; Base signal source classes - don't edit this unless ; you need to add new classes of artifact/stash box ; that NERFS isn't recognizing. This should almost ; never be necessary. [class_artifact] exact_match = true match_by = section clsid = artefact dist = 50 snd = func func = item_radio.sfx_random_noise action = item_radio.signal_active_artifact [class_script_artifact] exact_match = true match_by = section clsid = artefact_s dist = 50 snd = func func = item_radio.sfx_random_noise action = item_radio.signal_active_artifact [class_inventory_box] exact_match = true match_by = rfid clsid = inventory_box dist = 70 snd = rfid_beep action = item_radio.signal_stash_rfid [class_inventory_box_s] exact_match = true match_by = rfid clsid = inventory_box_s dist = 70 snd = rfid_beep action = item_radio.signal_stash_rfid