-- Dynamic Anomaly Generator by DoctorX -- Revisited by demonized, 2022 -- Creating anomalies at the start of level after emission/psi-storm and removing anomalies after emission/psi-storm instead of just disabling them, allowing for truly dynamic generation -- Anomalies behaviour: -- enable/disable with randomized periods, duration and cooldowns for every single anomaly -- behaviour if actor is near an anomaly -- behaviour on hit -- Spawning artefacts in new anomaly zones --============================================================= -- -- Dynamic Anomaly Generator (drx_da_main.script) -- CoC 1.5b r4 - DoctorX Dynamic Anomalies 2.1 -- -- - Generates randomly placed anomalies on specified smart terrains -- - Setting file: configs\drx\drx_da_config.ltx -- -- Created by: DoctorX -- Last revised: April 02, 2018 -- --============================================================= -- Imports local clamp = clamp local time_global = time_global local get_start_time = level.get_start_time local get_game_time = game.get_game_time local level_vertex_id = level.vertex_id local level_vertex_position = level.vertex_position local abs = math.abs local ceil = math.ceil local cos = math.cos local floor = math.floor local max = math.max local min = math.min local random = math.random local sin = math.sin local sqrt = math.sqrt local CreateTimeEvent = demonized_time_events.CreateTimeEvent local RemoveTimeEvent = demonized_time_events.RemoveTimeEvent local process_queue = demonized_concurrent_queues.process_queue local remove_queue = demonized_concurrent_queues.remove_queue local add_speed = speed.add_speed local remove_speed = speed.remove_speed -- MCM -- Load the defaults local function load_defaults() local t = {} local op = drx_da_main_mcm.op for i, v in ipairs(op.gr) do if v.def ~= nil then t[v.id] = v.def end end return t end local settings = load_defaults() local function load_settings() settings = load_defaults() if ui_mcm then for k, v in pairs(settings) do settings[k] = ui_mcm.get("drx_da/" .. k) end end end -- UTILS --Recursive print of tables similar to PHP print_r function local print_r = print_r or function(t) local print_r_cache={} local function sub_print_r(t,indent) if (print_r_cache[tostring(t)]) then printf(indent.."*"..tostring(t)) else print_r_cache[tostring(t)]=true if (type(t)=="table") then for pos,val in pairs(t) do if (type(val)=="table") then printf(indent.."["..pos.."] => "..tostring(t).." {") sub_print_r(val,indent..string.rep(" ",string.len(pos)+8)) printf(indent..string.rep(" ",string.len(pos)+6).."}") else printf(indent.."["..pos.."] => "..tostring(val)) end end else printf(indent..tostring(t)) end end end sub_print_r(t," ") end --Protected function call to prevent crashes to desktop --Prints error in console if occured, otherwise proceed normally --Use for test only, slower than usual local try = try or function(func, ...) local status, error_or_result = pcall(func, ...) if not status then printf(error_or_result) return false, status, error_or_result else return error_or_result, status end end -- Shuffle table, Fisher-Yates shuffle with preserving original table local function shuffle(t) local s = {} for i = 1, #t do s[i] = t[i] end for i = #t, 2, -1 do local j = random(i) s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] end return s end -- Get time elapsed from the start of the game in IRL seconds local time_factor = 6 local function get_time_elapsed() --trace(time_factor) return floor(get_game_time():diffSec(get_start_time()) / time_factor * 10) * 0.1 end local function round(amount) return floor(amount + 0.5) end local og_printf = printf local function printf(str, ...) if settings.debug_mode then og_printf("DRX DA: " .. str, ...) end end --EMA smoothing for changing values, frame independent local default_smoothing = 11.5 local smoothed_values = {} local function ema(key, value, def, steps, delta) local steps = steps or default_smoothing local delta = delta or steps local smoothing_alpha = 2.0 / (steps + 1) smoothed_values[key] = smoothed_values[key] and smoothed_values[key] + min(smoothing_alpha * (delta / steps), 1) * (value - smoothed_values[key]) or def or value --printf("EMA fired, key %s, target %s, current %s, going %s", key, value, smoothed_values[key], (value > smoothed_values[key] and "up" or "down")) return smoothed_values[key] end local get_safe_sound_object = xr_sound.get_safe_sound_object local function play_sound_on_actor(snd, volume, frequency, obj) if not snd then printf("snd is nil") return end local actor = db.actor local snd = get_safe_sound_object(snd) if snd then if obj and obj:id() ~= AC_ID then snd:play_at_pos(obj, obj:position(), 0, sound_object.s3d) else snd:play(actor, 0, sound_object.s2d) end snd.volume = volume or 1 snd.frequency = frequency or 1 return snd end end -- Table of current active effects, contains tables of these { -- timer = time_elapsed + timer in seconds, how long effect will be applied -- effect = function(), the function of the effect -- effect_function - string, dump of effect function to store in m_data -- effect_args - array, args to effect_function -- on_end = function(), the function on the expiration of effect -- on_end_function - string, dump of on_end function to store in m_data -- on_end_args - array, args to on_end_function -- key - string, custom key to set in timed_effects table, otherwise will be used first available one -- not_save - boolean, do not save in mdata } -- this is the complex function intended to have persistence between saves, moving to different maps and so on, use if needed -- no upvalues are allowed in the functions, best to reference globals by _G. lookup -- The precision for both cooldown and timed effects is 0.1 or 100ms, making more precise timer or timed effect is pointless local time_elapsed = 0 timed_effects = {} function add_timed_effect(timer, effect_function, effect_args, on_end_function, on_end_args, key, not_save) printf("current_time %s, adding effect %s", time_elapsed, time_elapsed + (timer or 0)) local dump = string.dump local load = loadstring local unpack = unpack local table_insert = table.insert local effect_args = effect_args or {} local on_end_args = on_end_args or {} local effect = { timer = time_elapsed + (timer or 0), effect = effect_function and function() effect_function(unpack(effect_args)) end, effect_function = effect_function and dump(effect_function), effect_args = effect_args, on_end = on_end_function and function() on_end_function(unpack(on_end_args)) end, on_end_function = on_end_function and dump(on_end_function), on_end_args = on_end_args, save = not not_save } if key then timed_effects[key] = effect else table_insert(timed_effects, effect) end end -- This is the simpler version of the function above if you do not care about persistence and saving states function add_simple_timed_effect(timer, effect_function, on_end_function, key, overwrite_mode) -- printf("current_time %s, adding effect %s", time_elapsed, time_elapsed + (timer or 0)) if key and timed_effects[key] then if overwrite_mode == false or overwrite_mode == 0 then -- printf("can't add effect %s, already exists", k) return elseif overwrite_mode == 1 then timed_effects[key].timer = time_elapsed + (timer or 0) return end end local dump = string.dump local load = loadstring local unpack = unpack local table_insert = table.insert local effect = { timer = time_elapsed + (timer or 0), effect = effect_function, on_end = on_end_function } if effect.on_end then -- printf("effect has on end function %s", effect.on_end) end if key then timed_effects[key] = effect else table_insert(timed_effects, effect) end end function remove_timed_effect(key, on_end) if not timed_effects[key] then return end printf("removing effect, key %s", key) if on_end and timed_effects[key].on_end then printf("removing effect, firing on end, key %s", key) timed_effects[key].on_end() end timed_effects[key] = nil end -- Processing the effects -- Whatever lowest time is set for effect, it will be processed at least once on process cycle local function process_timed_effects() local pairs = pairs local printf = printf for key, props in pairs(timed_effects) do if props.effect then props.effect() end -- printf("effect %s, timer %s, current_time %s", key, props.timer, time_elapsed) if props.timer < time_elapsed then printf("removing effect, effect timer %s, current_time %s", props.timer, time_elapsed) if props.on_end then props.on_end() end timed_effects[key] = nil end end end -- Callbacks callbacks = {} function register_callback(callback, callback_function, on_end_function, key) if key and callbacks[key] then UnregisterScriptCallback(callbacks[key].callback, callbacks[key].func) end local t = { callback = callback, func = callback_function, on_end = on_end_function } local key = key or (#callbacks + 1) callbacks[key] = t printf("registering callback %s, key %s", callback, key) RegisterScriptCallback(callbacks[key].callback, callbacks[key].func) return key end function unregister_callback(key) if not callbacks[key] then return end printf("unregistering callback %s, %s", key, callbacks[key].callback) UnregisterScriptCallback(callbacks[key].callback, callbacks[key].func) if callbacks[key].on_end then callbacks[key].on_end() end callbacks[key] = nil end function unregister_callbacks() for i, props in pairs(callbacks) do unregister_callback(i) end end -- Get psy table to manipulate psy health values local actor_psy_table = {} function get_actor_psy_table() if is_not_empty(actor_psy_table) then return end local m_data = alife_storage_manager.get_state() arszi_psy.save_state(m_data) actor_psy_table = m_data.psy_table end function set_psy_health(amount) if actor_psy_table.actor_psy_health then actor_psy_table.actor_psy_health = amount <= 1 and amount or 1 end end function change_psy_health(amount) if actor_psy_table.actor_psy_health then set_psy_health(actor_psy_table.actor_psy_health + amount) end end -- DRX DA -- Location of the settings file: local ini = ini_file("drx\\drx_da_config.ltx") -- Table of levels that will have reduced chance to spawn anomalies reduced_chance_levels = { k00_marsh = true, l03u_agr_underground = true, l04_darkvalley = true, l04u_labx18 = true, l05_bar = true, l10_radar = true, jupiter_underground = true, jupiter = true, l11_pripyat = true, pripyat = true, zaton = true, } anomaly_radii = { zone_field_radioactive = {min = 5, max = 8}, zone_field_radioactive_average = {min = 5, max = 8}, zone_field_radioactive_strong = {min = 5, max = 8}, zone_field_radioactive_weak = {min = 5, max = 8}, zone_radioactive = {min = 4, max = 6}, zone_radioactive_average = {min = 4, max = 6}, zone_radioactive_strong = {min = 4, max = 6}, zone_radioactive_weak = {min = 4, max = 6}, zone_mine_acid = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_acidic_weak = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_acidic_average = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_acidic_strong = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_blast = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_darkness = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_electra = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_electric_weak = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_electric_average = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_electric_strong = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_flash = {min = 3, max = 4}, zone_mine_ghost = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_gold = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_gravitational_weak = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_gravitational_average = {min = 3, max = 5}, zone_mine_gravitational_strong = {min = 4, max = 6}, zone_mine_green_dragon = {min = 3, max = 4}, zone_mine_mefistotel = {min = 3, max = 4}, zone_mine_net = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_point = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_radar = {min = 2, max = 3}, zone_mine_sphere = {min = 4, max = 5}, zone_mine_springboard = {min = 4, max = 6}, zone_mine_thermal_weak = {min = 1, max = 2}, zone_mine_thermal_average = {min = 1, max = 2}, zone_mine_thermal_strong = {min = 1, max = 2}, zone_mine_vapour = {min = 1, max = 2}, zone_mine_vortex = {min = 3, max = 5}, zone_mine_zharka = {min = 1, max = 2}, } updated_anomaly_levels = {} last_surge_time = 0 function init_anomaly_table_on_level(level_name) local level_name = level_name or level.name() if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name] then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name] = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].cleaned_old_anomalies then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].cleaned_old_anomalies = false end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomaly_types_by_smart then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomaly_types_by_smart = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].available_smarts_reduced then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].available_smarts_reduced = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].artefacts then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].artefacts = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].time then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].time = -1 end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].disabled then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].disabled = false end end function init_anomaly_table_global(current_level) init_anomaly_table_on_level(current_level) for k, v in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels) do init_anomaly_table_on_level(k) end end local obj_restrictions = {} local in_restrictions = {} local smart_restrictions = {} function clean_restriction_tables() empty_table(obj_restrictions) empty_table(in_restrictions) empty_table(smart_restrictions) end function get_obj_restrictions(clean) if clean then clean_restriction_tables() end if is_not_empty(obj_restrictions) then return obj_restrictions end local alife = alife() local alife_level_name = alife.level_name local alife_object = alife.object local gg = game_graph() local gg_vertex = gg.vertex local level_name = level.name() local get_monster_data = utils_stpk.get_monster_data local get_stalker_data = utils_stpk.get_stalker_data local function get_nearest_smart_id(se_obj) local dist local min_dist local nearest local nearest_name for name,smart in pairs( SIMBOARD.smarts_by_names ) do local dist = smart.position:distance_to(se_obj.position) if (not min_dist) then min_dist = dist nearest = smart nearest_name = name elseif (dist < min_dist) then min_dist = dist nearest = smart nearest_name = name end end if (nearest) then if (simulation_objects.is_on_the_same_level(nearest, se_obj)) then return nearest.id, nearest_name end end end local restrictions = { ["dynamic_out_restrictions"] = true, ["dynamic_in_restrictions"] = true, ["base_out_restrictors"] = true, ["base_in_restrictors"] = true, } for i = 1, 65534 do local se_obj = alife_object(alife, i) if se_obj then local cls = se_obj:clsid() if IsMonster(_, cls) then local se_obj_level = alife_level_name(alife, gg_vertex(gg, se_obj.m_game_vertex_id):level_id()) if true or se_obj_level == level_name then local monster_data = get_monster_data(se_obj) if monster_data then -- printf(".") -- printf("monster_data for %s, %s, level %s", se_obj:section_name(), se_obj.id, se_obj_level) for k, v in spairs(restrictions) do -- printf("[%s] => %s", k, v) if monster_data[k] and type(monster_data[k]) == "table" then -- printf("..") for k1, v1 in spairs(monster_data[k]) do if not obj_restrictions[se_obj.id] then obj_restrictions[se_obj.id] = {} end if not obj_restrictions[se_obj.id][k] then obj_restrictions[se_obj.id][k] = {} end obj_restrictions[se_obj.id][k][v1] = true in_restrictions[v1] = true local nearest_smart_id, nearest_smart_name = get_nearest_smart_id(se_obj) if nearest_smart_name then -- printf("%s", nearest_smart_name) smart_restrictions[nearest_smart_name] = v1 end -- printf("[%s] => %s", k1, v1) end end end end end end end end -- print_r(smart_restrictions) -- print_r(obj_restrictions) return obj_restrictions end function remove_all_restrictions(level_name) local alife_release_id = alife_release_id local gg = game_graph() local gg_vertex = gg.vertex local invert_table = invert_table local is_not_empty = is_not_empty local IsMonster = IsMonster local load_var = load_var local pairs = pairs local printf = printf local sim = alife() local sim_level_name = sim.level_name local sim_object = sim.object local sim_release = sim.release local sim_remove_in_restriction = sim.remove_in_restriction local sim_remove_out_restriction = sim.remove_out_restriction local spairs = spairs local strformat = strformat local type = type local globally = not level_name local get_monster_data = utils_stpk.get_monster_data local get_stalker_data = utils_stpk.get_stalker_data local restrictions = { ["dynamic_out_restrictions"] = true, ["dynamic_in_restrictions"] = true, -- ["base_out_restrictors"] = true, -- ["base_in_restrictors"] = true, } local anomalies_ids = {} for i = 1, 65534 do local se_obj = sim_object(sim, i) if se_obj then local cls = se_obj:clsid() if IsMonster(_, cls) or IsStalker(_, cls) then local se_obj_level = sim_level_name(sim, gg_vertex(gg, se_obj.m_game_vertex_id):level_id()) if globally or se_obj_level == level_name then if not anomalies_ids[se_obj_level] then anomalies_ids[se_obj_level] = updated_anomaly_levels[se_obj_level] and invert_table(updated_anomaly_levels[se_obj_level].anomalies) or {} end local monster_data = IsMonster(_, cls) and get_monster_data(se_obj) or get_stalker_data(se_obj) if monster_data then for k, v in pairs(restrictions) do if monster_data[k] and type(monster_data[k]) == "table" then for k1, v1 in pairs(monster_data[k]) do if anomalies_ids[se_obj_level][v1] then printf("removed restriction %s for level %s", se_obj:name(), se_obj_level) sim_remove_in_restriction(sim, se_obj, v1) sim_remove_out_restriction(sim, se_obj, v1) end end end end end end end end end -- for i = 1, 65534 do -- local obj = level.object_by_id(i) -- if obj and obj ~= 0 and IsMonster(obj) then -- printf("removing restrictions for %s, %s", obj:section(), i) -- obj:remove_all_restrictions() -- end -- end end function get_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) local level_name = level_name or level.name() local obj = alife():object(id) if not obj or obj == 0 or obj.id == 0 then -- printf("Error, anomaly game object not found by id %s, level %s", id, level_name) return end if not IsAnomaly(_, obj:clsid()) then -- printf("Error, object is not an anomaly, %s, %s, on level %s", obj:section_name(), obj.id, level_name) return end local sim = alife() local sim_level_name = sim.level_name local gg = game_graph() local gg_vertex = gg.vertex local obj_level = sim_level_name(sim, gg_vertex(gg, obj.m_game_vertex_id):level_id()) if obj_level ~= level_name then -- printf("Error, anomaly game object found by id %s but on different level %s, requested level %s", id, obj_level, level_name) return end return obj end function get_anomaly_smart(id, level_name) local obj = get_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) if obj then return updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies[id] end end function get_anomalies_by_smart(level_name) local level_name = level_name or level.name() if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart or is_empty(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart) then local sim = alife() local gg = game_graph() for _, id in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies) do local se_obj = alife_object(id) if se_obj then for smart_name, smart in pairs(SIMBOARD.smarts_by_names) do if smart and smart.m_game_vertex_id == se_obj.m_game_vertex_id then printf("adding anomaly %s to smart %s", se_obj:section_name(), smart_name) if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart[smart_name] then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart[smart_name] = {} end if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomaly_types_by_smart[smart_name] then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomaly_types_by_smart[smart_name] = "" end updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart[smart_name][id] = true updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies[id] = smart_name end end end end end end function disable_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) local obj = get_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) if obj then local g_obj = level.object_by_id(id) if g_obj and g_obj ~= 0 and g_obj:id() ~= 0 then printf("disabling anomaly %s, %s, level %s", g_obj:section(), g_obj:id(), level_name) g_obj:disable_anomaly() end end end function disable_anomalies_on_level(level_name) local level_name = level_name or level.name() for _, id in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies) do disable_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) end end function enable_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) local obj = get_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) if obj then local g_obj = level.object_by_id(id) if g_obj and g_obj ~= 0 and g_obj:id() ~= 0 then printf("enabling anomaly %s, %s, level %s", g_obj:section(), g_obj:id(), level_name) g_obj:enable_anomaly() end end end function enable_anomalies_on_level(level_name) local level_name = level_name or level.name() for _, id in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies) do enable_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) end end function remove_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) local obj = get_anomaly_obj(id, level_name) if obj then if not IsAnomaly(_, obj:clsid()) then printf("Error, object is not an anomaly, %s, %s, on level %s", obj:section_name(), obj.id, level_name) return end printf("removing anomaly object %s, %s, on level %s", obj:section_name(), obj.id, level_name) -- obj:disable_anomaly() local db_tables = { db.actor_inside_zones, db.anim_obj_by_name, db.anomaly_by_name, db.bridge_by_name, db.camp_storage, db.campfire_by_name, db.campfire_table_by_smart_names, db.dynamic_ltx, db.heli, db.heli_enemies, db.info_restr, db.level_doors, db.no_weap_zones, db.offline_objects, db.script_ids, db.signal_light, db.smart_terrain_by_id, db.spawned_vertex_by_id, db.storage, db.story_by_id, db.story_object, db.used_level_vertex_ids, db.zone_by_name, } for i = 1, #db_tables do if is_not_empty(db_tables[i]) then db_tables[i][obj.id] = nil db_tables[i][obj:name()] = nil end end bind_anomaly_field.fields_by_names[obj:name()] = nil local g_obj = level.object_by_id(id) if g_obj and g_obj ~= 0 and g_obj:id() ~= 0 then g_obj:destroy_object() else alife_record(obj, false) alife():release(obj, true) end end end -- Delete old anomalies persisting from old code function clean_old_dynamic_anomalies_on_level(level_name) if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].cleaned_old_anomalies then local load_var = load_var local pairs = pairs local sim = alife() local sim_level_name = sim.level_name local gg = game_graph() local gg_vertex = gg.vertex local strformat = strformat local fully_cleaned = true for smart_name, v in pairs(SIMBOARD.smarts_by_names) do local smart_level = sim_level_name(sim, gg_vertex(gg, v.m_game_vertex_id):level_id()) if smart_level == level_name then for j = 1, 1000 do local anom_id = load_var(db.actor, strformat("drx_da_anom_id_%s_%s", smart_name, j), nil) if anom_id then if not in_restrictions[anom_id] then remove_anomaly_obj(anom_id, level_name) else printf("Error, can't remove old anomaly %s, level %s, in restriction", anom_id, level_name) fully_cleaned = false end end end end end updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].cleaned_old_anomalies = fully_cleaned else printf("old anomalies already cleaned on level %s", level_name) end end -- Clean dynamic anomalies on level, normally after surge on level change or forcefully function clean_dynamic_anomalies_on_level_func(level_name) local t = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name] if not t then printf("Error, updated_anomaly_levels table not found for %s", level_name) return end local t = t.anomalies for i, id in pairs(t) do if t[i] and not in_restrictions[t[i]] then remove_anomaly_obj(t[i], level_name) for k, v in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart) do v[t[i]] = nil updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomaly_types_by_smart[k] = nil if is_empty(v) then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart[k] = nil updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].available_smarts_reduced[k] = nil end end updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies[t[i]] = nil updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties[t[i]] = nil t[i] = nil else printf("Error, can't remove anomaly %s, level %s, in restriction", t[i], level_name) end end clean_old_dynamic_anomalies_on_level(level_name) printf("Anomalies cleaned on level %s", level_name) end function clean_dynamic_anomalies_on_level(level_name, dont_clean_restrictions) get_anomalies_by_smart(level_name) remove_all_restrictions(level_name) get_obj_restrictions(not dont_clean_restrictions) -- disable_anomalies_on_level(level_name) -- remove_restrictions(level_name) clean_dynamic_anomalies_on_level_func(level_name) -- enable_anomalies_on_level(level_name) -- clean_restriction_tables() end function clean_dynamic_anomalies_global() remove_all_restrictions() get_obj_restrictions(true) unregister_anomalies_behaviour() local alife_release_id = alife_release_id local gg = game_graph() local gg_vertex = gg.vertex local level_name = level.name() local load_var = load_var local pairs = pairs local printf = printf local sim = alife() local sim_level_name = sim.level_name local sim_object = sim.object local sim_release = sim.release local alife_record = alife_record local strformat = strformat for k, v in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels) do get_anomalies_by_smart(k) clean_artefacts_on_level(k) if k == level_name then disable_anomalies_on_level(level_name) v.disabled = true -- clean_dynamic_anomalies_on_level_func(level_name) else for k1, v1 in pairs(v.anomalies) do if not in_restrictions[v1] then local se_obj = sim_object(sim, v1) if se_obj then if IsAnomaly(_, se_obj:clsid()) then printf("Deleting anomaly %s, %s globally, level %s", se_obj:section_name(), v1, k) alife_record(se_obj ,false) alife():release(se_obj, true) else printf("Error, object is not an anomaly, %s, %s, on level %s", se_obj:section_name(), v1, k) end end for k2, v2 in pairs(v.anomalies_by_smart) do v2[v1] = nil v.anomaly_types_by_smart[k2] = nil if is_empty(v2) then v.anomalies_by_smart[k2] = nil v.available_smarts_reduced[k2] = nil end end v.smart_by_anomalies[v1] = nil v.anomalies_properties[v1] = nil v.anomalies[k1] = nil else printf("can't delete anomaly %s globally, level %s, in restriction", v1, k) end end -- Old anomalies if not v.cleaned_old_anomalies then local fully_cleaned = true for smart_name, v in pairs(SIMBOARD.smarts_by_names) do local smart_level = sim_level_name(sim, gg_vertex(gg, v.m_game_vertex_id):level_id()) if smart_level == k then for j = 1, 1000 do local anom_id = load_var(db.actor, strformat("drx_da_anom_id_%s_%s", smart_name, j), nil) if anom_id then if not in_restrictions[anom_id] then local o = alife_object(anom_id) if o then alife_record(o ,false) alife():release(o, true) end else printf("Error, can't remove old anomaly %s, level %s, in restriction", anom_id, k) fully_cleaned = false end end end end end v.cleaned_old_anomalies = fully_cleaned else printf("old anomalies already cleaned on level %s", k) end end end printf("Cleaned dynamic anomalies globally") if settings.save_after_cleanup then CreateTimeEvent("drx_da_save_after_cleanup", 0, 0.1, function() exec_console_cmd("save " .. (user_name() or "") .. " - DAO tempsave") return true end) end end function drx_da_spawn_anomaly_on_smart(level_file, smart_name, anomaly_type, level_name, position_data) -- Get the smart terrain: local smart = SIMBOARD.smarts_by_names[smart_name] if not smart then printf("Error: Unable to create dynamic anomaly field for %s, the specified smart location does not exist", smart_name) return false end -- Select a location for the current anomaly: local pos = drx_da_generate_position(smart_name, anomaly_type, position_data) if pos then -- Get the new level vertex id for the generated position: local lvid = level_vertex_id(pos) -- Spawn the anomaly: local anom_id = drx_da_spawn_anomaly(anomaly_type, pos, lvid, smart.m_game_vertex_id, level_file) -- Return the anomaly id: if anom_id then printf("Dynamic anomaly field %s spawned at %s, level %s", anomaly_type, smart_name, level_name) return anom_id end else printf("Error: failed to generate position") end end function get_level_data(level_name) local level_file_name = "hazardous_anomalies\\regions\\" .. level_name .. ".ltx" local level_file = ini_file(level_file_name) if not level_file then printf("ltx file not found: %s", level_file_name) return false end -- Get the percent chance for anomalies to spawn: local spawn_percent = level_file:r_float_ex("spawn_properties", "spawn_percent") or 0 if not spawn_percent or spawn_percent <= 0 then printf("Dynamic anomalies not spawned, spawn chance is 0") return false end -- Determine the maximum amount of anomalies spawned in each anomaly field: local anomaly_max_number = level_file:r_float_ex("spawn_properties", "anomaly_max_number") or 0 if not anomaly_max_number or anomaly_max_number < 1 then printf("Dynamic anomalies not spawned, max anomaly count is 0") return false end -- Determine the maximum amount of anomalies active in each anomaly field: local anomaly_max_active = level_file:r_float_ex("spawn_properties", "anomaly_max_active") or 0 if not anomaly_max_active or anomaly_max_active < 1 then printf("Dynamic anomalies not spawned, max active count is 0") return false end return { level_file = level_file, spawn_percent = spawn_percent, anomaly_max_number = anomaly_max_number, anomaly_max_active = anomaly_max_active, } end function generate_random_anomaly_properties() return { time_active = random(6500, 15000), time_cooldown = random(2200, 3800), active = true, } end function drx_da_spawn_anomalies_on_level(level_name) local level_data = get_level_data(level_name) if not level_data then printf("Error, unable to get data for %s", level_name) return end local level_file = level_data.level_file local spawn_percent = level_data.spawn_percent local anomaly_max_number = level_data.anomaly_max_number * settings.anomaly_amount_modifier local anomaly_max_active = level_data.anomaly_max_active local pairs = pairs local collect_section = utils_data.collect_section local size_table = size_table local invert_table = invert_table local is_not_empty = is_not_empty local is_empty = is_empty local table_remove = table.remove -- Build a list of available smart terrains: local smart_list = collect_section(level_file, "available_smarts") if is_not_empty(smart_list) then if reduced_chance_levels[level_name] then local t = {} for k, v in pairs(smart_list) do if random(100) <= 50 then t[#t + 1] = v end end smart_list = t end end -- Build a list of available smart terrains with reduced amount: local smart_list_reduced = collect_section(level_file, "available_smarts_reduced") if is_not_empty(smart_list_reduced) then smart_list_reduced = invert_table(smart_list_reduced) for k, v in pairs(smart_list_reduced) do smart_list[#smart_list + 1] = k end end -- Build a list of available anomalies: local anomaly_list = collect_section(level_file, "anomaly_types") if settings.disable_new_anomalies then local t = {} for _, v in pairs(anomaly_list) do if not drx_da_main_mcm.new_anomalies_sections[v] then t[#t + 1] = v else printf("disable all new anomalies, found section %s", v) end end anomaly_list = t else local t = {} for k, v in pairs(anomaly_list) do if drx_da_main_mcm.new_anomalies_sections[v] then if drx_da_main_mcm.is_enabled_anomaly(v) then t[#t + 1] = v else printf("anomaly %s is not enabled", v) end else t[#t + 1] = v end end anomaly_list = t end -- Combine radiation fields to one type local rad_fields = {} for i = #anomaly_list, 1, -1 do if anomalies_radiation_fields[anomaly_list[i]] then rad_fields[#rad_fields + 1] = anomaly_list[i] table_remove(anomaly_list, i) end end if is_not_empty(rad_fields) then for i = 1, math.ceil(#rad_fields / 2) do if is_empty(rad_fields) then break end anomaly_list[#anomaly_list + 1] = table_remove(rad_fields, math.random(#rad_fields)) end end -- Build anomalies table if is_not_empty(smart_list) then local anomalies = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies or {} local anomalies_by_smart = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart or {} local smart_by_anomalies = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies or {} local anomaly_types_by_smart = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomaly_types_by_smart or {} local anomalies_properties = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties or {} local available_smarts_reduced = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].available_smarts_reduced or {} for i, smart_name in pairs(smart_list) do if (true or not smart_restrictions[smart_name]) and random() <= settings.anomaly_zone_spawn_chance then -- Choose an anomaly type to spawn: if anomaly_list and #anomaly_list >= 1 then local anomaly_type = anomaly_list[random(#anomaly_list)] -- if anomaly_type == "zone_radiation_field" then -- anomaly_type = rad_fields[math.random(#rad_fields)] -- end printf("picked anomaly type %s", anomaly_type) if not anomalies_by_smart[smart_name] then anomalies_by_smart[smart_name] = {} end local j = size_table(anomalies_by_smart[smart_name]) -- Store position data of generated anomalies local position_data = kd_tree.buildTreeVectors() if j > 0 then for k, v in pairs(anomalies_by_smart[smart_name]) do local se_obj = get_anomaly_obj(k) if se_obj then local pos = se_obj.position if pos then position_data:insertAndRebuild({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}) end end end end while j < (smart_list_reduced[smart_name] and random(3) or anomaly_max_number) do if random() <= (smart_list_reduced[smart_name] and 0.5 or spawn_percent) then local anom_id = drx_da_spawn_anomaly_on_smart(level_file, smart_name, anomaly_type, level_name, position_data) if anom_id then anomalies[#anomalies + 1] = anom_id anomalies_by_smart[smart_name][anom_id] = true smart_by_anomalies[anom_id] = smart_name anomaly_types_by_smart[smart_name] = anomaly_type available_smarts_reduced[smart_name] = smart_list_reduced[smart_name] anomalies_properties[anom_id] = generate_random_anomaly_properties() end end j = j + 1 end else printf("No dynamic anomaly types specified for level %s", level_name) end else printf("no anomalies spawn on smart %s, level %s in restriction", smart_name, level_name) end end return #anomalies > 0 end end -- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- -- drx_da_spawn_anomaly function -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Description: -- - Spawns an anomaly at the specified location -- -- Usage: -- drx_da_spawn_anomaly( anom_type, pos, lvid, gvid ) -- -- Parameters: -- anom_type (type: string, anomaly type name) -- - Type of anomaly to spawn -- pos (type: vector) -- - Positional data for the anomaly -- lvid (type: int, level vertex id) -- - Level vertex id -- gvid (type: int, game vertex id) -- - Game vertex id -- -- Return value (type: object id): -- Returns the id of the spawned anomaly -- Returns nil on failure -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Created by DoctorX -- for DoctorX Dynamic Anomalies 2.0 -- Last modified March 02, 2018 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Spawn a single anomaly: function drx_da_spawn_anomaly(anom_type, pos, lvid, gvid, level_file) local function abort_creation(se_obj_id, anom_type) CreateTimeEvent("drx_da_abort_creation" .. se_obj_id, "drx_da_abort_creation" .. se_obj_id, 0.2, function() local obj = alife():object(se_obj_id) if obj then printf("Error, anomaly %s failed to spawn correctly, releasing", anom_type) alife_record(obj ,false) alife():release(obj, true) end return true end) end local min_radius = (level_file:r_float_ex("radius_properties", "min_radius") or 2) local max_radius = (level_file:r_float_ex("radius_properties", "max_radius") or 3) -- Spawn the anomaly: local se_obj = alife():create(anom_type, pos, lvid, gvid) if (not se_obj) then printf("Error: Unable to spawn dynamic anomaly") return end -- Set anomaly properties: