local ini_eff = ini_file("plugins\\actor_effects.ltx") local snd_cam = sound_object([[interface\inv_camera]]) local device = device local string = string local math = math local last_slot = 0 local last_det = 0 local weapon_hidden = 0 local cam_dist = 0 local can_shoot = true local autohide = ui_options.get("video/hud/autohide_stamina_bar") local RENDERER = get_console_cmd(0,"renderer") local STATIC_LIGHT = 'renderer_r1' local IS_R1 = true --(RENDERER == STATIC_LIGHT) local STATIC_VINGETTE = false -- for +R2 - if true, it will draw vingette instead of relying on r2_mask_control local STATIC_MASK = true -- For R1 - if true, it will ignore distortion shader and use old mask overlay local detector_was_active = false local allow_states = { [0] = true, -- Idle [4] = true, -- Bore [9] = true -- Empty } local opt = {} function init_settings() local n = 0 local tbl = {} opt.radiation_ppe_threshold = ini_eff:r_float_ex("settings","radiation_ppe_threshold") or 0.45 opt.cam_dist = ini_eff:r_float_ex("settings","cam_dist") or 4 opt.speed = {} n = ini_eff:line_count("settings_speed") for i=0,n-1 do local result, id, value = ini_eff:r_line_ex("settings_speed",i,"","") if id and value then opt.speed[id] = tonumber(value) end end opt.health = {} opt.health.level1 = ini_eff:r_float_ex("settings_health","level1") opt.health.level2 = ini_eff:r_float_ex("settings_health","level2") opt.health.little_delta = ini_eff:r_float_ex("settings_health","little_delta") opt.health.little_ppe = ini_eff:r_string_ex("settings_health","little_ppe") or "amk_shoot.ppe" opt.health.middle_delta = ini_eff:r_float_ex("settings_health","middle_delta") opt.health.middle_anm = parse_list(ini_eff,"settings_health","middle_anm") opt.health.middle_snd = parse_list(ini_eff,"settings_health","middle_snd") opt.health.huge_delta = ini_eff:r_float_ex("settings_health","huge_delta") opt.health.huge_ppe = ini_eff:r_string_ex("settings_health","huge_ppe") or "total_recall.ppe" opt.health.huge_anm = parse_list(ini_eff,"settings_health","huge_anm") opt.health.huge_snd = parse_list(ini_eff,"settings_health","huge_snd") opt.health.drop_wnp_prob = ini_eff:r_float_ex("settings_health","drop_wnp_prob") opt.health.no_drop_wnp = parse_list(ini_eff,"settings_health","no_drop_wnp",true) opt.health.injury_snd = {} local injury_snd = parse_list(ini_eff,"settings_health","injury_snd") for i=1,#injury_snd do for k,v in string.gmatch(injury_snd[i], "([%w_%-%s%.]+)=([%w_%-%s%.]+)") do opt.health.injury_snd[k] = tonumber(v) end end opt.helmets = {} n = ini_eff:line_count("settings_helm") for i=0,n-1 do local result, id, value = ini_eff:r_line_ex("settings_helm",i,"","") if id and value then empty_table(tbl) tbl = parse_list(ini_eff,"settings_helm",id) opt.helmets[id] = {} opt.helmets[id].hud = tbl[1] or "hud_gas" opt.helmets[id].breakable = (tbl[2] == "true") and true or false opt.helmets[id].blurs = tbl[3] and tonumber(tbl[3]) or 2.5 opt.helmets[id].respi = (tbl[4] == "true") and true or false end end opt.helmets_vingette = {} n = ini_eff:line_count("settings_helm_vingette") for i=0,n-1 do local result, id, value = ini_eff:r_line_ex("settings_helm_vingette",i,"","") if id and value then opt.helmets_vingette[id] = tonumber(value) end end opt.helmets_reflect = {} n = ini_eff:line_count("settings_helm_reflection") for i=0,n-1 do local result, id, value = ini_eff:r_line_ex("settings_helm_reflection",i,"","") if id then opt.helmets_reflect[id] = true end end opt.helmets_con = {} n = ini_eff:line_count("settings_helm_con") for i=0,n-1 do local result, id, value = ini_eff:r_line_ex("settings_helm_con",i,"","") if id and value then empty_table(tbl) tbl = parse_list(ini_eff,"settings_helm_con",id) opt.helmets_con[id] = {} opt.helmets_con[id].con = tbl[1] and tonumber(tbl[1]) or 0 opt.helmets_con[id].hud = tbl[2] opt.helmets_con[id].fx = tbl[3] and tonumber(tbl[3]) or 0 end end end function init_main_settings() opt.enable_animations = ui_options.get("video/player/animations") opt.enable_shoot_effects = ui_options.get("video/player/shoot_effects") opt.enable_mask_hud = ui_options.get("video/player/mask_hud") opt.enable_breathing_sound = ui_options.get("sound/environment/breathing_sound") opt.enable_breathing_fog = ui_options.get("video/player/breathing_fog") opt.enable_radiation_effect = ui_options.get("video/player/radiation_effect") opt.enable_blood_splash = ui_options.get("video/player/blood_splash") opt.enable_bleed_effect = ui_options.get("video/player/bleed_effect") opt.enable_hit_impact_effect = true --axr_main.config:r_value("mm_fx_options","enable_hit_impact_effect",1,true) opt.enable_item_swap_animation = ui_options.get("video/player/item_swap_animation") opt.enable_visor_reflection = ui_options.get("video/player/visor_reflection") end local wpn_fx = {} local function parse_anims(sec) local sec_p = ini_sys:r_string_ex(sec,"parent_section") or sec if wpn_fx[sec_p] and (sec ~= sec_p) then wpn_fx[sec] = wpn_fx[sec_p] elseif ini_eff:section_exist(sec_p) then local tbl = {} -- parse strength tbl.s = {} local s = ini_eff:r_string_ex(sec_p,"s") local _s = str_explode(s,",") for i=1,#_s do tbl.s[#tbl.s + 1] = tonumber(_s[i]) end -- parse strength randomizer tbl.r = ini_eff:r_float_ex(sec_p,"r") -- parse anm tbl.e = {} local e = ini_eff:r_string_ex(sec_p,"e") local _e = str_explode(e,",") for i=1,#_e do local __e = str_explode(_e[i],":") for j=1,#__e do __e[j] = tonumber(__e[j]) end tbl.e[#tbl.e + 1] = __e end -- parse ppe tbl.p = {} local p = ini_eff:r_string_ex(sec_p,"p") if p and p ~= "" then for k,v in string.gmatch(p, "([%w_%-%s%.]+)=([%w_%-%s%.]