local _InitControls = ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.InitControls local _InitCallbacks = ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.InitCallbacks local _TestAndShow = ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.TestAndShow local _OnButtonSleep = ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.OnButtonSleep function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.OnButtonSleep(self) if not soulslike.IsSoulslikeMode() then _OnButtonSleep(self) return end local bleeding = db.actor.bleeding > 0 local radiation = db.actor.radiation > 0 -- Prevent sleep if bleeding and/or iradiated. if (bleeding or radiation) then if (bleeding and radiation) then actor_menu.set_msg(1, game.translate_string("st_sleep_bleeding_irradiated"),5) elseif (bleeding) then actor_menu.set_msg(1, game.translate_string("st_sleep_bleeding"),4) elseif (radiation) then actor_menu.set_msg(1, game.translate_string("st_sleep_irradiated"),4) end disable_info("sleep_active") if self:IsShown() then self:HideDialog() Unregister_UI("UISleep") end return end -- Check if actor is inside a safe zone local actor_hide = GetEvent("current_safe_cover") and true or false -- Check if actor is inside a tent if (not actor_hide) then actor_hide = item_tent.get_nearby_tent(1.5) end -- If all is no, dont sleep if (not actor_hide) then actor_menu.set_msg(1, game.translate_string("st_cant_sleep_find_shelter_mlr"),4) disable_info("sleep_active") if self:IsShown() then self:HideDialog() Unregister_UI("UISleep") end return end _OnButtonSleep(self) end function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.TestAndShow(self, force) if not soulslike.IsSoulslikeMode() then _TestAndShow(self, force) return end if force then _TestAndShow(self, force) else -- Detour and show the UI so we can let the user -- set their spawn point. Move the sleep check code -- to the Sleep button click instead self:Initialize() self:ShowDialog(true) Register_UI("UISleep","ui_sleep_dialog") end end function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.InitControls(self) _InitControls(self) if not soulslike.IsSoulslikeMode() then return end local xml = CScriptXmlInit() xml:ParseFile("soulslike_ui_sleep_dialog.xml") local function move(ctrl, deltaX, deltaY) local pos = ctrl:GetWndPos() ctrl:SetWndPos(vector2():set( pos.x + deltaX ,pos.y + deltaY )) end -- Edited by Sota -- move(self.btn_sleep, 52, 0) -- move(self.btn_cancel, 52, 0) local ratio = utils_xml.screen_ratio() move(self.btn_sleep, 70.5 * ratio, 0) move(self.btn_cancel, 70.5 * ratio, 0) self.btn_set_spawn = xml:Init3tButton("btn_set_spawn", self.back) self:Register(self.btn_set_spawn, "btn_set_spawn") -- Edited by Sota -- if not utils_xml.is_widescreen() then -- move(self.btn_set_spawn, 40, 0) -- end end function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.InitCallbacks(self) _InitCallbacks(self) if not soulslike.IsSoulslikeMode() then return end self:AddCallback("btn_set_spawn", ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.OnButtonSetSpawn, self) end function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep:OnButtonSetSpawn() soulslike.set_spawn(true); end