-- The idea is to stop the walk2sprint animation if the player stops sprinting during the animation -- Use my transition animations script as 'truth' for currently playing animation -- Likely to break if multiple scripts are using actor_on_hud_animation_play, but should be good enough for transition animations specifically local current_animation = "" local stop_animation = false -- Slightly cleaner string equivalence check which should ignore variants like _empty or _jammed function isAnimationEqualTo(anim_name) if current_animation:match(anim_name) then return true end return false end aol_anim_transitions_anm_transitions = aol_anim_transitions.anm_transitions function aol_anim_transitions.anm_transitions(anm_table, item) local prev_name = anm_table.anm_name aol_anim_transitions_anm_transitions(anm_table, item) -- Restore original animation (probably idle) if previous animation was cancelled -- This should prevent sprint2walk from playing if its counterpart walk2sprint was cancelled if stop_animation then stop_animation = false if (isAnimationEqualTo("anm_walk2sprint") or isAnimationEqualTo("anm_sprint2walk")) then anm_table.anm_name = prev_name end end current_animation = anm_table.anm_name end -- Detect if the player is not sprinting during the walk2sprint animation -- Firebreath: added the elseif in because sometimes the player stops sprint animation -- when interrupted by small obstacles like stairs function actor_on_movement_changed(num) if stop_animation then return end if (not IsMoveState("mcSprint") and isAnimationEqualTo("anm_walk2sprint")) then stop_animation = true game.stop_hud_motion() elseif (IsMoveState("mcSprint") and isAnimationEqualTo("anm_sprint2walk")) then stop_animation = true game.stop_hud_motion() end end function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_movement_changed",actor_on_movement_changed) end