+)") do tbl.p[k] = tonumber(v) end end if (not wpn_fx[sec_p]) and (sec ~= sec_p) then wpn_fx[sec_p] = tbl end wpn_fx[sec] = tbl --utils_data.print_table(wpn_fx[sec]) else wpn_fx[sec] = true --printf("not recoil effect for [%s]", sec) end end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger -------------------------------------------------------------- local torch_anm_state = 0 local torch_anm_start = 0 local torch_anm_time = 0 local torch_anm_state_dbg = 0 local mc_anm_state = 0 local mc_anm_start = 0 local mc_anm_time_1 = 0 local mc_anm_time_2 = 0 local mc_anm_state_dbg = 0 local torch_anm_sec = "anim_headlamp" local mc_anm_sec = "anim_mask_clean" local snd_headlamp = sound_object('interface\\inv_torch') local snd_gasmask = sound_object('interface\\inv_mask_clean_3') local hqt_hide_anm_speed = 3.5 -- Weapon hide speed local hqt_grenade_slot = 4 local hqt_last_slot local hqt_state = 0 local hide_hand_speed = 1.5 function allow_animation() return (torch_anm_state == 0 and mc_anm_state == 0 and hqt_state == 0 and game.hud_motion_allowed() and (not game.only_movekeys_allowed()) and actor_menu.get_last_mode() == 0 and (not IsMoveState("mcClimb"))) end local lowered_anm_kinds = { ["w_sniper"] = true, ["w_rifle"] = true, ["w_smg"] = true, ["w_shotgun"] = true, } local lowered_anm_classes = { ["WP_VAL"] = true, ["WP_AK74"] = true, ["WP_LR300"] = true, ["WP_BM16"] = true, ["WP_SVD"] = true, ["WP_SVU"] = true, ["WP_GROZA"] = true, ["WP_ASHTG"] = true, ["WP_ASHTG"] = true, ["WP_SHOTG"] = true, ["WP_RG6"] = true, ["WP_RPG7"] = true, ["D_PDA"] = true, } function Hit_TorchToggle() -- Check if headlamp is equipped. No need for battery check if (not allow_animation()) or (not item_device.can_toggle_torch()) then return end local weapon_zoomed = axr_main.weapon_is_zoomed and (not (IsPistol(db.actor:active_item(),nil)) or db.actor:active_detector()) local det_active = db.actor:active_detector() or nil local det_hide_time = 0 local new_speed = 0 local anm_name = "script\\headlamp.anm" local anm_additional_length = 0.45 if (db.actor:active_item()) then local itm = db.actor:active_item() local hud = ini_sys:r_string_ex(itm:section(),"hud") or "hud_base" local name = ini_sys:r_string_ex(hud,"gasmask_anm") if (name) then anm_name = name else local kind = ini_sys:r_string_ex(itm:section(),"kind") or nil local class = ini_sys:r_string_ex(itm:section(),"class") or nil if ((kind and lowered_anm_kinds[kind]) or (class and lowered_anm_classes[class])) then anm_name = "script\\lower.anm" anm_additional_length = 0.8 end end if (not det_active and weapon_zoomed) then if (get_console():get_bool("wpn_aim_toggle")) then level.press_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) else level.release_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) end end end if (det_active) then if (weapon_zoomed) then det_active:switch_state(2) det_hide_time = (det_active:play_hud_motion("anm_zoom_hide_fast", true, 3, 1, 0) / 1000) if (get_console():get_bool("wpn_aim_toggle")) then level.press_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) else level.release_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) end else det_hide_time = (det_active:play_hud_motion("anm_hide_fast", true, 3, 2, 0) / 1000) + 0.1 end if (det_hide_time == 0) then det_hide_time = (det_active:play_hud_motion("anm_hide", true, 3, 3.5, 0) / 1000) + 0.1 end end local function torch_toggle_anim_fast() local time_g = time_global() if (torch_anm_state == 1) then game.play_hud_motion(1, torch_anm_sec, "anm_switch", true, 0.75) level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\headlamp\\headlamp.anm", 7539, false, "", 0, false) torch_anm_start = time_g torch_anm_state = 2 elseif (torch_anm_state == 2) and (time_g > torch_anm_start + torch_anm_time - 350) then snd_headlamp:play(db.actor,0,sound_object.s2d) item_device.toggle_torch() torch_anm_state = 3 elseif (torch_anm_state == 3) and (time_g > torch_anm_start + torch_anm_time + 1) then torch_anm_state = 0 torch_anm_start = 0 torch_anm_state_dbg = 0 game.only_allow_movekeys(false) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(true) RemoveTimeEvent(0, "play_torch_toggle") end if DEV_DEBUG and (torch_anm_state_dbg ~= torch_anm_state) then torch_anm_state_dbg = torch_anm_state --printf("- Torch animation | state reached: %s - time: %s", torch_anm_state, time_g) end return false end local function torch_toggle_anim() local time_g = time_global() if (torch_anm_state == 1) then if (det_active) then det_active:switch_state(3) db.actor:force_hide_detector() end game.play_hud_motion(1, mc_anm_sec, "anm_hide_hand", true, hide_hand_speed) new_speed = game.set_hud_anm_time(anm_name, ((torch_anm_time + mc_anm_time_1) / 1000) + anm_additional_length) torch_anm_start = time_g torch_anm_state = 2 elseif (torch_anm_state == 2) and (time_g > torch_anm_start + mc_anm_time_1 - 10) then game.play_hud_motion(1, torch_anm_sec, "anm_switch", true, 1) level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\headlamp\\headlamp.anm", 7539, false, "", 0, false) torch_anm_state = 3 elseif (torch_anm_state == 3) and (time_g > torch_anm_start + mc_anm_time_1 + torch_anm_time - 550) then snd_headlamp:play(db.actor,0,sound_object.s2d) item_device.toggle_torch() torch_anm_state = 4 elseif (torch_anm_state == 4) and (time_g > torch_anm_start + mc_anm_time_1 + torch_anm_time + 15) then if (new_speed) then game.play_hud_anm(anm_name, 2, new_speed, 1, false, true) end if (det_active) then db.actor:show_detector(true) end torch_anm_state = 5 elseif (torch_anm_state == 5) and (time_g > torch_anm_start + mc_anm_time_1 + torch_anm_time + (anm_additional_length * 1000 + 100)) then torch_anm_state = 0 torch_anm_start = 0 torch_anm_state_dbg = 0 game.only_allow_movekeys(false) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(true) RemoveTimeEvent(0, "play_torch_toggle") end if DEV_DEBUG and (torch_anm_state_dbg ~= torch_anm_state) then torch_anm_state_dbg = torch_anm_state --printf("- Torch animation | state reached: %s - time: %s", torch_anm_state, time_g) end return false end torch_anm_state = 1 game.only_allow_movekeys(true) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(false) if (not db.actor:active_item() and not det_active) then CreateTimeEvent(0, "play_torch_toggle", det_hide_time, torch_toggle_anim_fast) else CreateTimeEvent(0, "play_torch_toggle", det_hide_time, torch_toggle_anim) end end function Hit_MaskCleaning() -- Check if mask overlay is ON if (not allow_animation()) or (not is_mask_on()) then return end local weapon_zoomed = axr_main.weapon_is_zoomed and (not (IsPistol(db.actor:active_item(),nil)) or db.actor:active_detector()) local det_active = db.actor:active_detector() or nil local det_hide_time = 0 local new_speed = 0 local anm_name = "script\\gasmask.anm" local anm_additional_length = 0.45 if (db.actor:active_item()) then local itm = db.actor:active_item() local hud = ini_sys:r_string_ex(itm:section(),"hud") or "hud_base" local name = ini_sys:r_string_ex(hud,"gasmask_anm") if (name) then anm_name = name else local kind = ini_sys:r_string_ex(itm:section(),"kind") or nil local class = ini_sys:r_string_ex(itm:section(),"class") or nil if ((kind and lowered_anm_kinds[kind]) or (class and lowered_anm_classes[class])) then anm_name = "script\\lower.anm" anm_additional_length = 0.75 end end if (not det_active and weapon_zoomed) then if (get_console():get_bool("wpn_aim_toggle")) then level.press_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) else level.release_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) end end end if (det_active) then if (weapon_zoomed) then det_active:switch_state(2) det_hide_time = (det_active:play_hud_motion("anm_zoom_hide_fast", true, 3, 1, 0) / 1000) if (get_console():get_bool("wpn_aim_toggle")) then level.press_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) else level.release_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) end else det_hide_time = (det_active:play_hud_motion("anm_hide_fast", true, 3, 2, 0) / 1000) + 0.1 end if (det_hide_time == 0) then det_hide_time = (det_active:play_hud_motion("anm_hide", true, 3, 3.5, 0) / 1000) + 0.1 end end local function mask_cleaning_anim_fast() local time_g = time_global() if (mc_anm_state == 1) then game.play_hud_motion(1, mc_anm_sec, "anm_wipe", false, 1) snd_gasmask:play(db.actor,0,sound_object.s2d) level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\weapon\\gasmask_swipe1.anm", 7538, false, "", 0, false) mc_anm_start = time_g mc_anm_state = 2 elseif (mc_anm_state == 2) and (time_g > mc_anm_start + mc_anm_time_2 - 400) then level_environment.droplets_reset() mc_anm_state = 3 elseif (mc_anm_state == 3) and (time_g > mc_anm_start + mc_anm_time_2 + 1) then mc_anm_state = 0 mc_anm_start = 0 mc_anm_state_dbg = 0 game.only_allow_movekeys(false) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(true) RemoveTimeEvent(0, "play_mask_cleaning") end if DEV_DEBUG and (mc_anm_state_dbg ~= mc_anm_state) then mc_anm_state_dbg = mc_anm_state --printf("- Gasmask wipe animation | state reached: %s - time: %s", mc_anm_state, time_g) end return false end local function mask_cleaning_anim() local time_g = time_global() if (mc_anm_state == 1) then if (det_active) then det_active:switch_state(3) db.actor:force_hide_detector() else game.play_hud_anm(anm_name, 0, 1, 1, false) end game.play_hud_motion(1, mc_anm_sec, "anm_hide_hand", true, hide_hand_speed) new_speed = game.set_hud_anm_time(anm_name, ((mc_anm_time_1 + mc_anm_time_2) / 1000) + anm_additional_length) mc_anm_start = time_g mc_anm_state = 2 elseif (mc_anm_state == 2) and (time_g > mc_anm_start + mc_anm_time_1 - 10) then game.play_hud_motion(1, mc_anm_sec, "anm_wipe", false, 1) snd_gasmask:play(db.actor,0,sound_object.s2d) level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\weapon\\gasmask_swipe1.anm", 7538, false, "", 0, false) mc_anm_state = 3 elseif (mc_anm_state == 3) and (time_g > mc_anm_start + mc_anm_time_1 + mc_anm_time_2 - 400) then level_environment.droplets_reset() mc_anm_state = 4 elseif (mc_anm_state == 4) and (time_g > mc_anm_start + mc_anm_time_1 + mc_anm_time_2 + 15) then if (new_speed) then game.play_hud_anm(anm_name, 2, new_speed, 1, false, true) end if (det_active) then db.actor:show_detector(true) end mc_anm_state = 5 elseif (mc_anm_state == 5) and (time_g > mc_anm_start + mc_anm_time_1 + mc_anm_time_2 + (anm_additional_length * 1000 + 100)) then mc_anm_state = 0 mc_anm_start = 0 mc_anm_state_dbg = 0 game.only_allow_movekeys(false) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(true) RemoveTimeEvent(0, "play_mask_cleaning") end if DEV_DEBUG and (mc_anm_state_dbg ~= mc_anm_state) then mc_anm_state_dbg = mc_anm_state --printf("- Gasmask wipe animation | state reached: %s - time: %s", mc_anm_state, time_g) end return false end mc_anm_state = 1 game.only_allow_movekeys(true) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(false) if (not db.actor:active_item() and not det_active) then CreateTimeEvent(0, "play_mask_cleaning", det_hide_time, mask_cleaning_anim_fast) else CreateTimeEvent(0, "play_mask_cleaning", det_hide_time, mask_cleaning_anim) end end function Hit_GrenadeQuickthrow() -- Rezy if (not allow_animation()) or (not db.actor:item_in_slot(hqt_grenade_slot)) or db.actor:get_current_holder() ~= nil then return end local weapon_zoomed = axr_main.weapon_is_zoomed and (not (IsPistol(db.actor:active_item(),nil)) or db.actor:active_detector()) local firekey = bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_FIRE) local switch_delay = 0 local wpn local det_active = db.actor:active_detector() or nil hqt_last_slot = db.actor:active_slot() if (weapon_zoomed) then if (get_console():get_bool("wpn_aim_toggle")) then level.press_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) else level.release_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) end end if (hqt_last_slot == hqt_grenade_slot) then level.press_action(firekey) return elseif (hqt_last_slot ~= 0) then wpn = db.actor:active_item() if wpn then local state = wpn:get_state() if (state ~= 0 and state ~= 1 and state ~= 2) then return end switch_delay = (wpn:play_hud_motion("anm_hide", true, 3, hqt_hide_anm_speed, 0) / 1000) end end if (det_active) then local det_hide_time = (det_active:play_hud_motion("anm_hide_fast", true, 3, 2, 0) / 1000) if (det_hide_time == 0) then det_hide_time = (det_active:play_hud_motion("anm_hide", true, 3, hqt_hide_anm_speed, 0) / 1000) end if (det_hide_time > switch_delay) then switch_delay = det_hide_time end end local function switch_to_throw() local grn = db.actor:item_in_slot(hqt_grenade_slot) if (not grn) then game.only_allow_movekeys(false) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(true) hqt_state = 0 if (db.actor:active_slot() ~= hqt_last_slot) then db.actor:activate_slot(hqt_last_slot) end return true end if hqt_state == 1 then if det_active then det_active:switch_state(3) db.actor:force_hide_detector() end db.actor:activate_slot(hqt_grenade_slot) if wpn then wpn:switch_state(3) end hqt_state = 2 elseif hqt_state == 2 and db.actor:active_slot() == hqt_grenade_slot then grn:switch_state(0) hqt_state = 3 elseif hqt_state == 3 and grn:get_state() == 0 then level.press_action(firekey) hqt_state = 4 elseif hqt_state == 4 and (grn:get_state() == 1 or grn:get_state() == 2) then grn:switch_state(3) hqt_state = 5 elseif hqt_state == 5 then if (db.actor:active_slot() ~= hqt_last_slot) then db.actor:activate_slot(hqt_last_slot) if grn then grn:switch_state(3) end end if (det_active) then db.actor:show_detector(true) det_active:switch_state(1) end