gc = game.translate_string get_data = magazine_binder.get_data set_data = magazine_binder.set_data dump_data = magazine_binder.dump_data is_supported_weapon = magazine_binder.is_supported_weapon get_magazine_caliber = magazine_binder.get_magazine_caliber is_compatible = magazine_binder.is_compatible is_magazine = magazine_binder.is_magazine get_weapon_base_type = magazine_binder.get_weapon_base_type is_carried_mag = magazine_binder.is_carried_mag toggle_carried_mag = magazine_binder.toggle_carried_mag room_in_pouch = magazine_binder.room_in_pouch eject = magazines.eject_magazine get_total_carried = magazine_binder.get_total_carried get_loadout_size = magazine_binder.get_loadout_size weapon_default_magazine = magazine_binder.weapon_default_magazine get_mag_loaded = magazine_binder.get_mag_loaded print_dbg = magazines.print_dbg has_loadout_slots = magazine_binder.has_loadout_slots get_loadout_slots = magazine_binder.get_loadout_slots create_mag_data = magazine_binder.create_mag_data validate_mag = magazine_binder.validate_mag validate_wep = magazine_binder.validate_wep create_time_event = magazines.create_time_event get_sec_chambered = magazines.get_sec_chambered get_config = magazines_mcm.get_config function stack_rule(obj) local sec = obj:section() local mag_data = get_data(obj:id()) --print_dbg("stack rule sec:%s id:%s loaded%s config%s", sec, obj:id(), (mag_data and #mag_data.loaded == 0), magazines_mcm.get_config("empty_mags_stack")) return (( not is_carried_mag(obj:id())) and ((mag_data and #mag_data.loaded == 0) and magazines_mcm.get_config("empty_mags_stack")) ) end rax_stacking_control.register(is_magazine, stack_rule) mousebase = utils_ui.UICellContainer.On_Mouse1 local d_flag = false function utils_ui.UICellContainer:On_Mouse1(idx) mousebase(self, idx) if d_flag then create_time_event("mag_redux", "delay_toggle", 0, function(id) if is_magazine(id) and toggle_carried_mag(id) ~= nil then magazines.inventory_refresh() end return true end, self.cell[idx].ID) end end function ui_inventory.UIInventory:Cond_Unload(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Unload") local sec = obj:section() local mag_data = get_mag_loaded(obj:id()) if IsWeapon(obj) and (obj:weapon_in_grenade_mode() or not mag_data) and (not IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn",sec)) then return obj:get_ammo_in_magazine() > 0 end return false end -- raven's merge -- utility functions related to magazines that shouldn't clutter main mags script -- MP for ejecting mags on upgrade/replacement local basePS = itms_manager.play_item_sound --stop pickup item sound from playing when we spawn items during actions. function itms_manager.play_item_sound(...) if not magazines.action_in_progress() then basePS(...) end end DisassemblyWeapon = item_parts.disassembly_weapon function item_parts.disassembly_weapon(obj, obj_d) print_dbg("Interdict disassembly") if obj:weapon_in_grenade_mode() then obj:switch_state(10) end if get_mag_loaded(obj:id()) then print_dbg("Found magazine, ejecting") local mag = eject(obj) end create_time_event("mag_redux", "delay_dis", 0.1, wrap_disassembly, obj, obj_d) end function wrap_disassembly(obj, obj_d) DisassemblyWeapon(obj, obj_d) return true end WorkshopUpgrade = ui_workshop.UIWorkshopUpgrade.Upgrade function ui_workshop.UIWorkshopUpgrade:Upgrade() local obj = self.CC:GetCell_Selected(true) if (not obj) then return end -- For weapons, unload mag and clear ammo cache in case of ammo type upgrades if IsWeapon(obj) and (not IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn",obj:section())) then if