#include "common.h" #include "anomaly_shaders.h" // Check Screen Space Shaders modules #include "check_screenspace.h" #ifdef SSFX_BEEFS_NVG #include "night_vision.h" #endif #ifdef SSFX_DEBAND #include "screenspace_debanding.h" #endif // Used by FOG and IL. Keep it here for the moment... uniform float4 fakescope_params3; #ifdef SSFX_FOG #include "screenspace_fog.h" #include "settings_screenspace_FOG.h" #endif #ifdef SSFX_LUT_INUSE #include "screenspace_lut.h" #endif #ifdef SSFX_BLOOM Texture2D s_ssfx_bloom; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef USE_MSAA Texture2D s_distort; #define EPSDEPTH 0.001 #else #ifndef SM_5 Texture2DMS s_distort; #else Texture2DMS s_distort; #endif #define EPSDEPTH 0.001 #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float4 e_barrier; // x=norm(.8f), y=depth(.1f), z=clr float4 e_weights; // x=norm, y=depth, z=clr float4 e_kernel; // x=norm, y=depth, z=clr ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "mblur.h" #include "img_corrections.h" #include "tonemapping.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pixel struct c2_out { float4 Color : SV_Target; #ifdef USE_MSAA float Depth : SV_Depth; #endif }; c2_out main( v2p_aa_AA I ) { c2_out res; res.Color = float4(0,0,0,0); int iSample = 0; gbuffer_data gbd = gbuffer_load_data(I.Tex0, I.HPos, iSample ); float depth = gbd.P.z; #ifdef USE_DISTORT #ifndef USE_MSAA float4 distort = s_distort.Sample(smp_nofilter, I.Tex0); #else // USE_MSAA float4 distort = s_distort.Load( int3( I.Tex0 * screen_res.xy, 0 ), iSample ); #endif // USE_MSAA float2 offset = (distort.xy-(127.0h/255.0h))*def_distort; // fix newtral offset float2 center = I.Tex0 + offset; gbuffer_data gbdx = gbuffer_load_data_offset(I.Tex0, center, I.HPos, iSample); float depth_x = gbdx.P.z; if ((depth_x+EPSDEPTH) 0 ? 0 : 1); // NVGs #ifdef SSFX_BEEFS_NVG disablefog *= (shader_param_8.x > 0 ? 0 : 1); #endif // Blend img = lerp(img, max(img, foggg), smoothstep(0.2f, 0.8f, fogresult) * disablefog); #endif // -------------------------------------- #endif #ifdef SSFX_DEBAND #ifdef SSFX_FOG float Debanding = depth <= SKY_EPS ? 1.0 : fogresult; #else float Debanding = depth <= SKY_EPS ? 1.0 : 0; #endif // Debanding - SCREEN SPACE SHADERS - UPDATE 12.5 img = lerp(img, ssfx_debanding(img, I.Tex0.xy), Debanding); #endif #ifdef SSFX_BEEFS_NVG // NVG CHANGE TO PREVENT WEIRD COLORS, ONLY APPLY BLOOM WHEN WE'RE NOT IN NVG MASK float lua_param_nvg_generation = floor(shader_param_8.x); // 1, 2, or 3 float lua_param_nvg_num_tubes = frac(shader_param_8.x) * 10.0f; // 1, 2, 4, 1.1, or 1.2 if (lua_param_nvg_generation < 0.01f && compute_lens_mask(aspect_ratio_correction(I.Tex0), lua_param_nvg_num_tubes) == 0.0f) { img = blend_soft(img, bloom.xyz*bloom.w); } #else img = blend_soft(img, bloom.xyz*bloom.w); #endif // Color grading -------------------------------- #ifndef SSFX_ENHANCED_SHADERS if (tnmp_onoff == 1.0) { img = Uncharted2ToneMapping(img); } #endif // Vanilla color grading ( Exposure, saturation and gamma ) img = img_corrections(img); #ifdef SSFX_LUT_INUSE img = ssfx_lut_pp(img); #endif // ---------------------------------------------- #ifdef USE_DISTORT float3 blurred = bloom*def_hdr ; img = lerp (img,blurred,distort.z); #endif res.Color = float4(img,1.0); #ifdef USE_MSAA float4 ptp = mul(m_P, float4(gbd.P, 1)); res.Depth = ptp.w==0?1:ptp.z/ptp.w; #endif return res; }