// [ SETTINGS ] [ AMBIENT OCCLUSION ] #define G_SSDO_RENDER_DIST 150.0f // Max rendering distance. #define G_SSDO_RADIUS 0.4f // AO radius, higher values means more occlusion coverage with less detail and intensity. ( Recommended 0.1 ~ 0.5 ) #define G_SSDO_INTENSITY 7.0f // General AO intensity. #define G_SSDO_FLORA_INTENSITY 1.0f // Flora intensity. [ 1.0f = 100% ~ 2.0f = 200% ] #define G_SSDO_NOISE_MIN 0.2f // Minimum noise intensity. #define G_SSDO_NOISE_MAX 1.0f // Maximum noise intensity. ( Noise increase intensity through distance ) #define G_SSDO_MAX_OCCLUSION 0.0f // Maximum obscurance for a pixel. 0 = full black #define G_SSDO_SMOOTH 1.3f // AO softer. Highly occluded pixels will be more affected than low occluded ones. #define G_SSDO_WEAPON_LENGTH 2.0f // Maximum distance to apply G_SSDO_WEAPON_RADIUS, G_SSDO_WEAPON_INTENSITY, etc. #define G_SSDO_WEAPON_RADIUS 0.02f // Weapon radius, higher values means more occlusion coverage with less details. #define G_SSDO_WEAPON_INTENSITY 0.4f // Weapon intensity. [ 1.0f = 100% ] //#define G_SSDO_DETAILED_SEARCH // Add an extra check to the AO search. By default more detailed. ( 20% of G_SSDO_RADIUS for Scenary and 50% for weapons ) #define G_SSDO_DETAILED_RADIUS 0.2f // Detailed search radius. [ 1.0f = 100% ] #define G_SSDO_DETAILED_WEAPON_RADIUS 0.5f // Detailed serach radius for weapons. [ 1.0f = 100% ]