obj:weapon_in_grenade_mode() then obj:switch_state(10) end if get_mag_loaded(obj:id()) then local mag = eject(obj) end end create_time_event("mag_redux", "delay_upgr", 0.1, wrap_upgrade, self) end function wrap_upgrade(self_obj) WorkshopUpgrade(self_obj) return true end WorkshopRepair = ui_workshop.UIWorkshopRepair.Repair function ui_workshop.UIWorkshopRepair:Repair() local obj = self.CC["inventory"]:GetCell_Selected(true) if (not obj) then return end if IsWeapon(obj) and (not IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn",obj:section())) then if obj:weapon_in_grenade_mode() then obj:switch_state(10) end if get_mag_loaded(obj:id()) then local mag = eject(obj) end end create_time_event("mag_redux", "delay_rep", 0.1, wrap_repair, self) end function wrap_repair(self_obj) WorkshopRepair(self_obj) return true end CanRepair = inventory_upgrades.can_repair_item function inventory_upgrades.can_repair_item( sec, cond, mechanic ) if string.find(sec, "mag_") then return false else return CanRepair(sec, cond, mechanic) end end TechUpgrade = ui_inventory.UIInventory.RMode_UpgradeYes function ui_inventory.UIInventory:RMode_UpgradeYes() local obj = self.upgr.id and level.object_by_id(self.upgr.id) if (not obj) then return end if IsWeapon(obj) and (not IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn",obj:section())) then --artifax fix if get_mag_loaded(obj:id()) then local mag = eject(obj) end end TechUpgrade(self) end UnloadAll = item_weapon.unload_all_weapons function item_weapon.unload_all_weapons() db.actor:iterate_ruck( function(temp,obj) if IsWeapon(obj) and (not IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn",obj:section())) then if is_supported_weapon(obj) then eject(obj) else obj:force_unload_magazine(true) end end end) end --Patching ui_item.script --first duplicate some short hand so i can just copy paste local string_find = string.find local math_ceil = math.ceil local math_floor = math.floor local gc = game.translate_string local clr_g = utils_xml.get_color("d_green") local clr_y = utils_xml.get_color("yellow") local clr_o = utils_xml.get_color("d_orange") local clr_r = utils_xml.get_color("d_red") local clr_b = utils_xml.get_color("d_cyan") local clr_b1 = utils_xml.get_color("pda_blue") local clr_b2 = utils_xml.get_color("d_blue") local clr_p = utils_xml.get_color("d_purple") local clr_w = utils_xml.get_color("pda_white") local clr_1 = utils_xml.get_color("ui_gray_2") local clr_2 = utils_xml.get_color("ui_gray_1") -- mag in, mag out original_build_desc_header = ui_item.build_desc_header function ui_item.build_desc_header(obj, sec, str) local _str = "" local _str2 = original_build_desc_header(obj, sec, str) if obj and magazines and IsWeapon(obj) and not IsAmmo(obj) and is_supported_weapon(obj) then validate_wep(obj:id(), obj:section()) local mag_data = get_mag_loaded(obj:id()) if mag_data then _str = _str .. " " .. clr_g .. gc("st_dot") .. " ".. gc("st_mag_loaded") .. " " .. clr_2 .. ui_item.get_sec_name(mag_data.section) .. "\\n" else _str = _str .. " " .. clr_r .. gc("st_dot") .. " " .. gc("st_mag_loaded_none") .. "\\n" end end _str = _str .. _str2 if obj and magazines and has_loadout_slots(obj) then local current_id = db.actor:item_in_slot(7) and db.actor:item_in_slot(7):id() or 0 local outfit_slots = get_loadout_slots(obj,true) if obj:id() == current_id then local total_slots = get_loadout_size() local carried = get_total_carried() for k,v in pairs(carried) do local total = total_slots[k] if total > 0 then local color_ratio = 100 * tonumber(v)/tonumber(total) print_dbg("Color ratio is %s", color_ratio) _str = _str .. clr_p .. gc("st_dot") .. " ".. clr_1 .. gc("st_mag_"..k) .. " " .. utils_xml.get_color_con(color_ratio) .. v .. "/" .. total ..