Divergent/mods/Ultimate Dialogue Expansion/gamedata/configs/text/eng/st_dialogs.xml

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<!-- Trading / Repair dialog -->
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_init">
<text>Got anything to sell? %c[d_orange][Trade]</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_1">
<text>Don't expect anything fancy. Here's what I got.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_2">
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_3">
<text>Uh... sure thing.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_4">
<text>Sure, here's what I got.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_5">
<text>Take a look.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_6">
<text>Sure, let's trade.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_7">
<text>Alright, but don<6F>t expect too much.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_8">
<text>Yeah, fine. Let<65>s see what I got on me.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_9">
<text>Hold up. Here<72>s what I can spare.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_10">
<text>Eh, why not. Take a look.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_11">
<text>Okay, here<72>s my stash... not much, but see for yourself.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_12">
<text>Just don<6F>t waste my time, yeah? Here.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_13">
<text>Go ahead, take a look. But be quick.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_14">
<text>Alright, let<65>s get this over with.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_15">
<text>Yeah, sure. Just don't try to lowball me.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_16">
<text>Why not? Take a look, see if anything<6E>s worth your while.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_17">
<text>Fine, but if you try anything funny, I<>m out.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_18">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s see<65> not like I<>m running a shop here, but alright.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_19">
<text>Look, don<6F>t expect much. But sure, here.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_20">
<text>Okay, here<72>s what I got. Make it quick.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_21">
<text>Sure, take a peek. Don<6F>t blame me if it<69>s not much.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_22">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s trade if you<6F>re serious.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_23">
<text>Yeah, why not. Let<65>s see what you want.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_24">
<text>Alright, but don<6F>t go spreading it around.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_25">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s just see what you<6F>ve got, alright?</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_26">
<text>Fine, fine<6E> here. Just make it quick, alright?</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_27">
<text>Ugh, always looking to trade, aren<65>t you? Here, take a look.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_28">
<text>Really? Now? Fine, but don<6F>t waste my time.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_29">
<text>Alright, here. But I<>m not in the mood for a full-on barter session.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_30">
<text>Can we make this quick? I got other stuff to do.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_31">
<text>Alright, but don<6F>t expect anything good. This better be worth my time.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_32">
<text>Here. Now don<6F>t complain about the selection.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_33">
<text>Fine, but let<65>s get this over with. I<>ve got better things to do.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_34">
<text>Ugh, yeah, sure. Don<6F>t make me regret this.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_35">
<text>Why is it always me you bother for trades? Fine, here.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_36">
<text>Alright, but this is the last time today. I mean it.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_37">
<text>Here. And next time, find someone else, yeah?</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_38">
<text>Sure, I<>ll trade. But don<6F>t expect me to be happy about it.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_39">
<text>Seriously? Again? Fine, just hurry up.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_40">
<text>Alright, alright. Here<72>s what I got. But keep it quick.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_41">
<text>Yeah, yeah, here. Just don<6F>t go picking through everything like it<69>s a buffet.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_42">
<text>Not exactly thrilled about it, but<75> whatever. Take a look.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_43">
<text>Sure, here. Not like I have a choice, right?</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_44">
<text>Fine. But next time, bring something good if you<6F>re gonna bug me.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_45">
<text>Alright, but don<6F>t act like you<6F>re getting a deal here.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_46">
<text>Here. Now don<6F>t waste my time with small talk.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_47">
<text>Fine, take a look. But let<65>s keep this brief, alright?</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_48">
<text>Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let<65>s just get it over with.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_49">
<text>If you must. But I swear, this is the last time today.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_50">
<text>Here. But don<6F>t expect me to do this every time we cross paths.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_1">
<text>Not really. Find someone else.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_2">
<text>Sorry, I'd prefer to hang on to my stuff.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_3">
<text>I'd rather not.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_4">
<text>Piss off.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_5">
<text>Do I look like a trader to you?</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_6">
<text>Get out of here, stalker.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_7">
<text>You think I'm here to hand out freebies? Get lost.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_8">
<text>Nothing here for you. Move along.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_9">
<text>What part of "no" didn't you get?</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_10">
<text>Not interested in whatever you<6F>re peddling.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_11">
<text>You smell like shit, back away sir please.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_12">
<text>I don<6F>t owe you anything, especially not my gear.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_13">
<text>Back off. I<>m not in the mood to deal.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_14">
<text>Scram, stalker. This isn<73>t your lucky day.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_15">
<text>If you're looking for a handout, keep looking.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_16">
<text>You must be joking. I don<6F>t trade with strangers.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_17">
<text>No deal. Now get out of my face.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_18">
<text>Nothing to sell you, now fuck off.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_19">
<text>I<EFBFBD>m not a fucking charity. Get outta here.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_20">
<text>For the last time, no. Take a hint.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_21">
<text>Find some other poor shithead to trade with.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_22">
<text>Not happening, stalker. Walk away.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_23">
<text>Go annoy someone else; I<>ve got better things to do.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_24">
<text>Nothing here for you but disappointment.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_25">
<text>Listen, I don't have time for your shit. Move along.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_26">
<text>Nope. Not today, not ever.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_27">
<text>I don<6F>t have what you need. Now get lost.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_28">
<text>If you don<6F>t have cash, I don<6F>t have time.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_29">
<text>Yeah, no. Try someone with lower standards.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_30">
<text>Stop wasting my time. I don<6F>t have anything for you.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_31">
<text>Nothing here but my patience running out.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_32">
<text>Look, I don<6F>t have anything for you. Now leave.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_33">
<text>If you<6F>re looking for charity, keep looking.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_34">
<text>Find another sucker; this one<6E>s closed for business.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_35">
<text>I don<6F>t trust you, and I<>m not trading with you.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_36">
<text>You got nothing worth my time, so scram.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_37">
<text>Unless you<6F>ve got gold, I<>m not interested.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_38">
<text>Quit pestering me, stalker.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_39">
<text>You<EFBFBD>re wasting your breath. Nothing for you here.</text>
<string id="st_stalker_trade_dialog_reply_no_40">
<text>I<EFBFBD>ve got zero interest in helping you out. Get lost.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_init">
<text>I want to buy some equipment. %c[d_orange][Trade]</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_1">
<text>Sure thing.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_2">
<text>Take a look.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_3">
<text>Here's what I've got.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_4">
<text>Sure, here's what I got.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_5">
<text>Let me know if something catches your eye.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_6">
<text>Got a fresh stock, take your pick.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_7">
<text>Always happy to trade with someone who knows what they need.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_8">
<text>Have a look; might find something you didn<64>t even know you needed.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_9">
<text>Looking for something specific? Let<65>s see if I<>ve got it.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_10">
<text>Go ahead, take your time browsing. Quality doesn<73>t rush.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_11">
<text>Just got some new gear in. You might want to check it out.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_12">
<text>Feel free to browse. Everything here<72>s got a story.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_13">
<text>Need something to keep you alive out there? This is the place.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_14">
<text>Take your pick<63>only the best make it onto my shelves.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_15">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s make sure you<6F>re well-equipped, yeah?</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_16">
<text>Looking to stock up? I<>ve got what you need.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_17">
<text>If it<69>s gear you<6F>re after, you<6F>ve come to the right place.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_18">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s get you set up with the good stuff.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_19">
<text>New stock just in<69>could be exactly what you<6F>re looking for.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_20">
<text>Got some rare finds today. See anything you like?</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_21">
<text>Go on, have a look. Quality<74>s guaranteed.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_22">
<text>Here<EFBFBD>s what<61>s in stock. Only top-notch gear.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_23">
<text>Whatever you need, I<>ll do my best to find it for you.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_24">
<text>Got some specialty items today<61>might be worth a look.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_25">
<text>If you<6F>re looking to survive, I<>ve got the essentials right here.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_26">
<text>Here<EFBFBD>s what I can offer. Don<6F>t wait too long<6E>good stuff goes fast.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_27">
<text>Here you go. Let me know if something calls your name.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_28">
<text>Quality over quantity, always. Have a look.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_29">
<text>Looking for anything in particular? I might have just the thing.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_30">
<text>Check it out, but remember: the best deals don<6F>t wait forever.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_31">
<text>My stock<63>s limited, but it<69>s all top-grade. See for yourself.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_32">
<text>Don<EFBFBD>t rush<73>quality takes time to appreciate.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_33">
<text>My supplies are your lifeline out there. Choose wisely.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_34">
<text>See something you like? Go ahead, take your time.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_35">
<text>Need the edge out there? Look no further.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_36">
<text>Only the best gear. Don<6F>t settle for less.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_37">
<text>Take a look, and if you need advice, I<>m here.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_38">
<text>Hand-picked selection. Got to stay competitive, you know?</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_39">
<text>Come on, see if anything catches your interest.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_40">
<text>There<EFBFBD>s no rush. But good deals don<6F>t wait around forever.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_41">
<text>Only the finest supplies for a stalker like you.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_42">
<text>Here<EFBFBD>s what<61>s fresh in stock. First come, first served.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_43">
<text>If you<6F>re after quality, you<6F>ve come to the right spot.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_44">
<text>Inventory<EFBFBD>s tight, but I<>ve got the essentials.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_45">
<text>Take your pick. Everything here<72>s a lifesaver.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_46">
<text>Premium gear, priced just right. Browse away.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_47">
<text>Have a look. Good kit doesn<73>t last long around here.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_48">
<text>Stocked up and ready for trade. You in?</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_49">
<text>Here we are. Let me know if you need a recommendation.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_50">
<text>Welcome to my shop. Let<65>s make sure you<6F>re ready out there.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_51">
<text>Go ahead, pick through my wares. Just don<6F>t waste my damn time.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_52">
<text>Here<EFBFBD>s the good stuff. If it<69>s too rich for your blood, don<6F>t whine.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_53">
<text>Take a look, but don<6F>t come crying if you can<61>t afford it.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_54">
<text>Got all kinds of shit here. Just watch your fingers; some of it bites.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_55">
<text>Only top-notch gear here, mate. None of that cheap crap.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_56">
<text>Look around<6E>bet you won<6F>t find better gear in this godforsaken Zone.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_57">
<text>Hope you brought enough cash, because this ain<69>t a charity.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_58">
<text>Go on, buy something. Just don<6F>t insult me with lowball offers.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_59">
<text>You break it, you buy it. And don<6F>t even think of testing my patience.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_60">
<text>Got something for every budget<65>even the cheap bastards.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_61">
<text>This ain<69>t a damn thrift store; you<6F>re paying for quality.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_62">
<text>See anything you like? Good, <20>cause it won<6F>t last long.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_63">
<text>Better grab it while it<69>s here. I don<6F>t restock often, pal.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_64">
<text>Look around. This stuff<66>s here today, gone tomorrow.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_65">
<text>Don<EFBFBD>t waste my time, rookie. Either you<6F>re buying or you<6F>re leaving.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_66">
<text>You want quality, or you want some half-assed junk? I<>ve got the real deal.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_67">
<text>Got all kinds of tools for survival<61>just don<6F>t bitch about the price.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_68">
<text>If you<6F>re looking for discounts, go elsewhere. This shit<69>s worth every ruble.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_69">
<text>Don<EFBFBD>t try to haggle. You either pay up or get the hell out.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_70">
<text>Here<EFBFBD>s what I got. Don<6F>t like it? Tough shit.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_71">
