Divergent/mods/Screen Space Shaders/gamedata/shaders/r3/pda_overlay.ps

84 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "common.h"
#include "screenspace_hud_raindrops.h"
struct v2p
float2 tc0 : TEXCOORD0; //main tc for screen
float3 RDrops : TEXCOORD1; //Raindrops
float4 c0 : COLOR0; //unused shit mb vertex shader idk
//intensity and frequency of flickering
#define SCREEN_FLICKERING float2(0.0255,42.0)
//clamping for scale of glitchness
#define SCREEN_GLITCH_LIMIT float2(0.1, 0.40)
//thats a "offset" of channels etc
#define SCREEN_RGB_TCX float3(0.1,0.2,0.3)
#define SCREEN_RGB_TCY float3(0.4,0.3,0.2)
//multipliers for intensity etc
#define SCREEN_RGB_RAND float3(0.33,0.66,0.99)
//just multiplier for rand intensity
#define SCREEN_RAND_TIME float(1.0)
Texture2D s_pdascreen;
float4 pda_params;
float3 glitch(float3 screen, float2 tc)
if ((tc.x - rand(timers.x*SCREEN_RAND_TIME) * noise(tc) ) < clamp(SCREEN_GLITCH_LIMIT.x,sin(4.*noise(tc)),SCREEN_GLITCH_LIMIT.y))
float randori_first = rand(sin(timers.x*SCREEN_RGB_RAND.x));
screen.x *= s_pdascreen.Sample(smp_base, float2(tc.x-SCREEN_RGB_TCX.x, tc.y+SCREEN_RGB_TCY.x)).z*randori_first;
float randori_second = rand(sin(timers.x*SCREEN_RGB_RAND.y));
screen.y *= s_pdascreen.Sample(smp_base, float2(tc.x-SCREEN_RGB_TCX.y, tc.y+SCREEN_RGB_TCY.y)).y*randori_second;
float randori_third = rand(sin(timers.x*SCREEN_RGB_RAND.z));
screen.z *= s_pdascreen.Sample(smp_base, float2(tc.x-SCREEN_RGB_TCX.z, tc.y+SCREEN_RGB_TCY.z)).x*randori_third;
screen += SCREEN_FLICKERING.x * sin(timers.x*SCREEN_FLICKERING.y);
return screen;
float4 main( v2p I ): SV_Target
// HUD Rain drops - SSS Update 17
// https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders/
float4 drops = 0; // xy = Normal | z = Overall str | w = reflection str
float extra_col = 0;
if (ssfx_hud_drops_1.y > 0)
// Calc droplets
float4 Layer0 = s_hud_rain.Sample(smp_base, (I.tc0 + float2(0, -ssfx_hud_drops_1.x * 0.01f)) * float2(1.5f, 0.75f)); // Big drops
float4 Layer1 = s_hud_rain.Sample(smp_base, I.tc0 * float2(5.0f, 3.0f)); // Small drops [ Static ]
// Process animation
float3 result = ssfx_process_drops(Layer0, 0.1f, 0.2f) + ssfx_process_drops(Layer1, 0.2f, 1.0f);
result.xy = clamp(result.xy, -1.0f, 1.0f);
// Only apply to facing up surfaces [ World Y+ ]
result.xyz *= saturate(I.RDrops.y);
// Intensity from script ( Cover + Rain intensity )
result.xyz *= ssfx_hud_drops_1.y;
// Refraction
I.tc0.xy = I.tc0.xy - result.xy * 0.4f;
// Add a small amount of white.
extra_col = saturate(Layer0.x + Layer1.x) * result.z * 0.25f;
float4 col = s_pdascreen.Sample(smp_base, I.tc0) + extra_col;
col.rgb = lerp(col.rgb, glitch(col.rgb, I.tc0), pda_params.y);
return float4(col.rgb, pda_params.x) * pda_params.z;