This mod aims to enhance player's resistance statistics bars in inventory menu:

    1. Displaying bonuses and penalties of each artefact/attachment/pelt when hovering over it. The new bars will be displayed on top of base ones, showing the difference in the stats

    2. A new way of calculating player's resistance by using actual damage values of all possible game things, with filtering of stuff that will one hit kill you regarding of the protection. (Can be disabled in MCM by the field "Use Game Values")
    This option will make bars represent protection against actual game threats (npcs, mutants, anomalies), based on their damage values, elemental types, and also includes corrected behaviour of outfit and helmet protection.

    In this mode:
    1. the 1/3 of the bar usually represents fire, acid and psy fields, weak mutants and pistol caliber firearms.
    2. 2/3 of the bar represents anomaly mines such as electric, gravitational anomalies, burners and acid pools, psy dog attacks, average strength mutants and intermediate firearms.
    3. Full bar represents protection against strongest mines, fields, controller attacks, strongest mutants and high caliber firearms..

    This is mod agnostic so if you have any mods that changes damages of things, the bars will react accordingly.

    Don't worry if you see the protection on the lowish side even in science outfit, since maximum of the bar is maximum damage possible, filling the bar will make you completely immune to that type of damage.

    3. The MCM options with all stuff to tweak: colors of bars, position of them relative to base, compatibility with EFP, GAMMA UIs and compatibility with ARX for more correct display of stats