<text>Only got the best here. Ain<69>t for free, though.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_72">
<text>Come on, don<6F>t be shy. Just don<6F>t start nitpicking like some damn accountant.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_73">
<text>If you<6F>re here to whine about prices, I<>m all ears<72>but it won<6F>t help you.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_74">
<text>All right, see something? Better grab it before it<69>s gone.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_75">
<text>I don<6F>t sell junk, so don<6F>t act like you<6F>re doing me a favor by buying.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_76">
<text>Come on, let<65>s get this over with. I got better shit to do.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_77">
<text>If you<6F>re window-shopping, go do it somewhere else.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_78">
<text>Look, I don<6F>t have all day. Grab what you need and pay up.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_79">
<text>This stuff ain<69>t cheap, but it sure as hell works.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_80">
<text>Feel free to browse, but don<6F>t test my patience.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_81">
<text>See anything you like? Then stop staring and start buying.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_82">
<text>Go on, treat yourself. Could be the last thing that saves your ass out there.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_83">
<text>Nothing here<72>s cheap, but neither is staying alive.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_84">
<text>If you<6F>re looking for freebies, you<6F>re in the wrong place.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_85">
<text>Here<EFBFBD>s my stock. Don<6F>t like the prices? Tough luck.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_86">
<text>Just remember, quality comes at a price. Pay up or shut up.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_87">
<text>Careful with the merchandise<73>don<6F>t want you damaging it and me damaging you.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_88">
<text>Not here to babysit, so make your choice fast.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_89">
<text>Take it or leave it. I don<6F>t give a damn.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_90">
<text>If you<6F>re serious about surviving, my gear<61>s what you want.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_91">
<text>See anything? Then fork over the rubles and get on with it.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_92">
<text>Listen, rookie, this gear ain<69>t for window shoppers.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_93">
<text>I don<6F>t sell crap. You<6F>ll thank me when you<6F>re not dead.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_94">
<text>My stock<63>s only for those who know its value. Don<6F>t waste my time if you don<6F>t.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_95">
<text>Got only top-quality shit here. Not here to bargain, just buy it.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_96">
<text>If you<6F>re haggling, go somewhere else. These prices ain<69>t negotiable.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_97">
<text>Pick your poison, rookie, and remember<65>you get what you pay for.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_98">
<text>Only thing you<6F>re getting for free is my advice: buy quality, or you<6F>ll regret it.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_99">
<text>You<EFBFBD>re not the only one after my stock, so don<6F>t drag your feet.</text>
<string id="st_trader_dialog_reply_100">
<text>Come back when you<6F>ve got the cash, and we<77>ll talk business.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_init">
<text>My equipment needs some tweaking. %c[d_orange][Repair/Upgrade]</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_1">
<text>I see, show me the equipment... And your money as well.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_2">
<text>More crap to fix? Fine by me.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_3">
<text>Great, more work.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_4">
<text>I'll see if I can hammer it back into shape.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_5">
<text>Alright, what busted piece of shit are you bringing me this time?</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_6">
<text>Another job, another mess to clean up. Let<65>s see it.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_7">
<text>Fine, fine. Just don<6F>t waste my time if it<69>s beyond fixing.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_8">
<text>You break it, I fix it... What a damn cycle. Let<65>s get this over with.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_9">
<text>Bring it over. Just don<6F>t expect any miracles, stalker.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_10">
<text>Hell, let<65>s see if it<69>s even worth the damn trouble.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_11">
<text>Alright, rookie. Lay it out<75>if it<69>s in pieces, I<>m charging extra.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_12">
<text>Another day, another piece of junk... fine, let<65>s have a look.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_13">
<text>If it<69>s as messed up as you look, this<69>ll be pricey.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_14">
<text>Alright, show me. Just don<6F>t whine about the cost later.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_15">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s see what kind of <20>miracle<6C> you need this time.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_16">
<text>If I had a rouble for every piece of busted gear I see... Fine, show it.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_17">
<text>Bring it over. Just know I<>m not a damn wizard.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_18">
<text>Ah, you<6F>re back. And I bet it<69>s not to say thanks. What<61>s broken now?</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_19">
<text>Hand it over, stalker. Let<65>s see if I can even fix this mess.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_20">
<text>If it<69>s trashed, I<>m charging extra. Hand it over.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_21">
<text>Another one? Alright, throw it on the pile.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_22">
<text>Sure, just bring the damn thing here and don<6F>t complain about the price.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_23">
<text>Come on then, show me the mess you made this time.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_24">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s see if I can turn your mess into something usable.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_25">
<text>Fine, fine, show me the busted crap. Not like I got anything better to do.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_26">
<text>Another broken piece? You stalkers sure don<6F>t go easy on your gear.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_27">
<text>Alright, throw it on the table. Let<65>s see how bad it is.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_28">
<text>If you<6F>ve wrecked it beyond saving, don<6F>t even bother.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_29">
<text>You break it, I fix it<69>story of my life. Hand it over.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_30">
<text>Alright, rookie, hand over your broken crap. Let<65>s get this over with.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_31">
<text>If you<6F>ve broken it, I<>ll fix it. But it<69>s gonna cost you.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_32">
<text>Another busted piece? Fine, show me.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_33">
<text>Alright, let<65>s see if this piece of junk<6E>s even worth fixing.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_34">
<text>Show it, and don<6F>t get all weepy when I quote you the price.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_35">
<text>Got a mess for me? Fine, hand it over.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_36">
<text>If I had a rouble for every broken thing I<>ve seen, I<>d retire. Let<65>s see it.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_37">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s get this over with. Just show me the damn gear.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_38">
<text>Hand it over, but don<6F>t whine if it<69>s beyond saving.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_39">
<text>If it<69>s wrecked, don<6F>t be surprised when I charge double.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_40">
<text>Sure, show it. And it better not be in pieces.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_41">
<text>Give it here. I<>ll let you know if it<69>s worth a damn fix.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_42">
<text>Alright, I<>ll look. But remember<65>I<EFBFBD>m a mechanic, not a magician.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_43">
<text>More busted junk? Great. Show me the damage.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_44">
<text>If it<69>s beyond saving, don<6F>t expect any sympathy from me.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_45">
<text>Alright, hand it over. Let<65>s see what needs fixing this time.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_46">
<text>Alright, rookie. Let<65>s see how much you<6F>ve managed to wreck.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_47">
<text>More work, more money. Let<65>s see it.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_48">
<text>Just show me the mess. We<57>ll talk cost after.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_49">
<text>Hand it over, and I<>ll tell you if it<69>s worth the roubles.</text>
<string id="st_mechanic_dialog_reply_50">
<text>If you<6F>ve got the money, I<>ve got the tools. Show me the damage.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_init">
<text>I want to buy medical supplies. %c[d_orange][Trade]</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_1">
<text>I'm low on supplies but here's what I have.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_2">
<text>Damn, I'm gonna run out of this shit soon enough... Anyway, here.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_3">
<text>Alright, don't waste the goods.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_4">
<text>I don't have much, but here's what I can spare.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_5">
<text>Hope you're not a junkie. Doesn't matter anyway, I suppose.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_6">
<text>Alright, but if you<6F>re here just for band-aids, don<6F>t waste my time.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_7">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s see what you need. Just don<6F>t ask for the moon, alright?</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_8">
<text>Great, another one stocking up. Here<72>s hoping you don<6F>t make it a habit.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_9">
<text>Better be something serious if you're coming to me.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_10">
<text>Fine, let<65>s get this over with. Supplies are tight, though.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_11">
<text>Guess you<6F>re here to drain my stash again. Go ahead.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_12">
<text>If it<69>s minor, handle it yourself. I<>ve got real injuries to tend to.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_13">
<text>Alright, let<65>s see what mess you<6F>ve gotten yourself into this time.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_14">
<text>Supplies are scarce, so I hope you<6F>re not wasting my stock.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_15">
<text>Alright, but keep it quick. Not exactly a free clinic here.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_16">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s see what you need, but don<6F>t bleed me dry.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_17">
<text>Just so you know, I<>m not here for charity. Let<65>s see it.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_18">
<text>Fine, just tell me what you need before I regret this.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_19">
<text>Get to the point<6E>what<61>s it gonna be this time?</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_20">
<text>Alright, show me what<61>s so urgent you couldn<64>t patch it up yourself.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_21">
<text>Alright, here we go again. Don<6F>t expect any discounts.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_22">
<text>You better be buying, not just browsing.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_23">
<text>Alright, but let<65>s make it quick. I<>ve got work to do.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_24">
<text>Well, I hope you<6F>ve got the roubles for it. Let<65>s see.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_25">
<text>Don<EFBFBD>t tell me you need the whole stash<73>just let me know what you want.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_26">
<text>Alright, but supplies don<6F>t come easy, so make it count.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_27">
<text>Go ahead, but if you<6F>re wasting supplies, it<69>s on you.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_28">
<text>If you<6F>re after meds, fine, but don<6F>t treat this like a shopping trip.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_29">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s hear it. Just don<6F>t expect the premium stuff to be cheap.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_30">
<text>Take a look if you must, but try not to bleed me dry.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_31">
<text>Here we go. Make it quick, I<>m not running a hospital here.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_32">
<text>Alright, what do you need this time? Supplies are tight, so be sensible.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_33">
<text>Hope you<6F>re paying cash, because this isn<73>t a charity.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_34">
<text>Sure, let<65>s see it. But make it worth my time.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_35">
<text>Alright, but I<>m not running a damn pharmacy here.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_36">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s make this quick. You<6F>re here for supplies, not small talk.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_37">
<text>Just tell me what you need. Supplies are tighter than you think.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_38">
<text>If it<69>s minor, don<6F>t waste my time. Otherwise, let<65>s get on with it.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_39">
<text>You need supplies? Fine, just don<6F>t take my whole stash.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_40">
<text>Okay, what<61>s it gonna be? Make it quick, I<>ve got a job to do.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_41">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s get this over with. Tell me what you<6F>re after.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_42">
<text>Alright, but don<6F>t expect a handout. Tell me what you need.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_43">
<text>Hope it<69>s worth it. I don<6F>t hand out supplies for kicks.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_44">
<text>Tell me you<6F>re paying upfront. Let<65>s hear what you need.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_45">
<text>If you<6F>re buying, make it quick. Got others to deal with.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_46">
<text>Alright, here we go. Don<6F>t expect any charity, though.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_47">
<text>Yeah, yeah, let<65>s see it. Hope you<6F>ve got the cash.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_48">
<text>Tell me what you need, but don<6F>t expect miracles.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_49">
<text>Supplies are short, so don<6F>t bleed me dry with nonsense.</text>
<string id="st_medic_dialog_reply_50">
<text>Alright, let<65>s see what I can do. Hope it<69>s not just for cuts and bruises.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_init">
<text>What you got to sell? %c[d_orange][Trade]</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_1">
<text>Food, drinks, a smoke... what do you want?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_2">
<text>Hungry? I've got just the thing...</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_3">
<text>What would you like to drink today? Vodka, or Putinka?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_4">
<text>Depends... you after a drink or something to fill your stomach?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_5">
<text>Got some fresh stew, if you don<6F>t mind it a little radioactive. And the usual drinks.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_6">
<text>Well, there<72>s booze, grub, and a bit of Zone gossip if you<6F>re buying.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_7">
<text>Take your pick: a strong drink, some stale bread, or maybe a story or two.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_8">
<text>Vodka, beer, and some canned crap. Take your pick.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_9">
<text>Same as yesterday: booze and whatever food hasn<73>t gone off yet.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_10">
<text>Got drinks that'll warm your bones and food that might not kill you.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_11">
<text>How hungry are you? I got food for all levels of desperation.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_12">
<text>Let<EFBFBD>s see... canned goods, vodka, and some cigarettes. What<61>s your poison?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_13">
<text>Drinks are cold, food<6F>s hot. Which one do you need?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_14">
<text>If you<6F>re thirsty or hungry, I can fix you up. If not, don<6F>t waste my time.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_15">
<text>Booze is flowing and the food<6F>s... edible. Mostly.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_16">