(total > outfit_slots[k] and string.format(gc("st_mag_bonus"),outfit_slots[k],total - outfit_slots[k] ) or "") .. "\\n" end end _str = _str .. '\\n' else for k,slots in pairs(outfit_slots) do _str = _str .. clr_p .. gc("st_dot") .. " ".. clr_1 .. gc("st_mag_"..k)..slots.. "\\n" end _str = _str .. '\\n' end end return _str end -- util function for full, compresses mag data into rounds n type function collect_mag_data(mag_data, tostr) local display = {} local last_round local count = 0 for i=1,#mag_data.loaded do if not last_round then last_round = mag_data.loaded[i] end if last_round ~= mag_data.loaded[i] then if tostr then display[#display + 1] = ui_item.get_sec_name(last_round) .. ": " .. count last_round = mag_data.loaded[i] else display[last_round] = count end count = 1 else count = count + 1 end end if last_round then if tostr then display[#display + 1] = ui_item.get_sec_name(last_round) .. ": " .. count else display[last_round] = count end end return display end -- mag data original_build_desc_footer = ui_item.build_desc_footer function ui_item.build_desc_footer(obj, sec, str) local _str = "" local _str2 = original_build_desc_footer(obj, sec, str) if obj and magazines and is_magazine(obj) then validate_mag(obj:id(), obj:section()) local mag_data = get_mag_loaded(obj:id()) local level = get_config("mag_tooltip") print_dbg("Tooltip level %s", level) _str = _str .. "\\n \\n".. gc('st_mag_size') .. " " .. gc('st_mag_size_'..(SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "mag_size") or "small")) local mag_capacity = SYS_GetParam(2, sec, "max_mag_size") local clr = utils_xml.get_color_con(math_floor(100 * #mag_data.loaded/mag_capacity)) if level < 1 then _str = _str .. "\\n \\n" .. gc('st_mag_capacity') .. " " .. mag_capacity .. clr_2 .. " \\n" else _str = _str .. "\\n \\n" .. gc('st_mag_ammo_loaded_count') .. " " .. clr .. #mag_data.loaded .. " / " .. mag_capacity .. clr_2 .. " \\n" end if #mag_data.loaded > 0 then if level < 2 then _str = _str .. "" .. gc('st_mag_ammo_top_round') .. " " .. clr_g .. ui_item.get_sec_short_name(stack.peek(mag_data.loaded)) .. " \\n" else collected = collect_mag_data(mag_data, true) for i=1,#collected do _str = _str .. "\\n " .. gc("st_dot").." ".. collected[#collected - i + 1] end end end end _str = _str2 .. _str .. " \\n" return _str end --patching item_weapon.script includes a full reimplementation of the ammowheel, could use inheritance, but i don't think this method will cause many problems. local string_find = string.find local string_gsub = string.gsub ------------------------------- -- SCOPES ------------------------------- CloneWep = _G.alife_clone_weapon function _G.alife_clone_weapon(se_obj, section, parent_id) --print_dbg("clone weapon") if not se_obj then return end local old_id = se_obj.id local old_data = get_data(old_id) local old_sec = se_obj:section_name() section = section or old_sec parent_id = parent_id or se_obj.parent_id local curr_base = get_weapon_base_type(se_obj) local ammo = utils_item.get_ammo(section, se_obj.id)[1] --print_dbg("clone weapon1") local new_wep = CloneWep(se_obj, section, parent_id) --print_dbg("clone weapon2") if new_wep and old_data and old_sec then --print_dbg("clone weapon3") print_dbg("clone weapon %s:%s to %s:%s", old_sec, old_id, section, new_wep.id ) local same_gun = SYS_GetParam(0, old_sec, "parent_section", old_sec) == SYS_GetParam(0, section, "parent_section", section) --this covers