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**Jabbers' Soulslike Anomaly Mod**
**Discord**: https://discord.gg/HRyCGesuXq
**Twitch**: https://www.twitch.tv/jabbers_
**Github**: https://github.com/jeffboulanger/Jabbers-Soulslike-Anomaly-Mod
Huge thanks to Dr.Pr1nkos for the RUS translations!
Huge thanks to GGFasd, robot, Twisted for help testing new versions!
This S.T.A.L.K.E.R Anomaly mod brings elements souls style games to Stalker. Upon death your are rescued by a random Stalker in the zone. They bring you back to the set last spawn location where you awake to find a message from them about how you were found and the lengths they may have gone to to get you to a safe place. The items that were on your character must be retrieved, some can be lost and condition degraded all depending on settings.
DISCLAIMER: Stop crying, this mod is suppose to make the game harder. Because of this it's 100% possible to get yourself into a situation where you unexpectedly lose your gear. Random item loss on death means you could lose your weapons or armor, dying in the middle of an anomaly and not being able to get your gear back is possible and expected. Always stock a backup kit, plan for the worst, hope for the best.
- 100% Customizable experience through MCM
- 100% (as far as I know) conflict free from other mods. Jabbers' Soulslike Mod does not overwrite any scripts or ltx files and because of this it should not interfere with any other mods. If it does please let me know so I can resolve.
- Respawn locations can be set at any bed
- Scenario based respawn based on who/what killed you
- Rank/rep loss % (configurable)
- Possibility of having to find your items in a hidden stash with a RF detector (configurable)
- Item condition/loss scales based on rank in order to not hinder the players early game progress.
- Item condition degrade each death (configurable).
- Item loss % applied each death (configurable).
- Lost items can be found on nearby enemy NPCs (configurable).
- Players must heal upon respawn (configurable).
- Time will pass to simulate recovery.
- The player will be hungry and/or thirsty at respawn based on the time passed.
- Your PDA will be updated to show where the relative position is of your corpse
- Dynamic message from your rescuer will be sent to you to explain what happened and information about your gear
- Player does an inventory check and lists everything missing upon retrieving your gear
- Hardcore save mode where you can only save by sleeping (sometimes requiring sleeping pills) and respawning.
- Hardcore save mode only keeps around 1 save file.
- Ability to use campfires to save (configurable)
Simply extract into your S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly installation folder.
Based on having played about 10 hours in total into a new game with this mod I can tell you the following... Your initial focus should be to stockpile some food/meds/weapons and a flashlight at your starting location. This way when you respawn you will have something to use to go try and get your gear back. Another thing to try is grabbing a few companions to help you when you respawn, this makes things a slight bit easier in the case where you have some really crap gear. As you progress through the world, think about stashing items in the static stashes or if you are using the hideout stash mod, those stashes in various locations. Maybe rather then just selling everything, you hold on to it for those just incase scenarios. It tool me a few deaths to kind of get the hang of things, but the adventures of retrieving your gear with a couple of companions and a knife really made for some entertainment and a different style of gameplay along the way.
**Q**: Doesn't this already exist with the Azazel game mode?
**A**: Sorta, while Azazel does allows you to continue as a new stalker after dying, You cannot play story mode at the same time, with Soulslike you can.
**Q**: Does this mod work with G.A.M.M.A.?
**A**: Yes, this mod is actually intended to be used with G.A.M.M.A.
**Q**: Does this mod work with Vanilla STALKER Anomaly?
**A**: I hope so, but I'll be honest, I didn't test it. If you try and it doesn't work, let me know and I'll see what I can do to help you.
**Q**: Have you done anything to make it easier to play factions that start in the North?
**A**: No, but I guess you can also say.. Not yet? I don't know what could be done that could help other than give extra minimalistic gear on respawn to help with things like radiation. This isn't exactly ideal, but I'm also open to suggestions. This mod should change how you play the game some, making an immediate focus on collecting some backup gear rather than progressing, so if you die to soon and can't seem to get a footing after due to how much harder norther starts can be, that' could be why.
**Q**: I died in the middle of and anomaly I cannot get my gear back what do I do?
**A**: First you can stop crying about it, that's the whole point of this mod... An actual consequence for dying. If you died in a shit location, well... that sucks, go get some new gear and continue playing or start over, choice is yours.
**Q**: I died and my weapon or armor is gone, how am I suppose to progress now?
**A**: First grow a pair...next, deep breath, now use that big brain of yours and think. Listen, I am not going to play this game for you but here's a possible tip, find some companions. Also, if you have "Lost items found on NPCs" turned on, go look for that bitch, he's around. Also I used he, the females in Stalker told me their pronouns are he/him.
**Q**: I decided to play with Hardcore Saves and my save location is awful and I cannot continue.
**A**: Yup, that can happen, awful, im so sad for you... see the DISCLAIMER above. OK so I'm not a total fucking jackass.. if you have to you can restore a save from the "appdata\savedgames\soulslike-backup" folder, yes, I backed up some, if not all the saves that are deleted.
**Q**: Will Hardcore Saves delete all my save files?
**A**: I lifted the code used to delete ironman saves and modified it slightly. It **should** only delete the saves for the playthrough in which you activated this mod for. That said it is also advised to backup yourselves before hand just incase.
**Q**: I activated this mod in the middle of a ongoing game and shit isnt working correctly.
**A**: Yup, there is a big fat warning up near the top that says don't do that.
**Q**: I have an idea for progression that isnt included in this mod, how do I contact you.
**A**: Well, the easiest way would be discord. You can join my personal discord (https://discord.gg/HRyCGesuXq) and message me direct at Jabbers#6969. I can also be found live most days on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/jabbers_) so feel free to stop by and say Hi! Additionally you can leave me a message on moddb... although this isnt my preferred communication platform so my response may be slower.
- Random chance for some of the players gear to be left on the player at respawn, built into the story "I was able bring back some of your gear". Maybe with priority on weapons/outfit/headgear, but not limitted to.
- Chance to bring some/all weapon/outfit/headgear back based on reputation (maybe this is at the cost of reputation)
- Chance to have rescuer give handgun/ammo/meds based on rep (maybe this is at the cost of reputation)
- Insurance system?
- Breaking a tent causes your spawn location to no longer exist, warn about this and revert to (where?)..