<text>Vodka and stew <20> the Zone diet. Need a plate or a glass?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_17">
<text>Got some local brew, if you<6F>re brave enough to try it.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_18">
<text>Food, drinks, a smoke... pick your poison.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_19">
<text>Vodka<EFBFBD>s strong, stew<65>s warm, and the stories are free. What<61>ll it be?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_20">
<text>Hope you<6F>re not picky. Food<6F>s limited, and the vodka<6B>s from last month<74>s shipment.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_21">
<text>Take your pick: watered-down beer or soup that<61>ll keep you going.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_22">
<text>Yeah, I got a bit of everything. If you<6F>ve got the cash, I<>ll pour it.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_23">
<text>Vodka to warm you up, food to keep you alive. Need both?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_24">
<text>Don<EFBFBD>t expect gourmet here. I got what you need, not what you want.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_25">
<text>Long day in the Zone? Got drinks and hot food waiting.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_26">
<text>Need to take the edge off? Got the right drinks for that.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_27">
<text>Looking to fill your stomach or dull your senses? I got both.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_28">
<text>If it<69>s drink you need, I<>m your guy. Food<6F>s just a bonus.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_29">
<text>Alright, what<61>s it gonna be? Drink, food, or maybe something stronger?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_30">
<text>Hungry or thirsty? Either way, I got something to help.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_31">
<text>Thirsty, hungry, or just need a break? I<>ve got you covered.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_32">
<text>Drink? Food? Cigarettes? Or all three?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_33">
<text>Alright, I<>ve got vodka, stew, and smokes. Take your pick.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_34">
<text>Not much choice, but what I got, you<6F>re welcome to.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_35">
<text>Welcome back. Need another drink, or are you here for a full meal?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_36">
<text>Alright, here<72>s what<61>s on the menu: booze, stew, and a bit of gossip.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_37">
<text>Vodka, bread, maybe a smoke. That<61>ll do you?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_38">
<text>Whatever you need, I<>ll pour it or plate it. Your call.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_39">
<text>You want a drink, a smoke, or something to chew on?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_40">
<text>Sure, I<>ve got something to settle your stomach. Take a look.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_41">
<text>If you<6F>re looking for a pick-me-up, I<>ve got the cure right here.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_42">
<text>Drink to warm you up or food to fill you up. Take your pick.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_43">
<text>After a drink or a meal? Either way, I<>ll hook you up.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_44">
<text>Alright, got what you need here. Just don<6F>t expect five-star service.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_45">
<text>Sure, take a look. Food<6F>s hot, drink<6E>s cold<6C>more or less.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_46">
<text>Yeah, yeah, what<61>ll it be? Drink or something to eat?</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_47">
<text>Want something to eat, drink, or just a break? I got you.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_48">
<text>If you<6F>re starving, I got a fix. If you<6F>re thirsty, I got a cure.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_49">
<text>Got the basics: booze, grub, and maybe a story if you<6F>re paying.</text>
<string id="st_bartender_dialog_reply_50">
<text>Alright, look around. Got drinks, some grub, and maybe a smoke or two.</text>
<!-- Selling important documents -->
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_0">
<text>I found some old documents, are you interested?</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_1">
<text>Sure! Let's see what you got there.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_2">
<text>Here, take a look.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_4">
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_5">
<text>I think I will keep them for now...</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_7">
<text>Fine then.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_ask_esc_m_trader">
<text>I won't even ask where you got these from. Such documents are extraordinary. Almost everyone will benefit from them... including me. I'm ready to buy them right now for %s RU, plus a nice thing from my stock. What do you say?</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_answer_esc_m_trader">
<text>Excellent! If you find something similar, bring it to me immediately. I will make sure that you get something nice in returns... Hehe.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_ask_bar_visitors_barman_stalker_trader">
<text>What the... Alright, listen up. These documents are indeed worthy, they contain information about experiments involving the Zone. If I were you I would be careful about putting them in the wrong hands. Here's a deal, %s RU is a good price for such documents. I will get you covered with other stuff as well. I will arrange more money for any other documents you can bring. What do you think?</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_answer_bar_visitors_barman_stalker_trader">
<text>Great! You know where to find me when you get more of these.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_ask_zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan">
<text>Look at you, a little brave hero who came across these out of the sudden. I will be nice today and ignore these details. I know people who would kill for such documents, this is something that has been hidden for long fucking years you know. %s RU, and I advice you to think carefully.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_answer_zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan">
<text>Nice job boy, next time you "find" such a thing. Don't forget to give me a visit.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_ask_mar_smart_terrain_base_stalker_leader_marsh">
<text>I guess these documents contain valuable information for our group. Unfortunately, things are not going so well currently, we have just gotten up on our feet. I can only offer you %s RU, forgive me.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_answer_mar_smart_terrain_base_stalker_leader_marsh">
<text>Thank you! I understand that what I just gave you is not enough for such valuable information. I'll talk to our merchant, Dispute. Maybe he will save you some extra equipment the next time you bring more documents to us. When our situation improve, I can pay much more for such information, I promise!</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_ask_bar_dolg_leader">
<text>Interesting... Let's proceed as follows... %s RU would be the correct price. Not to mention that "Duty" aren't at their best nowadays. Thanks to these documents, we will be able to arrange the deliveries of the equipment we need. I think that you will get something from this, too. Do you agree?</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_answer_bar_dolg_leader">
<text>Today I will start negotiations with the military, I believe it won't take long enough to see some results. Next time you bring us such documents, I will pick up a more worthy reward for you. For now, take this, in gratitude from "Duty"!</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_ask_agr_smart_terrain_1_6_near_2_military_colonel_kovalski">
<text>Interesting... Very interesting. I'll ignore to the fact that you suddenly found such documents by yourself. Anyway, I have a better idea, or rather: a business proposal. So, you pass these documents to me and forget that you have ever seen them. If you find more, bring them over here, to me personally, without any middlemen, understand? I, on my part, can pay you in cash. %s RU for every document. So, are we agreed?</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_answer_agr_smart_terrain_1_6_near_2_military_colonel_kovalski">
<text>So, we agreed. For now, here is some money from my pocket, so as not to offend you at all.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_ask_cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker">
<text>Truly entertaining... Documents about experiments on the territory of the Zone... In times of breakthrough, some of our important clients would offer fabulous sums for them. Times are different now, and it's not that we need them especially in this poor state, but the information here is still of sufficient value, hmmm... Let's do it. I'll take them now for %s RU. Deal?</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_answer_cit_killers_merc_trader_stalker">
<text>That's fine. If you find the same kind of documents you should bring them, don't be shy.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_ask_yan_stalker_sakharov">
<text>Very interesting stuff indeed! Such documents are not our specialty, but their contents can shed light on many of our studies. In addition, I have no doubts that our sponsors will be extremely interested in having them, which will have a very positive impact on our funding in returns. Do you want to conclude a special deal with us on this occasion? For documents like these, you can receive a monetary reward from us. I can arrange %s RU for the documents you just gave me.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_answer_yan_stalker_sakharov">
<text>Thank you! I am very pleased with our new cooperation.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_ask_mil_smart_terrain_7_7_freedom_leader_stalker">
<text>Ha, where did you get these paper? You know, this kind of info can flip the world around upside down! I definitely won't hide it. If some illegal experiments happened in the past, people must know the truth. And "this" in your hands is just the start. I can offer you %s RU. And before you refuse, you should think of it this way: Today you are doing a good job, and tomorrow it will return to you in triple size.</text>
<string id="st_trade_important_documents_answer_mil_smart_terrain_7_7_freedom_leader_stalker">
<text>Perfect! If you find something else that can help us with, I will be very grateful.</text>
<!-- Swap items with Companions -->
<string id="st_companion_inv_show_gui">
<text>I need to manage the items you're carrying.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items">
<text>I need you to carry my loot</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_dummy"> <!-- NPC will refuse -->
<text>I need you to carry my loot.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_1">
<text>Sure, tell me when you want your stuff back.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_2">
<text>Eh, you're making me carry the heavy stuff, aren't you? Alright then.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_3">
<text>Fine, but if we get ambushed, you better be the one running first.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_4">
<text>Alright, hand it over. Let<65>s hope I don<6F>t end up hauling bricks.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_5">
<text>As long as there<72>s room, I<>ll take it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_6">
<text>Yeah, yeah, just pile it on.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_7">
<text>Sure thing, pack it in here.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_8">
<text>Fine. But next time, I'm keeping the good stuff.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_9">
<text>Got it. Just don<6F>t make this a habit.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_10">
<text>Alright, but don<6F>t be surprised if some of it <20>gets lost.<2E></text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_11">
<text>Guess I<>m the lucky mule today, huh?</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_12">
<text>I got you. But you owe me one.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_13">
<text>Alright, but if we<77>re fighting soon, you<6F>re taking point.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_14">
<text>Fine, hand it over. It better be worth it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_15">
<text>If it gets me a drink later, sure.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_16">
<text>Yeah, just dump it here.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_17">
<text>Alright, but if I pull a muscle, you<6F>re carrying me.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_18">
<text>I<EFBFBD>ll hold onto it, but don<6F>t expect this every time.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_19">
<text>Okay, but I get first dibs on anything good.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_20">
<text>For you? Alright. Just don<6F>t expect miracles.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_21">
<text>Fine, but you owe me a beer after this.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_22">
<text>Guess I<>m your pack mule today. Let<65>s go.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_23">
<text>Alright, just throw it in here.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_24">
<text>Guess I<>m the one doing the heavy lifting now.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_25">
<text>I<EFBFBD>ll take it. But next time, you<6F>re carrying my gear.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_26">
<text>Okay, load me up. Don<6F>t expect me to run, though.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_27">
<text>Alright, you<6F>ve got yourself a deal.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_28">
<text>Fine, but if I find rocks in here, we<77>re having words.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_29">
<text>Alright, give it here. I<>ve got strong shoulders.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_30">
<text>Guess I<>m your porter for the day. Let<65>s go.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_31">
<text>Sure, but if it weighs a ton, you<6F>re buying dinner.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_32">
<text>Alright. Let<65>s get moving before I regret this.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_33">
<text>Got it. Hope you remember to lighten my load later.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_34">
<text>I<EFBFBD>ll hold onto it. Just don<6F>t ask me to sprint.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_35">
<text>Alright, hand it over. But next time, it<69>s your turn.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_36">
<text>I<EFBFBD>ll do it, but you<6F>re buying the next round.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_37">
<text>Fine, but I better see some ammo out of this.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_38">
<text>Yeah, alright. Just don<6F>t overload me.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_39">
<text>Hand it over. But don<6F>t make a habit of it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_40">
<text>Yeah, I<>ll carry it. Just don<6F>t slow us down.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_41">
<text>Alright. Let<65>s load up and move out.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_42">
<text>For the Zone, right? Let<65>s do it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_43">
<text>Yeah, yeah. I got it covered.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_44">
<text>Fine, just keep an eye on what I<>m carrying.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_45">
<text>Alright, let<65>s get this over with.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_46">
<text>Got it. Just don<6F>t weigh me down too much.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_47">
<text>Fine, just don<6F>t make me carry the kitchen sink.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_48">
<text>Yeah, yeah, load it up. Let<65>s get going.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_49">
<text>Fine by me. Just don<6F>t complain if I move slow.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_accept_50">
<text>Alright. This better be worth it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_1">
<text>Hold on man, I have stuff too! I can't carry all of your rubbish at once!</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_2">
<text>Sorry, but my backpack is full already.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_3">
<text>What am I, a mule? Come on, man, my backpack is already bursting!</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_4">
<text>No way, my pack<63>s full as it is.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_5">
<text>Find yourself another mule. I<>ve got my own gear to worry about.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_6">
<text>Not a chance. I can barely move with my own stuff.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_7">
<text>You kidding? I<>m already carrying half the Zone on my back.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_8">
<text>I can<61>t be your damn pack mule, alright?</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_9">
<text>Nope, already loaded down myself. Good luck, though.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_10">
<text>I<EFBFBD>m no mule, alright? Carry your own junk.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_11">
<text>Look, my bag<61>s already bursting. Ask someone else.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_12">
<text>No way, I<>m already pushing my limit.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_13">
<text>Forget it. I<>m not carrying your stuff.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_14">
<text>Yeah, no. My pack is full as hell.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_15">
<text>Find someone else, I<>m at capacity.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_16">
<text>My bag<61>s already stretched to the limit. Can<61>t do it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_17">
<text>Come on, man. I<>m not hauling all your stuff too.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_18">
<text>No way, I<>m overloaded as it is.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_19">
