You are underground, can not feel the current weather
The weather is
You feel no wind. The air is calm.
You feel a slight breeze.
You feel weak wind.
You feel moderate wind.
You feel strong wind.
The wind is really strong.
The wind is stormy, and whistling strongly.
The wind is stormy, and whistling strongly.
It blows from the direction of
north east.
south east.
south west.
north west.
partly clear
The wind has become stormy and blowing radioactive dust! Find shelter stalkers, it is dangerous out there!
The wind is getting stronger, take caution!
The wind has calmed down a bit, but it is strong still. Do not let your guard down yet!
The wind has weakened, we can relax for now stalkers...
A miracle: almost no clouds in the sky! Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.
The fog has disappeared to reveal a bright, sunny day.
The clouds have disappeared, let's enjoy the clear sky again! No pun intended...
The rain has ended, we will see the clear sky soon! No pun intended still...
The storm is calming down, and I can already see the sun poking through!
Weather is currently partly cloudy. 60% chance of fog or condensation a few hours from now.
Fog is clearing up. Winds are at 5 to 10 mph. Currently partly cloudy.
The clouds have started breaking up. Don't expect it to last.
The rain clouds have started breaking up. We're seeing rapid dispersion into partly cloudy conditions.
The storm clouds have started breaking up, expect milder weather for the next few hours. Unless an emission happens, of course...
Humidity levels have taken an unexpectedly sharp increase. Fog has engulfed the Zone. Check your fire, and watch out for mutants.
Humidity levels rising. We're moving from partly cloudy into foggy conditions. Take things slow, and don't get too trigger happy.
Good news: You won't see a cloud in the sky. Bad news: It's because of the fog.
Condensation has shifted from rainfall to fog. Keep that scarf or respirator on if you've got weak lungs.
We've gone from thunderstorms into fog. Expect humidity levels to keep rising over the next few hours, but don't expect to get much Vitamin D today.
We've seen sharp rises in humidity. Expect cloudy weather to persist for the next few hours.
Looks like the clouds are getting thicker. If they don't clear in the next few hours, expect a chance of rain.
The weather has shifted from foggy to cloudy conditions. Expect temperature levels to drop.
Precipitation has stopped. Expect ground temperatures and humidity levels to rise. There are still thick clouds overhead.
Expect cloud coverage to be thick but quiet for the next few hours. There's a 40% chance of the sky clearing later today.
Sudden rainfall has struck the Zone. There's a 20% chance that it'll get worse.
Cloud coverage has rapidly thickened, and we're seeing a sudden bout of rainfall. Hope your suit is waterproof.
Temperature levels are dropping. Expect moderate to heavy precipitation for the next few hours.
Good news: The fog has cleared! Unfortunately, it's now raining.
If you step outside, you'll notice the weather is no longer cold, wet and stormy: now it's just cold and wet!
If you were having a picnic by the roadside, I pity you. Today's sunny weather has been interrupted by a freak thunderstorm. Expect it to last.
Cloud coverage has rapidly thickened, and I'm already seeing flashes of lightning! Keep your gadgets safe.
Ground temperature levels are dropping rapidly. Expect heavy storms: keep your electronics safe.
After a nice refreshing rainfall, why not enjoy the coming thunderstorm? On the bright side, there's a 60% chance of it clearing in a few hours.
The fog has just been blown away... by a thunderstorm. Ground temperature levels are falling rapidly.
A miracle: almost no clouds in the sky! Enjoy some stargazing.
The fog has disappeared to reveal a bright, starry night.
The storm is calming down, and I can already see the moon poking through!
If you were having a picnic by the roadside, I pity you. Tonight's romantic atmosphere has been interrupted by a freak thunderstorm. Expect it to last.