Divergent/mods/Weapon Parts Overhaul/gamedata/configs/text/eng/ui_st_jamming.xml

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<!-- Jammin -->
<string id="kb_unjam">
<text>Unjam weapon</text>
<string id="ui_st_misfire">
<text>Weapon misfired!</text>
<string id="ui_st_jam">
<text>Weapon jammed!</text>
<string id="ui_st_superjam">
<text>Weapon severely jammed!</text>
<string id="ui_st_nothing">
<text>Nothing to unjam</text>
<string id="ui_st_unjam">
<text>Weapon unjammed successfully</text>
<string id="ui_st_functional">
<text>Weapon functional</text>
<string id="ui_st_oldjam">
<text>You are using Anomaly Magazines. Do not unjam your weapon. Reload your weapon.</text>
<string id="ui_st_unjam_fail">
<text>That didn't seem to work - it must be really jammed in there...</text>
<string id="ui_st_parts_damage">
<text>Weapon has suffered internal component damage.</text>
<string id="st_news_parts_alreadygood">
<text>Part does not need to be replaced.</text>
<string id="ui_st_heat1">
<text>, but warm.</text>
<string id="ui_st_heat2">
<text>, but hot!</text>
<string id="ui_st_heat3">
<text>, but very hot!</text>
<string id="st_unjam">
<!-- Messages -->
<string id="st_news_parts_success">
<text>Successfully replaced part: </text>
<string id="st_news_parts_repair_success">
<text>Successfully repaired part: </text>
<string id="st_news_parts_fail">
<text>%c[d_red]Weapon already has higher condition part.</text>
<string id="st_news_parts_incompatible">
<text>%c[d_red]Part is not compatible with weapon.</text>
<string id="st_news_parts_barrel">
<text>%c[d_red]Barrels cannot be replaced in the field.</text>
<string id="st_news_parts_trigger">
<text>%c[d_red]Triggers cannot be replaced in the field.</text>
<string id="st_news_parts_rusty">
<text>%c[d_red]Weapon is too rusty to take apart in the field.</text>
<string id="st_news_dis_items">
<text>%c[d_red]A proper disassembling tool is required.</text>
<string id="st_news_fieldstrip">
<text>Removed parts:</text>
<string id="st_news_cleaned">
<text>Cleaned part:</text>
<!-- MCM -->
<string id="ui_mcm_menu_wpo">
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_title">
<text>Weapon Parts Overhaul</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam">
<text>Weapon Jam Options</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon">
<text>Economy Options</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc">
<text>Misc Options</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_menu_wpojam">
<text>WPO Jam</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_menu_wpoecon">
<text>WPO Econ</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_menu_wpomisc">
<text>WPO Misc</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_keybind">
<text>Unjam key</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_jamchance">
<text>Jam Chance multiplier</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_jamchance_desc">
<text>Multiplier for your weapons to jam in the new way. Drag down if you </text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_superjam">
<text>Enable super jams</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_superjam_desc">
<text>Enables (or disables) those pesky super-jams. Super-jams are jams that require removing the loaded ammunition to clear properly.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_simplejam">
<text>Drop mag if superjammed</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_simplejam_desc">
<text>If enabled, on pressing reload with a superjammed weapon, the magazine will be ejected for you. No more inventory fumbling!</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_heat">
<text>Enable weapon overheating</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_heat_desc">
<text>Weapons will become hotter when firing, which will affect degradation, jam chance, and part damage.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_oldammo">
<text>Old Ammo Affects Degradation</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpojam_oldammo_desc">
<text>Old ammo will increase rate of barrel wear and chance of jams.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_degradation">
<text>Degradation in rain</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_degradation_desc">
<text>Rate at which your weapon degrades faster in rainy weather.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_threshold">
<text>Part damage condition threshold</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_threshold_desc">
<text>Weapon condition under which usage has a chance to damage parts. The lower, the less overall parts will be damaged.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_repairkit">
<text>Repair kits replace parts</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_repairkit_desc">
<text>Has repair kits replace parts (restore to 100). If not enabled, repair kits only add 25%. Stretches out the difficulty if disabled.</text>
<!-- <string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_fullservice">
<text>Technician Service Level</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_fullservice_desc">
<text>Determines the level of service that technicians provide.