<text>I<EFBFBD>m already carrying too much. You<6F>re on your own.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_20">
<text>You<EFBFBD>ll have to figure this one out yourself. I<>m full up.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_21">
<text>Can<EFBFBD>t help you there. My bag<61>s at max.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_22">
<text>Sorry, but no. My pack<63>s already full.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_23">
<text>No room in my pack. Guess you<6F>re carrying it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_24">
<text>I<EFBFBD>m not lugging your load too. My back can<61>t handle it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_25">
<text>Nope. My pack<63>s full, try someone else.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_26">
<text>My bag<61>s already packed tight. Sorry.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_27">
<text>Ha! You<6F>re dreaming if you think I<>m carrying all that.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_28">
<text>No thanks. My back<63>s not what it used to be.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_29">
<text>I<EFBFBD>d love to help, but I<>m already maxed out.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_30">
<text>Can<EFBFBD>t do it. Already hauling my own troubles.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_31">
<text>Not today, friend. My pack<63>s at the limit.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_32">
<text>You<EFBFBD>re gonna have to figure it out on your own.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_33">
<text>Yeah, I<>m already hauling a ton. No can do.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_34">
<text>Sorry, but I<>ve got no space left.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_35">
<text>Nope, my back<63>s about to give out as it is.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_36">
<text>You<EFBFBD>re dreaming if you think I<>m taking that on too.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_37">
<text>Sorry, I<>ve got no room left in here.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_38">
<text>I<EFBFBD>m already maxed out, find another sucker.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_39">
<text>No space left here. Looks like you<6F>re out of luck.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_40">
<text>Afraid not, friend. I<>m already full.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_41">
<text>I<EFBFBD>d help, but I<>ve got zero room left.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_42">
<text>Sorry, no can do. I<>m already loaded down.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_43">
<text>Not this time. I<>m already pushing it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_44">
<text>Can<EFBFBD>t. Got no room for your junk.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_45">
<text>My back<63>s about to snap as it is. No way.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_46">
<text>Find someone else, my pack<63>s already stuffed.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_47">
<text>Look, I<>m carrying my own share. That<61>s it.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_48">
<text>Not carrying your load too, I<>m not a pack mule.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_49">
<text>I<EFBFBD>m tapped out. Good luck finding someone else.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_take_all_my_items_response_refuse_50">
<text>No room left here. You<6F>re on your own.</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_give_me_back_all_items">
<text>My turn to be the pack mule now. Can you pass the loot over?</text>
<string id="st_companion_inv_give_me_back_all_items_response">
<text>Sure, here you go.</text>
<!-- Paid Companions -->
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_0">
<text>I'm looking for an escort squad, interested?</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_1">
<text>For an upfront payment I will protect you. I want %s for joining you for 24 hours, %s for 48 hours. Be warned that if you are travelling to some of those laboratories or Monolith controlled areas then you're on your own, got it?</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_2">
<text>Sorry, we have other jobs already.</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_3">
<text>24 hours is all that I need %c[d_orange][%s RU].</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_4">
<text>Okay, two days %c[d_orange][%s RU].</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_5">
<text>Actually... I changed my mind.</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_6">
<text>Let's move.</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_7">
<text>Let's move.</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_8">
<text>Alright then.</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_dialog_text_9">
<string id="st_paid_companion_contract_timeout_1">
<text>The contract is over. You're on your own now, stay safe.</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_contract_timeout_2">
<text>My service are fulfilled, I'm going back now. Take care.</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_danger_1">
<text>That's not what we've agreed on. Sorry, I have no plans for suicide today. The deal is over.</text>
<string id="st_paid_companion_danger_2">
<text>Seriously?! What did I tell you when you accepted my assistance? I'm not going to these places, I'm outta here.</text>
<!-- Medic general -->
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_0">
<text>I need medical assistance.</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_1_0">
<text>I can treat all your injuries for 1,850 RU. I have a special serum that will put you back on your feet in no time. Unless you're irradiated - that, the serum cannot fix. Still, I could flush all that glowing shit out of you with another treatment for 1,480 RU. So, what have you decided?</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_1_1">
<text>Ah, of course, can't even keep yourself in one piece. Let's see...</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_1_2">
<text>Huh? Right, come on over.</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_1_3">
<text>Yeah, I'll fix you up... for a fee.</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_10_0">
<text>You don't have any wounds or show signs of radiation sickness. You should be good to go.</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_10_1">
<text>I'll take a look... Hmm... You look fine to me.</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_10_2">
<text>Hmm... Hands and feet are okay... head is in place... Yeah, you're alright.</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_10_3">
<text>Dude, you're healthier than a bloodsucker.</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_10_4">
<text>Don't be ridiculous. You're okay.</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_2">
<text>Heal my wounds. %c[d_orange][1,850 RU]</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_3">
<text>Get the radiation out of me. %c[d_orange][1,480 RU]</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_4">
<text>Fuck it, I need to be in a good shape. %c[d_orange][3,350 RU]</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_5">
<text>You know what, Doc? Fix yourself!</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_6">
<text>Here you go, stay safe next time.</text>
<string id="st_dm_medic_general_text_7">
<text>Up to you.</text>
<!-- Unlock PDAs -->
<string id="st_encrypted_pda_text_0">
<text>I have an encrypted PDA, it doesn't seem to respond. Can you work it out for me?</text>
<string id="st_encrypted_pda_text_1">
<text>If you're willing to show some cash, sure. 500 RU for every PDA I can unlock.</text>
<string id="st_encrypted_pda_text_2">
<text>Fair enough, here.</text>
<string id="st_encrypted_pda_text_3">
<string id="st_encrypted_pda_text_4">
<text>Here, you can use these now. Have fun.</text>
<string id="st_encrypted_pda_text_5">
<text>Alright then.</text>
<!-- Faction bribe -->
<string id="st_bribe_text_0">
<text>You have connections right? Can you help me settle things with some people?</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_1">
<text>Maybe. Who did you piss off?</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_2">
<text>I want the Ukrainian troops around here to leave me in peace.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_21">
<text>Hmmm. Tell you what. I can get one of their officers to forge temporary documentation for you. 5000 RU should be enough to grease a two day pass out of him. 10,000 RU for four days. They won't shoot you on sight while the pass is valid, but I'd advise not to push your luck with them regardless.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_3">
<text>I want Sultan's men to stop harassing me.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_31">
<text>Stop? They won't ever stop, but they might ignore you for a bit if you save them the trouble of having to fleece you. 5000 RU should satisfy them for two days, 10,000 RU for four. What's it going to be?</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_4">
<text>I made a bad impression with Clear Sky and wish to show I mean no harm.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_41">
<text>I can't imagine what you did to piss some swamp-dwellers off. At any rate, 5000 RU should be enough to put them in a more forgiving mood for a day or two, while 10,000 RU should get them to relax a bit for four.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_5">
<text>Duty is hounding me and I want them to stop.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_51">
<text>For all their ideals of 'justice' and 'order', they're not above ignoring so-called 'anarchists and criminals' for a bit if you pay them off. 5000 RU should mollify them for two days, 10,000 RU for four.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_6">
<text>There's a misunderstanding I'd like to clear with the Ecologists...and their guards.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_61">
<text>Should be easy enough to convince the Scientists, sure. With 5,000 RU, you can work it out for a day or two. 10,000 RU for four days.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_7">
<text>I pissed off Freedom.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_71">
<text>Freedom? You goddamn fascist. Kidding, kidding. 5,000 RU should make them ignore you for a day or two, 10,000 RU for four days.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_8">
<text>The Mercenaries. It's like I've got a price on my head.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_81">
<text>You probably do. Luckily, they live for money. 5000 RU might buy them off for a day or two, 10,000 RU should pay them off for four.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_9">
<text>Free Stalkers. I've somehow managed to get a bad rep with them.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_91">
<text>Alright...wait, *all* of them? Wow, you really know how to make friends, don't you? I can convince them leave you alone for two days if you pay 5000 RU. For four days, 10,000 RU. Deal?</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_13">
<text>Here, two days should be enough.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_14">
<text>Fine, make it four days.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_10">
<text>I changed my mind.</text>
<string id="st_bribe_text_11">
<string id="st_bribe_text_12">
<text>I will contact them to sort things out, so finish your business before they change their minds. And remember: keep your distance. If you got close enough, they will act.</text>
<!-- Guide Job -->
<string id="st_jg_1">
<text>I heard your message. Need a guide?</text>
<string id="st_jg_1_alt">
<text>About the job...</text>
<string id="st_jg_2">
<text>Yes, are you willing to help?</text>
<string id="st_jg_2_alt">
<text>What is it?</text>
<string id="st_jg_3">
<text>Give me some details.</text>
<string id="st_jg_4">
<text>Alright, let<65>s go.</text>
<string id="st_jg_5">
<text>Lead the way, stalker! When we get where I need to go, talk to me again and I'll give you your payment.</text>
<string id="st_jg_6">
<text>Sorry, but you don<6F>t have the money to pay me in case the plan doesn<73>t go through.</text>
<string id="st_jg_mlr_1">
<text>I don<6F>t even know who you are. No, thanks, stalker.</text>
<string id="st_jg_7">
<text>Remind me, where are we going?</text>
<string id="st_jg_8">
<text>Here we are.</text>
<string id="st_jg_9">
<text>Finally! Thanks, stalker, nice work. Here<72>s your money.</text>
<string id="st_jg_10">
<text>I<EFBFBD>ve changed my mind. I<>d prefer to cancel the job.</text>
<string id="st_jg_11">
<text>Really? Are you sure about that?</text>
<string id="st_jg_12">
<text>Yes, I<>m sure.</text>
<string id="st_jg_13">
<text>Actually, never mind.</text>
<string id="st_jg_14">
<text>Looking for an experienced stalker who can lead me to %s. Right now, I<>m %s. Name<6D>s %s.</text>
<string id="st_jg_15">
<text>We<EFBFBD>re too late. Sorry but this was not the deal, you won't get the full payment.</text>
<string id="st_jg_16">
<text>Here<EFBFBD>s the deal: within %s hours, I need to be %s. I can pay you %s roubles for the job, but keep in mind that you won't get the full payment if we don<6F>t get there in time.</text>
<string id="st_jg_17">
<text>I need to be</text>
<string id="st_jg_18">
<text>Then I<>ll continue on my own, and I<>ll be taking that money. What a shame.</text>
<string id="st_jg_19">
<text>Length, including starting point and destination:&#032;</text>
<string id="st_jg_29">
<text>A stalker needs to be&#032;</text>
<string id="st_jg_cancel_1">
<text>Great. Thanks for nothing.</text>
<string id="st_jg_cancel_2">
<text>What a shame.</text>
<string id="st_jg_cancel_3">
<text>Thanks for wasting my time.</text>
<!-- Debt / Loan -->
<string id="debt_register_0">
<text>%s, can you lend me some money?</text>
<string id="debt_register_1">
<text>You probably need the money for a good reason...but so do I. You<6F>ll return fifty percent of the amount plus the amount itself, and keep in mind that my stuff won<6F>t be available to you until you pay back your debt.</text>
<string id="debt_register_2">
<text>I just need %c[d_orange][5,000 RU].</text>
<string id="debt_register_3">
<text>Ok, give me %c[d_orange][10,000 RU].</text>
<string id="debt_register_4">
<text>I want %c[d_orange][15,000 RU].</text>
<string id="debt_register_5">
<text>Fine by me. I will take %c[d_orange][20,000 RU].</text>
<string id="debt_register_6">
<text>Never mind...</text>
<string id="debt_register_7">
<text>The only reason I'm allowing this is because I heard you were helpful. I hope you're trustworthy as well. Here you go. I want %c[d_orange][%s RU]%c[255,160,160,190] next time you show up here.</text>
<string id="debt_register_8">
<string id="debt_register_10">
<text>Should I throw money around every time someone brings his sorry ass over here? The answer is no.</text>
<string id="debt_pay_off_0">
<text>About the money I owe you...</text>
<string id="debt_pay_off_1">
<text>Are you going to pay off your debt?</text>
<string id="debt_pay_off_2">
<text>Sure, here's your money %c[d_orange][%s RU].</text>
<string id="debt_pay_off_3">
<text>Um... I'm still working on it.</text>
<string id="debt_pay_off_4">
<text>Great, your account is clean now.</text>
<string id="debt_pay_off_5">
<text>You better hurry.</text>
<string id="st_debt_no_trade_1">
<text>I don't think so. You owe me money, remember? You better pay your debt soon.</text>
<!-- purchase extra equipment -->
<string id="buy_extra_items_0">
<text>Got any special offers?</text>
<string id="buy_extra_items_1">
<text>What<EFBFBD>s on your mind?</text>
<string id="buy_extra_items_2">
<text>I<EFBFBD>d like to purchase some extra equipment.</text>
<string id="buy_extra_items_3">
<text>That<EFBFBD>s certainly possible, but nobody right now will want to sell you anything extra. You<6F>ll have to gain some trust and experience, and after that you can buy equipment wholesale.</text>
<string id="buy_extra_items_4">
<text>I<EFBFBD>d like to purchase some extra equipment.</text>
<string id="buy_extra_items_5">
<text>What are you interested in?</text>
<string id="buy_extra_items_6">
<text>Medical supplies.</text>
<string id="buy_extra_items_7">
<string id="buy_extra_items_8">
<string id="buy_extra_items_9">
<string id="buy_extra_items_10">
<string id="buy_extra_items_11">
<string id="buy_extra_items_12">
<text>I<EFBFBD>ve changed my mind.</text>
<string id="buy_extra_items_txt">
<text>%s %c[d_orange][%s RU]</text>
<!-- Purchase routes -->
<string id="st_buy_route_0">
<text>I'd like to purchase info on hidden routes.</text>
<string id="st_buy_route_1">
<text>I do have some intel. \nEight thousand roubles is the regular price for most areas and locations, ten thousand for sensitive points and twelve thousand for info on hidden passages. \nIf you're interested, I can share some information on specific "secret" routes. Forty thousand roubles, no less.</text>
<string id="st_buy_route_2">
<text>That's a bit expensive for me.</text>
<string id="st_buy_route_3">
<text>Not my problem, come back when you're serious about it.</text>
<string id="st_buy_route_4">
<text>Here you go.</text>
<string id="st_buy_route_dialog">
<text>%c[255,160,160,190]<5D>%c[255,220,220,220] %s - %s for %c[255,160,160,190][%s RU]</text>
<string id="st_route_open_title">
<text>Routes Intelligence</text>
<string id="st_route_open_msg">
<text>%c[255,160,160,190]A new path has been discovered between %c[255,220,220,220](%s)%c[255,160,160,190] and %c[255,220,220,220](%s)</text>
<string id="st_route_unknown">
<text>Unknown path</text>
<string id="st_route_aes1">
<text>CNPP South</text>
<string id="st_route_aes2">
<text>CNPP North</text>
<string id="st_route_agr">
<string id="st_route_bar">
<string id="st_route_cit">
<text>Dead City</text>
<string id="st_route_dsc">
<string id="st_route_esc">
<string id="st_route_gar">
<string id="st_route_gen">
<string id="st_route_jup">
<string id="st_route_kat">
<text>Deserted Hospital</text>
<string id="st_route_lim">
<string id="st_route_mar">
<text>Great Swamp</text>
<string id="st_route_mil">
<text>Army Warehouses</text>
<string id="st_route_out">
<string id="st_route_pol">
<string id="st_route_pri">
<string id="st_route_rad">
<string id="st_route_red">
<text>Red Forest</text>
<string id="st_route_ros">
<text>Wild Territory</text>
<string id="st_route_trc">
<text>Truck Cemetery</text>
<string id="st_route_val">
<text>Dark Valley</text>
<string id="st_route_yan">
<string id="st_route_zat">
<string id="st_route_x8">
<text>Lab X-8</text>
<string id="st_route_x16">
<text>Lab X-16</text>
<string id="st_route_x18">
