function surge_started() return surge_manager.is_loaded() and surge_manager.is_started() or psi_storm_manager.is_loaded() and psi_storm_manager.is_started() end local enable_debug = false function print_dbg(fmt,...) if enable_debug then printf("Psi-Storm Manager | " .. fmt,...) end end -- local psi_kill = psi_storm_manager.CPsiStormManager.kill_objects_at_pos psi_storm_manager.CPsiStormManager.kill_objects_at_pos = function(self, vortex_pos, fate) -- if (load_var(,"surge_immuned",false) == true) then -- return -- end if (not vortex_pos) then return end printdbg("kill_objects_at_pos | pos: %s - fate: %s", vortex_pos, fate) local sm = surge_manager.get_surge_manager() local id, comm, npc_pos, se_npc, npc, squad, squad_id, smart, surge_smart local board = SIMBOARD local sim = alife() for i=1, #db.OnlineStalkers do id = db.OnlineStalkers[i] npc =[id] and[id].object or level.object_by_id(id) if npc then comm = npc:character_community() npc_pos = npc:position() if npc_pos and IsStalker(npc) -- must be stalker and npc:alive() -- must be alive and (comm ~= "monolith") -- not monolith (immune) and (comm ~= "zombied") -- not zombied (immune) and (not get_object_story_id(id)) -- not story npc and (distance_2d(vortex_pos, npc_pos) < self.max_distance_npc_hit) -- npc is close to psi-vortex and not (id == AC_ID and level_environment.is_actor_immune()) -- npc is actor and not immune and not surge_manager_ignore_npc.ignore_npc[npc:section()] -- not important npc (immune) and not sm:pos_in_cover(npc_pos) -- not in cover and not sm:check_grace_threshold(npc) then se_npc = sim:object(id) squad_id = se_npc.group_id squad = squad_id and sim:object(squad_id) if se_npc and squad then smart = board and squad.smart_id and board.smarts[squad.smart_id] and board.smarts[squad.smart_id].smrt surge_smart = smart and smart.props and (tonumber(smart.props["surge"]) > 0) -- if not (surge_smart or sm:pos_in_cover(npc_pos)) then -- if stalker is not in a safe smart or not inside if not sm:pos_in_cover(npc_pos) then -- if stalker is not inside self.humanParticles[squad_id.."_"] = particles_object("crommcruac\\electrocute_human") self.humanParticles[squad_id.."_"]:play_at_pos(npc_pos) if (fate == "turn_to_zombie") then print_dbg('kill_objects_at_pos | turn_to_zombie [%s]',se_npc:name()) sm:turn_to_zombie(se_npc,squad) elseif (fate == "explode") then print_dbg('kill_objects_at_pos | explode [%s]',se_npc:name()) sm:explode(se_npc) else print_dbg('kill_objects_at_pos | kill [%s]',se_npc:name()) npc:kill(npc) end end end else if not (IsStalker(npc)) then print_dbg('cant kill %s must be stalker', npc:name()) end if not (npc:alive()) then print_dbg('cant kill %s must be alive', npc:name()) end if not ((comm ~= "monolith")) then print_dbg('cant kill %s is monolith (immune)', npc:name()) end if not ((comm ~= "zombied")) then print_dbg('cant kill %s is zombied (immune)', npc:name()) end if not ((not get_object_story_id(id))) then print_dbg('cant kill %s is story npc', npc:name()) end if not ((distance_2d(vortex_pos, npc_pos) < self.max_distance_npc_hit)) then print_dbg('cant kill %s not close to psi-vortex', npc:name()) end if not (not (id == AC_ID and level_environment.is_actor_immune())) then print_dbg('cant kill %s npc is actor and immune', npc:id()) end if not (not surge_manager_ignore_npc.ignore_npc[npc:section()]) then print_dbg('cant kill %s, is important, section %s', npc:name(), npc:section()) end if npc_pos and sm:pos_in_cover(npc_pos) then sm:set_grace_threshold(npc) print_dbg('cant kill npc [%s] | in_cover: %s', npc:name(), npc_pos and sm:pos_in_cover(npc_pos,true)) end end end end end function npc_on_update(npc) if surge_started() then local surge_manager = surge_manager.get_surge_manager() if surge_manager:pos_in_cover(npc:position()) then surge_manager:set_grace_threshold(npc) end end end function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("npc_on_update", npc_on_update) end