/** * @ Version: SCREEN SPACE SHADERS - UPDATE 19 * @ Description: Trees - Branches/Bushes * @ Modified time: 2023-12-16 13:53 * @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457 * @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders */ #include "common.h" #include "check_screenspace.h" float4 benders_pos[32]; float4 benders_setup; uniform float3x4 m_xform ; uniform float3x4 m_xform_v ; uniform float4 consts; // {1/quant,1/quant,???,???} uniform float4 c_scale,c_bias,wind,wave; uniform float2 c_sun; // x=*, y=+ #ifdef SSFX_WIND #include "screenspace_wind.h" #endif v2p_bumped main (v_tree I) { I.Nh = unpack_D3DCOLOR(I.Nh); I.T = unpack_D3DCOLOR(I.T); I.B = unpack_D3DCOLOR(I.B); // Transform to world coords float3 pos = mul(m_xform, I.P); float H = pos.y - m_xform._24; // height of vertex float2 tc = (I.tc * consts).xy; #ifndef SSFX_WIND float base = m_xform._24 ; // take base height from matrix float dp = calc_cyclic (wave.w+dot(pos,(float3)wave)); float frac = I.tc.z*consts.x; // fractional (or rigidity) float inten = H * dp; // intensity float2 result = calc_xz_wave (wind.xz*inten*2.0f, frac); float3 wind_result = float3(result.x, 0, result.y); #else float3 wind_result = ssfx_wind_tree_branches(pos, H, tc.y, ssfx_wind_setup()); #endif #ifdef USE_TREEWAVE wind_result = 0; #endif float4 w_pos = float4(pos.xyz + wind_result.xyz, 1); // INTERACTIVE GRASS ( Bushes ) - SSS Update 15.4 // https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders/ #if SSFX_INT_GRASS > 0 for (int b = 0; b < SSFX_INT_GRASS + 1; b++) { // Direction, Radius & Bending Strength, Distance and Height Limit float3 dir = benders_pos[b + 16].xyz; float3 rstr = float3(benders_pos[b].w, benders_pos[b + 16].ww); // .x = Radius | .yz = Str bool non_dynamic = rstr.x <= 0 ? true : false; float dist = distance(w_pos.xz, benders_pos[b].xz); float height_limit = 1.0f - saturate(abs(pos.y - benders_pos[b].y) / ( non_dynamic ? 2.0f : rstr.x )); height_limit *= (1.0f - tc.y); // Bushes uses UV Coor instead of H to limit displacement // Adjustments ( Fix Radius or Dynamic Radius ) rstr.x = non_dynamic ? benders_setup.x : rstr.x; rstr.yz *= non_dynamic ? benders_setup.yz : 1.0f; // Strength through distance and bending direction. float bend = 1.0f - saturate(dist / (rstr.x + 0.001f)); float3 bend_dir = normalize(w_pos.xyz - benders_pos[b].xyz) * bend; float3 dir_limit = dir.y >= -1 ? saturate(dot(bend_dir.xyz, dir.xyz) * 5.0f) : 1.0f; // Limit if nedeed // Apply direction limit bend_dir.xz *= dir_limit.xz; // Apply vertex displacement w_pos.xz += bend_dir.xz * 2.25f * rstr.yy * height_limit; // Horizontal w_pos.y -= bend * 0.67f * rstr.z * height_limit * dir_limit.y; // Vertical } #endif float hemi = clamp(I.Nh.w * c_scale.w + c_bias.w, 0.3f, 1.0f); // Limit hemi - SSS Update 14.5 // float hemi = I.Nh.w; // Eye-space pos/normal v2p_bumped O; float3 Pe = mul (m_V, w_pos ); O.tcdh = float4 (tc.xyyy ); O.hpos = mul (m_VP, w_pos ); O.position = float4 (Pe, hemi ); #if defined(USE_R2_STATIC_SUN) && !defined(USE_LM_HEMI) float suno = I.Nh.w * c_sun.x + c_sun.y ; O.tcdh.w = suno; // (,,,dir-occlusion) #endif // Calculate the 3x3 transform from tangent space to eye-space // TangentToEyeSpace = object2eye * tangent2object // = object2eye * transpose(object2tangent) (since the inverse of a rotation is its transpose) //Normal mapping // FLORA FIXES & IMPROVEMENTS - SSS Update 14 // https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders/ // Use real tree Normal, Tangent and Binormal. float3 N = unpack_bx4(I.Nh); float3 T = unpack_bx4(I.T); float3 B = unpack_bx4(I.B); float3x3 xform = mul ((float3x3)m_xform_v, float3x3( T.x,B.x,N.x, T.y,B.y,N.y, T.z,B.z,N.z )); // The pixel shader operates on the bump-map in [0..1] range // Remap this range in the matrix, anyway we are pixel-shader limited :) // ...... [ 2 0 0 0] // ...... [ 0 2 0 0] // ...... [ 0 0 2 0] // ...... [-1 -1 -1 1] // issue: strange, but it's slower :( // issue: interpolators? dp4? VS limited? black magic? // Feed this transform to pixel shader O.M1 = xform[0]; O.M2 = xform[1]; O.M3 = xform[2]; #ifdef USE_TDETAIL O.tcdbump = O.tcdh * dt_params; // dt tc #endif return O; } FXVS;