<text>Lab X-18</text>
<string id="st_route_x19">
<text>Lab X-19</text>
<string id="st_route_mar_h">
<text>Clea Sky hidden path</text>
<string id="st_route_agr_u">
<text>Agroprom underground</text>
<string id="st_route_jup_u">
<text>Jupiter underground</text>
<string id="st_route_sar">
<string id="st_route_s_lab">
<text>Monolith Control Center</text>
<string id="st_route_w_lab">
<text>Monolith War Lab</text>
<!-- Travel - unused -->
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_ask">
<text>I need to travel somewhere... Is this something that you can arrange for me?</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_response">
<text>Certainly. Where would you like to go?</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_nevermind">
<text>Never mind.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_accept">
<text>Sounds great.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_change">
<text>Actually, I need to go somewhere else...</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_deny">
<text>That is too expensive.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_cost">
<text>That will cost you %s roubles.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_zaton">
<text>The Skadovsk in Zaton.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_jupiter">
<text>Yanov station in Jupiter.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_yantar">
<text>The science lab in Yantar.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_cordon">
<text>The rookie village in the Cordon.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_bar">
<text>The Bar in Rostok.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_warehouses">
<text>The Freedom base at the army warehouses.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_city">
<text>The mercenary base in the Dead City.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_agroprom">
<text>The military base in Agroprom.</text>
<string id="ka_travel_dialog_swamp">
<text>The Clear Sky base in the Great Swamps.</text>
<!-- About Quests Bandit -->
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_0">
<text>Heard any news around here lately?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_1">
<text>Like what?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_10">
<text>What do you think about Nimble?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_101">
<text>Nimble? I think that one of these days we'll jump that slippery jackass in a quiet place!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_11">
<text>You hear anything about the Oasis?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_111">
<text>Well, I heard a funny story once. Basically, the boys at Garbage started a rumour about where the Oasis is, and made it real believable, too. Then, they went to that location and waited. Well, what can I say? So many gullible losers showed up to share their stuff that the boys who started the whole thing left the Zone soon afterwards. And why not? Fellas were set for life. Only one of them stayed behind, some guy called Yoga...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_112">
<text>That if you go there all your problems will be solved... I reckon that's gotta be handy - no more hangovers or haemorrhoids has gotta be good! Find it, set up a resort and let the cash pile up.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_113">
<text>Why would I bother listening to that crap? All it is, is cheap talk for losers... Real men don't believe that shit. You know, you're sitting in a bar with a cold one in your hand and the stalkers are buzzing all around, arguing over where the Oasis is. And every one of those suckers swears he knows the location... Though for some reason it differs from sucker to sucker.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_12">
<text>Ever meet a stalker called Magpie?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_121">
<text>Sure have... One look at him told me he was a complete sucker and then I heard stalkers saying he's total scum, too. I don't know where he is though... You'll have to find him yourself if you're after him.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_122">
<text>Nah... First time I've heard that name, buddy.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_13">
<text>Do you know who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_131">
<text>A rat. I reckon you'd better ask the bosses over at Yanov, 'cause they're known for hunting a rat down.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_14">
<text>Who could help me with decrypting something here?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_141">
<text>Well, I heard Nitro at Yanov is good. Apparently, back when he wasn't working for Duty the boys got him to crack stalker PDAs a couple of times... Ah, the good old days...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_143">
<text>Don't get all scientific on me, chief. You're gonna need a hacker for that shit. Back when I was doing time I met one in the can but that's the only one I know. When I got out he still had about a fiver left...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_15">
<text>I have the Duty trader's PDA. You know anyone who would be interested in it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_151">
<text>There's a trader at Skadovsk called Owl. He pays pretty good and the boys sell him stalker PDAs now and again. He doesn't ask too many questions either, so it's all good.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_152">
<text>Just about anyone, buddy. Think about it: his own faction will bury the cocksucker alive, other factions will kick up a fuss, but Owl at Zaton would make that PDA disappear real good. Only thing is, only Owl knows where that PDA will turn up later on... It's up to you.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_16">
<text>Where can I find tools around here?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_165">
<text>Well, if you need surgical tools I'd look in hospitals and emergency stations. If you're looking for construction tools, then check by the quarry at Jupiter. If it's small tools you're after, then search old workshops.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_166">
<text>How the hell should I know? I don't need tools to convince stalkers to cough up, just so you know... Relax, I'm just kidding.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_17">
<text>Who can unblock a memory module?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_171">
<text>Good question! I mean that's what I specialize in, right? Hah! Are you dumb, buddy? It's either gonna be technicians or scientists... You don't really think I deal with that kind of shit, do you?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_172">
<text>I'll be honest with you: the last time I unblocked memory modules was back at school and the memory module was a friggin' floppy disk. Go talk to the experts and bust their balls about it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_18">
<text>Who could break into a steel container?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_181">
<text>Know Cardan from Skadovsk? Well, he got wasted the other day and started chasing this asshole around the place with a jimmy. I reckon Cardan could use that jimmy for more useful purposes and crack stuff if you needed.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_182">
<text>Well, with the right tools even I could do it, but then who drags equipment into the Zone with them? Visit the technicians, buddy - they're good at that kind of thing.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_19">
<text>I'm looking for a stalker called Snag. Do you know where I can find him?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_191">
<text>Who knows? Ask Sultan at Skadovsk. The boss usually knows where all the dupes are at.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_193">
<text>Yeah, I've heard of that loser. He normally hangs around at Zaton, so you won't find him around here.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_2">
<text>Do you know anything about the crashed helicopters?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_20">
<text>Who might be interested in information about Duty's founder?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_201">
<text>I don't know anyone who wouldn't be interested! That's explosive info, buddy, so your best bet is to go through Owl at Skadovsk - that way you'll get some cash but won't make any enemies.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_22">
<text>No. Think about it, I've got Duty on the left, Freedom on the right and stalkers up my ass - and you expect me to keep my eyes on the sky?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_23">
<text>Well, the boys said they spotted one swinging on the cables in Iron Forest, but you're gonna see a lot more than that out there... You're bound to run into an anomaly or get your skull crushed by a poltergeist.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_24">
<text>Yeah, some fellas saw one crash onto a plateau but the thing is there's no way up there... they said it was flyin' so weird it looked like the pilot had popped a pill or something.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_26">
<text>I heard a chopper went down, right into swamp water. It ran aground pretty quick and the water there is not exactly good for your health either - poison, chemicals and shit.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_3">
<text>You saw any military around?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_30">
<text>Who could be interested in maps of the area between Zaton and Jupiter?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_301">
<text>Pilot, I reckon - he's the main guide around those parts. It would be good if he had some maps instead of using the stars like he's doing now...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_31">
<text>The boys said that an army squad went down the southern plateau straight for the mercenary camp. They figured that the shit was about to kick off, so they left in a hurry.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_32">
<text>I heard this story of how the army cockroaches were trying to get some shit out of their crashed chopper in the swamp. Imagine that, five army boys in uniform jumping around in a swamp trying not to get wet...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_33">
<text>One fella told me how he was following a stalker to get a piece of his loot when he heard gunshots and shit. Turned out the army were fighting the mercs. He hid and waited the firefight out, but by that time the stalker had run off. Tough luck, huh?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_34">
<text>Well, a bro told me about witnessing a pretty funny scene. Imagine that barge with a mill on top and Noah yapping away next to it, all fired up and shit, and ten army boys trying to get as far away from Noah's dog as possible. Well, my bro had himself a good laugh and left the circus to its own devices.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_35">
<text>Nah, this is a pretty dodgy place, full of fellas with powered up shooters and shit... I ain't got the time to check which are military and which are Duty on a mission.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_4">
<text>Do you know how to get to Pripyat?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_40">
<text>Who could I hire to protect the scientists?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_403">
<text>Hah, me and the boys will do the job! We'll give them protection like they ain't never seen! Stalkers and mutants will be shit scared to go anywhere near the friggin' place, trust me! Cough up the dough every week, and we're all yours. And don't forget a Christmas bonus!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_41">
<text>By walking, buddy. Walk on over towards Jupiter and ask your questions there, 'cause there's no direct route from Zaton to Pripyat and that's a scientific fact.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_43">
<text>Hey buddy, do I look like a guide or what? I mean, is there a tattoo on my forehead that says 'Ask stupid questions here' or something? Go ask Pilot, he's paid to answer questions about that shit.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_44">
<text>No... What would I do there anyways? There ain't no stalkers to rip off there!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_5">
<text>Can you suggest anyone that's not too tied down who'd be willing to make a move for Pripyat?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_51">
<text>Pripyat ain't no place for guys like us. Think about it, it's full of mutants and anomalies... like the rest of the Zone... but without stalkers and their loot. When stalkers show up in Pripyat, give us a shout and we'll head on over there to maintain the natural order of things.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_57">
<text>No idea, buddy. Sorry.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_6">
<text>I found an unusual shooter. Do you know anyone who might know something about it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_62">
<text>Well, I'd ask the technicians. I mean, it's their business to know this shit, right?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_63">
<text>Beats me, but stalkers from Skadovsk believe that Cardan is a technical genius or something. Talk to him if you want... He's just an old drunk if you ask me...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_7">
<text>Who could I hire to take measurements for the scientists?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_73">
<text>That's an easy one - our boys will do it. I mean they didn't go to school or anything, but they'll take whoever you want and measure them real good. Once they have the measurements, all they need is a nice grave and that's no problem either!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_8">
<text>I found a very strange artefact. Can you suggest a buyer?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_81">
<text>A strange artefact, you say? Let's have a look at it... Hand it over so I can see it better... Hah, relax buddy - I'm just kidding, but if I were you I'd keep that kind of thing out of sight. Others might not have such a good sense of humour.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_83">
<text>You've got balls to be flashing that artefact around here. Respect. Here's the thing: the man to see for that shit is Beard over at Skadovsk. We don't know how he's getting the artefacts out of the Zone yet, so you should be able to sell yours no problem.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_9">
<text>I found a whole bloodsucker lair nearby. What are we gonna do?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_91">
<text>Err, what's there to do? Run the hell away, that's what!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_98">
<text>Okay, forget about it.</text>
<!-- About Quests Duty -->
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_0">
<text>Heard any news around here lately?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_1">
<text>Like what?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_10">
<text>What do you think about Nimble?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_101">
<text>Nimble? Never heard of him. Maybe he's in another squad or something?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_11">
<text>You hear anything about the Oasis?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_111">
<text>It's a stalker fairytale. That's what stalkers do: make up shit that ain't true and then all get together and search for it! I'd ignore that stuff if I were you. It's like a gateway myth: believe it and you'll believe that the Wish Granter exists before long.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_112">
<text>Ah, that place where wounds heal by themselves and your energy is magically replenished? I got news for you, friend: it doesn't exist. Stalkers invent that crap to make the Zone sound less dangerous than it is, but the harsh reality is that there are no safe places in the Zone. And you gotta keep a firm grasp on that reality out here, buddy - dreamer types don't last long in the Zone.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_113">
<text>Yeah, and all the artefacts there are worth their weight in gold and are presented to you on a silver platter while you're getting your feet rubbed... I'm joking, of course. I doubt it exists, although it would be nice if it did. We could even set up a hospital there without the need for any medics - folks could just show up there and heal... Damn, what a pipe dream that is.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_12">
<text>Ever meet a stalker called Magpie?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_121">
<text>I struggle to remember all the people in Duty and you're asking me about stalkers? They have their base over at Skadovsk - go ask there.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_122">
<text>No, I haven't.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_13">
<text>Do you know who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_131">
<text>Here we go! That would never happen at Duty's base but this place is full of those Freedom punks - that's where I'd look first.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_14">
<text>Who could help me with decrypting something here?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_141">
<text>There's a technician called Nitro over at Yanov station. He's pretty good with electronics. I once forgot the password to my PDA, and he cracked it in five seconds flat!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_143">
<text>Yanov is where you need to go - look for Nitro, he's good at this stuff.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_15">
<text>I have the Duty trader's PDA. You know anyone who would be interested in it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_151">
<text>A trader in Duty? That's impossible! Then again, if you have some information then you'd best hand it over to Lieutenant Colonel Shulga and let him deal with it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_16">
<text>Where can I find tools around here?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_163">
<text>There's a whole plant nearby. Of course, it may have already been looted by now, but I'd still check the plant warehouses if I were you.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_165">
<text>I'd start looking in the old workshops if I were you. You might also find something in stores.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_166">
