--'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --' AI Additions --' îáùàÿ îçâó÷êà ïåðñîíàæåé --' Rulix aka Bak --' 10.03.2016 --'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local nstl = 64 local theme = {} local mute_npcs = {} local function id() return sound_theme.id() end function load_sounds() stalker_ids.sound_enemy_killed_or_wounded = stalker_ids.sound_enemy_critically_wounded+1 -- fix wrong export id local snd_ini = ini_file([[misc\ai_additions\rx_script_sound.ltx]]) ASSERTX(snd_ini:section_exist("list"),"There is no section [list] in rx_script_sound.ltx") local n = snd_ini:line_count("list") local result,section,value for i=0,n-1 do result,section,value = snd_ini:r_line("list",i,"","") if theme[section] == nil and (value == '' or _G[value] ~= nil) then theme[section] = npc_sound_generic(snd_ini,section) end end mute_npcs = rx_utils.collect_sections(snd_ini,{"mute_characters"},nil,true) end --' Èãðàòü òåìó function set_sound_play(npc_id,sound,cb_func) local snd_theme = theme[sound] if not snd_theme then rx_ai.printf("set_sound_play. Wrong sound theme [%s], npc[%s]", tostring(sound), npc_id) return end if xr_sound.sound_table[npc_id] == nil then if snd_theme:play(npc_id) then snd_theme.npc[npc_id].cb = cb_func xr_sound.sound_table[npc_id] = snd_theme return true end -- else -- rx_ai.printf("rx_sound: cannot play sound [%s] because i'm [%s] already play snd [%s]",sound,npc_id,xr_sound.sound_table[npc_id].path) end end class "npc_sound_generic" function npc_sound_generic:__init(snd_ini,section) self.section = section --' Õðàíèò ïàðàìåòðû çâóêà äëÿ êàæäîãî NPC self.npc = {} --' Ïàðàìåòðû âû÷èòûâàíèÿ çâóêà self.internal_type = stalker_ids[rx_utils.read_from_ini(snd_ini,section,"sound","_nil",1)] if not self.internal_type then self.prefix = rx_utils.read_from_ini(snd_ini,section,"npc_prefix",true,0) self.path = rx_utils.read_from_ini(snd_ini,section,"path","",1) self.shuffle = rx_utils.read_from_ini(snd_ini,section,"shuffle","rnd",1) -- self.is_combat_sound = rx_utils.read_from_ini(snd_ini,section,"is_combat_sound",false,0) or nil self.pda_snd = rx_utils.read_from_ini(snd_ini,section,"pda_snd",false,0) or nil self.type = snd_type[rx_utils.read_from_ini(snd_ini,section,"type","_nil",1)] end self.group_snd = rx_utils.read_from_ini(snd_ini,section,"group_snd",false,0) or nil -- Âðåìÿ çàäåðæêè íà÷àëà îòûãðûâàíèÿ çâóêà local delay = rx_utils.parse_list(snd_ini,section,"delay_sound",nil,true) self.min_delay = delay[1] or 0 self.max_delay = delay[2] or self.min_delay --' Èíòåðâàë ïðîèãðûâàíèÿ çâóêà local interval = rx_utils.parse_list(snd_ini,section,"idle",nil,true) self.min_idle = interval[1] self.max_idle = interval[2] self.rnd = interval[3]/100 if snd_ini:line_exist(section,"avail_communities") then self.avail_communities = rx_utils.parse_list(snd_ini,section,"avail_communities",true) end if self.group_snd then self.can_play_group_sound = true end end function npc_sound_generic:init_npc(npc) if self.internal_type then self.npc[npc:id()] = {} return end local f = getFS() local character_prefix if self.prefix == false then character_prefix = npc:sound_prefix() npc:sound_prefix("characters_voice\\") end local npc_data = {} npc_data.id = id() npc_data.max = npc:add_sound(self.path, nstl, self.type or snd_type.monster_talk, 1, 1, npc_data.id, "bip01_head") - 1 -- priority 2 mask 1? if npc_data.max < 0 then npc_data = nil elseif self.pda_snd then npc_data.path = {} if f:exist("$game_sounds$",npc:sound_prefix()..self.path..".ogg") ~= nil then npc_data.path[1] = npc:sound_prefix()..self.path else local num = 1 while f:exist("$game_sounds$",npc:sound_prefix()..self.path..num..".ogg") do npc_data.path[num] = npc:sound_prefix()..self.path..num num = num + 1 end end end self.npc[npc:id()] = npc_data if character_prefix then npc:sound_prefix(character_prefix) end end function npc_sound_generic:play(npc_id,override) local npc = db.storage[npc_id] and db.storage[npc_id].object if npc == nil then rx_ai.printf("sound[%s]:coudnt find npc!!!",npc_id) return false end if not override and npc:active_sound_count() > 0 then return false end local npc_data = self.npc[npc_id] if not npc_data then return false end -- êòî-òî óæå ãîâîðèò ãðóïïîâîé çâóê if self.group_snd and not self.can_play_group_sound then return false end -- íå ïîâåçëî ñêàçàòü if math.random() > self.rnd then return false end -- âðåìÿ åù¸ íå ïðèøëî if npc_data.played_time and time_global()-npc_data.played_time < self.idle_time then return false end npc_data.played_time = nil -- åñëè ñòàíäàðòíûé çâóê - êîìàíäà èãðàòü if self.internal_type then if self.group_snd then self.can_play_group_sound = false end local _ = override == 0 and stop_sounds_on_combat(npc) or override and stop_sounds(npc) npc:play_sound(self.internal_type, self.max_delay, self.min_delay) return