game.only_allow_movekeys(false) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(true) hqt_state = 0 return true end end hqt_state = 1 game.only_allow_movekeys(true) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(false) CreateTimeEvent(0, "switch_to_throw", switch_delay, switch_to_throw) end -- This should fix being stuck if a burer attacks you during grenade quickthrow local function burer_on_before_weapon_drop(burer,wpn,flags) if (hqt_state ~= 0) then flags.ret_value = false end end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Update -------------------------------------------------------------- local swap_last_id = nil local swap_last_det_st = nil local swap_last_wep_st = nil local weapon_classes = { ["D_PDA"] = "low", ["II_BOLT"] = "low", ["WP_KNIFE"] = "low", ["WP_BINOC"] = "low", ["G_F1"] = "low", ["G_F1_S"] = "low", ["G_RGD5_S"] = "low", ["WP_PM"] = "low", ["WP_HPSA"] = "low", ["WP_USP45"] = "low", ["WP_VAL"] = "med", ["WP_AK74"] = "med", ["WP_LR300"] = "med", ["WP_BM16"] = "med", ["WP_SVD"] = "med", ["WP_SVU"] = "med", ["WP_GROZA"] = "med", ["WP_ASHTG"] = "med", ["WP_ASHTG"] = "med", ["WP_SHOTG"] = "med", ["WP_RG6"] = "strong", ["WP_RPG7"] = "strong" } function Update_ItemSwap(actor) if (not opt.enable_item_swap_animation) then return end -- local detector = actor:active_detector() if detector then local det_state = detector:get_state() if (not swap_last_det_st) then swap_last_det_st = det_state end if (det_state ~= swap_last_det_st) then if (det_state ==1) or (det_state == 2) then local rand = math.random(1,4) level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\switch\\low" .. rand .. ".anm", 23233, false, '', 0, false) end swap_last_det_st = det_state end end -- local wpn = actor:active_item() if wpn then local wpn_id = wpn:id() if (not swap_last_id) then swap_last_id = wpn_id end --local se_wpn = alife_object(wpn_id) local wpn_class = ini_sys:r_string(wpn:section(), "class") if weapon_classes[wpn_class] then local effect_type = weapon_classes[wpn_class] local state = wpn:get_state() if not swap_last_wep_st then swap_last_wep_st = state end if state ~= swap_last_wep_st then if (state == 1) or (state == 2) then local rand = math.random(1,4) level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\switch\\" .. effect_type .. rand .. ".anm", 23232, false, '', 0, false) end swap_last_wep_st = state end swap_last_id = wpn_id end else swap_last_id = 0 end end local function actor_on_weapon_lower(wpn) if wpn then local rand = math.random(1,4) level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\switch\\low" .. rand .. ".anm", 23231, false, '') end end local function actor_on_weapon_raise(wpn) if wpn then local rand = math.random(1,4) level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\switch\\low" .. rand .. ".anm", 23231, false, '') end end local time_disabled = 0 local animation_start = false local item_in_use = {} local item_not_in_use = true function Update_Animations(actor) if item_not_in_use then return end local in_use = 0 for tg_m, t in pairs(item_in_use) do in_use = in_use + 1 local remov = true local tg = time_global() - tonumber(tg_m) -- time frame of an action has been reached -> excute then clear action for milli, action in pairs(t) do remov = false if (tg > milli) then assert(loadstring(action))() item_in_use[tg_m][milli] = nil --actor:give_game_news(tostring(tg), action, "ui_iconsTotal_grouping", 0, 5000, 0) end end -- no action is left? -> clear the fx from the table if remov then in_use = in_use - 1 item_in_use[tg_m] = nil end end item_not_in_use = (in_use == 0) end local rad_removed function Update_Rad(actor) if (not opt.enable_radiation_effect) then if (not rad_removed) then rad_removed = true level.remove_pp_effector(2020) end return end rad_removed = false local radiation = actor.radiation if (radiation > 0) then if (radiation > opt.radiation_ppe_threshold) then level.add_pp_effector("radiation.ppe", 2020, true) else level.remove_pp_effector(2020) end level.set_pp_effector_factor(2020, radiation) if (math.random() < radiation) then radiation = (radiation > 0.5) and (math.random() < radiation/1.3) and "click3" or math.random(8) local snd = sound_object("detectors\\geiger_" .. radiation) snd:play(actor, 0, sound_object.s2d) end end end local curr_hud local helm_con local helm_fog = 0 local helm_hud_pre = "" local helm_curr local helm_off = false local helm_respi_state = false local helm_removed local helm_fx = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0} -- Shaders local helm_fx_old = {false,false,false,false} local helm_r1_vingette = "hud_vingette" function Update_Mask(actor) if (not opt.enable_mask_hud) then if (not helm_removed) then helm_removed = true exec_console_cmd("r2_mask_control 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0") HUD_mask(false, false, false) end return end helm_removed = false helm_fx[1] = 0.0 helm_fx[2] = 0.0 helm_fx[3] = 0.0 helm_fx[4] = 0.0 local helm_hud, helm_name, helm_respi -- Get helmet hud info local helmet = actor:alive() and (actor:item_in_slot(12) or actor:get_current_outfit()) if helmet and (not helm_off) then local sec = helmet:section() if opt.helmets[sec] then helm_con = "blue1" if (opt.helmets[sec].breakable) then local cond = helmet:condition() for i=1,10 do local idx = "_" .. tostring(i) if (opt.helmets_con[idx].con < cond) then helm_con = opt.helmets_con[idx].hud helm_fx[1] = opt.helmets_con[idx].fx break end end end helm_hud_pre = STATIC_MASK and opt.helmets[sec].hud or "hud_gas" helm_fog = opt.helmets[sec].blurs helm_hud = helm_hud_pre .. "_" .. helm_con helm_respi = opt.helmets[sec].respi helm_name = helmet:name() helm_fx[2] = opt.helmets_vingette[helm_hud_pre] or 0.0 helm_fx[3] = opt.enable_visor_reflection and opt.helmets_reflect[helm_hud_pre] and 1.0 or 0.0 helm_fx[4] = 1.0 end end -- Set mask HUD on/off if helm_off then helm_fx[1] = 0.0 helm_fx[2] = 0.0 helm_fx[3] = 0.0 helm_fx[4] = 0.0 HUD_mask(false, false, false) else HUD_mask(helm_hud, helm_name, helm_respi) end -- Set distortion, vingette, reflection effect for +R2 if (helm_fx[1] ~= helm_fx_old[1]) or (helm_fx[2] ~= helm_fx_old[2]) or (helm_fx[3] ~= helm_fx_old[3]) or (helm_fx[4] ~= helm_fx_old[4]) then helm_fx_old[1] = helm_fx[1] helm_fx_old[2] = helm_fx[2] helm_fx_old[3] = helm_fx[3] helm_fx_old[4] = helm_fx[4] exec_console_cmd("r2_mask_control " .. tostring(helm_fx[1]) .. "," .. tostring(helm_fx[2]) .. "," .. tostring(helm_fx[3]) .. "," .. tostring(helm_fx[4])) end end local fog_removed function Update_Fog(actor) if (not opt.enable_breathing_fog) then if (not fog_removed) then fog_removed = true HUD_fog(false) end return end fog_removed = false if curr_hud and (helm_fog > 0) and not string.find(curr_hud,"_red3") then local stretchy = 0.65/(math.floor(device().height/device().width*1000)/1000) if (stretchy < 1) then stretchy = 1 end local rect = {x = 0, y = -(stretchy-1)*300, w = 1024, h = 768*stretchy} HUD_fog(true, actor, rect) else HUD_fog(false) end end local health_play = 0 local snd_tg = 0 local actor_speed = {x=0, y=0, z=0} local actor_speed_time = 0 function Update_Breathing(actor) if (not opt.enable_breathing_sound) then return end --local cam_dist = actor:bone_position("bip01_head"):distance_to_sqr(device().cam_pos) local pos = actor:position() local speed = (pos.x - actor_speed.x)^2 + (pos.y - actor_speed.y)^2 + (pos.z - actor_speed.z)^2 actor_speed.x = pos.x actor_speed.y = pos.y actor_speed.z = pos.z if (speed > opt.speed.mini) then actor_speed_time = actor_speed_time + opt.speed.inc elseif actor_speed_time > opt.speed.dec then actor_speed_time = actor_speed_time - opt.speed.dec end actor_speed_time = math.min(32, actor_speed_time + actor.bleeding * opt.speed.k_bleed) if is_respi_on() then play_sound_breath_mask(actor) else play_sound_breath(actor) end end local bleed_set = false local bleed_rad_eff = false local bleed_1_tg = 0 local bleed_2 = false local bleed_removed function Update_Bleeding(actor) if (not opt.enable_bleed_effect) then if (not bleed_removed) then bleed_removed = true level.remove_pp_effector(2012) level.remove_pp_effector(2013) level.remove_pp_effector(2015) end return end bleed_removed = false if (actor.health < 0.21) and (bleed_set ~= true) then level.add_pp_effector("alcohol.ppe",2012,true) bleed_set = true end if (actor.health > 0.20) and (bleed_set ~= false) then level.remove_pp_effector(2012) bleed_set = false end if (actor.radiation > 0.3) and (bleed_rad_eff ~= true) then level.add_pp_effector("alcohol.ppe",2013,true) bleed_rad_eff = true end if (actor.radiation == 0) and (bleed_rad_eff ~= false) then level.remove_pp_effector(2013) bleed_rad_eff = false end if (actor.bleeding > 0.5) and (actor.health < 0.2) and bleed_1_tg < time_global() then level.add_pp_effector("deimos1.ppe",2014,false) bleed_1_tg = time_global() + math.random(4000,10000) end if (actor.bleeding > 0.5) and (actor.power < 0.25) and (bleed_2 ~= true) then level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\pripyat_horror.anm",1001,false, "") level.add_pp_effector("snd_shock.ppe",2015,true) bleed_2 = true end if (actor.bleeding < 0.2) or (actor.power > 0.7) and (bleed_2 ~= false) then level.remove_pp_effector(2015) bleed_2 = false end end local actor_last_health = 0 local blood_tg = 0 local blood_tg_b = 0 local blood_state = "no" local blood_count = 0 function Update_Blood(actor) local hud = get_hud() if opt.enable_blood_splash and actor:alive() and (not ui_disabled) then local current_health = math.floor(actor.health*100) local tg = time_global() if (tg > blood_tg) then if (blood_state == "stopit") then if hud:GetCustomStatic("hud_blood" .. blood_count) then hud:RemoveCustomStatic("hud_blood" .. blood_count) end blood_count = blood_count - 1 if (blood_count == 0) then blood_state = "no" end blood_tg = time_global()+110 else if (actor_last_health ~= 0) and (actor_last_health > current_health) and (actor.radiation < 0.12) then if (current_health < math.random(100)) then blood_state = "yes" end level.add_pp_effector("bloody.ppe",2010,false) end if (blood_state == "yes") then blood_tg = time_global() + math.random(500,2000) else blood_tg = time_global() + math.random(2000,5000) end actor_last_health = current_health end end if (tg > blood_tg_b) and (blood_state == "yes") then blood_tg_b = time_global() + 130 blood_count = blood_count + 1 hud:AddCustomStatic("hud_blood" .. blood_count) if (blood_count == 4) then blood_state = "stopit" end end else for i=1,4 do if hud:GetCustomStatic("hud_blood" .. i) then hud:RemoveCustomStatic("hud_blood" .. i) end end end end local prev_health = 0 local impact_snd, impact_cam local impact_removed function Update_Impact(actor) if (not opt.enable_hit_impact_effect) then if (not impact_removed) then impact_removed = true level.remove_pp_effector(2011) level.remove_pp_effector(2016) end return end impact_removed = false if (prev_health > (actor.health + 0.05)) then level.add_pp_effector(opt.health.little_ppe ,2011, false) level.set_pp_effector_factor(2011,(prev_health - actor.health)*100) if (prev_health > (actor.health + 0.2)) then if (prev_health > (actor.health + 0.5)) then level.add_pp_effector(opt.health.huge_ppe, 2016, false) level.set_pp_effector_factor(2016,(prev_health - actor.health)*100) impact_cam = opt.health.huge_anm impact_snd = opt.health.huge_snd else impact_cam = opt.health.middle_anm impact_snd = opt.health.middle_snd end -- play impact cam effect if (#impact_cam > 0) and (not shott) then level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\" .. impact_cam[math.random(#impact_cam)] .. ".anm", 999, false, "", 0, false) end -- play impact sound effect if (#impact_snd > 0) then local snd_obj = sound_object("actor\\" .. impact_snd[math.random(#impact_snd)]) snd_obj:play(actor,0,sound_object.s2d) end -- drop player's active item --[[if (math.random() < (prev_health - actor.health)/2.5) then local active_item = actor:active_item() if active_item and (not opt.health.no_drop_wnp[active_item:section()]) then actor:drop_item(active_item) end end--]] end end prev_health = actor.health end --[[ local ammo_current = -1 function Update_Shooting(actor) if (not opt.enable_shoot_effects) then return end local active_item = actor:active_item() local wpn = utils_item.item_is_fa(active_item) and active_item if wpn then local sec = wpn:section() if (not wpn_fx[sec]) then parse_anims(sec) end if (wpn_fx[sec] == true) then return end local ammo_in_mag = wpn:get_ammo_in_magazine() if (ammo_current ~= ammo_in_mag) and (wpn:get_state() == 5) then shoot_effect(sec) ammo_current = ammo_in_mag end end end --]] function Update_Shooting(obj, wpn, ammo_elapsed, grenade_elapsed, ammo_type, grenade_type) if (obj:id() ~= AC_ID) then return end if (not