base_init = ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.InitControls function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep:InitControls() base_init(self) if not actor_status_sleep.in_hour then printf("-User missing Unlocalizer! Install or update your Modded Exes") return end local xml = CScriptXmlInit() xml:ParseFile("ui_sleep_gain_indicator.xml") self.form = xml:InitStatic("form", self.back) = xml:InitStatic("form:bg", self.form) self.sensor = xml:InitProgressBar("form:bar", self.form) self.sensor_gain = xml:InitProgressBar("form:bar", self.form) end base_Initialize = ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.Initialize function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep:Initialize() base_Initialize(self) if not self.form then return end self.sensor_gain:Show(false) local sensor_w = self.sensor:GetWidth() local sensor_h = self.sensor:GetHeight() local back_w = self.back:GetWidth() --local back_h = self.back:GetHeight() local sensor_y = self.btn_sleep:GetWndPos().y - 2 - sensor_h self.form:SetWndPos(vector2():set( (back_w / 2) - (self.form:GetWidth() / 2), sensor_y)) local sleep = self:Get_Sleep() self.sensor:SetProgressPos( sleep ) if sleep >= 0.995 then return end local sensor_pos = self.sensor:GetWndPos() self.sensor_gain:SetWndPos(vector2():set( sensor_pos.x + (sensor_w * sleep), sensor_pos.y)) self.sensor_gain:SetProgressPos( clamp( self:Get_Sleep_Gain(), 0, 1 - sleep ) ) self.sensor_gain:SetColor( GetARGB(255, 50, 200, 50) ) self.sensor_gain:Show(true) end base_Update = ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep.Update function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep:Update() base_Update(self) if self:IsShown() and self.sensor_gain and self.sensor_gain:IsShown() then self.sensor_gain:SetProgressPos( clamp( self:Get_Sleep_Gain() , 0, 1 - self.sensor:GetProgressPos() ) ) end end function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep:Get_Sleep() local sleep = actor_status_sleep.last_sleep or 0 local sleep_red_icon = actor_status_sleep.start_blur_4 sleep = (sleep_red_icon - sleep) / sleep_red_icon return clamp( sleep, 0, 1) end function ui_sleep_dialog.UISleep:Get_Sleep_Gain() local sleep_per_hour = actor_status_sleep.in_hour / 2 -- Remove the "/ 2" if you use Gamma. Or tell Grok to undo the removal of that divison in his actor_status_sleep.actor_on_sleep if actor_status_sleep.comfy then -- Possible fix for Gamma incompatibility sleep_per_hour = actor_status_sleep.in_hour end local hours = self.time_track:GetIValue() local sleep_red_icon = actor_status_sleep.start_blur_4 local sleep_gain = (sleep_per_hour * hours) / sleep_red_icon return sleep_gain end