Added Default Game Settings Config
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
@echo off
:: Setting initial paths
set "mo2_install=%cd%"
set "repository=%mo2_install%\Divergent"
:: Specifying links to download for files
set "git_repository="
set "git_file="
set "SevenZ_file="
set "mo2_file="
:: Set path to the portable Git executable
set "portable_git=%mo2_install%\PortableGit\bin\git.exe"
set "portable_7z=%mo2_install%\7zr.exe"
:: Check if curl is installed
where curl >nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo ERROR: curl is not installed or not in your PATH.
echo Please install curl or ensure it is in your PATH and try again.
exit /b
:: Checking if Git Portable exists
if not exist "%mo2_install%\PortableGit\bin\git.exe" (
echo ----
echo Installing Portable Git...
:: Download Git Portable
curl -L -o PortableGit-2.47.1-64-bit.7z.exe %git_file%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo ERROR: Failed to download Git Portable. Check your internet connection and try again.
exit /b
:: Run the portable executable to setup
start PortableGit-2.47.1-64-bit.7z.exe
echo ----
set /p userInput=Press Enter once the Portable Git installation has finished.
:: Check if 7z is installed
if not exist "%mo2_install%\7zr.exe" (
echo ----
echo Installing 7zip Portable...
:: Download 7zip Portable
curl -L -o 7zr.exe %SevenZ_file%
:: Determining if an installation exists already
IF EXIST "%mo2_install%\ModOrganizer.exe" (
call :UpdateModpack
exit /B 0
) ELSE (
call :InstallModpack
exit /B 0
echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
echo WARNING! Existing installation detected!
echo Be sure to save a backup of your changes if you want to keep them!
echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
echo Existing installation detected! Updating modpack, please wait.
timeout 10
:: Clone or update the Git repository
if not exist "%repository%\.git" (
echo ----
echo Cloning repository...
"%portable_git%" clone %git_repository%
) else (
echo ----
echo Repository already exists. Pulling latest changes...
cd %repository%
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/main
echo ----
echo Synchronizing mods folder...
robocopy "%repository%/mods" "%mo2_install%/mods" /MIR
echo ----
echo Synchronizing profiles folder...
robocopy "%repository%/profiles" "%mo2_install%/profiles" /MIR
exit /B 0
echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
echo WARNING! The script will install the modpack in the folder this script is ran from!
echo Be sure that your folder is empty before continuing with the installation!
echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
echo No existing installation detected. Downloading modpack.
timeout 30
:: Requiring user input for game path
echo ----
set /p "game_path=Please enter the path to your game installation: "
if "%game_path%"=="" (
echo No path entered. Exiting.
exit /b 1
:: Download MO2
curl -L -o MO2.7z %mo2_file%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo ERROR: Failed to download the archive. Check your internet connection and try again.
exit /b
:: Confirm the file exists
if not exist "MO2.7z" (
echo ERROR: Download completed, but the file MO2.7z was not found.
echo Please check your internet connection or the download URL.
exit /b
:: Extracting MO2 and installing
.\7zr x MO2.7z
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo ERROR: Failed to extract the archive. Ensure the archive is valid and try again.
exit /b
:: Deleting the archive
del MO2.7z
echo ----
echo Cloning repository...
"%portable_git%" clone %git_repository%
echo ----
echo Synchronizing mods folder...
robocopy "%repository%/mods" "%mo2_install%/mods" /MIR
echo ----
echo Synchronizing profiles folder...
robocopy "%repository%/profiles" "%mo2_install%/profiles" /MIR
echo ----
echo Synchronizing stylesheets folder...
robocopy "%repository%/stylesheets" "%mo2_install%/stylesheets" /E
:: Escape backslashes in the game path
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "game_path=!game_path:\=/!"
set "escaped_path="
for /l %%i in (0,1,255) do (
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=" %%a in ("!game_path:~%%i,1!") do (
if "%%a"=="" goto path_done
if %%a==/ (
set "escaped_path=!escaped_path!//" :: Double the backslash
) else (
set "escaped_path=!escaped_path!%%a"
echo Original Path: %game_path%
echo Escaped Path: %escaped_path%
:: Replace placeholders in ModOrganizer.ini
echo ----
echo Updating ModOrganizer.ini...
set "ini_file=%repository%\ModOrganizer.ini"
set "temp_ini=%ini_file%.tmp"
(for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%ini_file%") do (
set "line=%%A"
set "line=!line:game_path=%escaped_path%!"
set "line=!line:replace_me=%game_path%!"