opt.enable_shoot_effects) then return end local wpn_obj = utils_item.item_is_fa(wpn) and wpn if wpn_obj then local sec = wpn_obj:section() if (not wpn_fx[sec]) then parse_anims(sec) end if (wpn_fx[sec] == true) then return end shoot_effect(sec) --printf("Shooting effect played for [%s]", sec) end end local bar_hp_check = true local bar_hp_old = true local bar_hp_new = true local bar_hp_first = true local bar_hp_trigger = 0.95 function Update_HealthHUD(actor) -- Autohide disabled if (not autohide) then if bar_hp_check then bar_hp_check = false local maingameui = ActorMenu.get_maingame() if (maingameui and maingameui.m_ui_hud_states) then maingameui.m_ui_hud_states.m_ui_health_bar_show = true end end return elseif bar_hp_first then bar_hp_first = false local maingameui = ActorMenu.get_maingame() if (maingameui and maingameui.m_ui_hud_states) then maingameui.m_ui_hud_states.m_ui_health_bar_show = true end else bar_hp_new = true --(actor.health < bar_hp_trigger) if (bar_hp_old ~= bar_hp_new) then local maingameui = ActorMenu.get_maingame() if (maingameui and maingameui.m_ui_hud_states) then maingameui.m_ui_hud_states.m_ui_health_bar_show = bar_hp_new end end end end local bar_pwr_check = true local bar_pwr_old = true local bar_pwr_new = true local bar_pwr_first = true local bar_pwr_trigger = 0.95 function Update_StaminaHUD(actor) -- Autohide disabled if (not autohide) then if bar_pwr_check then bar_pwr_check = false local maingameui = ActorMenu.get_maingame() if (maingameui and maingameui.m_ui_hud_states) then maingameui.m_ui_hud_states.m_ui_stamina_bar_show = true end end return elseif bar_pwr_first then bar_pwr_first = false local maingameui = ActorMenu.get_maingame() if (maingameui and maingameui.m_ui_hud_states) then maingameui.m_ui_hud_states.m_ui_stamina_bar_show = true end else bar_pwr_new = (actor.power < bar_pwr_trigger) if (bar_pwr_old ~= bar_pwr_new) then bar_pwr_old = bar_pwr_new local maingameui = ActorMenu.get_maingame() if (maingameui and maingameui.m_ui_hud_states) then maingameui.m_ui_hud_states.m_ui_stamina_bar_show = bar_pwr_new end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- HUD -------------------------------------------------------------- local fogs local fog_val = 0 -- level of fogging from 0 to 1 local fog_tg = 0 -- last update time local fog_cycle = 0 -- start time of the last breath cycle (exhale) local fog_last_phase = 0 local zbias = Frect():set(0,0,1024,1024) function HUD_fog(enabled, actor, rect) local hud = get_hud() -- Gather breathing fog textures for the first time if they not defined if (not fogs) then fogs = {} for i=1,4 do local pht = {} for ii = 1,10 do local static = "hud_blur" .. i .. "_" .. ii hud:AddCustomStatic(static) pht[ii] = hud:GetCustomStatic(static):wnd() end fogs[i] = pht end end -- Gather breathing fog for the first time if it's not defined if (not enabled) then for i,t in ipairs(fogs) do for ii,st in ipairs(t) do st:SetWndRect(Frect():set(0,0,0,0)) end end fog_val = 0 fog_cycle = time_global() fog_last_phase = 0 return end -- Cycles depending on the power of breathing: 0->1->0 0->1->2->4->5->0 0->1->2->3->4->5->0 5->4->3->4->5 4->3->4 local power = actor.power local period = 1.0 + (power * power * 1.0) -- current respiratory rate from 30 to 120 cycles per minute local expirt = 0.3 local delta = (time_global() - fog_tg)/1000 -- delta in seconds local phase = (time_global() - fog_cycle)/1000 -- phase of the respiratory cycle in seconds. fog_tg = time_global() if phase > period then phase = phase%period fog_cycle = fog_tg-phase*1000 end if (fog_last_phase > phase) then fog_last_phase = 0 end local blurdelta = delta * -0.7 -- ventilation operation if (fog_last_phase < expirt) and (phase < expirt) then blurdelta = blurdelta + (phase - fog_last_phase)*helm_fog elseif (fog_last_phase < expirt) then blurdelta = blurdelta + (expirt - fog_last_phase)*helm_fog end fog_last_phase = phase fog_val = fog_val + blurdelta if (fog_val > 0.999) then fog_val = 0.999 elseif (fog_val < 0) then fog_val = 0 end local tm = math.floor(fog_val*3) local tmn = (tm+1) local v = fog_val*3-math.floor(fog_val*3) v = 1-v local v1 = 1-v local n1 = math.ceil(v*10) local n2 = math.ceil(v1*10) for i=1,4 do for ii=1,10 do if (i == tm and ii == n1) then fogs[tm][n1]:SetWndRect(Frect():set(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h)) fogs[tm][n1]:SetTextureRect(Frect():set(zbias.x1/4, zbias.y1/4, zbias.x2/4, zbias.y2/4)) elseif (i == tmn and ii == n2) then fogs[tmn][n2]:SetWndRect(Frect():set(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h)) fogs[tmn][n2]:SetTextureRect(Frect():set(zbias.x1/4, zbias.y1/4, zbias.x2/4, zbias.y2/4)) else fogs[i][ii]:SetWndRect(Frect():set(0,0,0,0)) end end end end local mask_first_try = true function HUD_mask(helm_hud, helm_name, helm_respi) local hud = get_hud() local actor_pos = db.actor:bone_position("bip01_head") if (not helm_hud) or (cam_dist > opt.cam_dist) then if IS_R1 then -- Distortion/Mask UI local wchud = hud:GetCustomStatic(curr_hud) if wchud then hud:RemoveCustomStatic(curr_hud) end end if (IS_R1 and (not STATIC_MASK)) or STATIC_VINGETTE then -- Vingette local wchud = hud:GetCustomStatic(helm_r1_vingette) if wchud then hud:RemoveCustomStatic(helm_r1_vingette) end end curr_hud = nil mask_first_try = true helm_respi_state = false elseif (helm_hud ~= curr_hud) then if IS_R1 then -- Distortion/Mask UI if curr_hud then hud:RemoveCustomStatic(curr_hud) end hud:AddCustomStatic(helm_hud) end if (IS_R1 and (not STATIC_MASK)) or STATIC_VINGETTE then -- Vingette local wchud = hud:GetCustomStatic(helm_r1_vingette) if (not wchud) then hud:AddCustomStatic(helm_r1_vingette) end end if string.find(helm_hud, helm_hud_pre) then if (not mask_first_try) and (helm_con ~= "blue2") and (helm_con ~= "blue1") and (helm_name == helm_curr) then local snd_obj = sound_object("material\\glass\\glass_fall03hl") snd_obj:play(db.actor,0,sound_object.s2d) end if mask_first_try then mask_first_try = false end end helm_curr = helm_name curr_hud = helm_hud helm_respi_state = helm_respi end end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------- function play_item_fx(name) if (not opt.enable_animations) then return end if (not ini_eff:section_exist(tostring(name) or 'INVALID_ARG')) then printf("~WARNING actor_effects.play_item_fx | item animation [%s] doesn't exist!", name) return end if (time_global() > time_disabled) and