\n\n Clean Weapon Only: Only restores base weapon condition.
\n\n Clean Parts: Restores base weapon condition and cleans parts, if applicable.
\n\n Full service: Restores base condition, fixes parts, replaces parts.
</string> -->
<string id="st_wpn_service_cost">
<text>Cost of service:</text>
<string id="st_wpn_service_hint">
<text>Maintain parts</text>
<string id="st_wpn_service_dropdown">
<text>Open the part maintenance menu</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_altroll">
<text>Weighted weapon conditions</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_altroll_desc">
<text>Roll weapon conditions based on Lagrange interpolation. Reduces drop quality overall, good if you like to scavenge, and goes well with the next item.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_altpartroll">
<text>Weighted part conditions</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_altpartroll_desc">
<text>Use new formula for weapon part drops, where condition of weapon determines if parts are rolled in good or bad condition. Improves drop quality at low tiers and reduces drop quality at high tiers.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_saletype">
<text>Weapon Sale Logic</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_saletype_desc">
<text>Determine how weapon selling works. \n \n
- Vanilla: Weapons sell for a price commensurate with their condition (not recommended for balance)\n
- Relaxed: Weapon sell price scales with part condition, based on damaged/not damaged (60% threshold). Recommended.\n
- Strict: Weapons must have all parts not damaged (>60%) in order to be eligible for sale.\n
Note that any missing part invalidates a weapon for sale, regardless of the conditions above.
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_vanilla">
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_easy">
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_hard">
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_easybarrel">
<text>Replace barrels without workbench</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpoecon_easytrigger">
<text>Replace triggers without workbench</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_profanity">
<text>Profanity on weapon jam</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_profanity_desc">
<text>Enables colorful dialogue on a malfunction.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_profanity_timeout">
<text>Disable profanity spam</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_profanity_timeout_desc">
<text>Adds a timeout to jam profanity if true. Use if you hate fun.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_display">
<text>Display part condition</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_profanity_language">
<text>Profanity language</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_eng">
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_rus">
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_verbosity">
<text>Enable jam messaging</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_verbosity_desc">
<text>Controls whether or not information is displayed to user on jams and internal part damage.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_fun">
<text>Fun level</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_no">
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_yes">
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_ofc">
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_debug">
<text>Debug logging</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_wpo_wpomisc_debug_desc">
<text>Debug logging, enables a whole bunch of additional information in console log.</text>
<string id="st_field_strip">
<text>field strip</text>
<string id="st_field_strip_fail">
<text>This weapon has no parts to remove.</text>
<string id="ui_st_missing">
<text>This weapon is missing parts or has a destroyed part.</text>
<string id="article_wpo">
<text>Weapon Maintenance</text>
<string id="article_wpo_text">
%c[pda_green]QUICK FAQS%c[ui_gray_1]\n \n
\n1. Why is my gun jamming at 100%?
\nA. Your parts are damaged. Check the condition.
\n2. How do I unjam?
\nA. Double-tap USE. Or right-click weapon in inventory to bring up unjam command.
\n3. Why am I losing condition when I replace parts?
\nA. You need to relubricate the weapon. This does not happen below 60%. Use a Leatherman to reduce the amount, or a workbench to eliminate it entirely.
\n4. Why don't technicians fix my parts?
\nA. Parts must be scavenged. You can buy parts at the technician, or use a weapon repair kit. This is the core longevity behind WPO. \n \n
Weapon Parts Overhaul drastically changes how weapon maintenance works in Anomaly. Read this guide carefully to understand everything.\n \n
%c[pda_green]I. Parts and Maintenance%c[ui_gray_1]\n
\n<> Your weapon overall condition (the condition bar you are normally used to) is now easier to maintain. The mechanic will restore this for 60% less cost. All the weapon repair items are far more powerful.
\n<> Weapon parts need maintenance. You can see the condition of weapon parts at-a-glance on mouse over.
\n <20> Color of the text indicates status.
\n%c[d_red] <20> Missing
\n%c[d_orange] <20> Damaged and cannot be cleaned
\n%c[pda_yellow] <20> Dirty and can be cleaned%c[ui_gray_1]
\n<> Weapon parts can be removed by field-stripping the weapon. This removes every component that is not a barrel or trigger.