the vanila use of this function for scopes. if not same_gun then local caliber_upg = curr_base ~= get_weapon_base_type(old_sec) -- detects caliber change upgrade, if old gun had one new gun will have same resulting in same caliber local uppg_base_match = caliber_upg and curr_base == ini_file_ex("magazines\\weapons\\importer.ltx"):r_value(section, ammo,0,"") --if there is a caliber upgrade checks that the new guns base type for that ammo is the same local same_base = uppg_base_match or curr_base == get_weapon_base_type(section) -- Upgrade kits creating guns with the same base type w/o upgrades same_gun = same_base end if same_gun then print_dbg("transferring data from %s to %s", old_id, new_wep.id) set_data(new_wep.id, old_data) else print_dbg("clone weapon base type miss match spawn mag in inventory: %s", old_data.section ) set_data(new_wep.id, { section = "no_mag", loaded = {}, is_weapon = true, }) -- new gun gets set to empty local parent = alife_object(parent_id) local se_mag = parent and alife_create_item(old_data.section, parent) if se_mag then old_data.is_weapon = false set_mag_data(se_mag.id, old_data) else print_dbg("Could not create magazine %s", old_data.section) end end end --set_data(old_id, nil) --let the callback handel this on release. return new_wep end function attach_scope_or(item, weapon) -- Return if the addon or weapon aren't valid. if not (item and weapon) then return end if magazines.action_in_progress() then return end AttachScope(item, weapon) end function detach_scope_or(weapon) -- Return if the weapon is not valid. if not (weapon) then return end if magazines.action_in_progress() then return end DetachScope(weapon) end function default_mags() local ids = {} local function itr_inv(npc, item) if is_supported_weapon(item) then local default_mag = weapon_default_magazine(item) print_dbg("Enjoy your complimentary %s!", default_mag) id_1 = alife_create_item(default_mag, db.actor) id_2 = alife_create_item(default_mag, db.actor) ids[id_1] = default_mag ids[id_2] = default_mag end end db.actor:iterate_inventory(itr_inv) return ids end NewGameEquipment = itms_manager.new_game_equippment function itms_manager.new_game_equippment() default_mags() return NewGameEquipment() end AzazelDeath = gamemode_azazel.actor_on_before_death function gamemode_azazel.actor_on_before_death(whoID,flags) AzazelDeath(whoID, flags) if not flags.ret_value then create_time_event("mag_redux", "azazel_mags", 0.1, function() local ids = default_mags() -- for k,v in pairs(ids) do -- local mag_data = get_data(k) or create_mag_data(k, v) -- local max_size = SYS_GetParam(2, v, "max_mag_size") -- local to_fill = math.random(max_size/3, max_size) -- local ammo_table = get_magazine_caliber(v) -- for i=1,to_fill do -- end -- set_data(k, mag_data) -- end return true end) end end -- for quick release function mag_stash(item) if is_carried_mag(item:id()) then return true end end local mag_to_ammo = { ["mag_pm_9x18_default"] = "ammo_9x18_pmm", ["mag_mp5_9x19_default"] = "ammo_9x19_pbp", ["mag_ak_5.45x39_default"] = "ammo_5.45x39_ap", ["mag_ots_9x39_default"] = "ammo_9x39_ap", ["mag_g36_5.56x45_default"] = "ammo_5.56x45_ap" } local bar_fights = { ["bar_arena_fight_1"] = { "mag_pm_9x18_default", "mag_pm_9x18_default" }, ["bar_arena_fight_2"] = { "mag_mp5_9x19_default" }, ["bar_arena_fight_4"] = { "mag_ak_5.45x39_default" }, ["bar_arena_fight_5"] = { "mag_ak_5.45x39_default", "mag_ak_5.45x39_default" }, ["bar_arena_fight_6"] = { "mag_ots_9x39_default", "mag_ots_9x39_default", "mag_ots_9x39_default", "ammo_vog-25" }, ["bar_arena_fight_8"] = { "mag_g36_5.56x45_default", "mag_g36_5.56x45_default" }, } -- MP