animation_start then local tg = tostring(time_global()) item_not_in_use = false item_in_use[tg] = {} local n = ini_eff:line_count(name) for i=0,n-1 do local result, id, value = ini_eff:r_line_ex(name,i,"","") id = id and tonumber(id) if id and value then item_in_use[tg][id] = value end end end end function play_continuous_effect(period) --if (not opt.enable_animations) then return end local tot = 0 local one_p = 5600 --3801 local num = math.ceil(period/one_p) if (time_global() > time_disabled) then local tg = tostring(time_global()) item_not_in_use = false item_in_use[tg] = {} item_in_use[tg][0] = "actor_effects.use_weapon(0)" item_in_use[tg][1] = "xr_effects.disable_ui_inventory(db.actor, nil)" item_in_use[tg][2] = "xr_effects.disable_ui_lite_with_imput(db.actor, nil)" item_in_use[tg][550] = "level.add_cam_effector('camera_effects\\\\item_use.anm', 8053, false,'')" tot = 550 for i=1,num-1 do tot = tot + one_p item_in_use[tg][tot] = "level.add_cam_effector('camera_effects\\\\item_use.anm', 8053, false,'')" end tot = tot + one_p item_in_use[tg][tot] = "xr_effects.enable_ui_lite(db.actor, nil)" item_in_use[tg][tot + 1399] = "xr_effects.enable_imput(db.actor, nil)" item_in_use[tg][tot + 1999] = "actor_effects.use_weapon(1)" end end local breath_sound = 0 local gas_play = 0 function play_sound_breath_mask(actor) local tg = time_global() if (tg > snd_tg) then gas_play = gas_play + 1 if (gas_play > 8) then gas_play = 1 end breath_sound = sound_object("actor\\gas_breath_" .. tostring((actor.health > 0.2) and math.ceil((1.01 - actor.power)*3 + actor_speed_time/8) or 8) .. "_" .. gas_play) snd_tg = tg + breath_sound:length()*1.25 breath_sound:play(actor, 0, sound_object.s2d) breath_sound.volume = (cam_dist > opt.cam_dist) and 0 or (1 - cam_dist/opt.cam_dist) * 0.5 end end local run_play = 0 function play_sound_breath(actor) local tg = time_global() local health = actor.health if (tg < snd_tg) or (health < 0) then return end if (health > opt.health.level2) then if (actor_speed_time > opt.speed.time_mini) or (actor.power < opt.speed.stamina) or (run_play == 1) then run_play = run_play + 1 if (run_play > 2) then run_play = 1 end breath_sound = sound_object("actor\\run_" .. math.ceil(3*actor_speed_time/44) .. "_" .. run_play) breath_sound:play(actor, 0, sound_object.s2d) breath_sound.volume = (cam_dist > opt.cam_dist) and 0 or (1 - cam_dist/opt.cam_dist) snd_tg = tg+breath_sound:length()*1.15 else run_play = 2 end return end if (health <= opt.health.level1) then health = 1 if (math.random() < 0.1) then health_play = 0 else health_play = health_play + 1 if (health_play > 4) then health_play = 1 end end else health = 2 health_play = health_play+1 if (health_play > 4) then health_play = 1 end end snd_tg = tg + (opt.health.injury_snd["_"..health.."_"..health_play] or 4000) breath_sound = sound_object("actor\\health_" .. health .. "_" .. health_play) breath_sound:play(actor, 0, sound_object.s2d) breath_sound.volume = (cam_dist > opt.cam_dist) and 0 or (1 - cam_dist/opt.cam_dist) end local shotc = 1 local shott = 0 local fov_r = 1 function shoot_effect(sect) --printf("-SHOOT") if shott and (shott < time_global()) then shotc = 1 shott = nil end local anims = {} local s = wpn_fx[sect].s local sc = #s if sc > 1 then if wpn_fx[sect].r == 1 then s = s[math.random(#s)] elseif wpn_fx[sect].r == 2 then if shotc == 1 then s = s[1] else s = s[math.random(2,#s)] end else sc = shotc <= sc and shotc or (sc > 2 and math.random(sc-1,sc)) or sc s = s[sc] end else s = s[1] end -- local cnt, r = math.modf(s*fov_r) -- if r ~=0 then -- s = math.max(1, cnt - 1) -- end for i,v in pairs(wpn_fx[sect].e) do local cnt,r = math.modf(v[1]*fov_r) if r ~= 0 and cnt > 4 then --fmb cnt = cnt-cnt*math.random(0,r*100)/100 --fmb cnt,r = math.modf(cnt) end if r ~= 0 and math.random() < r then cnt = cnt+1 end if cnt > 0 then table.insert(anims,{e = i,d = v[2] or math.random(0,1),c = cnt}) end end for i,a in ipairs(anims) do local n = string.format([[shoot\s%s_e%s_%s.anm]],s,a.e,a.d) for ii=1,a.c do level.add_cam_effector(n,math.random(5000,8000),false,"") end end for k,v in pairs(wpn_fx[sect].p) do local eid = math.random(5000,8000) level.add_pp_effector(string.format([[shoot\%s_s%s.ppe]],k,s), eid, false) if v > 0 then level.set_pp_effector_factor(eid,v) end end shotc = shotc+1 shott = time_global()+100 end function switch_helm() helm_off = not helm_off end function is_respi_on() return helm_respi_state end function is_mask_on() return curr_hud end function is_animations_on() return opt.enable_animations end function set_animations(state) opt.enable_animations = state and true or false end function clear_mask_hud() HUD_mask(false, false, false) end function reset_idle_anim(wpn, empty) if wpn then wpn:switch_state(0) end -- TODO: rebind keys can_shoot = true return true end function actor_can_shoot(state) can_shoot = state end function disable_effects_timer(n) time_disabled = time_global() + n end function use_helmet() switch_helm() end function use_weapon(f) local hidden = weapon_hidden weapon_hidden = weapon_hidden + f * 2 - 1 if weapon_hidden == 0 then db.actor:restore_weapon() elseif hidden == 0 then db.actor:hide_weapon() end end function toggle_active_slot(f) if (f == 0) then last_slot = db.actor:active_slot() db.actor:activate_slot(0) else db.actor:activate_slot(last_slot) end end function toggle_hud_autohide(state) autohide = state bar_hp_check = true bar_pwr_check = true end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Callbacks -------------------------------------------------------------- local tg_acon = 0 local tg_acon_step = 180 local tg_hud = 50 local tg_hud_step = 120 local tg_bleed = 100 local tg_bleed_step = 400 local function actor_on_update() local actor = db.actor if (not actor) then return end local tg = time_global() cam_dist = actor:bone_position("bip01_head"):distance_to_sqr(device().cam_pos) if (tg > tg_bleed) then tg_bleed = tg + tg_bleed_step Update_Bleeding(actor) end if (tg > tg_acon) then tg_acon = tg + tg_acon_step Update_Breathing(actor) Update_Rad(actor) end if (tg > tg_hud) then tg_hud = tg + tg_hud_step Update_Blood(actor) Update_Mask(actor) end Update_Fog(actor) Update_Impact(actor) Update_ItemSwap(actor) Update_Animations(actor) --Update_Shooting(actor) Update_HealthHUD(actor) Update_StaminaHUD(actor) end local function on_key_release(key) animation_start = true local bind = dik_to_bind(key) -- Clean Mask if (bind == key_bindings.kCAM_ZOOM_IN) then Hit_MaskCleaning() -- Toggle Torch elseif (bind == key_bindings.kTORCH) then Hit_TorchToggle() -- Grenade Quickthrow elseif (bind == key_bindings.kCUSTOM19) then Hit_GrenadeQuickthrow() -- Toggle HUD elseif (bind == key_bindings.kCUSTOM6) then local val = not (get_console_cmd(1,"hud_draw")) local toggl = val and "on" or "off" exec_console_cmd("hud_draw " .. toggl) -- Toggle item animations elseif (bind == key_bindings.kCAM_ZOOM_OUT) then local old_state = opt.enable_animations and true or false local new_state = not old_state ui_options.set("video/player/animations", new_state) opt.enable_animations = new_state if new_state then xr_sound.set_sound_play(AC_ID, "pda_tips") else xr_sound.set_sound_play(AC_ID, "pda_alarm") end local str = new_state and "st_toggle_animation_on" or "st_toggle_animation_off" actor_menu.set_msg(2, game.translate_string(str)) -- Screenshot elseif (bind == key_bindings.kSCREENSHOT) then snd_cam:play(db.actor,0,sound_object.s2d) -- PDA Map elseif (bind == key_bindings.kCUSTOM20) then local pda_menu = ActorMenu.get_pda_menu() local pda3d = get_console_cmd(1,"g_3d_pda") if not (pda_menu:IsShown()) and db.actor:item_in_slot(8) then if (pda3d) then db.actor:activate_slot(8) else pda_menu:ShowDialog(true) end pda_menu:SetActiveSubdialog("eptTasks") elseif (pda_menu:IsShown()) then if (pda3d) then db.actor:activate_slot(0) else pda_menu:HideDialog() end end end end local ruck_last_outfit = -1 local ruck_last_helmet = -1 local ruck_last_backpack = -1 local function actor_item_to_ruck(obj) local id = obj:id() local play_anm = false if (id == ruck_last_outfit) then ruck_last_outfit = -1 play_anm = true elseif (id == ruck_last_helmet) then ruck_last_helmet = -1 play_anm = true elseif (id == ruck_last_backpack) then ruck_last_backpack = -1 play_anm = true end if play_anm and (not has_alife_info("BAR_ARENA_FIGHT")) then if IsOutfit(obj) then play_item_fx("outfit") elseif IsHeadgear(obj) then play_item_fx("helm") elseif IsItem("backpack", nil, obj) then play_item_fx("outfit") end end end local function actor_item_to_slot(obj) if (not has_alife_info("BAR_ARENA_FIGHT")) then if IsOutfit(obj) then ruck_last_backpack = obj:id() play_item_fx("outfit") elseif IsHeadgear(obj) then ruck_last_backpack = obj:id() play_item_fx("helm") elseif IsItem("backpack", nil, obj) then ruck_last_backpack = obj:id() play_item_fx("outfit") elseif opt.enable_animations then local rand = math.random(1,4) level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\switch\\low" .. rand .. ".anm", 23234, false,'', 0, false) end end end local function actor_on_item_use(obj) play_item_fx(obj:section()) end local last_wpn_snd_empty = {nil, "$no_sound", 1} local tg_snd_empty = 0 local critical_wpn_con = 0.014 local delay_snd_empty = 300 -- ms local function actor_on_weapon_before_fire(flags) local tg = time_global() local obj_wpn = db.actor:active_item() if obj_wpn and IsWeapon(obj_wpn) and (not IsMelee(obj_wpn)) then local con = obj_wpn:condition() if (con <= critical_wpn_con) then local sec = obj_wpn:section() -- Cache if (sec ~= last_wpn_snd_empty[1]) then -- Reset last_wpn_snd_empty[1] = sec last_wpn_snd_empty[2] = "$no_sound" last_wpn_snd_empty[3] = 1 -- Get empty sound local snd = ini_sys:r_string_ex(sec,"snd_empty") if snd and (snd ~= "") then snd = str_explode(snd,",") last_wpn_snd_empty[2] = snd[1] last_wpn_snd_empty[3] = snd[2] or 1 end end -- Play empty clip sound if (last_wpn_snd_empty[2] ~= "$no_sound") and (tg > tg_snd_empty) then utils_obj.play_sound( last_wpn_snd_empty[2], last_wpn_snd_empty[3] or 1 ) tg_snd_empty = tg + delay_snd_empty end -- Don't shoot flags.ret_value = false end end if (not can_shoot) then flags.ret_value = false end end local function actor_on_first_update() -- Enable mini-map minimap_enabled = ui_options.get("video/hud/show_minimap") local maingameui = ActorMenu.get_maingame() if (maingameui and maingameui.UIZoneMap) then maingameui.UIZoneMap.disabled = not minimap_enabled maingameui.UIMotionIcon:Show(maingameui.UIZoneMap.disabled == false) end init_main_settings() --disable_effects_timer(5000) if db.actor then ruck_last_outfit = db.actor:item_in_slot(7) and db.actor:item_in_slot(7):id() or -1 ruck_last_helmet = db.actor:item_in_slot(12) and db.actor:item_in_slot(12):id() or -1 ruck_last_backpack = db.actor:item_in_slot(13) and db.actor:item_in_slot(13):id() or -1 if (detector_was_active) then db.actor:show_detector() end end --utils_data.print_table(opt) --Animation stuff game.only_allow_movekeys(false) game.set_actor_allow_ladder(true) game.stop_all_hud_anms() game.stop_hud_motion() mc_anm_time_1 = game.get_motion_length(mc_anm_sec, "anm_hide_hand", hide_hand_speed) mc_anm_time_2 = game.get_motion_length(mc_anm_sec, "anm_wipe", 1) torch_anm_time = game.get_motion_length(torch_anm_sec, "anm_switch", 1) end local function save_state(m_data) if (not db.actor) then return end m_data.detector_was_active = db.actor:active_detector() and true or false end local function load_state(m_data) detector_was_active = m_data.detector_was_active end function on_game_start() init_settings() RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_release",on_key_release) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_item_to_slot",actor_item_to_slot) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_item_to_ruck",actor_item_to_ruck) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_item_drop",actor_item_to_ruck) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_item_use",actor_on_item_use) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_weapon_before_fire",actor_on_weapon_before_fire) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_weapon_lower",actor_on_weapon_lower) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_weapon_raise",actor_on_weapon_raise) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update",actor_on_update) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_first_update",actor_on_first_update) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_weapon_fired",Update_Shooting) RegisterScriptCallback("burer_on_before_weapon_drop",burer_on_before_weapon_drop) RegisterScriptCallback("on_option_change",init_main_settings) RegisterScriptCallback("save_state",save_state) RegisterScriptCallback("load_state",load_state) end