<text>There're only mutants and anomalies around here. Hah! I wouldn't look in anomalies, and burers and controllers won't help you with that either.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_169">
<text>Actually, there's a train under the bridge around here. I've seen them before - they're usually used to transport technical personnel, so you might be able to find some tools in there.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_17">
<text>Who can unblock a memory module?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_171">
<text>Nitro - he's the only person at Yanov station who knows anything about that kind of thing.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_172">
<text>You need to see a technician about that. The only decent technician around is Nitro at Yanov.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_18">
<text>Who could break into a steel container?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_181">
<text>They say there's a technician among the stalkers. He's a drunk, but he knows what he's doing. Talk to him.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_182">
<text>Hah, you might as well carry a safe around with you. I'm sure Nitro won't be able to help you with that... if it had an electronic lock, it might be a different story...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_19">
<text>I'm looking for a stalker called Snag. Do you know where I can find him?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_191">
<text>You'd better ask the stalkers - they know their own. I've never heard of Snog or whatever his name is.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_2">
<text>Do you know anything about the crashed helicopters?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_20">
<text>Who might be interested in information about Duty's founder?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_201">
<text>Our commander, of course. Report everything you know to Shulga and you'll get Duty's gratitude for sure.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_22">
<text>Yeah, our scouts saw a military helicopter descend towards the reserve pads by Jupiter. They said they kept signalling them to change course but I guess the pilots had other things to worry about. I wonder if the army boys managed to get out of the mine field okay.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_23">
<text>Not around here, no. Our presence here is limited... try asking our boys near Yanov.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_25">
<text>Our patrol reported that a military helicopter attempted a crash landing near the Jupiter plant. Unfortunately, the chopper crashed right into the roof above the workshops. There are probably no survivors - the patrol didn't receive any distress signals after the crash.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_3">
<text>You saw any military around?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_30">
<text>Who could be interested in maps of the area between Zaton and Jupiter?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_301">
<text>Someone who has some use for them. I'm talking about Pilot - he's a guide on the route between Yanov and Skadovsk, so he'd find those maps useful, that's for sure.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_31">
<text>Military? I've not seen any around here, but we don't spend much time in this area.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_35">
<text>A soldier's corpse was spotted in the mine field recently. He's probably one of the fellas that flew in in that chopper. The chopper carries up to eight people in addition to the crew, so they must have found a way out, though nobody knows where they went.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_36">
<text>A military fella was seen at the scientists' bunker, and he only got there recently. I don't know the details.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_37">
<text>Some guy in military uniform was seen entering a building by the Volkhov AA complex the other day. It's quite possible that it was just a zombie mistaken for a soldier though.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_38">
<text>Stalkers spotted a military unit near Jupiter plant. Judging by the description it was special forces. They were accompanied by an unidentified stalker and headed towards Pripyat. This sounds reliable, but experience shows that information like that usually can't be trusted.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_4">
<text>Do you know how to get to Pripyat?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_40">
<text>Who could I hire to protect the scientists?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_401">
<text>They won't find better protection than Duty will provide. Go see Lieutenant Colonel Shulga at Yanov - I'm sure the two of you will work something out.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_402">
<text>Nah. While they've got Freedom people working for them, we'll stay well away from that place. Listening to those idiots crack their shitty jokes all day long is a fate worse than death.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_42">
<text>Duty has no reason to look for a way to Pripyat at the moment, but we're collecting information anyway. There are unconfirmed reports that tunnels under the Jupiter plant lead to Pripyat. Checking this information would require searching everything in the plant area thoroughly.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_43">
<text>No. If you need that kind of information you'll have to speak to a civilian guide - our scouts have enough on their plates as it is.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_44">
<text>Our scouts regularly check the area for safe paths to Pripyat, but that hasn't yielded any results as yet.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_5">
<text>Can you suggest anyone that's not too tied down who'd be willing to make a move for Pripyat?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_51">
<text>Duty's presence in this area is limited. Speak to our people at Yanov.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_52">
<text>There's a rumour that the scientists have a military guy in their bunker. He hasn't got much of a way out, though. You see, the scientists are there for twelve to eighteen months, and he's not going to get to the edge of the Zone on foot and on his own. Considering that, I bet he'd be interested.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_53">
<text>I suggest you look among people who're after adventures. For example, there's a stalker called Vano over at Yanov station. He doesn't care what kind of shit he gets himself into, and he could be useful - that boy can find a way through an anomaly with his eyes closed.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_54">
<text>Well, you could start a recruitment campaign in a mental hospital... Then again, I know a good alternative - Monolith fighters. Speaking of which, a squad of them was spotted near AA complex, and they probably even know the way to Pripyat, too... Hey man, I hope you're not taking me seriously...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_56">
<text>Look for volunteers in Duty. Strider, for example. He hasn't got a mission yet, so I figure the Lieutenant Colonel might let him go with you.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_57">
<text>Everyone knows that Duty's got the best fighters... but we've got other objectives at the moment.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_6">
<text>I found an unusual shooter. Do you know anyone who might know something about it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_62">
<text>Well, I'll be! That's some cannon! Did you make it yourself or did you really find it? I've never seen anything like it... Ask the technicians.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_7">
<text>Who could I hire to take measurements for the scientists?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_71">
<text>That's a dumb question - Duty, of course. We've got lots of folks with experience, and we've worked with the scientists before. Go see Lieutenant Colonel Shulga - I'm sure he'll find a squad for the job.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_72">
<text>Who'd want to work there if the bunker is protected by Freedom? Those friggin' pacifists are so stoned most of the time they're just as likely to shoot each other as the enemy.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_8">
<text>I found a very strange artefact. Can you suggest a buyer?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_81">
<text>Artefacts are all strange and I wouldn't advise carrying it on you either. Hand it over to the experts and be done with it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_83">
<text>You should show that thing to stalkers - they're experts in that kind of shit. Better still, show it to the person they sell their artefacts to.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_9">
<text>I found a whole bloodsucker lair nearby. What are we gonna do?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_91">
<text>Duty squads are not currently engaging in purging operations in this area, so the lair will have to wait.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_98">
<text>Okay, forget about it.</text>
<!-- About Quests Freedom -->
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_0">
<text>Heard any news around here lately?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_1">
<text>Like what?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_10">
<text>What do you think about Nimble?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_101">
<text>I've not heard much about him... You'd best ask the stalkers, he's one of them, ain't he?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_11">
<text>You hear anything about the Oasis?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_111">
<text>Loads... A nice story, I'll give you that. A palace in the sands, an island in the mist, a castle in the sky... Shangri La, Eden... the Oasis. Every free person has a dream and I don't blame 'em for it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_112">
<text>Well, I did hear an interesting story from this one stalker. I think he was the first person to mention the Oasis to me. He said that according to legend, all your wounds heal there and you become calm and relaxed, as if you're not in the Zone at all. I haven't seen him since... It was only after he left that I remembered that he used to walk with a limp, but when he left he walked straight and looked like he'd gotten a hell of a lot younger.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_113">
<text>Yes, free stalkers gave me the coordinates... Ten different sets of coordinates. Putting them together gives us an area from the Scorcher to the CNPP with the Yanov bar somewhere near the centre. It's entirely possible that we're in the Oasis right now, so enjoy it!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_12">
<text>Ever meet a stalker called Magpie?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_121">
<text>Nah. I don't know many free stalkers around here.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_122">
<text>Magpie? Nah, but that's a cool name.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_13">
<text>Do you know who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_131">
<text>Nah, there's no one like that here. We've got folk who'll snatch a bite of your bread or a sip of your drink when you're not looking, but no outright thieves...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_14">
<text>Who could help me with decrypting something here?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_141">
<text>I heard that Nitro at Yanov is a fan of combinations and algorithms. I'm not sure though, I've never really spoken to him - he's working for Duty, so he ain't got much time for us free folk.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_143">
<text>I'm not much of an expert on local experts... Ask our boys over at Yanov next time you're there - they'll know for sure.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_15">
<text>I have the Duty trader's PDA. You know anyone who would be interested in it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_151">
<text>That sounds interesting! I'd give it to Loki, our leader at Yanov. He'll make sure that free stalkers know what kind of folk Duty recruit into their ranks.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_16">
<text>Where can I find tools around here?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_163">
<text>At the plant, dude, where else? It's not exactly lively in there, but the warehouses will cheer you up. It's a bit safer and you're bound to find some decent tools in there.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_165">
<text>That's a good question, man. Let's think about this one. Where do you find tools outside the Zone? Now, if you got half a brain, you buy them in a store... If you don't, you look for the tools and a brain in a workshop. Right? It's the same thing in the Zone - you have to look in the same places. It's that simple, stalker!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_166">
<text>Tools? Listen, man, is that code for something? There're no pigs here or anything, you can speak freely... Oh, you're serious? In that case I really don't know.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_169">
<text>Well, I heard that one of our boys was looking for tools, and he got into the train under the bridge. Apparently, there's a Tesla there... Anyway, he said it wasn't fun in there... Why am I telling you this? Well, he said he saw tools lying around, but decided to leave them 'cause it wasn't safe.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_17">
<text>Who can unblock a memory module?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_171">
<text>Well, Tukarev in the scientists' bunker can do it. He's fast, good and polite. There's also Nitro at Yanov, the Duty hanger-on. He's cheap and shitty, but he'll probably do the job.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_172">
<text>A skilled technician, I guess. The local one is more about mechanical stuff, so unless you need your memory module's barrel rifled, I suggest you ask at Jupiter.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_18">
<text>Who could break into a steel container?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_181">
<text>Well, Cardan at Skadovsk is supposed to be good. People say he knows what he's doing, even though he's drunk most of the time. He might be able to help you crack that container.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_182">
<text>Anyone who breaks into steel containers for a living? Nitro the local technician won't do, though. I hear he's more into breaking into other people's electronics.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_19">
<text>I'm looking for a stalker called Snag. Do you know where I can find him?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_191">
<text>Never heard of him... I'd ask other free stalkers if I were you.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_2">
<text>Do you know anything about the crashed helicopters?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_20">
<text>Who might be interested in information about Duty's founder?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_201">
<text>Loki, no question about it. He's our leader here at Yanov. Even if he doesn't know what to do with the info - the main thing is that Duty doesn't get its hands on it. Can you imagine how much propaganda bullshit that'll generate? I get a friggin' headache just thinking about it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_22">
<text>Yeah, you heard that story about the chopper in the mine field? Basically, the jar-heads crashed onto the reserve landing pad which their fellow jar-heads mined six years back. Now some folks say they did it out of stupidity, but I figure there's more to it than that. Look at it like this: nobody is gonna go there, so once the army boys complete their mission they can return to the chopper, patch it up a bit and off they go. I'd love to know what their mission is...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_23">
<text>I ain't a local buddy, I don't know shit. Pop in to see us at Yanov - our boys will tell you everything you want to know and everything you don't for good measure.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_25">
<text>Yeah, some boys spotted a chopper flying real messy like the other day. It didn't land in a good place either - right onto one of the Jupiter roofs. The said it crashed and then went through the roof into the building, dragging all kinds of crap down with it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_3">
<text>You saw any military around?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_30">
<text>Who could be interested in maps of the area between Zaton and Jupiter?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_301">
<text>Pilot for sure, man. He's the main free stalker guide around here - if you want to talk maps, he's the one you want.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_31">
<text>Chill, dude. There ain't no cops, no jar-heads and no friggin' militia around here - you're as safe as can be in the Zone.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_35">
<text>No, but some fellas told me they saw an army unit crawling through the mine field by the helipads. Those fellas thought about helping them but decided against it. The jar-heads are an unpredictable breed, you never know when they'll snap and shoot you in the back.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_36">
<text>I ain't seen any myself but rumour has it that there's a jar-head at the scientists' bunker. Ozersky, the biologist, said that he's from that chopper which crashed into the plant... The joke doing the rounds is that the nerds have got themselves a pet soldier.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_37">
<text>Not personally, but I heard some things from free stalkers. They said that a jar-head was spotted by the Volkhov AA complex. Gotta be a ghost or a zombie that's woken up... what do you reckon?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_38">
<text>Nah. This one fella was sayin' that he saw seven soldiers following a free stalker past the radio plant towards Pripyat. There ain't been any weed in the Zone for a while, so I figure that's gotta be crazy talk, pure and simple.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_4">
