--[[ Monkey patch to ammo_check script when running check_ammo it shows the firemode check also if the mod is enabled 20/11/2020 Anomaly game scripts used as reference: ui_sidhud.script by RavenAscendant Author: strangerism --]] function monkey() end if ammo_check_mcm then monkey = ammo_check_mcm.check_Ammo end function monkey_check_Ammo() monkey() -- printf("[ammo_check_mcm] Hey! I have been monkey patched by z_ammo_check_mcm.script") if magazines then zzzz_dynahud.dynahud_mags_ui_update_ammocheck(zzzz_dynahud.ACTION.AMMO_CHECK) else zzzz_dynahud.weapon_hud_update(zzzz_dynahud.ACTION.AMMO_CHECK) end if ish_firemode and zzzz_dynahud.DYNAHUD_DYNAMIC_MAGHUD_WEAPON_CHECK then ish_firemode.show_firemode() end end if ammo_check_mcm then ammo_check_mcm.check_Ammo = monkey_check_Ammo end function on_game_start() printf("[z_ui_sidhud_mcm] I am monkey patching ui_sidhud_mcm.script") if ammo_check_mcm then printf("Enabling DYNAHUD_AMMOCHECK_SUPPORT") else printf("DYNAHUD_AMMOCHECK_SUPPORT not Enabled") end end