.11f / G_SSR_WATER_CAUSTICS_SCALE) + CausticsT.zw ) - 0.1f );
float3 CA = min(Ca0, Ca1) * water_shadows * sun_int * ssfx_water_setup2.z;//G_SSR_WATER_CAUSTICS; // Caustics if light hit the water
// Specular
float3 Nf = normalize(float3(Nw.x, Nw.y * G_SSR_WATER_SPECULAR_NORMAL, Nw.z)); // flatten the water normal to get better specular
float3 spec = L_sun_color.rgb * pow(abs(dot(normalize(v2point + L_sun_dir_w), Nf)), 512) * saturate(test_sun) * ssfx_water_setup2.y; //G_SSR_WATER_SPECULAR
// Trick to check if rain can fall on the water, gloss include the rain_apply_gloss
float rain_cover = step(0.035f * (-0.4f + rain_params.x), C.w - 0.04f );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reflection -----------------------------------------------------------------
// The SSR texture is always at half resolution
float2 refle_tc = PosTc / 2;
// Apply offset
refle_tc += Waves_Normal.xy;
// Limit TC offset
if (any(refle_tc < 0) || any(refle_tc > 0.5f))
refle_tc = PosTc / 2;
// Reflection
float3 reflection = s_water_ssr.Sample(smp_linear, refle_tc).rgb;
// Reflection variation
float3 refle_no_blur = s_water_ssr_noblur.Sample(smp_linear, PosTc / ssfx_water.x + Waves_Normal.xy).rgb;
float water_perlin = s_perlin.Sample(smp_linear, (w_s.xz + eye_position.xz + Nw.xy * 100) * 0.02f).r;
// Clear <-> Blurry
reflection = lerp(reflection, refle_no_blur, saturate(water_perlin * ssfx_water.z));
reflection = vibrance(reflection, G_SSR_WATER_REFLECTION_VIBRANCE);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add Everything -------------------------------------------------------------
// Normal for the base texture...
float2 N_Tex = Waves_Normal;
// Water Depth
float waterDepth = w_s.y - w_p.y + eye_position.y;
// Water Fog
float waterFog = exp(waterDepth + n_tc.z * 0.1f) - 1.0f;
// Screen buffer
float3 screen = SSFX_get_image(PosTc + Refraction_UV, 0);
// Base texture * base color
float3 base_tex = s_base.Sample(smp_base, (w_s.xz + eye_position.xz) * 0.1f + N_Tex).rgb;
// Texture * base color
base_tex *= I.c0.rgb;
// Mix refraction ( 100% clear water ) & base texture ( Turbidity )
float3 turbidity = lerp(base_tex, screen, smoothstep(G_SSR_WATER_FOG_MAXDEPTH, -ssfx_water_setup1.y, waterFog)); // G_SSR_WATER_TURBIDITY
if (ssfx_issvp.x > 0)
reflection = turbidity;
// Let's start the accumulation... First the water result and reflection.
float3 acc = lerp(turbidity, reflection, saturate(fresnel_amount * ssfx_water_setup2.x)); // G_SSR_WATER_REFLECTION
// Caustics. Fade through water fog
acc = acc + CA * smoothstep(G_SSR_WATER_FOG_MAXDEPTH + 0.5f, 0.0f, waterFog) * saturate(waterFog * 3.0f);
// Specular
acc += spec * water_shadows;
// Fogging
#ifdef SSFX_FOG
float fogging = SSFX_FOGGING(1.0 - I.fog, w_s.y);
float fogging = I.fog;
acc = lerp(fog_color, acc, fogging);
// "Transparency"
acc = lerp(screen, acc, (smoothstep( 0.0, ssfx_water_setup1.z, waterDepth + fresnel_amount) * fogging * fogging)); // G_SSR_WATER_SOFTBORDER
// Done
return float4(acc, saturate(waterDepth * 5));