)) > "%temp_ini%"
move /y "%temp_ini%" "%mo2_install%\ModOrganizer.ini"
echo ----
echo ModOrganizer.ini updated successfully!
echo ----
echo Installation complete. Launch ModOrganizer.exe and follow the remaining instructions.
exit /B 0
@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
_preset Default
ai_aim_max_angle 0.7854
ai_aim_min_angle 0.19635
ai_aim_min_speed 0.24
ai_aim_predict_time 0.4
ai_aim_use_smooth_aim 1
ai_die_in_anomaly 0
ai_use_old_vision 0
ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights on
allow_outfit_control_inertion_factor 0
allow_weapon_control_inertion_factor 0
bind left kLEFT
bind right kRIGHT
bind up kUP
bind down kDOWN
bind jump kSPACE
bind crouch kLCONTROL
bind accel kX
bind sprint_toggle kLSHIFT
bind forward kW
bind back kS
bind lstrafe kA
bind rstrafe kD
bind llookout kQ
bind rlookout kE
bind cam_zoom_in kT
bind cam_zoom_out kRBRACKET
bind torch mouse4
bind night_vision kN
bind show_detector k6
bind wpn_1 k1
bind wpn_2 k3
bind wpn_3 k2
bind wpn_4 kG
bind wpn_5 k4
bind wpn_6 k5
bind wpn_next kY
bind wpn_fire mouse1
bind wpn_zoom mouse2
bind wpn_reload kR
bind wpn_func kV
bind wpn_firemode_prev k9
bind wpn_firemode_next k0
bind pause kPAUSE
bind use kF
bind screenshot kF12
bind quit kESCAPE
bind console kGRAVE
bind inventory kTAB
bind active_jobs kCAPITAL
bind quick_use_1 kF1
bind quick_use_2 kF2
bind quick_use_3 kF3
bind quick_use_4 kF4
bind quick_save kF5
bind quick_load kF9
bind custom1 kNUMPAD1
bind custom2 kNUMPAD2
bind custom3 kNUMPAD3
bind custom4 kNUMPAD4
bind custom5 kNUMPAD5
bind custom6 kNUMPAD0
bind custom13 k7
bind custom14 k8
bind custom15 kU
bind custom17 kF7
bind custom18 mouse3
bind safemode kB
bind freelook kLMENU
cam_inert 0.
cam_slide_inert 0.25
cl_cod_pickup_mode on
cl_dynamiccrosshair on
con_sensitive 0.15
crash_save 1
crash_save_count 10
discord_status on
discord_update_rate 0.5
dsr_test (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
dsr_test1 (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
dsr_test2 (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
first_person_death 1
first_person_death_direction_offset (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
first_person_death_direction_smoothing 12
first_person_death_near_plane_offset 0.
first_person_death_position_offset (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
first_person_death_position_smoothing 6
fov 88.
freelook_cam_limit 1.5708
g_3d_pda on
g_always_active off
g_autopickup on
g_backrun on
g_crosshair_color (255, 255, 255, 255)
g_crouch_toggle on
g_dead_body_collision actor_only
g_dispersion_base 2.
g_dispersion_factor 3.
g_dynamic_music off
g_feel_grenade off
g_freelook_toggle off
g_game_difficulty gd_novice
g_hit_pwr_modif 1.
g_important_save on
g_ironsights_zoom_factor 1.25
g_lookout_toggle off
g_multi_item_pickup on
g_simple_pda on
g_sleep_time 23
g_sprint_toggle off
g_use_tracers on
g_walk_toggle on
head_bob_factor 1.
heat_vision_args_1 (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
heat_vision_args_2 (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
heat_vision_blurring (15.000000, 4.000000, 60.000000, 0.000000)
heat_vision_cooldown 1
heat_vision_cooldown_time 20000.
heat_vision_mode 0.
heat_vision_steps (0.450000, 0.650000, 0.760000, 0.000000)
heat_vision_zombie_cold 0
hud_crosshair on
hud_crosshair_dist off
hud_draw on
hud_fov 0.48
hud_fov_aim_factor 1.
