; !!!THIS IS A BASE FILE, DO NOT EDIT!!! ; This file allows to override existing material pairs from gamemtl.xr ; Or add completely new material pairs to the game ; Material pairs define the behaviour when two materials interact with each other ; To add a material pair, make a new file with name `material_pairs_mymaterialpair.ltx` for example ; And define new material pair like so: ;[material1@material2] ; breaking_sounds = actor\pain_1, actor\pain_2, actor\pain_3 ; step_sounds = actor\pain_1, actor\pain_2, actor\pain_3 ; collide_sounds = actor\pain_1, actor\pain_2, actor\pain_3 ; collide_particles = hit_fx\hit_flesh_01 ; collide_marks = wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood_1 ;[material2@material1]:material1@material2 ; define swapped pair, !THIS STRING IS IMPORTANT, MUST USE IT! ; To override existing material pair, either make a new file `material_pairs_mymodmaterialpair.ltx` ; with sections corresponding to existing material pairs OR ; Make a DLTX file `mod_material_pairs_mymodmaterialpair.ltx` and define override with @ sign: ; @[creatures\actor@materials\bush] ; breaking_sounds = actor\pain_1, actor\pain_2, actor\pain_3 ; step_sounds = actor\pain_1, actor\pain_2, actor\pain_3 ; collide_sounds = actor\pain_1, actor\pain_2, actor\pain_3 ; collide_particles = hit_fx\hit_flesh_01 ; collide_marks = wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood_1 ;@[materials\bush@creatures\actor]:creatures\actor@materials\bush ; define swapped pair, !THIS STRING IS IMPORTANT, MUST USE IT! ; Available fields and values: ; breaking_sounds ; sounds on breaking, taken from 'sounds' folder ; step_sounds ; sounds on stepping ; collide_sounds ; sounds on colliding ; collide_particles ; particles on colliding, taken from particles.xr or particles folder ; collide_marks ; wallmarks on colliding #include "material_pairs_*.ltx"