<text>Do you know how to get to Pripyat?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_40">
<text>Who could I hire to protect the scientists?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_401">
<text>Freedom, us in other words. We work with the scientists all the time, so guarding them would be piece of cake for us. Talk to our boss Loki over at Yanov - he'll agree for sure.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_402">
<text>I ain't sure, friend, 'cause from what I've been hearing, the eggheads hired a Duty squad to work for them... We'd love to guard the scientists, but staring at those constipated Duty faces every day just ain't worth it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_42">
<text>They say you can get there from Jupiter... I mean the plant, not the planet... Hah! That's a good one, you gotta admit!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_43">
<text>You know, I ain't got a clue. Just can't find the time to go there... I'd ask Pilot in the camp, yeah? He's a free stalker and knows the area better than anyone.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_44">
<text>Bro, if I knew I'd have gone there a long time ago. Getting away from Duty, the jar-heads and all this fighting would be worth it...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_5">
<text>Can you suggest anyone that's not too tied down who'd be willing to make a move for Pripyat?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_51">
<text>Sorry, friend, I don't know anyone at Zaton... Take my advice and ask our boys at Yanov.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_52">
<text>You know the scientists' bunker? Well, they've got a situation on their hands over there. First Garry, the stalker, decided to make for Pripyat and now the jar-head who's there got the same idea. Garry is a loner and proud of it, but that jar-head is exactly what you're looking for.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_53">
<text>Vano at Yanov is as good as any. He's a decent fella and he could have joined Freedom any time if he wanted. I gather he ain't keen on our struggle with Duty... or any kind of struggle, for that matter. That's his view of things and we respect it!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_54">
<text>Sure thing. One of our guys spotted a squad by the dry lake. They're bound to know Pripyat like the back of their hands, and they don't seem to be working for anyone. They're sure to be brave, too, 'cause they're Monolith fighters!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_55">
<text>Yeah. Strider, the leader of our new recruits... it seems he feels uneasy in our ranks. His boys have adapted just fine, but he's not all that happy here... Speak to him - I hate to see a good man being where his heart don't lie...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_57">
<text>Nah, no clue.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_6">
<text>I found an unusual shooter. Do you know anyone who might know something about it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_62">
<text>You didn't find a manual to go along with it, did you? No? No idea then.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_7">
<text>Who could I hire to take measurements for the scientists?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_71">
<text>I reckon our boys could do the job. Freedom has its share of smart folks and if we don't know something we'll ask at the bunker. We'd love the opportunity to help science! Speak to Loki at Yanov - I'm sure he'll say the same.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_72">
<text>Me and the boys would love to do it, but Duty's guarding the bunker these days. Popping in to see the scientists is a problem as it is, but being there every day just wouldn't be healthy, that's for damn sure.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_8">
<text>I found a very strange artefact. Can you suggest a buyer?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_81">
<text>You need a collector, buddy. You won't find one at Yanov , seeing as even some stalkers are afraid of coming here. You'd best ask at Zaton, it's a bit quieter in those parts.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_83">
<text>You know Beard, the barman in the free stalker camp? He buys up artefacts and don't rip you off too much either. A nice fella, whichever way you look at it. It's a pity he don't work for us, really.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_9">
<text>I found a whole bloodsucker lair nearby. What are we gonna do?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_91">
<text>Man, you gotta warn the free stalkers - they've got their main camp around here, after all. The Zone's wildlife is valuable, to be sure, but I'm more concerned about the people in this place.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_98">
<text>Okay, forget about it.</text>
<!-- About Quests Stalker -->
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_0">
<text>Heard any news around here lately?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_1">
<text>Like what?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_10">
<text>What do you think about Nimble?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_101">
<text>I ain't had the pleasure... You'd best ask some Skadovsk regulars.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_11">
<text>You hear anything about the Oasis?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_111">
<text>I've heard everything about the Oasis! It's a legend, a myth... every stalker expects something different from it and every damn one of them claims to know the exact location. It's a pity the only thing those locations have in common is that they're friggin' hard to reach.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_112">
<text>Well, they say that wounds heal instantly there and your energy is replenished in minutes... They say no disease or sickness can last in the Oasis, not even radiation poisoning! The one thing I know for sure, though, is its whereabouts... Wanna know? It's in the centre of the Zone! But you gotta keep this between us, not a word to anyone!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_113">
<text>I heard that any mutant you meet there will just walk on by without so much as looking at you. They also say that there's an artefact there called the Heart of the Oasis... Nobody knows what it does exactly, but one thing's for sure: you shouldn't touch it. Anyone who takes it won't have no place in the Zone no more... Location? Man, everyone knows it's in Pripyat under the Ferris wheel! I mean, where else would it be?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_12">
<text>Ever meet a stalker called Magpie?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_121">
<text>Sure have... No idea where he is now though.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_122">
<text>Hrm... Never heard of him...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_13">
<text>Do you know who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_131">
<text>Err, no? Ask the senior folk at Yanov, they might be able to help you out.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_14">
<text>Who could help me with decrypting something here?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_141">
<text>Nitro at Yanov, who else? He loves that complicated technology shit... a lot more than he loves dealing with shooters.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_143">
<text>Nobody I know. Ask at Yanov - they've got an expert there of some kind.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_15">
<text>I have the Duty trader's PDA. You know anyone who would be interested in it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_151">
<text>You know Owl at Skadovsk? I reckon he'd be glad to get his hands on it. He likes to get involved in sensitive business...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_152">
<text>There used to be a fella called Owl on Skadovsk over at Zaton. He deals in information... your PDA might be of interest to him.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_16">
<text>Where can I find tools around here?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_161">
<text>A stalker told me that his old man was working in the substation workshops before 86. He said they had all kinds of equipment there, so I'm guessing there will be tools, too. It's probably all rusted to shit by now, but it might be worth a look anyway.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_162">
<text>You know the sawmill in the wood on the hill? There should be some tools there, unless someone got to them first, that is. I doubt that, though: the closer you get to that place the more you feel like shitting your pants and running the hell away. It ain't even the radiation that's scary, I'll leave it at that...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_163">
<text>Well, the Jupiter plant is right here and there's bound to be some tools in there. Personally, I wouldn't go near the plant itself... that place gives me the creeps. You could have a look in the Jupiter warehouses, the ones on the side of the plant.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_164">
<text>I heard there's a couple of places in Pripyat where you can find all kinds of technical junk. One of them is supposed to be the old Soviet department store. It was pretty much the only place that had anything useful for sale back in the day.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_165">
<text>How am I supposed to know? Check in old workshops or stores, there could be something usable there.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_166">
<text>To be honest, the last place I saw decent tools was in Sidorovich's bunker at the Cordon. Sure, you have to pay for them, but they're new and not all that expensive either.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_167">
<text>You know, buddy, I didn't come to the Zone to search for tools. Think about it, how much use is a radioactive hammer?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_168">
<text>I heard a rumour that you can pick up bits and pieces at the old service centre... You might be able to find tools there, too. But just as with anything else: the only way to get the good stuff is to get to it first.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_169">
<text>Good question... I'd check in the old train under the bridge if I were you. Don't ask why... My gut tells me you might find something.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_17">
<text>Who can unblock a memory module?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_171">
<text>Let me think... Well, Nitro at Yanov will be able to do it for sure. Other than that, there's also Tukarev, the scientists' technician and a real pro. You gotta think about what you want though, 'cause Nitro is a lot cheaper.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_172">
<text>Well, you'll need a technician, but the only one around here is Cardan. Thing is, after that many years at the bottom of a bottle, he's not exactly safe around complex electronics. I'd ask around at Jupiter if I were you - they've got the right experts there.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_18">
<text>Who could break into a steel container?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_181">
<text>Cardan at Skadovsk, I guess. I mean, the way he cuts through padlocks is a joy to watch.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_182">
<text>A technician of some kind, I suppose. Nitro probably won't do it though - he's not into the rough stuff.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_183">
<text>Hah, you're asking that in Pripyat?! Take my advice and look for someone a bit further away from the centre of the Zone.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_19">
<text>I'm looking for a stalker called Snag. Do you know where I can find him?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_191">
<text>Better ask Beard, the barman over at Skadovsk. He usually knows where stalkers are.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_193">
<text>Snag? How the hell should I know? You'd best ask at Zaton, he hangs around there a lot of the time.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_2">
<text>Do you know anything about the crashed helicopters?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_20">
<text>Who's interested in information about Duty's founder?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_201">
<text>I'd have a chat with Owl, the information trader at Skadovsk. You can bet your ass he'll be interested in credible info on a legend like that.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_21">
<text>I saw one myself... It didn't look like it crashed but it wasn't flying good either. It was swinging from side to side until it landed on a plateau in the south of Zaton... It'd be interesting to see whether anyone survived... If we only knew a way to get up there. Actually, I heard Noah from the psycho barge might know...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_22">
<text>I heard about a few military choppers crashing not far from here... People say different things, but there's one I remember clearly. They said it landed on the reserve helipad that jar-heads themselves mined back in the day. Can you believe the irony in that shit? My old man used to say: 'Don't dig a hole for another, 'cause you'll be the one that falls in it.' True, ain't it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_23">
<text>A buddy of mine told me this story... He went to the Iron Forest to get some artefacts and as soon as he got there he heard this crash behind him. He turned to see what it was and saw a chopper coming towards him at full speed, taking down pylons and shit on its way. He bolted the hell outta there... I'm surprised he made it out without landing in an anomaly. You won't have much trouble finding the Iron Forest - you can see it from miles off. It's full of friggin' poltergeists, too, so keep your wits about ya.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_24">
<text>I heard one landed on the southern plateau but getting up there ain't easy. The other thing I heard is that someone spotted Noah on the edge of that plateau, which means that psycho knows a way of getting to it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_25">
<text>I've not seen any myself but rumour has it that one crashed right into the plant... Nobody wants to check it out though - the place is just too dangerous.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_26">
<text>One stalker told me he saw several military helis getting into some trouble... He saw the engine on one light up and then it went straight down into a swamp full of anomalies. You'll be able to get there easy enough, but the swamp itself is a friggin' nightmare... It's no place for humans, believe you me.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_3">
<text>You saw any military around?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_30">
<text>Who could be interested in maps of the area between Zaton and Jupiter?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_301">
<text>Pilot, who the hell else? He's a guide, you know? Constantly making trips between Skadovsk and Yanov, so he'll find a use for your maps sure enough.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_302">
<text>This ain't Zaton or Jupiter, so these maps are useless here, right? Ask around in those places and you might have more luck!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_31">
<text>I didn't see any myself but I heard a story about some soldiers getting down from the southern plateau on the sewerage works side. Apparently they tried to get down all proper at first, using cables and shit. But then gave up and slid down on their asses, hah! Zone bobsled - gotta love it!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_32">
<text>I heard a conversation at Skadovsk about five or so jar-heads who were spotted coming out of a drainage tunnel by the swamp. They said the soldiers were dirty as hell, and one of them you couldn't even tell from a swamp bloodsucker, covered in slime from head to toe.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_33">
<text>Not personally, but a friend of mine saw a military unit engage a group of mercs by the processing station. But by the time he found a nice spot to enjoy the show it was over 'cause the jar-heads fell back. No casualties on either side either... typical, ain't it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_34">
<text>Apparently ten or so jar-heads were spotted hanging around Noah's barge. Now, given that the psycho was alive at this point, he probably came to some sort of agreement with them... which is just like him. Obviously nobody wanted to ask Noah about what happened - you never know what to expect from that crazy son of a bitch.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_35">
<text>I heard something explode at night and then someone at Yanov told me that they saw a dead jar-head in the old mine field and an abandoned army chopper behind him. Seems they couldn't tell where they landed in the dark and went straight across the mines. Nobody knows how many of them made it out of there, but I doubt he flew that chopper in on his own.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_36">
<text>I've not really seen any military... but I've heard rumours that a jar-head is hanging around with the scientists. The story goes that Garry, a stalker, found him when he went into the missile complex to look for his buddies. Now, the complex is crawling with zombies who aren't exactly friendly to stray humans, so Garry basically saved him from certain death.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_37">
<text>No, but I heard that a jar-head was spotted by the Volkhov AA complex. I don't really believe it though... They could be lying or maybe they just can't tell a zombie from a soldier.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_38">
<text>Military? Well, I heard people saying that 'a whole military unit lead by a stalker' was making its way past the Jupiter plant, but I didn't pay much attention to that gossip.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_4">
<text>Do you know how to get to Pripyat?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_40">
<text>Who could I hire to protect the scientists?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_401">
<text>You know Spartacus and his squad? You know, the stalkers at Zaton? They're good people and decent fighters - they've been there, done that and got the T-shirt. I have a feeling they'd like the idea of guarding the scientists.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_402">