for bar fights BarTele = xr_effects.bar_arena_teleport function xr_effects.bar_arena_teleport(actor, npc) BarTele(actor, npc) -- equip outfit create_time_event("Mag_redux", "equip_outfit", 0, equip_outfit) -- create mags and equip for info, stuff in pairs(bar_fights) do if has_alife_info(info) then for k, mag in pairs(bar_fights[info]) do local se = alife_create(mag, db.actor:position(), db.actor:level_vertex_id(), db.actor:game_vertex_id(), AC_ID) if is_magazine(mag) then create_time_event("Mag_redux", "fill_mag"..se.id, 0, fill_mag, se.id, mag, SYS_GetParam(2, mag, "max_mag_size"), mag_to_ammo[mag]) end se_save_var( se.id, se:name(), "unpatched", true ) end break end end end function equip_outfit() db.actor:iterate_inventory(function(_, item) if IsOutfit(item) then db.actor:move_to_slot(item, 7) end end) return true end function fill_mag(id, sec, amount, ammo_type) local mag_data = get_mag_loaded(id) if not mag_data then print_dbg("mag_data not initialized yet for %s, creating now") mag_data = create_mag_data(id, sec) end for i=1,amount do stack.push(mag_data.loaded, ammo_type) end toggle_carried_mag(id) set_data(id, mag_data) return true end ------------------------------------------------------------------- --GUI = nil -- instance, don't touch --Raven using the GUI in item_weapon.script so that in case someone is acessing it directly it will be in the right place. local aw_cooldown = 0 local ui_delay = 0 -- small hack to prevent instant keybind action (between switching to next ammo type, and start the wheel again) local ui_delay_const = 200 -- [ms] local cache_ammo = {} local nums_dik = {} function item_weapon.start_ammo_wheel() local wpn = db.actor:active_item() if wpn and IsWeapon(wpn) and (not IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn",wpn:section())) then hide_hud_inventory() if (not item_weapon.GUI) then item_weapon.GUI = UIWheelAmmoWuut() end if (item_weapon.GUI) and (not item_weapon.GUI:IsShown()) then item_weapon.GUI:ShowDialog(true) item_weapon.GUI:Reset(wpn) aw_cooldown = time_global() Register_UI("UIWheelAmmoWuut","wuut_ammo_wheel")-- need to check this. end end end class "UIWheelAmmoWuut" (CUIScriptWnd) function UIWheelAmmoWuut:__init() super() self.object = nil self.id = nil self.section = nil self.ammo_type = nil self.ammo_list = {} self.ammo_max = 12 self.show_verybad = (not _NO_DAMAGED_AMMO) self.ammo_inv = {} self.avail = {} self.key = {} for i=1,9 do nums_dik[ DIK_keys["DIK_" .. i] ] = i nums_dik[ DIK_keys["DIK_NUMPAD" .. i] ] = i end self:InitControls() self:InitCallBacks() end function UIWheelAmmoWuut:__finalize() end function UIWheelAmmoWuut:InitControls() self:SetWndRect (Frect():set(0,0,1024,768)) self:SetAutoDelete(true) self:AllowMovement(true) self.xml = CScriptXmlInit() local xml = self.xml xml:ParseFile ("ui_wheel_ammo.xml") self.dialog = xml:InitStatic("wheel", self) self.background = xml:InitStatic("wheel:background", self.dialog) self.extended = xml:InitStatic("wheel:extended", self.dialog) local box_type = self.show_verybad and ":all" or ":alt" self.box_r = xml:InitStatic("wheel:result", self.dialog) self.box_icon_tmp_r = xml:InitStatic("ammo:icon", self.box_r) self.box = {} self.box_icon = {} self.box_icon_r = {} self.box_icon_tmp = {} self.box_num = {} self.box_txt = {} self.box_txt_r = {} self.box_btn = {} self.box_hl_1 = {} self.box_hl_2 = {} for i=1,self.ammo_max do self.box[i] = xml:InitStatic("wheel" .. box_type .. ":box_" .. i, self.dialog) self.box_hl_1[i] = xml:InitStatic("ammo:highlight", self.box[i]) self.box_hl_2[i] = xml:InitStatic("ammo:highlight", self.box[i]) self.box_icon[i] = xml:InitStatic("ammo:icon", self.box[i]) self.box_icon_tmp[i] = xml:InitStatic("ammo:icon", self.box[i]) self.box_num[i] = xml:InitTextWnd("ammo:num", self.box[i]) self.box_txt[i] = xml:InitTextWnd("ammo:text", self.box[i]) self.box_btn[i] = xml:Init3tButton("ammo:btn", self.box[i]) self:Register(self.box_btn[i],"btn_" .. i) self.box_icon_r[i] = xml:InitStatic("ammo:icon", self.box_r) self.box_txt_r[i] = xml:InitTextWnd("ammo:text_r", self.box_r) end end function UIWheelAmmoWuut:InitCallBacks() for i=1,self.ammo_max do local _wrapper = function(handler) -- we need wrapper in order to pass ctrl to method self:OnAmmo(i) end self:AddCallback("btn_" .. i, ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, _wrapper, self) end end function UIWheelAmmoWuut:Update() CUIScriptWnd.Update(self) for i=1,self.ammo_max do if self.box_btn[i] then if self.box_btn[i]:IsCursorOverWindow() then self.box_icon_r[i]:Show(true) self.box_txt_r[i]:Show(true) else self.box_icon_r[i]:Show(false) self.box_txt_r[i]:Show(false) end end end end function UIWheelAmmoWuut:Reset(obj) self.object = obj self.id = obj:id() self.section = obj:section() self.ammo_type = obj:get_ammo_type() -- Collect weapon's ammo list if (not cache_ammo[self.id]) then cache_ammo[self.id] = utils_item.get_ammo(self.section, self.id) -- Cut anything with more than 12 ammo types if (#cache_ammo[self.id] > self.ammo_max) then for i=self.ammo_max, #cache_ammo[self.id] do cache_ammo[self.id][i] = nil end end end self.ammo_list = cache_ammo[self.id] -- Collect all ammo in inventory empty_table(self.ammo_inv) -- if(magazines and obj and is_supported_weapon(obj)) then self.ammo_inv = magazines.count_magazines(obj) else local function itr(temp, itm) local section = itm:section() if IsItem("ammo",section) or IsItem("grenade_ammo",section) then self.ammo_inv[section] = (self.ammo_inv[section] or 0) + itm:ammo_get_count() end end db.actor:iterate_inventory(itr, nil) end -- Reset XML elements self.extended:Show(#self.ammo_list > 9) --self.box_r:Show(false) local cnt = 0 empty_table(self.key) for i=1,self.ammo_max do local section = self.ammo_list[i] local found_verybad = section and string.find(section,"verybad") and true or false if section and ( self.show_verybad or ( (not self.show_verybad) and (not found_verybad) ) ) then -- Show box and highlighted ammo local is_curr_ammo = (self.ammo_type == (i - 1)) self.box[i]:Show(true) self.box_hl_1[i]:Show(is_curr_ammo) self.box_hl_2[i]:Show(is_curr_ammo) self.avail[i] = self.ammo_inv[section] and (self.ammo_inv[section] > 0) and true or false utils_xml.set_icon(section, (not self.avail[i]), self.box_icon[i], self.box_icon_tmp[i]) utils_xml.set_icon(section, nil, self.box_icon_tmp_r, self.box_icon_r[i]) cnt = cnt + 1 self.key[cnt] = i if self.avail[i] and i <= 9 then self.box_num[i]:SetText(cnt) else self.box_num[i]:SetText("") end -- Show ammo count self.box_txt[i]:SetText("x" .. (self.avail[i] and self.ammo_inv[section] or 0)) self.box_txt_r[i]:SetText( ui_item.get_sec_name(section) ) else self.avail[i] = false self.box[i]:Show(false) end end end function UIWheelAmmoWuut:SwitchNextAmmo() local wpn = db.actor:active_item() if wpn and (wpn:section() == self.section) then local new_type local ammo_type = wpn:get_ammo_type() -- Search for available next ammo types for i=(ammo_type + 2),self.ammo_max do -- +2 because we need next type (+1 is the current type in ammo table) if self.avail[i] then new_type = i break end end -- Search for available earlier