--[[ HUD = nil function activate_hud(gui) -- open with inventory only if gui ~= "UIInventory" then return end -- check for inventory gui if not (ui_inventory and ui_inventory.GUI) then return end -- disable inventory power bar if ui_inventory.GUI.stat and ui_inventory.GUI.stat["power"] and ui_inventory.GUI.stat["power"].base then ui_inventory.GUI.stat["power"].base:Show(false) end -- show hud if HUD == nil then HUD = hts_tooltips() get_hud():AddDialogToRender(HUD) HUD:Update_Bars(true) end end function deactivate_hud(gui) -- if gui ~= "UIInventory" then return end if HUD ~= nil then get_hud():RemoveDialogToRender(HUD) HUD = nil end end class "hts_tooltips" (CUIScriptWnd) function hts_tooltips:__init() super() self:InitControls() end function hts_tooltips:InitControls() self:SetWndRect(Frect():set(0,0,1024,768)) self:SetAutoDelete(true) self.xml = CScriptXmlInit() local xml = self.xml xml:ParseFile("ui_new_bars.xml") self.hts_t = { [1] = { "satiety", get_satiety_val }, [2] = { "thirst", get_thirst_val }, [3] = { "sleep", get_sleep_val }, } -- timer self.tmr = 0 -- build elements self.elems = self.elems or {} for i = 1, 3 do self.elems[i] = self.elems[i] or {} -- bars self.elems[i].bar_wnd = xml:InitStatic(self.hts_t[i][1] .. "_wnd", self) self.elems[i].bar = xml:InitStatic(self.hts_t[i][1] .. "_wnd:bar", self.elems[i].bar_wnd) -- default bar width, height self.elems[i].width = self.elems[i].bar:GetWidth() self.elems[i].height = self.elems[i].bar:GetHeight() -- default bar texture rect (full bar = x2 - x1) self.elems[i].rect_x1 = self.elems[i].bar:GetTextureRect().x1 self.elems[i].rect_y1 = self.elems[i].bar:GetTextureRect().y1 self.elems[i].rect_x2 = self.elems[i].bar:GetTextureRect().x2 self.elems[i].rect_y2 = self.elems[i].bar:GetTextureRect().y2 -- tooltip self.elems[i].tooltip = xml:InitStatic(self.hts_t[i][1] .. "_wnd:tooltip", self.elems[i].bar_wnd) end end function hts_tooltips:Update() CUIScriptWnd.Update(self) -- disable bars when in picker window local picker_enabled = ui_inventory.GUI and ui_inventory.GUI.CC and ui_inventory.GUI.CC["picker"] and ui_inventory.GUI.CC["picker"]:IsShown() for i = 1, #self.elems do self.elems[i].bar_wnd:Show( (not picker_enabled) ) end local tg = time_global() if (tg < self.tmr) then return end self.tmr = tg + 50 self:Update_Bars() end function hts_tooltips:Update_Bars() local pos = GetCursorPosition() for i = 1, #self.elems do local elem = self.elems[i] -- update bars if elem.bar then -- set new x2 rect local x1 = elem.rect_x1 local x2 = x1 + ( (elem.rect_x2 - x1) * self.hts_t[i][2]()) self.elems[i].bar:SetTextureRect(Frect():set( x1, elem.rect_y1, x2, elem.rect_y2 )) -- set new width local width = elem.width * self.hts_t[i][2]() self.elems[i].bar:SetWndSize(vector2():set( width, elem.height )) end -- update tooltip self.elems[i].tooltip:Show(false) if elem.tooltip then local p, w, h = elem.bar_wnd:GetWndPos(), elem.bar_wnd:GetWidth(), elem.bar_wnd:GetHeight() local pos_true = pos.x > p.x and pos.y > p.y and pos.x < (p.x + w) and pos.y < (p.y + h) if pos_true then self.elems[i].tooltip:Show(true) self.elems[i].tooltip:TextControl():SetText( math.ceil(self.hts_t[i][2]() * 100) .. " %" ) end end end end function hts_tooltips:__finalize() end --]] -------------------------- misc -------------------------- function get_red_thirst() local max_thirst = get_local_val([[gamedata\scripts\actor_status_thirst.script]], "actor_status_thirst", "local start_blur_4") or 5760 return max_thirst end function get_red_sleep() local max_sleep = get_local_val([[gamedata\scripts\actor_status_sleep.script]], "actor_status_sleep", "local start_blur_4") or 8750 return max_sleep end function get_local_val(path, script_name, str_to_find) if _G[script_name] then if not file_exists(path) then return end for line in io.lines(path) do if string.find(line, str_to_find) then _,_, loc_val = string.find(line, "start_blur_4%s*=%s*(%d+)") if type(tonumber(loc_val)) == "number" then return loc_val end end end end end function file_exists(name) local f = io.open(name, "r") if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function get_satiety_val() local conditions = db.actor:cast_Actor():conditions() local satiety = conditions:GetSatiety() local red_icon_satiety = conditions:SatietyCritical() * 0.5 satiety = normalize(satiety, red_icon_satiety, 1) return satiety end function get_thirst_val() local thirst = 1 - actor_status_thirst.get_water_deprivation() local red_icon_thirst = get_red_thirst() red_icon_thirst = 1 - normalize(red_icon_thirst, 0, 10000) thirst = normalize(thirst, red_icon_thirst, 1) return thirst end function get_sleep_val() local sleep = 1 - actor_status_sleep.get_sleep_deprivation() local red_icon_sleep = get_red_sleep() red_icon_sleep = 1 - normalize(red_icon_sleep, 0, 10000) sleep = normalize(sleep, red_icon_sleep, 1) return sleep end --[[ function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("GUI_on_show", activate_hud) RegisterScriptCallback("GUI_on_hide", deactivate_hud) end --]]