\n<> Weapon parts can also be ad-hoc replaced with drag and drop. %c[d_red]NOTE THAT THIS DEPLETES WEAPON CONDITION IF ABOVE 60%. Have a Leatherman present to reduce this impact. %c[ui_gray_1].
\n<> Weapon parts can also be replaced at workbench for free if the correct repair kit is owned. %c[pda_yellow]This is one of two ways to replace barrels or triggers.
\n \n
%c[pda_green]II. Jamming and Part Damage%c[ui_gray_1]\n
\n<> Parts have five levels of damage: %c[d_red]broken%c[ui_gray_1], %c[d_red]damaged%c[ui_gray_1], %c[d_orange]worn%c[ui_gray_1], %c[0,250,250,0]dirty%c[ui_gray_1], %c[d_green]functional%c[ui_gray_1]
\n<> The more damaged the parts, the higher a chance to suffer a malfunction.
\n<> There are three types of malfunction: misfire, jam, and severe jam.
\n<> Misfire and jam can be cleared simply by unjamming.
\n<> Severe jam requires ejection of magazine before clearing the jam.
\n<> Barrels do not contribute to jam chance. However, dirty and below barrels reduce weapon damage up to 50%.
\n<> Firing a weapon below 85% condition(default, change %c[pda_yellow]MCM: Part damage condition threshold%c[ui_gray_1]) has a chance to deal damage to weapon parts.
\n<> Firing a weapon in heavy rain will degrade the weapon faster.
\n<> (TEMP REMOVED) Firing a weapon for too long causes overheating, leading to more jams and faster degradation.
%c[pda_green]III. Economy changes%c[ui_gray_1]\n
\n<> Having a cleaning kit will allow you to clean "dirty" weapon parts (above 60% condition). This also restores 10% condition.
\n<> Having a repair kit will allow you to repair parts through a right-click menu. This uses a charge and restores 25% condition to the part, as well as 10% condition to the weapon.%c[pda_yellow]This is the other way to fix barrels/triggers.%c[ui_gray_1]
\n<> Technicians will randomly sell weapon parts at a serious markup.
\n<> Weapon parts above 60% can be repaired with files, ramrods or multitools.
\n<> Weapon parts above 10% can be repaired with a very expensive toolkit available at traders.
\n \n For all other issues, ping arti#3278 on Discord. I am way too lazy to read Moddb comments.
<string id="st_partskit">
<text>Part repair kit</text>
<string id="st_partskit_descr">
<text>Highly advanced toolset including micro-files, cold weld metal epoxy, electrolysis bath setup, and tons of lubricants, petrol distillates and other solvents. The tools here can restore a Lada engine into a Ferrari, to say nothing of what it can do to machine components. Only the most destroyed pieces of scrap metal won't be able to be restored by this kit. However, this kit is extremely hard to put together and is thus sold in very small quantities by Zone technicians.\n\n</text>
<!-- Info -->
<string id="st_dot">
<string id="st_clean_half">
<text>halved cleaning effectiveness below threshold: </text>
<string id="st_damage_missing">
<string id="st_damage_0">
<string id="st_damage_1">
<string id="st_damage_2">
<string id="st_damage_3">
<string id="st_damage_4">
<string id="st_damage_5">
<string id="st_wpo_replace_parts">
<text>maintain parts</text>
<string id="st_wpo_repair">
<text>repair 25% condition to </text>
<string id="st_wpo_replace">
<text>replace </text>
<string id="st_wpo_clean">
<string id="st_wpo_remove">
<string id="st_name_trigger">
<text>trigger mechanism</text>
<string id="st_name_spring">
<text>recoil spring</text>
<string id="st_name_barrel">
<string id="st_name_bolt_carrier">
<text>bolt carrier</text>
<string id="st_name_bolt">
<string id="st_name_gas_tube">
<text>gas system</text>
<string id="st_name_extractor">
<string id="st_name_ejector">
<string id="st_name_pump">
<string id="st_name_hammers">
<string id="st_name_chock">
<string id="st_name_all">
<string id="st_name_issues">