local data = utils_stpk.get_anom_zone_data(se_obj) if (not data) then printf("Error: Unable to set dynamic anomaly properties") abort_creation(se_obj.id, anom_type) return end data.shapes[1] = {} data.shapes[1].shtype = 0 data.shapes[1].offset = vector():set(0, 0, 0) -- Leave for compatibility with CoC 1.4.22, delete later data.shapes[1].center = vector():set(0, 0, 0) data.shapes[1].radius = anomaly_radii[anom_type] and random(anomaly_radii[anom_type].min, anomaly_radii[anom_type].max) or random(min_radius, max_radius) utils_stpk.set_anom_zone_data(data, se_obj) -- Return the anomaly id: return se_obj.id, se_obj end -- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- -- drx_da_generate_position function -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Description: -- - Generates a random position vector on the ground within a smart terrain location -- -- Usage: -- drx_da_generate_position( smart_name ) -- -- Parameters: -- smart_name (type: string, smart terrain name) -- - Name of the smart terrain -- -- Ini requirements: -- drx\drx_da_config.ltx -- [location_offset] -- max_offset_x (type: float, meters) -- - Magnitude of maximum offset from smart terrain center in x (north-south) direction -- max_offset_y (type: float, meters) -- - Magnitude of maximum offset from smart terrain center in y (up-down) direction -- max_offset_z (type: float, meters) -- - Magnitude of maximum offset from smart terrain center in z (east-west) direction -- max_tries (type: int) -- - Maximum number of iterations to try generating a spawn position before aborting -- -- Return value (type: vector): -- Returns the generated positional data -- Returns nil on failure -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Created by DoctorX, (modification of method suggested by Alundaio) -- for DoctorX Dynamic Anomalies 2.0 -- Last modified January 31, 2018 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Table of small levels to adjust spawn extra to underground levels small_levels = { y04_pole = true, l11_hospital = true, } -- Table of anomalies to ignore distance check anomalies_distance_check_ignore = { zone_field_radioactive = true, zone_field_radioactive_above_average = true, zone_field_radioactive_average = true, zone_field_radioactive_below_average = true, zone_field_radioactive_lethal = true, zone_field_radioactive_strong = true, zone_field_radioactive_very_weak = true, zone_field_radioactive_weak = true, zone_radioactive = true, zone_radioactive_above_average = true, zone_radioactive_average = true, zone_radioactive_below_average = true, zone_radioactive_lethal = true, zone_radioactive_strong = true, zone_radioactive_very_weak = true, zone_radioactive_weak = true, } -- Table of radiation fields anomalies_radiation_fields = { zone_field_radioactive = true, zone_field_radioactive_above_average = true, zone_field_radioactive_average = true, zone_field_radioactive_below_average = true, zone_field_radioactive_lethal = true, zone_field_radioactive_strong = true, zone_field_radioactive_very_weak = true, zone_field_radioactive_weak = true, zone_radioactive = true, zone_radioactive_above_average = true, zone_radioactive_average = true, zone_radioactive_below_average = true, zone_radioactive_lethal = true, zone_radioactive_strong = true, zone_radioactive_very_weak = true, zone_radioactive_weak = true, } -- Generate positional data: function drx_da_generate_position(smart_name, anomaly_type, position_data) -- Get the smart terrain: local smart = SIMBOARD.smarts_by_names[smart_name] if (not smart) then printf("Error: Unable to generate positional data, specified smart location does not exist") return end -- Get maximum offset values: local max_offset_x = settings.anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_max or ini:r_float_ex("location_offset", "max_offset_x") or 40 local max_offset_y = ini:r_float_ex("location_offset", "max_offset_y") or 0 local max_offset_z = settings.anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_max or ini:r_float_ex("location_offset", "max_offset_z") or 40 local num_tries = (ini:r_float_ex("location_offset", "max_tries") or 64) -- Reduce offset by 2 times for underground if level_weathers.bLevelUnderground or small_levels[level.name()] then max_offset_x = floor(max_offset_x * 0.5) max_offset_y = floor(max_offset_y * 0.5) max_offset_z = floor(max_offset_z * 0.5) end -- Try to generate valid positional data on the ground: local pos = vector():set(0, 0, 0) local valid_lvid = false while ((valid_lvid ~= true) and (num_tries > 0)) do -- Randomly offset anomaly x-position from center of smart terrain: local offset_x = max_offset_x * random() if (random() <= 0.5) then offset_x = -(offset_x) end local pos_x = (smart.position.x + offset_x) -- Randomly offset anomaly y-position from center of smart terrain: local offset_y = (max_offset_y * random()) if (random() <= 0.5) then offset_y = -(offset_y) end local pos_y = (smart.position.y + offset_y) -- Randomly offset anomaly z-position from center of smart terrain: local offset_z = max_offset_z * random() if (random() <= 0.5) then offset_z = -(offset_z) end local pos_z = (smart.position.z + offset_z) -- Set anomaly position at location vertex and check if valid: pos = vector():set(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) local lvid = level_vertex_id(pos) if (lvid < 4294967295) then pos = level_vertex_position(lvid) -- Don't check distance for certain anomalies if anomaly_type and anomalies_distance_check_ignore[anomaly_type] then valid_lvid = true else -- If position data exists and distance of generated position is more than anomaly radius - valid try(function() if anomaly_type and anomaly_radii[anomaly_type] and position_data and position_data.root then local nearest = position_data:nearest(pos) if nearest and nearest[1] and nearest[1][2] then local distance = sqrt(nearest[1][2]) - anomaly_radii[anomaly_type].max * 2 if distance >= settings.anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_min then printf("Anomaly type %s, Position data valid, distance %s, saving %s, %s, %s", anomaly_type, distance, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) position_data:insertAndRebuild({x = pos_x, y = pos_y, z = pos_z}) valid_lvid = true else printf("Anomaly type %s, Position data invalid, too close, distance %s, %s, %s, %s", anomaly_type, distance, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) valid_lvid = false end else printf("Anomaly type %s, Can't check position data %s, %s, %s", anomaly_type, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) position_data:insertAndRebuild({x = pos_x, y = pos_y, z = pos_z}) valid_lvid = true end else if position_data then printf("Anomaly type %s, Position data provided, saving %s, %s, %s", anomaly_type, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) position_data:insertAndRebuild({x = pos_x, y = pos_y, z = pos_z}) end valid_lvid = true end end) end end -- Decrement the number of tries left: num_tries = (num_tries - 1) if ((num_tries <= 0) and (valid_lvid ~= true)) then printf("Error: Unable to generate valid lvid pos, aborting") return end end -- Return the position vector: return pos end function clean_artefacts_on_level(level_name) local level_name = level_name or level.name() init_anomaly_table_on_level(level_name) local artefacts = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].artefacts if is_not_empty(artefacts) then for k, v in pairs(artefacts) do local o = alife_object(k) if o then safe_release_manager.release(o) end printf("releasing artefact %s, sec %s, level_name %s", k, v, level_name) artefacts[k] = nil end end end -- Spawn single artefact on smart function spawn_artefact_on_smart(level_file, smart_name, picked_artefact, level_name) local level_name = level_name or level.name() if not picked_artefact then printf("Error: Unable to create artefact %s, is nil", picked_artefact) return false end -- Get the smart terrain: local smart = SIMBOARD.smarts_by_names[smart_name] if not smart then printf("Error: Unable to create artefact for %s, the specified smart location does not exist", smart_name) return false end -- Select a location for the current artefact: local pos = drx_da_generate_position(smart_name) if pos then -- Correct y position so the artefact wouldnt fall OOB pos = vector():set(pos.x, (level_weathers.bLevelUnderground or small_levels[level.name()]) and pos.y + 1 or pos.y + 7, pos.z) -- Get the new level vertex id for the generated position: local lvid = level_vertex_id(pos) -- Spawn the artefact: local artefact = alife_create(picked_artefact, pos, lvid, smart.m_game_vertex_id) -- Return the anomaly id: if artefact then printf("Artefact %s, id %s spawned at %s, level %s", picked_artefact, artefact.id, smart_name, level_name) return artefact.id end else printf("Error: failed to generate position") end end -- Spawn artefacts on level function spawn_artefacts_on_level(level_name) local level_name = level_name or level.name() local level_data = get_level_data(level_name) if not level_data then printf("Error, unable to get data for %s", level_name) return end local level_file = level_data.level_file -- Build a list of available smart terrains: local smart_list = {} for k, v in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomaly_types_by_smart) do if not updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].available_smarts_reduced[k] then smart_list[#smart_list + 1] = k end end smart_list = invert_table(smart_list) local pairs = pairs local collect_section = utils_data.collect_section local size_table = size_table local allowed_artefacts = drx_da_main_artefacts.allowed_artefacts local allowed_artefacts_flipped = invert_table(allowed_artefacts) local anomaly_type_to_artefacts = drx_da_main_artefacts.anomaly_type_to_artefacts local artefacts_map_tiers = drx_da_main_artefacts.artefacts_map_tiers[level_name] and shuffle(drx_da_main_artefacts.artefacts_map_tiers[level_name]) local artefacts_map_chances = drx_da_main_artefacts.artefacts_map_chances and drx_da_main_artefacts.artefacts_map_chances[level_name] -- Build anomalies table if is_not_empty(smart_list) then printf("%s has smarts with anomalies, try to spawn artefacts", level_name) local artefacts = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].artefacts or {} local anomalies_by_smart = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart for smart_name, _ in pairs(anomalies_by_smart) do printf("checking smart %s for spawning artefacts", smart_name) if is_not_empty(anomalies_by_smart[smart_name]) and smart_list[smart_name] then printf("try to spawn artefacts on smart %s", smart_name) for i = 1, settings.max_artefacts_per_zone do -- Increased chance by 2 times for underground levels local dice_roll = random(100) local chance = artefacts_map_chances or ceil(settings.artefacts_spawn_chance * ((level_weathers.bLevelUnderground or small_levels[level_name]) and 2 or 1)) printf("artefacts dice roll %s, chance %s, spawn %s", dice_roll, chance, dice_roll <= chance) if dice_roll <= chance then -- Choose an artefact to spawn: local anomaly_type = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomaly_types_by_smart[smart_name] local picked_artefact = (function() local res if artefacts_map_tiers and random(100) > settings.random_artefact_spawn_chance then local tries = 40 while tries > 0 and (not res or not allowed_artefacts_flipped[res]) do if anomaly_type_to_artefacts[anomaly_type] then local t = {} for k, v in pairs(artefacts_map_tiers) do if anomaly_type_to_artefacts[anomaly_type][v] then t[#t + 1] = v end end printf("picking artefact by level %s, anomaly zone %s has defined arty list", level_name, anomaly_type) res = t[random(#t)] else printf("picking artefact by level %s", level_name) res = artefacts_map_tiers[random(#artefacts_map_tiers)] end if not allowed_artefacts_flipped[res] then printf("artefact is not allowed to spawn, repicking") end tries = tries - 1 end else printf("picking random artefacts") res = allowed_artefacts[random(#allowed_artefacts)] end if not res then printf("failed to pick artefact by level, pick random from allowed, level_name %s, anomaly_type %s, has artefacts_map_tiers %s, has anomaly_type_to_artefacts %s", level_name, anomaly_type, artefacts_map_tiers ~= nil, anomaly_type_to_artefacts[anomaly_type] ~= nil) res = allowed_artefacts[random(#allowed_artefacts)] end return res end)() -- Artefact Variationizer compatibility if artefact_variationizer then local av = artefact_variationizer picked_artefact = av.get_artefact_base(picked_artefact) if av.valid_artys[picked_artefact] then local variationizer_tier = av.artefact_chances[random(#av.artefact_chances)] local arty = av.artefact_by_variationizer_tier[picked_artefact][variationizer_tier] picked_artefact = arty[random(#arty)] end end printf("picked artefact to spawn %s, anomaly_type %s, smart %s level %s", picked_artefact, anomaly_type, smart_name, level_name) local artefact_id = spawn_artefact_on_smart(level_file, smart_name, picked_artefact, level_name) if artefact_id then artefacts[artefact_id] = picked_artefact else printf("error, unabled to spawn artefact %s, anomaly_type %s, smart %s level %s", picked_artefact, anomaly_type, smart_name, level_name) end end end end end return size_table(artefacts) > 0 else printf("%s has no smarts with anomalies, dont spawn artefacts", level_name) end end -- Update dynamic anomalies: function drx_da_update_dynamic_anomalies(force) -- Verify db.actor is available: if not db.actor then printf("Error: Cannot update anomalies, db.actor not available") return false end -- Get surge manager: local surgeman = surge_manager.get_surge_manager() if not surgeman then printf("Error: Cannot update anomalies, surge manager not available") return false end local level_name = level.name() init_anomaly_table_on_level(level_name) if last_surge_time > updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].time or force then clean_dynamic_anomalies_on_level(level_name) clean_artefacts_on_level(level_name) CreateTimeEvent("drx_da_spawn_anomalies_on_level", "drx_da_spawn_anomalies_on_level", 0.3, function() local anomalies = drx_da_spawn_anomalies_on_level(level_name) if not anomalies then printf("Error, failed to spawn anomalies") build_anomalies_pos_tree() return true end printf("updated anomalies on level %s", level_name) updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].time = last_surge_time updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].disabled = false build_anomalies_pos_tree() if settings.enable_anomalies_behaviour or level_weathers.bLevelUnderground then register_anomalies_behaviour() end spawn_artefacts_on_level(level_name) return true end) else printf("anomalies not updated on level %s, no emission happened, last_surge_time %s, level update time %s", level_name, last_surge_time, updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].time) if settings.enable_anomalies_behaviour or level_weathers.bLevelUnderground then register_anomalies_behaviour() end end return true end -- Scripts to run when the game loads: local tg = 0 local tg_interval = 5000 function drx_da_actor_on_update_callback() local t = time_global() if t < tg then return end tg = t + tg_interval load_settings() get_actor_psy_table() init_anomaly_table_global(level.name()) printf("saved level %s, current level %s", alife_storage_manager.get_state().drx_da_previous_level, level.name()) if level.name() == alife_storage_manager.get_state().drx_da_previous_level then local level_name = level.name() if level_name and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name] and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].disabled then if last_surge_time > updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].time then clean_dynamic_anomalies_on_level(level_name) updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].disabled = false end end printf("on the same level, only register behaviour") if settings.enable_anomalies_behaviour or level_weathers.bLevelUnderground then register_anomalies_behaviour() end unregister_drx_da() build_anomalies_pos_tree() RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", actor_on_update) return else local level_name = alife_storage_manager.get_state().drx_da_previous_level if level_name and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name] and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].disabled then if last_surge_time > updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].time then clean_dynamic_anomalies_on_level(level_name) updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].disabled = false end end end get_anomalies_by_smart(level.name()) -- Update dynamic anomalies: local updated = drx_da_update_dynamic_anomalies() unregister_drx_da() build_anomalies_pos_tree() RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", actor_on_update) end function unregister_drx_da() printf("anomalies updated, unregistering") UnregisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", drx_da_actor_on_update_callback) end function unregister_anomalies_behaviour() remove_queue("drx_da_anomalies_behaviour") end -- Sections to ignore on/off switch behaviour anomalies_do_not_register_behaviour = { zone_mine_ghost = true } function register_anomalies_behaviour() local level_name = level.name() if is_empty(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name]) or is_empty(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies) then printf("anomalies behaviour, anomalies not found for level %s", level_name) return end if is_empty(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties) or size_table(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties) ~= size_table(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies) then for k, v in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies) do updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties[v] = generate_random_anomaly_properties() end end printf("anomalies behaviour, turning on behaviour for level %s", level_name) for k, v in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties) do v.update_time = time_global() end local get_object = level.object_by_id local time_global = time_global process_queue("drx_da_anomalies_behaviour", updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties, function(id, props, i) local t = time_global() -- if is_empty(props) then -- printf("Error, anomaly behaviour not found for %s, level %s", id, level_name) -- return true -- end local obj = get_object(id) if not obj then return end -- Remove from queue if its in do_not_register_behaviour table if anomalies_do_not_register_behaviour[obj:section()] then return true end if props.active then if t - props.update_time > props.time_active then -- printf("anomaly disabled, id %s, i %s, t %s, u %s", id, i, t, props.update_time) props.update_time = t props.active = false obj:disable_anomaly() end else if t - props.update_time > props.time_cooldown then -- printf("anomaly enabled, id %s, i %s, t %s, u %s", id, i, t, props.update_time) props.update_time = t props.active = true obj:enable_anomaly() end end end, nil, 5) end anomalies_pos_tree = nil detectable_anomalies_pos_tree = nil detectable_anomalies_ids = {} anomalies_obj_to_pos = {} anomalies_sec_to_obj = {} common_sec = { zone_mine_electric = "zone_mine_electric", zone_mine_electric_weak = "zone_mine_electric", zone_mine_electric_average = "zone_mine_electric", zone_mine_electric_strong = "zone_mine_electric", zone_mine_static = "zone_mine_electric", zone_mine_static_weak = "zone_mine_electric", zone_mine_static_average = "zone_mine_electric", zone_mine_static_strong = "zone_mine_electric", zone_witches_galantine = "zone_mine_electric", zone_witches_galantine_weak = "zone_mine_electric", zone_witches_galantine_average = "zone_mine_electric", zone_witches_galantine_strong = "zone_mine_electric", } function build_anomalies_pos_tree() local alife_release_id = alife_release_id local gg = game_graph() local gg_vertex = gg.vertex local level_name = level.name() local load_var = load_var local pairs = pairs local printf = printf local sim = alife() local sim_level_name = sim.level_name local sim_object = sim.object local sim_release = sim.release local alife_record = alife_record local strformat = strformat local level_name = level.name() local objects = {} local obj_to_pos = {} local sec_to_obj = {} for i = 1, 65534 do local obj = get_anomaly_obj(i, level_name) if obj then table.insert(objects, obj) obj_to_pos[i] = { id = i, section = obj:section_name(), position = obj.position } local sec = obj:section_name() sec = common_sec[sec] or sec if not sec_to_obj[sec] then sec_to_obj[sec] = {} end table.insert(sec_to_obj[sec], { id = i, section = obj:section_name(), position = obj.position }) end end -- try(function() -- anomalies_pos_tree = kd_tree.buildTreeSeObjects(objects) -- anomalies_obj_to_pos = anomalies_pos_tree and obj_to_pos -- end) empty_table(detectable_anomalies_ids) local t = {} for k, v in pairs(sec_to_obj) do if sec_to_obj[k] then local ids = {} for k1, v1 in pairs(sec_to_obj[k]) do ids[#ids + 1] = v1.id if not anomaly_detector_ignore[v1.section] then detectable_anomalies_ids[v1.id] = v1.position t[#t + 1] = v1.id end end anomalies_sec_to_obj[k] = kd_tree.buildTreeSeObjectIds(ids) end end detectable_anomalies_pos_tree = kd_tree.buildTreeSeObjectIds(t) end -- Rays local function ray_main(pos1, pos2, args) local pos1 = vector():set(pos1.x or pos1[1], pos1.y or pos1[2], pos1.z or pos1[3]) local pos2 = vector():set(pos2.x or pos2[1], pos2.y or pos2[2], pos2.z or pos2[3]) local args = args or {} local pick = ray_pick() pick:set_position(pos1) pick:set_direction(pos2:sub(pos1):normalize()) pick:set_flags(args.flags or 2) pick:set_range(args.range or 200) if args.ignore_object then pick:set_ignore_object(args.ignore_object) end pick:query() return pick end anomalies_vars = { -- Quick lookup of sine values by degrees sin_lut = (function() local t = {} for i = 0, 360 do t[i] = sin(i * 0.0174533) end return t end)(), -- Quick lookup of cosine values by degrees cos_lut = (function() local t = {} for i = 0, 360 do t[i] = cos(i * 0.0174533) end return t end)(), -- Current anomaly factors factors = {}, add_factor = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, section, factor) self.factors[anomaly.object:name()] = { section = section or anomaly.object:section(), factor = factor or 1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr } end, remove_factor = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) self.factors[anomaly.object:name()] = nil end, find_max_factor = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, condition) if is_empty(self.factors) then return 1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr end local factor = 0 if condition == nil or condition == true then condition = function() return true end elseif condition == false then condition = function() return false end end for k, v in pairs(self.factors) do if v.factor > factor and condition(v) then factor = v.factor end end return factor end, find_factor_sum = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, condition) if is_empty(self.factors) then return 1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr end local factor = 0 if condition == nil or condition == true then condition = function() return true end elseif condition == false then condition = function() return false end end for k, v in pairs(self.factors) do if condition(v) then factor = factor + v.factor end end return factor end, zone_mine_gravitational_weak_tg = 0, zone_mine_electric_tg = 0, zone_mine_electric_pp_effectors = { {code = 98324, file = "electra_mine.ppe", factor = 0.5}, {code = 98325, file = "electra.ppe", factor = 1}, }, zone_mine_electric_factor_function = function(factors) return factors.section == "zone_mine_electric" end } -- Defined radius of anomalies behaviour anomalies_near_actor_radii = { zone_mine_darkness = anomaly_radii.zone_mine_darkness.max * 3.5, zone_mine_gold = anomaly_radii.zone_mine_gold.max * 3, zone_mine_sphere = anomaly_radii.zone_mine_sphere.max * 2, zone_mine_green_dragon = anomaly_radii.zone_mine_green_dragon.max * 2, zone_mine_ghost = anomaly_radii.zone_mine_ghost.max * 5, } -- Special anomalies behaviour if the actor is near an anomaly anomalies_near_actor_functions = { -- Darkness, spawns poltergeist behind the actor zone_mine_darkness = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) if not anomaly.spawn_time then anomaly.spawn_time = 0 end if