hud_info on
hud_weapon on
keyboard_buffer_size 128
keypress_on_start on
load_last_save player - quicksave_1
log_timestamps 0
lua_gcstep 400
markswitch_color (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
markswitch_count 1
markswitch_current 0
monster_stuck_fix 0
mouse_buffer_size 1024
mouse_invert off
mouse_sens 0.12
mouse_sens_aim 1.
mouse_sens_vertical 1.
mouse_wheel_change_weapon 1
mouse_wheel_invert_zoom 0
new_zoom_delta_algorithm 0
new_zoom_enable off
particle_update_mod 1.
pda_map_zoom_in_to_mouse 1
pda_map_zoom_out_to_mouse 1
ph_frequency 100.00000
ph_iterations 18
poltergeist_spawn_corpse_on_death 1
power_loss_bias 0.2
power_loss_factor 0.5
print_bone_warnings 1
pseudogiant_can_damage_objects_on_stomp 1
r1_detail_textures on
r1_dlights on
r1_dlights_clip 40.
r1_fog_luminance 1.1
r1_glows_per_frame 16
r1_lmodel_lerp 0.1
r1_pps_u 0.
r1_pps_v 0.
r1_software_skinning 0
r1_ssa_lod_a 64.
r1_ssa_lod_b 48.
r2_aa off
r2_aa_break (0.800000, 0.100000, 0.000000)
r2_aa_kernel 0.5
r2_aa_weight (0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000)
r2_allow_r1_lights off
r2_detail_bump on
r2_dof -1.000000,0.000000,800.000000
r2_dof_enable on
r2_dof_radius 0.25
r2_dof_sky 30.
r2_drops_control (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
r2_exp_donttest_shad off
r2_gi off
r2_gi_clip 0.001
r2_gi_depth 1
r2_gi_photons 16
r2_gi_refl 0.9
r2_gloss_factor 0.001
r2_gloss_min 0.56
r2_ls_bloom_fast off
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b 0.1
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g 1.
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale 0.05
r2_ls_bloom_speed 100.
r2_ls_bloom_threshold 0.
r2_ls_depth_bias -0.00005
r2_ls_depth_scale 1.00001
r2_ls_dsm_kernel 0.7
r2_ls_psm_kernel 0.7
r2_ls_squality 1.
r2_ls_ssm_kernel 0.7
r2_mask_control (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
r2_mblur 0.
r2_mblur_enabled off
r2_parallax_h 0.
r2_qsync 0
r2_shadow_cascede_old off
r2_slight_fade 0.5
r2_smaa high
r2_soft_particles on
r2_soft_water on
r2_ss_sunshafts_length 1.
r2_ss_sunshafts_radius 1.
r2_ssa_lod_a 32.
r2_ssa_lod_b 32.
r2_ssao st_opt_off
r2_ssao_blur off
r2_ssao_half_data on
r2_ssao_hbao off
r2_ssao_hdao off
r2_ssao_mode disabled
r2_ssao_opt_data off
r2_steep_parallax off
r2_sun on
r2_sun_depth_far_bias -0.00002
r2_sun_depth_far_scale 0.99988
r2_sun_depth_near_bias 0.00007
r2_sun_depth_near_scale 0.9998
r2_sun_details on
r2_sun_far 100.
r2_sun_focus on
r2_sun_lumscale 3.
r2_sun_lumscale_amb 1.05
r2_sun_lumscale_hemi 1.41
r2_sun_near 15.
r2_sun_near_border 0.75
r2_sun_quality st_opt_medium
r2_sun_tsm on
r2_sun_tsm_bias -0.01
r2_sun_tsm_proj 0.3
r2_sunshafts_min 0.
r2_sunshafts_mode volumetric
r2_sunshafts_quality st_opt_low
r2_sunshafts_value 0.75
r2_terrain_z_prepass off
r2_tnmp_a 0.15
r2_tnmp_b 0.5
r2_tnmp_c 0.1
r2_tnmp_d 0.2
r2_tnmp_e 0.2
r2_tnmp_exposure 0.16033
r2_tnmp_f 0.3
r2_tnmp_gamma 0.76667
r2_tnmp_onoff 0.
r2_tnmp_w 1.12
r2_tonemap on
r2_tonemap_adaptation 3.
r2_tonemap_amount 1.
r2_tonemap_lowlum 0.55
r2_tonemap_middlegray 1.4
r2_volumetric_lights on
r2_wait_sleep 0
r2_water_reflections on
r2_zfill off
r2_zfill_depth 0.25
r2em 0.
