-- UTILS -- Similar floats local function similar(f1, f2, e) return math.abs(f1 - f2) <= (e or 0.001) end -- Truncate to a decimal local function trunc(float, decimal) local d = 10 ^ (decimal or 1) return math.floor(float * d) / d end -- Linear inter/extrapolation local function lerp(a, b, f) if a and b and f then return a + f * (b - a) else return a or b or 0 end end -- Time delta local function time_delta() return math.min(50, device().time_delta) end -- LUT Lookup local function array_keys(t, sorted, sort_func) local res = {} local res_count = 1 for k, v in pairs(t) do res[res_count] = k res_count = res_count + 1 end if sorted then if sort_func then table.sort(res, sort_func) else table.sort(res) end end return res end local function bisect_left(a, x, lo, hi) local lo = lo or 1 local hi = hi or #a if lo < 0 then printf('bisect, lo must be non-negative') return end while lo < hi do local mid = math.floor((lo + hi) * 0.5) if a[mid] < x then lo = mid+1 else hi = mid end end return lo end local function lookup(t, key, tkeys) if is_empty(t) then return 0 end if t[key] then return t[key] end if not tkeys then tkeys = array_keys(t, true) end local tkeys_len = #tkeys if key <= tkeys[1] then if key == tkeys[1] then return t[tkeys[1]] elseif not tkeys[2] then return t[tkeys[1]] else local hi = tkeys[2] local lo = tkeys[1] local k = (key - lo) / (hi - lo) return lerp(t[lo], t[hi], k) end end if key >= tkeys[tkeys_len] then if key == tkeys[tkeys_len] then return t[tkeys[tkeys_len]] elseif not tkeys[tkeys_len - 1] then return t[tkeys[tkeys_len]] else local hi = tkeys[tkeys_len] local lo = tkeys[tkeys_len - 1] local k = (key - lo) / (hi - lo) return lerp(t[lo], t[hi], k) end end local where = bisect_left(tkeys, key) local lo = tkeys[where-1] or tkeys[where] local hi = tkeys[where] if lo == hi then return t[lo] end local delta = (key - lo) / (hi - lo) local res = delta * t[hi] + (1 - delta) * t[lo] --printf(res) return res end -- EMA smoothing for changing values, frame independent local default_smoothing = 11.5 local smoothed_values = {} local function ema(key, value, def, steps, delta) local steps = steps or default_smoothing local delta = delta or steps local smoothing_alpha = 2.0 / (steps + 1) smoothed_values[key] = smoothed_values[key] and smoothed_values[key] + math.min(smoothing_alpha * (delta / steps), 1) * (value - smoothed_values[key]) or def or value --printf("EMA fired, key %s, target %s, current %s, going %s", key, value, smoothed_values[key], (value > smoothed_values[key] and "up" or "down")) return smoothed_values[key] end special_characters = { ["m_trader"] = "esc_2_12_stalker_trader", ["m_lesnik"] = "red_forester_tech", ["zat_a2_stalker_nimble"] = "esc_2_12_stalker_nimble", } -- LUT for rotating camera to the angle depending on aspect ratio of display (device().width / device().height) local ratio_to_rotate = { [1.333] = -11, [1.600] = -13.5, [1.777] = -15.5, [2.370] = -21.5, [3.555] = -31, } local ratio_to_rotate_keys = array_keys(ratio_to_rotate, true) -- Vars local saved_fov local zoom_fov_from local zoom_fov_to local zoom_fov_active = false local zoom_fov_active_always = false local saved_hud_fov local zoom_hud_fov_from local zoom_hud_fov_to local saved_npc local saved_dist local saved_rotate -- Get NPC actor talks to function on_key_press(key) if db.actor and db.actor:alive() then local bind = dik_to_bind(key) if (bind == key_bindings.kUSE) then local npc = level.get_target_obj() or nil if npc then if IsStalker(npc) or special_characters[npc:section()] then if npc:alive() and npc:is_talk_enabled() then saved_npc = npc saved_dist = math.max(1, device().cam_pos:distance_to(utils_obj.safe_bone_pos(saved_npc, "bip01_head")) - 0.2) end end end end end end -- Move camera so the npc is in the left function move_camera() if not saved_npc then return stop_move_camera() end -- Get look position and direction local look_pos = utils_obj.safe_bone_pos(saved_npc, "bip01_head") local look_dir = look_pos:sub(device().cam_pos):normalize() -- Turn look direction depending on aspect ratio of display local rotate_deg if saved_rotate then rotate_deg = saved_rotate else local ratio = trunc(device().width / device().height, 3) rotate_deg = lookup(ratio_to_rotate, ratio, ratio_to_rotate_keys) saved_rotate = rotate_deg end if saved_dist and settings.zoom_fov_enabled and settings.distance_fov then rotate_deg = rotate_deg / saved_dist end rotate_deg = rotate_deg * settings.turn_modifier local new_look_dir = vector_rotate_y(look_dir, rotate_deg) -- Smooth the turning for better effect local steps = settings.smoothing local delta = time_delta() local smoothed_look_dir = vector():set( ema("look_dir_x", new_look_dir.x, look_dir.x, steps, delta), ema("look_dir_y", new_look_dir.y, look_dir.y, steps, delta), ema("look_dir_z", new_look_dir.z, look_dir.z, steps, delta) ) -- Apply the turning local new_look_pos = vector():mad(device().cam_pos, smoothed_look_dir, 10) db.actor:actor_look_at_point(new_look_pos) end function start_move_camera() RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", move_camera) end function stop_move_camera() UnregisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", move_camera) if db.actor then if db.actor.actor_stop_look_at_point then db.actor:actor_stop_look_at_point() end end smoothed_values.look_dir_x = nil smoothed_values.look_dir_y = nil smoothed_values.look_dir_z = nil saved_rotate = nil saved_npc = nil saved_dist = nil end function GUI_on_show(name) if name == "Dialog" then if settings.zoom_fov_enabled then saved_fov = zoom_fov_active and saved_fov or get_console_cmd(2, "fov") local new_fov = math.min(settings.min_zoom_fov, saved_fov / settings.zoom_fov_modifier) if saved_dist and settings.distance_fov then new_fov = math.atan(math.tan(new_fov * (0.5 * math.pi / 180)) / saved_dist) / (0.5 * math.pi / 180) end saved_hud_fov = zoom_fov_active and saved_hud_fov or get_console_cmd(2, "hud_fov") local new_hud_fov = saved_hud_fov / (saved_fov / new_fov) start_fov(saved_fov, new_fov, saved_hud_fov, new_hud_fov, true) end if settings.track_npc then start_move_camera() end end end function GUI_on_hide(name) if name == "Dialog" then reset(true) end end -- Smooth changing of FOV -- start_fov(fov_from, fov_to, fov_hud_from, fov_hud_to, active_always) initiate the changing procedure function change_fov() local steps = settings.fov_smoothing local delta = time_delta() local smoothed_fov = ema("fov", zoom_fov_to, zoom_fov_from, steps, delta) exec_console_cmd("fov " .. smoothed_fov) local smoothed_hud_fov = ema("hud_fov", zoom_hud_fov_to, zoom_hud_fov_from, steps, delta) exec_console_cmd("hud_fov " .. smoothed_hud_fov) if not zoom_fov_active_always and similar(smoothed_fov, zoom_fov_to, 0.02) then exec_console_cmd("fov " .. zoom_fov_to) exec_console_cmd("hud_fov " .. zoom_hud_fov_to) stop_fov() end end function start_fov(fov_from, fov_to, fov_hud_from, fov_hud_to, active_always) zoom_fov_from = fov_from or get_console_cmd(2, "fov") zoom_fov_to = fov_to zoom_hud_fov_from = fov_hud_from or get_console_cmd(2, "hud_fov") zoom_hud_fov_to = fov_hud_to zoom_fov_active = true zoom_fov_active_always = active_always RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", change_fov) end function stop_fov() smoothed_values.fov = nil smoothed_values.hud_fov = nil zoom_fov_active = false zoom_fov_active_always = false UnregisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", change_fov) end function reset_fov() stop_fov() if not saved_fov then return end exec_console_cmd("fov " .. saved_fov) exec_console_cmd("hud_fov " .. saved_hud_fov) saved_fov = nil end function reset(soft_fov) if soft_fov then if saved_fov then start_fov(zoom_fov_to, saved_fov, zoom_hud_fov_to, saved_hud_fov) end else reset_fov() end stop_move_camera() end function hard_reset() reset() end -- MCM function load_defaults() local t = {} local op = dialog_fov_mcm.op for i, v in ipairs(op.gr) do if v.def ~= nil then t[v.id] = v.def end end return t end settings = load_defaults() function load_settings() settings = load_defaults() if ui_mcm then for k, v in pairs(settings) do settings[k] = ui_mcm.get(dialog_fov_mcm.op_id .. "/" .. k) end end return settings end function on_option_change() load_settings() switch_mod(settings.enabled) end function switch_mod(enable) local funcs = { {"on_key_press", on_key_press}, {"GUI_on_show", GUI_on_show}, {"GUI_on_hide", GUI_on_hide}, {"actor_on_net_destroy", hard_reset}, {"actor_on_before_death", hard_reset}, } if enable then for i, v in ipairs(funcs) do RegisterScriptCallback(v[1], v[2]) end else for i, v in ipairs(funcs) do UnregisterScriptCallback(v[1], v[2]) end reset() return end if not settings.zoom_fov_enabled then reset_fov() end if not settings.track_npc then stop_move_camera() end end function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_first_update", on_option_change) RegisterScriptCallback("on_option_change", on_option_change) switch_mod(true) end