; RF interference from GSM-750, 810, 850, 
; and 900 cellular signals given off by 
; the PDAs of nearby stalkers
; If you don't want this feature, you can 
; safely delete this file or comment it out.

clsid 		= script_stalker
dist 		= 50
snd 		= func
func 		= item_radio.sfx_gsm_noise
freq 		= 762,810,869,915
action 		= item_radio.new_stalker_contact
variance 	= 15
; The first time a stalker comes into range while
; the player has the RF Receiver out, NERFS will 
; assign their PDA a frequency by picking one of 
; the comma-separated bands listed in freq, then
; randomizing it +/- 1 to N, where N is the value
; above in variance.
; Variance has no effect on any other signal.