time_elapsed < anomaly.spawn_time then return end local spawn_cooldown = 300 local spawn_max_amount = 2 local spawn_table = { "m_poltergeist_normal_tele", "m_poltergeist_normal_flame", } printf("trying to spawn poltergeist") if random() * 100 <= 0.5 then anomaly.spawn_time = time_elapsed + spawn_cooldown for i = 1, ceil(random() ^ 2 * spawn_max_amount) do local actor_position = actor:position() local spawn_position = vector():set(actor_position.x - random_float(5, 7), actor_position.y, actor_position.z - random_float(5, 7)) local spawn_section = spawn_table[random(#spawn_table)] alife_create(spawn_section, spawn_position, level_vertex_id(spawn_position), alife():actor().m_game_vertex_id) end end end, -- Green Dragon, lower speed by 50% near it zone_mine_green_dragon = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) local key ="zone_mine_green_dragon_speed" local steps_in = 70 local steps_out = 22 add_simple_timed_effect(1, function() add_speed(key, ema(key, 0.5, 1, steps_in), false, true) RemoveTimeEvent(key, key) end, function() CreateTimeEvent(key, key, 0, function() add_speed(key, ema(key, 1, 1, steps_out, device().time_delta * 0.1), false, true) if smoothed_values[key] >= 0.98 then remove_speed(key) return true end end) end, key, 1) end, -- Radar, negative psy aura zone_mine_radar = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) local h = hit() h.power = level_environment.is_actor_immune() and 0 or (1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr) * 0.004 if h.power > 0 then h.type = hit.telepatic h.impulse = 0 h.direction = VEC_Z h.draftsman = actor actor:hit(h) -- Artefacts protection local hit_additional = 0 actor:iterate_belt( function(owner, obj) local sec = obj:section() local cond = obj:condition() local immunities_sec = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "hit_absorbation_sect", sec) local prot = SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "telepatic_immunity", 0) * cond -- Optional modifier for viability prot = prot * 10 hit_additional = hit_additional + prot end) -- Final modifier local hit_modifier = hit_additional >= 0 and 1 + hit_additional or 1 / (1 - hit_additional) local actor_hit_power = h.power / hit_modifier * 0.375 change_psy_health(-actor_hit_power) end end, -- Sphere, add 50-100% bullet damage resist zone_mine_sphere = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) local key = "zone_mine_sphere" if not callbacks[key] then register_callback("actor_on_before_hit", function(s_hit, bone_id, flags) if s_hit.type == hit.fire_wound then s_hit.power = s_hit.power * random_float(0, 0.5) play_sound_on_actor("eugenium_anomaly\\sphere\\sphere_blowout", 0.9, random_float(0.95, 1.05)) local gibs = particles_object("artefact\\artefact_gravi") if gibs and not gibs:playing() then gibs:play_at_pos(actor:position()) end end end, nil, key) end add_simple_timed_effect(1, nil, function() unregister_callback(key) end, key, 1) end, -- Springboard, camera effect dependant on distance zone_mine_gravitational_weak = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, power_modifier) local key = "zone_mine_gravitational_weak" local tg = time_global() if tg < anomalies_vars.zone_mine_gravitational_weak_tg and timed_effects[key] then return end anomalies_vars.zone_mine_gravitational_weak_tg = tg + 1000 local power_modifier = (power_modifier or 2) * settings.gravitational_shake_modifier local earthquake_cam_eff = 98323 if power_modifier > 0 then local power = (1.03 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr) * power_modifier level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\earthquake_40.anm", earthquake_cam_eff, false, "", 0, false, power) end add_simple_timed_effect(1, nil, function() level.remove_cam_effector(earthquake_cam_eff) end, key, 1) end, zone_mine_gravitational_average = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, 1) end, zone_mine_gravitational_strong = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, 1) end, zone_mine_vortex = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, 1) end, zone_mine_springboard = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, 1) end, zone_mine_blast = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_gravi_zone = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mosquito_bald = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mosquito_bald_weak = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mosquito_bald_weak_noart = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mosquito_bald_average = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mosquito_bald_strong = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mosquito_bald_strong_noart = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_gravitational_weak(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, -- Electra, static field zone_mine_electric = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, effector_modifier) local hit_type_shock = HitTypeID["Shock"] local hit_power = level_environment.is_actor_immune() and 0 or (1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr) ^ 2 * settings.electric_field_modifier local distance_to = distance_to_sqr ^ 0.5 local reduction_coeff = 1 local anom_pos = anomaly.object:position() -- anom_pos = level_vertex_id(anom_pos) -- anom_pos = level_vertex_position(anom_pos) local anom_pos_adjusted = vector():set(anom_pos.x, anom_pos.y + 0.3, anom_pos.z) local actor_pos = utils_obj.safe_bone_pos(actor, "bip01_spine") -- local actor_pos = actor:position() -- actor_pos = vector():set(actor_pos.x, actor_pos.y + 0.5, actor_pos.z) local anom_to_actor_ray = ray_main(anom_pos_adjusted, actor_pos, {range = distance_to}) local actor_to_anom_ray = ray_main(actor_pos, anom_pos, {range = distance_to}) if anom_to_actor_ray and actor_to_anom_ray then local anom_to_actor_distance = anom_to_actor_ray:get_distance() local actor_to_anom_distance = actor_to_anom_ray:get_distance() local obstacle_distance = 0 if anom_to_actor_distance > 0 then obstacle_distance = distance_to - anom_to_actor_distance - actor_to_anom_distance reduction_coeff = clamp((1 - obstacle_distance / radius_sqr ^ 0.5) ^ 3.5, 0, 1) end -- _G.printf("reduction coeff due to obstacle - %s", reduction_coeff) -- _G.printf("anom_to_actor_distance - %s", anom_to_actor_distance) -- _G.printf("actor_to_anom_distance - %s", actor_to_anom_distance) -- _G.printf("obstacle_distance - %s", obstacle_distance) -- _G.printf("combined distance - %s", anom_to_actor_distance + obstacle_distance + actor_to_anom_distance) -- _G.printf("input distance - %s", distance_to) end hit_power = hit_power * reduction_coeff if hit_power > 0 then local hit_additional = 0 -- Outfit protection local outfit = actor:item_in_slot(7) if outfit then local c_obj = outfit:cast_CustomOutfit() local prot = c_obj and c_obj:GetDefHitTypeProtection(hit_type_shock) or 0 -- Optional modifier for less viability prot = prot * 1 hit_additional = hit_additional + prot end -- Helmet protection local helm = actor:item_in_slot(12) if helm then local c_obj = helm:cast_Helmet() local prot = c_obj and c_obj:GetDefHitTypeProtection(hit_type_shock) or 0 -- Optional modifier for less viability prot = prot * 1 hit_additional = hit_additional + prot end -- Artefacts protection local artefacts_protection = 0 actor:iterate_belt( function(owner, obj) local sec = obj:section() local cond = obj:condition() local immunities_sec = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "hit_absorbation_sect", sec) local prot = SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "shock_immunity", 0) * cond -- Optional modifier for viability prot = prot * 5 artefacts_protection = artefacts_protection + prot hit_additional = hit_additional + prot end) -- Final modifier local hit_modifier = hit_additional >= 0 and 1 + hit_additional or 1 / (1 - hit_additional) local actor_hit_power = hit_power / hit_modifier * 0.0015 -- printf("hit %s", actor_hit_power) actor:change_health(-actor_hit_power) -- Affect condition of items if outfit then local obj = outfit local sec = obj:section() local cond = obj:condition() if cond > 0.01 then local immunities_sec = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "immunities_sect", sec) local shock_immunity = SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "shock_immunity", 0) * cond shock_immunity = shock_immunity + artefacts_protection local hit_modifier = shock_immunity >= 0 and 1 + shock_immunity or 1 / (1 - shock_immunity) obj:set_condition(cond - hit_power / hit_modifier * 0.00015) end end if helm then local obj = helm local sec = obj:section() local cond = obj:condition() if cond > 0.01 then local immunities_sec = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "immunities_sect", sec) local shock_immunity = SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "shock_immunity", 0) * cond shock_immunity = shock_immunity + artefacts_protection local hit_modifier = shock_immunity >= 0 and 1 + shock_immunity or 1 / (1 - shock_immunity) obj:set_condition(cond - hit_power / hit_modifier * 0.00015) end end end anomalies_vars:add_factor(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, "zone_mine_electric", (1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr) ^ 2 * reduction_coeff) local mine_factor = clamp(anomalies_vars:find_factor_sum(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, anomalies_vars.zone_mine_electric_factor_function), 0, 1) -- PPE effector local effector_modifier = effector_modifier or 0.66 local effector_power = (mine_factor + 0.05) * effector_modifier local pps = anomalies_vars.zone_mine_electric_pp_effectors for i = 1, #pps do local key = "zone_mine_electric" .. pps[i].code if not timed_effects[key] then level.add_pp_effector(pps[i].file, pps[i].code, true) end level.set_pp_effector_factor(pps[i].code, effector_power * pps[i].factor) add_simple_timed_effect(0.2, nil, function() level.remove_pp_effector(pps[i].code) end, key, 1) end -- PDA glitching, set value for binder, patch binder, see below pda_glitch_value = clamp(mine_factor ^ 0.5, 0, 1) add_simple_timed_effect(0.2, nil, function() pda_glitch_value = nil end, "zone_mine_electric_pda_glitch", 1) end, zone_mine_electric_weak = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mine_electric_average = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mine_electric_strong = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mine_static = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mine_static_weak = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mine_static_average = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_mine_static_strong = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_witches_galantine = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_witches_galantine_weak = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_witches_galantine_average = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, zone_witches_galantine_strong = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) anomalies_near_actor_functions.zone_mine_electric(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end, -- Ball Lightning, charges batteries zone_mine_point = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) for i = 8, 10 do local item = actor:item_in_slot(i) if item then local cond = item:condition() if cond > 0.01 then item:set_condition(cond + 0.0006 * (1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr) ^ 2) end end end anomalies_vars:add_factor(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, "zone_mine_electric", (1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr) ^ 2) local mine_factor = clamp(anomalies_vars:find_factor_sum(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, anomalies_vars.zone_mine_electric_factor_function), 0, 1) -- PDA glitching, set value for binder, patch binder, see below pda_glitch_value = clamp(mine_factor ^ 0.5, 0, 1) add_simple_timed_effect(0.2, nil, function() pda_glitch_value = nil end, "zone_mine_electric_pda_glitch", 1) end, -- Liquid Gold, drains stamina and thirst zone_mine_gold = function(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) local change_modifier = 1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr if not anomaly.trigger_threshold then anomaly.trigger_threshold = 0 end anomaly.trigger_threshold = anomaly.trigger_threshold + change_modifier * 0.5 if anomaly.trigger_threshold >= 1 then thirst_sleep_changer.change_thirst_small(0.01) anomaly.trigger_threshold = 0 end actor:change_power(-change_modifier * 0.002) end, } -- Special behaviour for anomalies after spawn anomalies_spawn_functions = { -- Ghost, wandering path along its start position zone_mine_ghost = function(anomaly) if anomaly.spawn_position then local spawn_position = anomaly.spawn_position local obj = anomaly.object local obj_set_anomaly_position = obj.set_anomaly_position local vector = vector() local vector_set = vector.set local key = obj:name() local sin_lut = anomalies_vars.sin_lut local cos_lut = anomalies_vars.cos_lut local i = random_choice(0, 45, 90, 135, 180) local i_step = random_choice(1, 2, 3) local j = 0 local j_step = 1 if i_step == 1 then j_step = random_choice(2, 3) elseif i_step == 2 then j_step = random_choice(1, 3) elseif i_step == 3 then j_step = random_choice(2, 4) end local full_circle = 360 local function generate_distance() return random() * 2.5 + 0.5 end local x_modifier = generate_distance() * random_choice(1, -1) local z_modifier = generate_distance() * random_choice(1, -1) local function wrap(i) return i >= full_circle and i % full_circle or i end local max_offset_y = 0.5 local max_offset_y_low = spawn_position.y - max_offset_y local max_offset_y_high = spawn_position.y + max_offset_y local prev_pos_x = spawn_position.x local prev_pos_y = spawn_position.y local prev_pos_z = spawn_position.z register_callback("actor_on_update", function() if i >= full_circle then i = i % full_circle end if j >= full_circle then j = j % full_circle end local offset_x = spawn_position.x + sin_lut[i] * x_modifier local offset_z = spawn_position.z + sin_lut[j] * z_modifier local offset_y = spawn_position.y -- Adjust to height by checking lvid local lvid = level_vertex_id(vector_set(vector, offset_x, offset_y, offset_z)) if (lvid < 4294967295) then local pos_y = level_vertex_position(lvid).y if abs(pos_y - prev_pos_y) < max_offset_y then offset_y = pos_y end -- offset_y = clamp(pos_y, max_offset_y_low, max_offset_y_high) end obj_set_anomaly_position(obj, vector_set(vector, offset_x, offset_y, offset_z)) prev_pos_x = offset_x prev_pos_y = offset_y prev_pos_z = offset_z local delta = min(50, device().time_delta) / 22 -- Frame independent movement, less than 20 fps will be slower due to prevent sudden pops i = floor(i + i_step * delta) j = floor(j + j_step * delta) end, nil, key) end end, } -- Special behaviour for anomalies after destroy anomalies_destroy_functions = { -- Ghost, destroy callback for wandering zone_mine_ghost = function(anomaly) local key = anomaly.object:name() unregister_callback(key) end, } anomaly_detector_ignore = { zone_field_radioactive = true, zone_field_radioactive_above_average = true, zone_field_radioactive_average = true, zone_field_radioactive_below_average = true, zone_field_radioactive_lethal = true, zone_field_radioactive_strong = true, zone_field_radioactive_very_weak = true, zone_field_radioactive_weak = true, zone_radioactive = true, zone_radioactive_above_average = true, zone_radioactive_average = true, zone_radioactive_below_average = true, zone_radioactive_lethal = true, zone_radioactive_strong = true, zone_radioactive_very_weak = true, zone_radioactive_weak = true, zone_field_acidic = true, zone_field_acidic_average = true, zone_field_acidic_strong = true, zone_field_acidic_weak = true, zone_field_psychic = true, zone_field_psychic_average = true, zone_field_psychic_strong = true, zone_field_psychic_weak = true, zone_field_thermal = true, zone_field_thermal_average = true, zone_field_thermal_strong = true, zone_field_thermal_weak = true, zone_mine_field = true, zone_mine_field_soc = true, campfire = true, campfire_base = true, campfire_base_noshadow = true, zone_base = true, zone_base_noshadow = true, zone_burning_fuzz = true, zone_burning_fuzz1 = true, zone_burning_fuzz_weak = true, zone_burning_fuzz_average = true, zone_burning_fuzz_strong = true, zone_buzz = true, zone_buzz_weak = true, zone_buzz_average = true, zone_buzz_strong = true, zone_emi = true, zone_liana = true, zone_student = true, zone_teleport = true, zone_zhar = true, -- MP items mp_af_electra_flash = true, mp_zone_witches_galantine = true, mp_af_cta_green = true, mp_af_cta_blue = true, mp_medkit = true, mp_medkit_scientic = true, mp_medkit_army = true, mp_energy_drink = true, mp_bandage = true, mp_antirad = true, mp_drug_coagulant = true, mp_drug_radioprotector = true, mp_medkit_old = true, mp_antirad_old = true, mp_detector_advanced = true, mp_device_torch = true, mp_players_rukzak = true, mp_wood_stolb_fixed = true, mp_wood_stolb_fixed_immunities = true, mp_explosive_fuelcan = true, mp_explosive_tank = true, mp_explosive_barrel = true, } function find_nearest_anomaly(force_enabled) local actor = db.actor local actor_pos = actor:position() local actor_pos_distance = actor_pos.distance_to_sqr local distance = math.huge local anom_id local anom_pos local anom_sec local pairs = pairs local level_object_by_id = level.object_by_id local level_name = level.name() for id, _ in pairs(detectable_anomalies_ids) do local obj = level_object_by_id(id) if obj then local enabled = true if not force_enabled then local props = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties[id] if props and props.active ~= nil then enabled = props.active end end if enabled then local pos = obj:position() local d = actor_pos_distance(actor_pos, pos) if d < distance then distance = d anom_id = id anom_pos = pos anom_sec = obj:section() end end end end return distance, anom_id, anom_sec, anom_pos end detector_functions = { -- Play sound play_anomaly_sound = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) if not anomaly.sound_threshold then anomaly.sound_threshold = 0 end anomaly.sound_threshold = anomaly.sound_threshold + (1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr) ^ 2 if anomaly.sound_threshold > 1 then play_sound_on_actor("detectors\\da-2_beep1") anomaly.sound_threshold = 0 end end, -- Store anomaly factors to find biggest one for correct display of anomaly_detector bars detector_anomaly_factors = {}, detector_anomaly_add_factor = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, custom_callback) self.detector_anomaly_factors[anomaly.object:name()] = 1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr end, detector_anomaly_remove_factor = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, custom_callback) self.detector_anomaly_factors[anomaly.object:name()] = nil end, detector_anomaly_find_max_factor = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, custom_callback) if is_empty(self.detector_anomaly_factors) then return 1 - distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr end local factor = 0 for k, v in pairs(self.detector_anomaly_factors) do if v > factor then factor = v end end return factor end, detector_anomaly = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, custom_callback) if not custom_callback then return end if actor:active_detector() then local sec = anomaly.section self:detector_anomaly_add_factor(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, custom_callback) local factor = self:detector_anomaly_find_max_factor(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, custom_callback) local ui = tasks_measure.get_UI() if ui and ui.step <= 0 then for i = 1, ui.step_tot do ui.m_seg[i]:InitTextureEx(i <= min(ui.step_tot, ceil(factor * 10)) and "green_seg_ano" or "green_black_ano", "hud\\p3d") end end -- Play sound when detector is active if game_difficulties.get_game_factor("notify_anomaly") and (drx_da_main_mcm.new_anomalies_sections[sec] or drx_da_main_mcm.variations_anomalies_sections[sec]) or (not game_difficulties.get_game_factor("notify_anomaly") and actor:active_detector()) then self:play_anomaly_sound(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end else local ui = tasks_measure.get_UI() if ui and ui.step <= 0 then for i = 1, ui.step_tot do ui.m_seg[i]:InitTextureEx("green_black_ano", "hud\\p3d") end end end end, detector_scientific = function(self, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, custom_callback) if custom_callback then return end local sec = anomaly.section if drx_da_main_mcm.new_anomalies_sections[sec] or drx_da_main_mcm.variations_anomalies_sections[sec] then self:play_anomaly_sound(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end end } function notify_anomaly(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, custom_callback) local detector = actor:item_in_slot(9) local sec = detector and detector:section() if sec and detector_functions[sec] then detector_functions[sec](detector_functions, anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, custom_callback) elseif game_difficulties.get_game_factor("notify_anomaly") and (drx_da_main_mcm.new_anomalies_sections[anomaly.section] or drx_da_main_mcm.variations_anomalies_sections[anomaly.section]) and not custom_callback then detector_functions:play_anomaly_sound(anomaly, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end end bind_anomaly_field_spawn = bind_anomaly_field.anomaly_field_binder.net_spawn bind_anomaly_field.anomaly_field_binder.net_spawn = function(self, se_abstract) if not bind_anomaly_field_spawn(self, se_abstract) then return false end self.spawn_position = self.object:position() self.section = self.object:section() if not anomaly_detector_ignore[self.section] then detectable_anomalies_ids[self.object:id()] = self.spawn_position end local section = self.section if anomalies_spawn_functions[section] then anomalies_spawn_functions[section](self) end -- Update callback similar to binder update, but works even if anomaly is disabled self.on_update_timer_default = 100 self.on_update_timer_max = 7500 self.on_update_timer = self.on_update_timer_default self.on_update_time = time_global() + random(self.on_update_timer_default, self.on_update_timer_default * 10) self.update_key = self.object:name() .. "_update" local anom_zone_data = utils_stpk.get_anom_zone_data(alife_object(self.object:id())) if anom_zone_data and anom_zone_data.shapes[1] and anom_zone_data.shapes[1].radius then self.radius_sqr = anomalies_near_actor_radii[section] or ((anom_zone_data.shapes[1].radius + 1) * 2) self.radius_sqr = self.radius_sqr * self.radius_sqr -- printf("getting anom radius from net packet, %s", self.radius_sqr) else self.radius_sqr = get_anomaly_behaviour_radius(section) end self.radius = sqrt(self.radius_sqr) self.behaviour_radius_sqr = get_anomaly_behaviour_radius(section) local level_name = level.name() register_callback("actor_on_update", function() local tg = time_global() if tg < self.on_update_time then return end -- Get behaviour radius and check if actor inside it, then apply effect local actor = db.actor local radius_sqr = self.radius_sqr local distance_to_sqr = self.object:position():distance_to_sqr(actor:position()) if distance_to_sqr <= radius_sqr then -- Beep near anoms even if disabled for anomaly_detector if not ( anomaly_detector_ignore[self.section] or ( level_name and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name] and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].disabled and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_properties[self.object:id()] ) ) then local og_dyn_anomalies = bind_anomaly_field.dyn_anomalies if not og_dyn_anomalies then notify_anomaly(self, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, true) else local level_name = level.name() if og_dyn_anomalies[level_name] and og_dyn_anomalies[level_name][self.object:id()] ~= nil then if og_dyn_anomalies[level_name][self.object:id()] then notify_anomaly(self, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, true) end else notify_anomaly(self, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, true) end end end self.on_update_timer = self.on_update_timer_default else detector_functions.detector_anomaly_remove_factor(detector_functions, self, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, true) self.on_update_timer = clamp(self.on_update_timer_default * (distance_to_sqr / radius_sqr * 0.5), self.on_update_timer_default, self.on_update_timer_max) -- _G.printf("%s, on_update_timer %s", self.object:name(), self.on_update_timer) end self.on_update_time = tg + self.on_update_timer end, nil, self.update_key) return true end bind_anomaly_field_destroy = bind_anomaly_field.anomaly_field_binder.net_destroy bind_anomaly_field.anomaly_field_binder.net_destroy = function(self) local section = self.section detectable_anomalies_ids[self.object:id()] = nil anomalies_vars.remove_factor(anomalies_vars, self, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) detector_functions.detector_anomaly_remove_factor(detector_functions, self, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, true) if anomalies_destroy_functions[section] then anomalies_destroy_functions[section](self) end unregister_callback(self.update_key) bind_anomaly_field_destroy(self) end -- Behaviour radius in priorities -- 1. anomalies_near_actor_radii[section] -- specially defined behaviour radius -- 2. anomaly_radii[section].max -- defined hit radius of anomaly -- 3. max_radius -- max hit radius defined in level config -- 4. 