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces on
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_far 30.
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_near 70.
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_sm_res 128
r3_minmax_sm off
r3_msaa 2x
r3_msaa_alphatest st_opt_off
r3_use_dx10_1 on
r3_volumetric_smoke on
r4_enable_tessellation off
r4_hdr10_bloom_blur_passes 20
r4_hdr10_bloom_blur_scale 1.
r4_hdr10_bloom_intensity 0.06
r4_hdr10_bloom_on 0
r4_hdr10_brightness 0.
r4_hdr10_colorspace 2
r4_hdr10_contrast 0.
r4_hdr10_contrast_middle_gray 0.5
r4_hdr10_exposure 0.8
r4_hdr10_flare_blur_passes 12
r4_hdr10_flare_blur_scale 1.
r4_hdr10_flare_center_falloff 1.1
r4_hdr10_flare_ghost_ca 3.
r4_hdr10_flare_ghost_dispersal 0.6
r4_hdr10_flare_ghost_intensity 0.04
r4_hdr10_flare_ghosts 1
r4_hdr10_flare_halo_ca 10.
r4_hdr10_flare_halo_intensity 0.04
r4_hdr10_flare_halo_scale 0.47
r4_hdr10_flare_lens_color (1.000000, 0.700000, 1.000000)
r4_hdr10_flare_on 0
r4_hdr10_flare_power 0.04
r4_hdr10_flare_threshold 0.
r4_hdr10_gamma 1.1
r4_hdr10_on 0
r4_hdr10_pda_intensity 1.
r4_hdr10_saturation 0.1
r4_hdr10_sun_dawn_begin 4.5
r4_hdr10_sun_dawn_end 6.
r4_hdr10_sun_dusk_begin 18.5
r4_hdr10_sun_dusk_end 21.
r4_hdr10_sun_inner_radius 0.2
r4_hdr10_sun_intensity 80.
r4_hdr10_sun_on 0
r4_hdr10_sun_outer_radius 0.4
r4_hdr10_tonemap_mode 1
r4_hdr10_tonemapper 0
r4_hdr10_ui_nits 400.
r4_hdr10_ui_saturation 0.5
r4_hdr10_whitepoint_nits 400.
r4_wireframe off
r__3Dfakescope 1
r__actor_shadow off
r__bloom_thresh (0.700000, 0.800000, 0.900000, 0.000000)
r__bloom_weight (0.330000, 0.330000, 0.330000, 0.000000)
r__clear_models_on_unload off
r__color_grading (0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000)
r__detail_density 0.55
r__detail_height 1.
r__detail_radius 100
r__dtex_range 50.
r__enable_grass_shadow off
r__exposure 1.
r__fakescope 0
r__framelimit 0
r__gamma 1.
r__geometry_lod 1.
r__heatvision 0
r__lens_flares on
r__nightvision 0
r__no_ram_textures on
r__no_scale_on_fade off
r__optimize_dynamic_geom 1
r__optimize_shadow_geom on
r__optimize_static_geom 1
r__saturation 1.2
r__supersample 1
r__tf_aniso 8
r__tf_mipbias -0.5
r__use_precompiled_shaders off
r__wallmark_ttl 50.
r_screenshot_mode jpg
render_short_tracers 1
renderer renderer_r4
rs_c_brightness 0.985
rs_c_contrast 0.92
rs_c_gamma 1.
rs_cam_pos off
rs_refresh_60hz off
rs_screenmode borderless
rs_skeleton_update 32
rs_stats off
rs_v_sync on
rs_vis_distance 1.
s3ds_param_1 (4.000000, 4.000000, 0.300000, 0.000000)
s3ds_param_2 (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.500000)
s3ds_param_3 (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.020000)
s3ds_param_4 (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
scope_2dtexactive 0
scope_blur_inner 0.1
scope_blur_outer 1.
scope_brightness 1.
scope_ca 0.003
scope_factor 1.
scope_fog_interp 0.15
scope_fog_radius 1.25
scope_fog_sharp 4.
scope_fog_swayAim 0.66
scope_fog_swayMove 0.25
scope_fog_travel 0.25
scope_radius 0.
