Weapon Parts Overhaul documentation (by Grok): Weapon Parts Overhaul changes the way guns are repaired, maintained, and how they jam. What WPO does: - New gun disassembly mechanism: - You can now remove gun's parts without "disassembling" (and thus destroying) it. Hold Alt and right click on the gun > Field Strip it. Only the weapon barrel cannot be removed, but everything else can be. - Weapon's barrel can be obtained by disassembling a gun the classic way (drag and drop Multitool on the gun holding Alt key). - New gun parts replacement and repair system: - You can now replace gun parts by drag and dropping parts on a gun. - Drag and dropping parts depletes condition above 60%. Less is drained if a multitool is used. - Gun barrels need to be replaced the classic way at the vice using the appropriate tool. - Using the vice and the appropriate weapon repair toolkit doesn't consume toolkit uses. - Gun parts can only be repaired from 60% onward using the appropriate part repair tool (Multitool, Ramrod, etc). - Appropriate gun repair toolkits can be used on a gun to clean it as well as increasing the lowest condition part to 100% automatically. Right click on the Repair Tool > Use. Select the desired gun. - New gun maintenance system: - Gun condition now represents how clean or dirty a gun is, now how destroyed it is. Gun condition and parts condition are now separated. - Guns condition is now easier to maintain with items cleaning them from a lower condition and that clean them for more condition at each uses. - Guns are cheaper to clean at mechanics (Repair / Upgrade Item option, top right corner "Repair"). Mechanics will only clean the gun, not repair the parts. - Guns get dirtier quicker under the rain. - New gun jamming system: - Guns will jam based on parts condition as well as clean condition. - Different jams require different type of unjamming. Most unjamming can be performed by unjamming the weapon. - Unjam by default is double-tap Use. If you are not sure, check scripts/clear_jam.script. - New "Unjam" key introduced. Set it in the keybinds option menu. Press the key to unjam the gun. - Gun acquisition flow, i.e. how WPO impacts your playthrough. - Overall, WPO allows to use bigger guns quicker in a playthrough by allowing easier gun cleaning and parts replacement. - Most guns that are dropped by Stalkers are usable, but don't trust them too much : they can jam pretty often if parts are in bad condition! - The parts repair / tetris can be avoided by spamming gun repair kits on a given gun. - WPO makes parts hunting more engaging.