Divergent/mods/Screen Space Shaders/gamedata/shaders/r3/rain_patch_normal.ps

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Raw Normal View History

* @ Description: Rain patch normal
* @ Modified time: 2023-10-09 07:25
* @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457
* @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders
#include "common.h"
#include "lmodel.h"
#include "shadow.h"
#include "screenspace_common_ripples.h"
uniform float4 ssfx_wetsurfaces_1; // Ripples [ Size, Speed, Min Speed, Int ]
uniform float4 ssfx_wetsurfaces_2; // FallWater [ Size, Speed, Min Speed, Int ]
Texture2D s_water;
Texture2D s_waterFall;
float4 RainFallof;
float3 GetWaterFall( Texture2D s_texture, float2 tc)
// 0.75 1.5 0.2 0.5
// Num of columns
float col_num = 50;
float col_scale = 1.0 / col_num;
// Original UV Coors
float2 tc_ori = tc * ssfx_wetsurfaces_2.x;
// UV Columns
float2 col_tc = float2(frac(tc_ori.x * col_num), tc_ori.y);
// Column ID to add a random offset and adjust horizontal offset
half col_id = ceil(tc_ori.x * col_num);
// Random Y-Offset for each column
float col_offset = hash22(float2(col_id, 1.0));
// Limit min speed
col_offset = (col_offset < ssfx_wetsurfaces_2.z ? col_offset * 3.0f : col_offset);
// Animate
col_offset += timers.x * col_offset * rain_params.x * ssfx_wetsurfaces_2.y;
// Add wabbly
//col_tc.x += sin((tc_ori.y + col_offset) * 20) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
// Base Bump. Columns UVs, scale and apply offset.
float3 water = s_texture.Sample(smp_base, (col_tc * float2(col_scale, 1.0f) + float2(col_scale * col_id, col_offset)));
// Bump to -1.0 ~ 1.0
water.xyz = water.xzy * 2.0f - 1.0f;
// Intensity
water.xyz *= ssfx_wetsurfaces_2.w;
return water.xyz;
#ifndef ISAMPLE
#define ISAMPLE 0
float4 main ( float2 tc : TEXCOORD0, float2 tcJ : TEXCOORD1, float4 Color : COLOR, float4 pos2d : SV_Position, uint iSample : SV_SAMPLEINDEX ) : SV_Target
float4 main ( float2 tc : TEXCOORD0, float2 tcJ : TEXCOORD1, float4 Color : COLOR, float4 pos2d : SV_Position ) : SV_Target
gbuffer_data gbd = gbuffer_load_data( tc, pos2d, iSample );
gbuffer_data gbd = gbuffer_load_data( tc, pos2d, ISAMPLE );
// Buffers
float4 _P = float4( gbd.P, 1.0 );
float3 _N = normalize(gbd.N.xyz);
float3 _D = gbd.C;
float _M = gbd.mtl;
float4 PS = mul( m_shadow, _P );
float3 WorldP = mul( m_sunmask, _P );
float3 WorldN = mul( m_sunmask, _N.xyz );
// Read rain projection with some jetter. Also adding pixel normal
// factor to jitter to make rain strips more realistic.
float Cover = shadow_rain( PS, WorldP.xz - WorldN.xz ); // Wet Surfaces fix by Diana.Petran
// Distance
float p_len = length( _P.xyz );
bool is_flora = abs(_M - 0.15) < 0.04f;
bool is_terrain = abs(_M - 0.95) < 0.04f;
// Rain parameters ( Wetness > 0.5 = 100% | Rain Intensity > 0.66 = 100% )
float Wetness = saturate(rain_params.y * 2.0f);
float RainInt = clamp(rain_params.x * ssfx_wetsurfaces_1.y, ssfx_wetsurfaces_1.z * (rain_params.x > 0), 2.0f); // 1.5
// [ BUMP ] -------------------------------------------
float3 waterSplash = 0;
waterSplash.xy = ssfx_rain_ripples( s_water, WorldP.xz * ssfx_wetsurfaces_1.x, float3(RainInt, ssfx_wetsurfaces_1.w, 6), _P.z); // 0.9
// Blending weights ( We don't want splashes or fall water on FLORA )
float3 weights = WorldN.xyz * !is_flora;
// Water Fall
float3 waterFallX = GetWaterFall( s_waterFall, WorldP.zy );
float3 waterFallZ = GetWaterFall( s_waterFall, WorldP.xy );
// Base bump - Splahes
float3 water = waterSplash * smoothstep(0.75f, 0.8f, weights.y);
// Adjust Water fall and add to the Normal
weights.xz = saturate(abs(weights.xz) - 0.15f);
weights.xz *= float2(weights.x > weights.z, weights.x < weights.z);
water += waterFallX.yxz * weights.x;
water += waterFallZ.zxy * weights.z;
// HUD attenuations ( Remove Terrain & Flora )
float HUD_Attenuation = smoothstep( 1.0f, 1.3f, p_len + (is_terrain * 1.3f) ) * !is_flora;
// Apply attenuations
water *= HUD_Attenuation * saturate(RainInt) * Cover;
// Convert normal to view space
water = mul( m_V, water );
// Add water normal
_N = normalize(_N + water.xyz);
// [ GLOSS ] ------------------------------------------
float Gloss = (0.15f + saturate(RainInt) * 0.05) * Wetness; // Wetness
// Fade to full cover. ( RainFallof.y = far shadow rain rendering )
Cover += smoothstep( RainFallof.y - 20, RainFallof.y, _P.z );
// If gloss is high, remove cover factor
Gloss *= HUD_Attenuation * saturate(Cover + (gbd.gloss > 0.3f));
// Limit gloss on terrain ( Puddles )
Gloss = (is_terrain && gbd.gloss > 0.3f) ? 0.15f : Gloss;
// Remove rain gloss from bottom surfaces
Gloss *= saturate(weights.y * 1.5f);
// Apply distance falloff
Gloss *= smoothstep( 250, 200, p_len );
return float4( _N.xyz, Gloss );