true end --' Âûáîð çâóêà, êîòîðûé èãðàòü. self.played_id = self:select_next_sound(npc_data) -- çâóêîâ íåò, èëè ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòü óæå îòûãðàíà if self.played_id == -1 then return false end if self.group_snd then self.can_play_group_sound = false end local _ = override == 0 and stop_sounds_on_combat(npc) or override and stop_sounds(npc) -- play_sound (u32 internal_type, u32 max_start_time, u32 min_start_time, u32 max_stop_time, u32 min_stop_time, u32 id) npc:play_sound(npc_data.id, self.max_delay, self.min_delay, 1, 0, self.played_id) -- ïðîâåðêà íà ñóùåñòâîâàíèå çâóêà äóáëèðóþùåãî îñíîâíîé ïî ÏÄÀ. Åñëè îí åñòü òî èãðàòü è åãî. if self.pda_snd then local snd = npc_data.path[self.played_id+1] if snd and getFS():exist("$game_sounds$",snd.."_pda.ogg") ~= nil and npc:position():distance_to_sqr(db.actor:position()) >= 100 then if self.pda_snd_obj ~= nil and self.pda_snd_obj:playing() then self.pda_snd_obj:stop() end self.pda_snd_obj = rx_utils.get_sound(snd.."_pda") self.pda_snd_obj:play_at_pos(db.actor, vector():set(0,0,0), self.max_delay, sound_object.s2d) self.pda_snd_obj.volume = 0.8 end end return true end function npc_sound_generic:select_next_sound(npc_data) if npc_data.max < 0 then return -1 end if self.shuffle == "rnd" then if npc_data.max == 0 then return 0 end if self.played_id ~= nil then if npc_data.max == 1 then return 1-self.played_id end local played_id = math.random(0,npc_data.max-1) if played_id >= self.played_id then return played_id + 1 end return played_id end return math.random(0,npc_data.max) end if self.shuffle == "seq" then if self.played_id == nil then return 0 end if self.played_id < npc_data.max then return self.played_id + 1 end return -1 end if self.shuffle == "loop" then if self.played_id == nil then return 0 end if self.played_id < npc_data.max then return self.played_id + 1 end return 0 end end function npc_sound_generic:callback(npc_id) if self.group_snd then self.can_play_group_sound = true end self.idle_time = math.random(self.min_idle,self.max_idle) * 1000 local npc_data = self.npc[npc_id] if npc_data then npc_data.played_time = time_global() if npc_data.cb then npc_data.cb[1](npc_data.cb[2],self) npc_data.cb = nil end end end function npc_sound_generic:reset(npc_id) local npc = db.storage[npc_id] and db.storage[npc_id].object self.npc[npc_id].played_time = nil self.played_id = nil if self.group_snd then self.can_play_group_sound = true end stop_sounds(npc) if self.pda_snd_obj ~= nil then self.pda_snd_obj:stop() self.pda_snd_obj = nil end end function npc_sound_generic:is_playing(npc_id) -- Ïðîâåðêà èãðàåòñÿ ëè ñåé÷àñ çâóê ó íïñ local obj = db.storage[npc_id] and db.storage[npc_id].object if obj == nil then return false end return obj:active_sound_count() ~= 0 or (self.pda_snd_obj and self.pda_snd_obj:playing()) end function npc_sound_generic:stop(obj_id) local npc = db.storage[obj_id] and db.storage[obj_id].object stop_sounds(npc) if self.pda_snd_obj and self.pda_snd_obj:playing() then self.pda_snd_obj:stop() self.pda_snd_obj = nil end end --' Çàãðóçêà çâóêîâ ÍÏÑ function init_npc_sound(npc) if not (mute_npcs[npc:name()] or mute_npcs[npc:profile_name()] or mute_npcs.all_story and rx_utils.is_story_object(npc)) then local comm = npc:character_community() for _,s in pairs(theme) do if not s.avail_communities or s.avail_communities[comm] then s:init_npc(npc) end end end end --' Äëÿ óáèðàíèÿ çâóêîâ ïðè ïåðåêëþ÷åíèè ñ áîåâûõ ñõåì íà êîìáàò ïëàííåð function block_alarm_sound(npc) if npc:best_enemy() and not xr_sound.sound_table[npc:id()] then npc:set_fastcall(stop_sounds,npc) end if not state_mgr.is_idle(npc) then npc:motivation_action_manager():action(xr_actions_id.state_mgr+1).block_sound = true end end function stop_sounds(obj) if obj and obj:alive() then obj:set_sound_mask(-1) obj:set_sound_mask(0) end return true end ---[[ --'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --' êëàññ äëÿ ïðîèãðûâàíèÿ çâóêîâ èç êîíôèãà îáúåêòà --'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class "dihud_sound" function dihud_sound:__init(section,name,typ,read_delay) self.st = {} self.type = typ local inif = system_ini() local k,sline = 0,name while inif:line_exist(section,sline) do k = k+1 self.st[k] = rx_utils.parse_list(inif,section,sline,nil,true) if not read_delay then self.st[k][3] = nil end sline = name..k end end function dihud_sound:play(obj,pos,delay,volume) local s = self.st[math.random(#self.st)] if s and s[1] and s[1] ~= "" then local snd = rx_utils.get_sound(s[1]) local dly = (delay or 0)+(s[3] or 0) if pos then snd:play_at_pos(obj,pos,dly,self.type or sound_object.s3d) else snd:play(obj,dly,self.type or sound_object.s3d) end if volume or s[2] then snd.volume = (volume or 1)*(s[2] or 1) end end end --]]