<text>Did you run into Hatchet's squad by the substation workshops at Zaton? They've got their problems, like all mercs, but at least they ask questions first and shoot later. I'm guessing if you manage to sign them up for this job, the scientists will be pleased and stalkers can relax a little, too. Everyone's happy, right?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_403">
<text>Erm... Nothing comes to mind... No, sorry.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_41">
<text>What I know for sure is that there's no way of getting there from Zaton. Everyone who was bursting to get to Pripyat headed towards Jupiter, so you should ask around in those parts.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_42">
<text>Well, rumour has it that there are secret tunnels to Pripyat underneath the Jupiter plant... The thing is, these rumours usually get told after the second round, and then Jupiter is such a friggin' nightmare that nobody dares goes near it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_43">
<text>How should I know, dude? You got any easier questions for me? All I can say is that you should find Pilot and talk to him - if anyone can help you, it's him.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_44">
<text>Hah, if I knew the way to Pripyat I wouldn't be here. Why do you think I went towards the centre of the Zone? Pripyat is full of artefacts, man! Whoever gets there first is gonna be living the high life!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_5">
<text>Can you suggest anyone that's not too tied down who'd be willing to make a move for Pripyat?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_51">
<text>I don't think there's anyone like that around here. Everyone who wanted to be closer to the centre of the Zone left for Jupiter. That's where I'd ask if I were you.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_52">
<text>You heard about the jar-head who's with the scientists at the moment? I reckon he ain't got much to lose by going with you. The scientists are not leaving any time soon, he can't reach the Cordon on his own, so he just might be dumb enough to go to Pripyat with you!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_53">
<text>You know Vano over at Yanov station? He's an honest fella, a good stalker and gullible as hell. Now there's a cat who's better off around anomalies than people - so long as he's here there will always be someone to take advantage of him.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_54">
<text>Listen man, I heard that a squad was spotted by the dry lake south of the AA complex... Apparently they're not the usual stalkers or Freedom or Duty - they're Monolith men! So if you need someone to go to Pripyat with, they're just the ticket. Haha, you do realize I'm kidding, right?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_55">
<text>You know Strider, the leader of the new Freedom squad? If you saw his miserable kisser, you'd know for yourself that Yanov ain't the place for him. You should try speaking to him. He might actually go for it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_56">
<text>You know Strider, the leader of the new Duty squad? If you saw his miserable kisser, you'd know for yourself that Yanov ain't the place for him. You should try speaking to him. He might actually go for it.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_57">
<text>Hrm... Nobody comes to mind.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_6">
<text>I found an unusual shooter. Do you know anyone who might know something about it?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_62">
<text>Who knows? I'd ask the experts... you know, technicians and stuff...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_63">
<text>I reckon asking Cardan at Skadovsk won't hurt, buddy. He deals with weapons, and he's good... He might even have a brain cell or two left despite his boozing...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_7">
<text>Who could I hire to take measurements for the scientists?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_71">
<text>You know Gonta the hunter? I'm thinking he and his boys wouldn't object to working for the scientists. I mean, if mutants become a nuisance, those boys are exactly what you need to deal with them.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_72">
<text>You heard of Grizzly, Torba and Mitay, the stalkers at Yanov? They work as a trio, and they're shit hot! I think they're right for that kind of work... as long as Mitay has managed to stay out of trouble for once.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_73">
<text>No clue, fella. We got enough of our own shit to worry about here.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_8">
<text>I found a very strange artefact. Can you suggest a buyer?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_81">
<text>Don't think so. People around here go for the familiar. Ask around Zaton, it's closer to the edge of the Zone and all that.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_83">
<text>I'd show it to Beard, the barman at Skadovsk. They say he works with collectors from the outside world and those cats always go nuts for strange stuff.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_9">
<text>I found a whole bloodsucker lair nearby. What are we gonna do?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_91">
<text>Wow, you gotta tell Beard at Skadovsk about that... 'cause either we deal with them or they'll tear us a new one.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_98">
<text>Okay, forget about it.</text>
<string id="about_skadovsk_dialog_bandit_0">
<text>Where's the nearest stalker camp around here?</text>
<string id="about_skadovsk_dialog_bandit_1">
<text>What are you, stupid? I don't know about stalker camps, but the nearest camp around here is Skadovsk. I'll give you the coordinates and I'll even do it for free. Nice, ain't I?</text>
<string id="about_skadovsk_dialog_stalkers_0">
<text>Where's the nearest stalker camp around here?</text>
<string id="about_skadovsk_dialog_stalkers_1">
<text>I'll upload the coordinates to your PDA... Skadovsk is the only major camp around here.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_27">
<text>I heard about a few crashing... I don't know the details - gossip ain't my thing. Sorry if that doesn't help you much.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_28">
<text>Man, I've got other shit to worry about without your choppers... I mean, I bet crashing a heli hurts like hell, but other than that I don't know what to say.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_27">
<text>What are you talking about, punk? You have to smoke some real hardcore shit to see a chopper around here, cause real ones don't got nothin' to do in this place.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_27">
<text>Huh? Nah, man, I don't concern myself with shit like that. It don't help with my mission of disseminating knowledge one bit, you know what I mean?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_27">
<text>Our patrol watched the helicopters descending, but the details of this were reported to the Lieutenant Colonel personally. It's on a need-to-know basis, and I really don't need to know this stuff.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_50">
<text>Where can I find a suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_501">
<text>Not sure about find, but the right amount of coin will work wonders - if you know where to invest it. Have a chat with Nimble... If you agree on the details, he'll get your rags somehow. I hope you do... we'd enjoy a few days without him here on Skadovsk...</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_502">
<text>Hell should I know? I ain't been here long myself... You'd best ask at Zaton, our brothas there do their own networking.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_bandit_503">
<text>Not a clue. Why, you planning on sticking your nose into an anomaly? Look, if you come into any artefacts, give us a holler. We'll be right there in a jiffy... To congratulate you on a job well done!</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_50">
<text>Where can I find a suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_501">
<text>How am I supposed to know? Wait... there's this one dude here on Skadovsk, they say he can get you whatever you need. Sits on the upper deck, name's Nimble.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_502">
<text>Nah, no one's coming all the way out here with an extra suit like that... You'd better ask at Zaton - a step closer to civilization.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_dolg_503">
<text>I have no idea where you'd look for one... Suits like that are rare even among Duty members. They issue 'em only for special distinction in battle or running operations in highly anomalous areas.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_50">
<text>Where can I find a suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_501">
<text>I heard some stalkers talk about this man with connections, Nimble or something. He can get you almost anything. You know: gear, shooters, shit like that... not dope. Hangs out at Skadovsk, if you need him.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_502">
<text>A good question, man... We don't ever wear those here in Freedom... I'd ask stalkers at Zaton if I were you. There might be someone there who runs that sort of business.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_freedom_503">
<text>Heh, whatcha need that crap for? It ain't no good in action. Then again... I guess it can be of some use. Makes breathing easier, and the sun doesn't get in your eyes as much... I might go for one of those myself. Hey, do you know where I could get one?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_50">
<text>Where can I find a suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module?</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_501">
<text>Well, my bet would be Nimble. Third deck at Skadovsk. That dude can get you snow in a friggin' desert... His services aren't easy on the pocket though.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_502">
<text>Let me think... There used to be a man like that over at Zaton, went by Nimble. Try and see if he's still there. I heard he specializes in up-scale items.</text>
<string id="about_quests_dialog_stalkers_503">
<text>Dude, you talk about it like it's office supplies or something... No one knows for sure. Pieces like that are few and far between... Consider yourself lucky if you snatch one.</text>
<!-- Call of Chernobyl -->
<string id="dm_dialog_add_trade">
<text>So... I hear you do some trading on the side.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_add_repair">
<text>Rumour has it you are handy with a file. Can you repair my gear?</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_character_history">
<text>Tell me about yourself.</text>
<!-- General -->
<string id="actor_break_dialog_0">
<string id="actor_break_dialog_1">
<text>See you later.</text>
<string id="actor_break_dialog_2">
<string id="actor_break_dialog_3">
<!-- Wish Granter -->
<string id="st_wish_1">
<text>I want the Zone to disappear!</text>
<string id="st_wish_2">
<text>Humanity is corrupt. Mankind must be controlled!</text>
<string id="st_wish_3">
<text>I wish for world peace!</text>
<string id="st_wish_4">
<text>I desire all the riches of the Zone!</text>
<string id="st_wish_5">
<text>Make me immortal!</text>
<string id="st_wish_99">
<text>[say nothing]</text>
<!-- Alundaio -->
<string id="axr_phrase_npc_start_wounded">
<text>Help... me.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_has_medkit">
<text>I'll help you out.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_dont_has_medkit">
<text>Sorry. I can't help you.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_trade">
<text>I would like to exchange equipment.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_become_companion_greeting">
<text>You look like you have a purpose here.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_I_have_a_question">
<text>Yeah? Maybe... I have a question.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_question_answer_1">
<text>What is it?</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_question_answer_2">
<text>Ask some other lonely guy.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_actor_answer_1">
<string id="dm_dialog_actor_answer_2">
<text>Uh... Sorry to cut it short, but I gotta go.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_can_i_come_with_1">
<text>Let's travel together. What do you say?</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_can_we_come_with_2">
<text>My friends and I need a little help getting through the Zone. Would you mind if we join you?</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_can_i_come_with_2">
<text>Let's continue together as a team. What do you say?</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_actor_reply_to_join_1">
<text>Just focus on where you aim with those guns, then.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_actor_reply_to_join_2">
<text>Fine. But if you die, I'm taking your shit.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_actor_reply_to_join_3">
<text>No. Not interested.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_actor_reply_to_join_4">
<text>Get lost!</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_good_alone_1">
<text>Thanks, buddy. I promise I won't get in the way.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_good_alone_2">
<text>Great. I really need someone's help.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_good_alone_3">
<text>Bad-ass, man. Thanks.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_bad_alone_1">
<text>Okay. Thanks anyway...</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_bad_alone_2">
<text>Woah, man! What the hell is your problem?</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_good_1">
<text>That's great to hear! Come on, guys!</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_good_2">
<text>Alright. Hey, guys, this stalker will get us there. Follow him.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_good_3">
<text>Let's get a move on. We have some travelling ahead of us.</text>
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_bad_1">
<string id="dm_dialog_companion_final_words_bad_2">
<text>Kill this asshole!</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_companion_ask_for_command">
<text>What do you need?</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command">
<text>[Issue Command]</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_combat">
<text>Let's talk about tactics...</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_combat_type_camper">
<text>I want you to be more cautious in combat.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_combat_type_default">
<text>Do what you usually do in combat.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_combat_type_monolith">
<text>Give enemies all you got!</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_stay_close">
<text>Stay close to me and watch my back.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_keep_distance">
<text>I want you to keep your distance.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_stealth">
<text>Shhh... Get down and keep quiet.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_stop_stealth">
<text>Alright. Let's continue as normal.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_relax">
<text>Relax a bit. I'll tell you when it's time to go.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_relax_over">
<text>Alright. It's time to go.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_leave">
<text>I need to travel on my own from here.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_companion_are_you_sure">
<text>Are you sure?</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_acknowledge_1">
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_wait">
<text>Wait here and guard this position.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_follow">
<text>I need you to follow me.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_ignore_combat">
<text>Avoid shooting at anyone for now.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_dont_ignore_combat">
<text>Attack enemies only on sight.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_ignore_combat_but_help_actor">
<text>Don't attack anyone unless they attack me first.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_companion_acknowledge_1">
<text>You got it.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_companion_acknowledge_2">
<text>Alright, man.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_companion_acknowledge_3">
<text>Sure, what do you want me to do?</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_companion_goodbye_1">
<text>Thanks for the company. See you around.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_nevermind">
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_hide_in_cover">
<text>Quick! Find some cover!</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_patrol_menu">
<text>I want you to patrol an area.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_start_patrol">
<text>Start patrolling.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_stop_patrol">
<text>Stop patrolling.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_patrol_remove_waypoints">
<text>Forget all your waypoints.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_patrol_add_waypoints">
<text>Add this spot to your current patrol.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_gather_items">
<text>Pick up any equipment you come across; it may be useful.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_loot_corpses">
<text>Scavenge bodies for anything useful.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_gather_items_stop">
<text>Ignore any equipment you see laying around.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_actor_give_command_loot_corpses_stop">
<text>Ignore the dead.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_friend_companion_ask_join">
<text>Hey, let's explore as a team. We could help each other through the Zone.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_friend_companion_answer_join">
<text>Sure, sounds like a great idea! Lead the way.</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_friend_companion_ask_join_hostage">
<text>Will you come with me to save your comrade?</text>
<string id="axr_phrase_friend_companion_answer_join_hostage">
<text>Yes, he needs our help! Lead the way.</text>