sds_enable on
sds_speed_enable on
sds_zoom_enable on
shader_param_1 (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.100000)
shader_param_2 (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
shader_param_3 (0.838000, 0.847000, 0.852000, -0.005000)
shader_param_4 (1.120000, 1.120000, 1.130000, -0.420000)
shader_param_5 (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
shader_param_6 (0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
shader_param_7 (0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000)
shader_param_8 (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
sil_glow_color (1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
sil_glow_cool_temp_rate 0.01
sil_glow_max_temp 0.15
sil_glow_shot_temp 0.004
slot_0 medkit
slot_1 bandage
slot_2 medkit_army
slot_3 stimpack
snd_acceleration on
snd_cache_size 256
snd_device OpenAL Soft
snd_doppler_power 1.8
snd_doppler_smoothing 15
snd_efx off
snd_targets 1024
snd_volume_eff 1.
snd_volume_music 1.
ssfx_ao (2.000000, 5.000000, 1.000000, 2.500000)
ssfx_ao_quality 4
ssfx_ao_setup1 (150.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_blood_decals (0.600000, 0.600000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_florafixes_1 (0.150000, 0.190000, 0.140000, 0.200000)
ssfx_florafixes_2 (1.950000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_gloss_factor 0.624
ssfx_gloss_method 1
ssfx_gloss_minmax (0.650000, 0.760000, 0.000000)
ssfx_grass_interactive (1.000000, 8.000000, 2000.000000, 1.000000)
ssfx_grass_shadows (0.000000, 0.350000, 30.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_hud_drops_1 (0.000000, 0.000000, 30.000000, 0.050000)
ssfx_hud_drops_2 (0.225000, 1.130000, 0.000000, 2.000000)
ssfx_hud_hemi 0.3
ssfx_il (6.666667, 0.730000, 1.000000, 5.000000)
ssfx_il_quality 32
ssfx_il_setup1 (150.000000, 0.950000, 0.620000, 0.000000)
ssfx_int_grass_params_1 (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 25.000000)
ssfx_int_grass_params_2 (1.000000, 5.000000, 0.300000, 2.000000)
ssfx_is_underground 0
ssfx_lightsetup_1 (0.550000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_lut (1.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_rain_1 (2.000000, 0.100000, 0.600000, 2.000000)
ssfx_rain_2 (0.600000, 0.135000, 1.500000, 0.500000)
ssfx_rain_3 (0.200000, 3.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_shadow_bias (0.400000, 0.030000, 0.000000)
ssfx_shadow_cascades (20.000000, 60.000000, 160.000000)
ssfx_shadows (256.000000, 1536.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_ssr (1.000000, 0.250000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_ssr_2 (1.150000, 1.300000, 0.450000, 0.050000)
ssfx_ssr_quality 0
ssfx_terrain_offset (-0.070000, -0.050000, 0.000000, -0.050000)
ssfx_terrain_quality (6.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_volumetric (0.000000, 1.000000, 4.000000, 7.142857)
ssfx_water (1.000000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_water_quality (1.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000)
ssfx_water_setup1 (0.600000, 3.000000, 0.300000, 0.050000)
ssfx_water_setup2 (0.860000, 6.000000, 0.300000, 0.500000)
ssfx_wetness_multiplier (1.400000, 0.500000, 0.000000)
ssfx_wetsurfaces_1 (0.500000, 1.400000, 0.700000, 1.250000)
ssfx_wetsurfaces_2 (0.800000, 1.500000, 0.200000, 0.350000)
ssfx_wind_grass (9.700000, 1.500000, 1.600000, 0.500000)
ssfx_wind_trees (11.100000, 0.170000, 0.900000, 0.100000)
ssfx_wpn_dof_1 (0.150000, 0.400000, 0.000000, 1.100000)
ssfx_wpn_dof_2 0.15
string_table_error_msg 0
telekinetic_objects_include_corpses 0
texture_lod 2
time_factor 1.000000
use_english_text_for_missing_translations 1
vid_mode 2560x1440
viewport_near 0.2
weapon_sway off
wpn_aim_toggle off
wpn_degradation 0.75
zoom_step_count 3.
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
+[REQUIRED] Gameplay Difficulty Tweaks
+[REQUIRED] Gameplay Difficulty Tweaks
+[REQUIRED] Configuration Files
-Divergent - Custom Addons_separator
-Divergent - Custom Addons_separator
+Mask's Reanimated Anomaly Arsenal - JSRS Patch
+Mask's Reanimated Anomaly Arsenal - JSRS Patch
Reference in New Issue