Beef's NVG Settings
Compatibility with Shader Based 2d Scopes
The max gain that can be applied to NVGs.
Higher values allow you more 'brightness', although it will eventually cap out. Recommend to set this based cloudy_dark_2 weather at midnight.
The min gain that can be applied to NVGs.
Lower values allow you to turn down the NVGs more - very low values will even enable you to use the NVGs during daylight.
An offset applied to world brightness.
1.0 leaves world brightness as-is, larger values multiply world brightness (but not light sources).
The threshold for light source washout.
Generally recommended to keep at 0.1, but can be increased to reduce washout on light sources slightly.
This value scales with the nvg gain so that higher gains have more washout and lower gains have less washout.
Can use NVG while Aiming Down Sights:
If this box is checked, you can keep your NVGs on while ADS. If its is unchecked, your character will disable their NVGs while raising their weapon.
NVGs stay on when viewing PDA:
If this box is unchecked, your NVGs automatically disable when looking at your PDA.
Gen 1 Tube Setup: (Default single tube centered)
Choose the number of tubes for Gen 1 NVGs.
Gen 2 Tube Setup: (Default dual tubes centered)
Choose the number of tubes for Gen 2 NVGs.
Gen 3 Tube Setup: (Default quad tubes centered)
Choose the number of tubes for Gen 3 NVGs.
Single Tube, Centered
Single Tube, Left Side
Single Tube, Right Side
Dual Tubes, Centered
Quad Tubes, Centered
Gen 1 Overlay Background: (Default is No Overlay)
Choose what background overlay you want
Gen 2 Overlay Background: (Default is Blurred Overlay)
Choose what background overlay you want
Gen 3 Overlay Background: (Default is Blurred Overlay)
Choose what background overlay you want
Blurred Overlay
Black Overlay
(Not implemented) Image Overlay
No Overlay (clear vision)
If you have Shader Based 2d Scope, check this box
Basically, due to shadering magic, if you have Shader Based 2d Scopes, you need to check this box. Otherwise, don't check this box.