ammo types if (not new_type) then for i=1,ammo_type do if self.avail[i] then new_type = i break end end end if new_type then if(magazines and is_supported_weapon(wpn)) then local ammo_map = utils_item.get_ammo(nil, wpn:id()) local magazine = magazines.find_magazine(wpn, ammo_map[new_type]) if magazines.get_mag_data(wpn:id()) ~= nil then print_dbg("Weapon already has magazine, ejecting first") eject(wpn) end local pre_table = magazines.count_ammo(wpn) wpn:switch_state(7) disable_info("sleep_active") local first_round = nil print_dbg("Mag swap - loaded ammo is %s", wpn:get_ammo_in_magazine()) if magazines_mcm.get_config("retain_round") and wpn:get_ammo_in_magazine() > 0 then first_round = get_sec_chambered(wpn) print_dbg("Mag swap - chambered round is %s", first_round) end magazines.action_start_reload() create_time_event("mag_redux", "delay_weapon"..wpn:id(), 0.1, magazines.delay_load_weapon, wpn:id(), magazine, pre_table, first_round) else wpn:unload_magazine(true) wpn:set_ammo_type(new_type - 1) -- ammo type starts from 0 db.actor:reload_weapon() end end end self:Close() end function UIWheelAmmoWuut:OnAmmo(n) local wpn = db.actor:active_item() if wpn and (wpn:section() == self.section) and self.avail[n] then local ammo_type = wpn:get_ammo_type() if (ammo_type ~= n - 1) then if(magazines and wpn and is_supported_weapon(wpn)) then local ammo_map = utils_item.get_ammo(nil, wpn:id()) local magazine = magazines.find_magazine(wpn, ammo_map[n]) if magazines.get_mag_data(wpn:id()) ~= nil then print_dbg("Weapon already has magazine, ejecting first") eject(wpn) end local pre_table = magazines.count_ammo(wpn) print_dbg("Mag swap - loaded ammo is %s", wpn:get_ammo_in_magazine()) local first_round = nil if magazines_mcm.get_config("retain_round") and wpn:get_ammo_in_magazine() > 0 then first_round = get_sec_chambered(wpn) print_dbg("Mag swap - chambered round is %s", first_round) end wpn:switch_state(7) disable_info("sleep_active") magazines.action_start_reload() create_time_event("mag_redux", "delay_weapon"..wpn:id(), 0.1, magazines.delay_load_weapon, wpn:id(), magazine, pre_table, first_round) else wpn:unload_magazine(true) wpn:set_ammo_type(n - 1) -- ammo type starts from 0 db.actor:reload_weapon() end end end self:Close() end function UIWheelAmmoWuut:OnKeyboard(dik, keyboard_action) local res = CUIScriptWnd.OnKeyboard(self,dik,keyboard_action) if (res == false) then if keyboard_action == ui_events.WINDOW_KEY_RELEASED then if (time_global() < aw_cooldown + 100) then return end local bind = dik_to_bind(dik) local num = nums_dik[dik] if (bind == key_bindings.kWPN_NEXT) then ui_delay = time_global() + ui_delay_const self:SwitchNextAmmo() elseif num and self.key[num] then self:OnAmmo( self.key[num] ) elseif (bind == key_bindings.kQUIT or bind == key_bindings.kUSE) then self:Close() end end end return res end function UIWheelAmmoWuut:Close() if self:IsShown() then self:HideDialog() self:Show(false) Unregister_UI("UIWheelAmmoWuut") end end function on_key_press(key) if (key == DIK_keys.DIK_LMENU) then d_flag = true end end function on_key_release(key) if (key == DIK_keys.DIK_LMENU) then d_flag = false end end function on_game_start() --delayed monkey patch because of ishy DetachScope = item_weapon.detach_scope item_weapon.detach_scope = detach_scope_or AttachScope = item_weapon.attach_scope item_weapon.attach_scope = attach_scope_or RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_press", on_key_press) RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_release", on_key_release) actor_stash_patch.add_condition(mag_stash) end