Divergent/mods/Screen Space Shaders/gamedata/shaders/r3/screenspace_dof.h

84 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* @ Description: DOF Implementation
* @ Modified time: 2022-11-09 01:54
* @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457
* @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders
#include "check_screenspace.h"
uniform float4 ssfx_wpn_dof_1;
uniform float ssfx_wpn_dof_2;
float3 SSFX_DOF(float2 tc, float3 depth, float3 img)
// Full Blur Scene + CA
float CA = float2(4.0f / screen_res.x, 4.0f / screen_res.y);
float3 blur_far = 0;
blur_far.r = s_blur_2.SampleLevel(smp_rtlinear, tc + CA, 0).r;
blur_far.g = s_blur_2.SampleLevel(smp_rtlinear, tc, 0).g;
blur_far.b = s_blur_2.SampleLevel(smp_rtlinear, tc - CA, 0).b;
// Use Depth to adjust blur intensity
float blur_w = lerp(ssfx_wpn_dof_1.w, 0, smoothstep(ssfx_wpn_dof_1.x, ssfx_wpn_dof_1.y, depth.z ) );
blur_w *= depth.z > SKY_EPS; // Don't apply to the sky ( Sky depth = float(0.001) )
float edgeBlur = 0;
// Peripheral vision blur
if (ssfx_wpn_dof_2 > 0)
// Vignette to calc blur
float2 mid_uv = tc - float2(0.5f, 0.5f);
edgeBlur = pow(smoothstep(0.0f, saturate(1.0f - ssfx_wpn_dof_2), length(mid_uv)), 1.5f) * 1.33f;
blur_w = saturate(blur_w + edgeBlur) * ssfx_wpn_dof_1.w;
// Close blur ( Weapon blur )
if (blur_w > 0)
float offset_f = 0.001f;
float ratio = screen_res.y / screen_res.x;
float2 blur_res = float2(blur_w, blur_w) * float2(offset_f * ratio, offset_f);
// Offset pattern
float2 blur_Offsets[8] =
float2( -blur_res.x,-blur_res.y), // XOX
float2( blur_res.x,blur_res.y), // OOO
float2( blur_res.x,-blur_res.y), // XOX
float2( 0,-blur_res.y), // OXO
float2( blur_res.x,0), // XOX
float2( -blur_res.x,0), // OXO
float3 Wpn_Blur = 0;
// Create blur
for (int b = 0; b < 8; b++)
Wpn_Blur += s_image.SampleLevel(smp_rtlinear, tc + blur_Offsets[b], 0).rgb;
Wpn_Blur += s_image.SampleLevel(smp_rtlinear, tc + blur_Offsets[b] * 2, 0).rgb;
// Normalize blur
img = Wpn_Blur / 16;
// Peripheral vision blur with extra help from s_blur_2
img = lerp(img, blur_far, saturate(0.4f - (1.0f - edgeBlur)));
// Far blur ( Reload, Inventory and PDA )
if (ssfx_wpn_dof_1.z > 0)
// Let's use s_blur_2 for far blur
img = lerp(img, blur_far, saturate(smoothstep(1.0f, 2.4f, length(depth) ) + int(depth.z <= SKY_EPS)) * ssfx_wpn_dof_1.z);
return img;