local mcm_keybinds = ui_mcm and ui_mcm.key_hold local record_on_place = false local record_on_keypress = false local bind_record = DIK_keys.DIK_APOSTROPHE ---@class UIRecordObj GUI = nil -- instance, don't touch function add_obj_prompt(section, position, level_vertex_id, game_vertex_id, rotation) if not DEV_DEBUG then return end hide_hud_inventory() if (not GUI) then GUI = UIRecordObj() end if (GUI) and (not GUI:IsShown()) then GUI:ShowDialog(true) GUI:Reset(section, position, level_vertex_id, game_vertex_id, rotation) Register_UI("UIRecordObj","hf_record_on_place") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- UI ------------------------------------------------------------------- class "UIRecordObj" (CUIScriptWnd) function UIRecordObj:__init() super() self:InitControls() self:InitCallBacks() end function UIRecordObj:__finalize() end function UIRecordObj:InitControls() self:SetWndRect(Frect():set(0,0,1024,768)) self:SetAutoDelete(true) --self:Enable(true) local xml = CScriptXmlInit() xml:ParseFile ("ui_items_backpack.xml") self.dialog = xml:InitStatic("backpack", self) xml:InitStatic("backpack:background", self.dialog) self.input = xml:InitEditBox("backpack:input",self.dialog) self:Register(self.input,"fld_input") local btn = xml:Init3tButton("backpack:btn_cancel", self.dialog) self:Register(btn,"btn_cancel") btn = xml:Init3tButton("backpack:btn_ok", self.dialog) self:Register(btn,"btn_ok") end function UIRecordObj:InitCallBacks() self:AddCallback("btn_ok", ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.OnAccept, self) self:AddCallback("btn_cancel", ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.Close, self) end function UIRecordObj:Reset(section, position, level_vertex_id, game_vertex_id, rotation) self.input:SetText("") self.section = section self.position = position self.level_vertex_id = level_vertex_id self.game_vertex_id = game_vertex_id self.rotation = rotation end function UIRecordObj:Update() CUIScriptWnd.Update(self) end function UIRecordObj:OnAccept() local spawn_name = self.input:GetText() local data = { ["object"] = self.section, ["position"] = self.position, ["lvid"] = self.level_vertex_id, ["gvid"] = self.game_vertex_id, ["rotation"] = self.rotation, } add_obj_to_ltx(spawn_name, data) self:Close() end function UIRecordObj:OnKeyboard(dik, keyboard_action) local res = CUIScriptWnd.OnKeyboard(self,dik,keyboard_action) if (res == false) then if keyboard_action == ui_events.WINDOW_KEY_PRESSED then if dik == DIK_keys.DIK_ESCAPE then self:Close() end end end return res end function UIRecordObj:Close() self:HideDialog() Unregister_UI("UIRecordObj") end ---------------------------------- -- Storing object data to LTX ---------------------------------- local function is_vector(var) if type(var) ~= "userdata" then return false end if var.x and var.y and var.z then return true end return false end function add_obj_to_ltx(spawn_name, data) ---@type ini_file_ex local ini_cc = ui_debug_launcher.ini_cc if spawn_name == nil or spawn_name == "" then spawn_name = os.date("%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S") end for key, value in pairs(data) do ini_cc:w_value(spawn_name, key, is_vector(value) and utils_data.vector_to_string(value) or value) end ini_cc:save() end ---------------------------------- -- Spawning objects on new game ---------------------------------- ---A map of spawned objects, pointing to their object id if object still exists, true if released, nil otherwise ---@type table spawned_objects = {} -- Map of object ids to spawn id (used for cleanup) id_to_spawn_id = {} ---Generates a list of objects to be spawned, reading from objects.ltx (old format) and spawns.ltx (new format) ---@return {section: string, location: vector, lvid: number, gvid: number, rotation: vector, spawn_id: number, story_id: string|nil, data: table}[] function generate_spawn_list() local obj_tbl = {} -- Iterate over objects.ltx, reading every entry for every map (section) local ini_map_objects = ini_file_ex("plugins\\world_objects\\objects.ltx") local j = 1 for _, section in pairs(ini_map_objects:get_sections()) do local n = ini_map_objects.ini:line_count(section) for i=0,n-1 do local result, id, value = ini_map_objects.ini:r_line_ex(section,i) local p = str_explode(value,",") if (p) then obj_tbl[j] = { section = p[1], location = vector():set(tonumber(p[2]), tonumber(p[3]), tonumber(p[4])), lvid = tonumber(p[5]), gvid = tonumber(p[6]), rotation = vector():set(tonumber(p[7]), tonumber(p[8]), tonumber(p[9])), spawn_id = id, } j = j + 1 end end end -- Iterate over spawns.ltx, reading every entry (section) local ini_spawns = ini_file_ex("plugins\\world_objects\\spawns.ltx") for _, section in pairs(ini_spawns:get_sections()) do local entry = { section = ini_spawns:r_string_ex(section, "object"), location = utils_data.string_to_vector(ini_spawns:r_string_ex(section, "position")), rotation = utils_data.string_to_vector(ini_spawns:r_string_ex(section, "rotation")), lvid = ini_spawns:r_float_ex(section, "lvid"), gvid = ini_spawns:r_float_ex(section, "gvid"), spawn_id = section, story_id = ini_spawns:r_string_ex(section, "story_id"), data = parse_key_value(ini_spawns:r_string_ex(section, "data")) } table.insert(obj_tbl, entry) end return obj_tbl end function actor_on_first_update() -- Spawn world objects for k, v in pairs(generate_spawn_list()) do if spawned_objects[v.spawn_id] then goto continue end local obj_id = placeable_furniture.create_object(v.section, v.location, v.rotation, v.lvid, v.gvid) if not obj_id then goto continue end -- Set world_obj flag: Disable pickup hf_obj_manager.update_data(obj_id, {is_world_obj=true}) -- Track spawned objects spawned_objects[v.spawn_id] = obj_id id_to_spawn_id[obj_id] = v.spawn_id -- Register story_id if it exists if v.story_id then story_objects.register(obj_id, v.story_id) end -- Set custom data if v.data then for i,val in pairs(v.data) do v.data[i] = tonumber(val) or val end hf_obj_manager.update_data(obj_id, v.data) end ::continue:: end end function save_state(m_data) m_data.spawned_objects = spawned_objects end function load_state(m_data) spawned_objects = m_data.spawned_objects or spawned_objects end function on_key_press(dik) if dik ~= bind_record or not record_on_keypress then return end ---@type game_object local obj = placeable_furniture.get_obj_at_crosshair() if not obj then return end local bone_name = obj:bone_name(0) local angle_hpb = obj:bone_direction(bone_name) local true_angle = vector():set(angle_hpb.y, angle_hpb.x, angle_hpb.z) add_obj_prompt(obj:section(), obj:position(), obj:level_vertex_id(), obj:game_vertex_id(), true_angle) end function on_option_change(mcm) --new in mcm 1.6.0 mcm passes true to the on_option_change callback if mcm then record_on_place = ui_mcm.get("aol_hf/world_obj/flag_record_on_place") record_on_keypress = ui_mcm.get("aol_hf/world_obj/flag_record_on_keypress") bind_record = ui_mcm.get("aol_hf/world_obj/bind_record") or bind_record end end -- Open record prompt if MCM option is on function hf_on_furniture_place(id) if not record_on_place then return end local obj = alife_object(id) if not obj then return end add_obj_prompt(obj:section_name(), obj.position, obj.m_level_vertex_id, obj.m_game_vertex_id, obj.angle) end function server_entity_on_unregister(se_obj,type_name) local spawn_id = id_to_spawn_id[se_obj.id] if not spawn_id then return end spawned_objects[spawn_id] = true id_to_spawn_id[se_obj.id] = nil end function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("on_option_change",on_option_change) on_option_change(mcm_keybinds) RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_press", on_key_press) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_first_update",actor_on_first_update) RegisterScriptCallback("save_state",save_state) RegisterScriptCallback("load_state",load_state) RegisterScriptCallback("hf_on_furniture_place", hf_on_furniture_place) RegisterScriptCallback("server_entity_on_unregister", server_entity_on_unregister) end