3 -- default radius -- 5. p.2,3,4 or 5 is then added 1 and multiplied by 2 function get_anomaly_behaviour_radius(section) local radius = anomalies_near_actor_radii[section] or (((anomaly_radii[section] and anomaly_radii[section].max or max_radius or 3) + 1) * 2) local radius_sqr = radius * radius return radius_sqr end -- Special behaviour is actor near an anomaly bind_anomaly_field_update = bind_anomaly_field.anomaly_field_binder.update bind_anomaly_field.anomaly_field_binder.update = function(self, delta) bind_anomaly_field_update(self, delta) if not self.object then return end local section = self.section if anomalies_near_actor_functions[section] or (additional_articles_to_category.encyclopedia_anomalies[section] and not opened_articles.encyclopedia_anomalies[additional_articles_to_category.encyclopedia_anomalies[section]]) then -- Get behaviour radius and check if actor inside it, then apply effect local actor = db.actor local radius_sqr = self.radius_sqr local distance_to_sqr = self.object:position():distance_to_sqr(actor:position()) if distance_to_sqr <= radius_sqr then -- Open anomaly article open_anomaly_article(section) -- Beep near anoms if option enabled or have Svarog or Anomaly Detector if not anomaly_detector_ignore[section] then notify_anomaly(self, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr, false) end -- Behaviour near actor if anomalies_near_actor_functions[section] then anomalies_near_actor_functions[section](self, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end -- printf("actor near anomaly %s, firing effect, delta %s", section, delta) else anomalies_vars.remove_factor(anomalies_vars, self, actor, distance_to_sqr, radius_sqr) end end if npc_on_near_anomalies_functions[section] then if not self.iterate_nearest_func then self.iterate_nearest_func = function(obj) if obj and (IsStalker(obj) or IsMonster(obj)) and (obj.alive and obj:alive()) and obj:id() ~= AC_ID and obj:position():distance_to_sqr(self.object:position()) <= self.radius_sqr then npc_on_near_anomalies_functions[section](self, obj, db.actor) end end end level.iterate_nearest(self.object:position(), self.radius, self.iterate_nearest_func) end end -- Apply glitches and flickers to active items near electrical anomalies -- See above how value is set pda_glitch_value = nil process_glitch = item_device.device_binder.process_glitch item_device.device_binder.process_glitch = function(self, id, section, condition) process_glitch(self, id, section, condition) if pda_glitch_value then self.object:set_psy_factor(pda_glitch_value) end end process_flicker = item_device.device_binder.process_flicker item_device.device_binder.process_flicker = function(self, force) process_flicker(self, pda_glitch_value and pda_glitch_value > 0.4 or force) end process_torch = item_device.device_binder.process_torch item_device.device_binder.process_torch = function(self, id, section, condition) process_torch(self, id, section, condition) -- Beef's NVG integration if z_beefs_nvgs then if self.N_V then z_beefs_nvgs.nvg_glitch(clamp(pda_glitch_value or 0, 0, 0.9)) else z_beefs_nvgs.nvg_glitch(0) end end end local actor_on_update_time = 0 local actor_on_update_timer = 100 function actor_on_update() local tg = time_global() if tg < actor_on_update_time then return end actor_on_update_time = tg + actor_on_update_timer time_elapsed = get_time_elapsed() process_timed_effects() end function actor_on_interaction(typ, obj, name) -- check if emission happened globally if typ == "anomalies" and (name == "emission_end" or name == "psi_storm_end") then local level_name = level.name() init_anomaly_table_on_level(level_name) -- 50/50 chance to remove anomalies globally or just update artefacts if random(100) <= 50 then CreateTimeEvent("clean_dynamic_anomalies_global", "clean_dynamic_anomalies_global", 0.5, function() last_surge_time = get_time_elapsed() printf("surge happened globally at %s", last_surge_time) printf("update on level %s after emission", level.name()) clean_dynamic_anomalies_global() build_anomalies_pos_tree() return true end) else printf("surge happened globally at %s", get_time_elapsed()) printf("update artefacts on level %s after emission", level.name()) clean_artefacts_on_level(level.name()) spawn_artefacts_on_level(level.name()) build_anomalies_pos_tree() end end end function actor_on_item_take(obj) local level_name = level.name() local id = obj:id() if updated_anomaly_levels[level_name] and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].artefacts and updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].artefacts[id] then printf("taken created artefact %s, id %s, level_name %s", updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].artefacts[id], id, level_name) updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].artefacts[id] = nil end end function npc_on_item_take(npc, obj) actor_on_item_take(obj) end -- Anomalies special hit behaviour anomalies_hit_functions = { -- Flash special hit behaviour - Time travel zone_mine_flash = function(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) printf("change_time") local health = actor.health local change_hours = random(3, 8) local change_minutes = random(1, 59) level.change_game_time(0, change_hours, change_minutes) level_weathers.get_weather_manager():select_weather(true) surge_manager.get_surge_manager().time_forwarded = true psi_storm_manager.get_psi_storm_manager().time_forwarded = true s_hit.power = 0.001 local fatigue_light_state = true if fatigue_light then fatigue_light_state = fatigue_light.enabled fatigue_light.enabled = false end CreateTimeEvent("zone_mine_flash", "zone_mine_flash", 0.1, function() local new_health = actor.health actor:set_health_ex(health) actor:change_health(-random_float(0.01, 0.04)) -- Change thirst and sleep, params are from vanilla actor_status_sleep/thirst scripts local sleep_params = { step = 27, check_after_sec = 300, } local thirst_params = { step = 30, check_after_sec = 300 } local change_sleep_amount = (change_hours * 3600 + change_minutes * 60) / sleep_params.check_after_sec * sleep_params.step * 0.01 local change_thirst_amount = (change_hours * 3600 + change_minutes * 60) / thirst_params.check_after_sec * thirst_params.step * 0.01 thirst_sleep_changer.change_sleep(round(change_sleep_amount)) thirst_sleep_changer.change_thirst(round(change_thirst_amount)) if fatigue_light then fatigue_light.enabled = fatigue_light_state end return true end) end, -- Radiation field: drain batteries of active items -- zone_field_radioactive = function(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- if s_hit.power <= 0 then return end -- for i = 8, 10 do -- local item = actor:item_in_slot(i) -- if item then -- local cond = item:condition() -- if cond > 0.01 then -- item:set_condition(cond - 0.03 * s_hit.power) -- end -- end -- end -- end, -- zone_field_radioactive_weak = function(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- anomalies_hit_functions.zone_field_radioactive(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- end, -- zone_field_radioactive_average = function(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- anomalies_hit_functions.zone_field_radioactive(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- end, -- zone_field_radioactive_strong = function(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- anomalies_hit_functions.zone_field_radioactive(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- end, -- zone_radioactive = function(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- anomalies_hit_functions.zone_field_radioactive(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- end, -- zone_radioactive_weak = function(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- anomalies_hit_functions.zone_field_radioactive(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- end, -- zone_radioactive_average = function(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- anomalies_hit_functions.zone_field_radioactive(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- end, -- zone_radioactive_strong = function(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- anomalies_hit_functions.zone_field_radioactive(s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- end, } -- Anomalies special hit behaviour on monster anomalies_monster_hit_functions = { -- Flash special hit behaviour - Time travel zone_mine_flash = function(monster, s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) printf("flash got hit %s", monster:section()) s_hit.power = 0 flags.ret_value = false safe_release_manager.release(alife_object(monster:id())) end, -- Reduce power for Rebounder -- zone_mine_sphere = function(monster, s_hit, bone_id, flags, actor) -- local sec = monster:section() -- printf("rebounder got hit %s", sec) -- s_hit.power = 0 -- flags.ret_value = false -- local immunities_sec = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "protections_sect", sec) -- local hit_power = SYS_GetParam(2, "zone_mine_sphere", "max_start_power", 1) * SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "hit_fraction_monster", 1) -- monster:change_health(-hit_power) -- end, } -- Also used for monsters, filter for npcs or monsters specifically in functions bodies npc_on_near_anomalies_functions = { -- Rebounder effect for NPCs zone_mine_sphere = function(anomaly, npc, actor) local key = "zone_mine_sphere_" .. npc:name() if not callbacks[key] then register_callback(IsStalker(npc) and "npc_on_before_hit" or "monster_on_before_hit", function(npc_hit, s_hit, bone_id, flags) if s_hit.type == hit.fire_wound and npc_hit:name() == npc:name() then s_hit.power = s_hit.power * random_float(0, 0.5) play_sound_on_actor("eugenium_anomaly\\sphere\\sphere_blowout", 1, random_float(0.95, 1.05), anomaly.object) local gibs = particles_object("artefact\\artefact_gravi") if gibs and not gibs:playing() then gibs:play_at_pos(npc_hit:position()) end end end, nil, key) end add_simple_timed_effect(0.7, nil, function() unregister_callback(key) end, key, 1) end, } function actor_on_before_hit(s_hit, bone_id, flags) if not s_hit.draftsman then return end local sec = s_hit.draftsman:section() if anomalies_hit_functions[sec] then anomalies_hit_functions[sec](s_hit, bone_id, flags, db.actor) end end function monster_on_before_hit(monster, s_hit, bone_id, flags) if not s_hit.draftsman then return end local sec = s_hit.draftsman:section() if anomalies_monster_hit_functions[sec] then anomalies_monster_hit_functions[sec](monster, s_hit, bone_id, flags, db.actor) end end function load_state(m_data) local dump = string.dump local load = loadstring local unpack = unpack local t = m_data.drx_da_effects or {} for key, effect in pairs(t) do if t[key].effect_function then local effect = load(t[key].effect_function) t[key].effect = function() effect(unpack(t[key].effect_args)) end end if t[key].on_end_function then local on_end = load(t[key].on_end_function) t[key].on_end = function() on_end(unpack(t[key].on_end_args)) end end end timed_effects = t last_surge_time = m_data.drx_da_last_surge_time or 0 updated_anomaly_levels = m_data.drx_da_updated_anomaly_levels or {} if m_data.drx_da_opened_articles then opened_articles = m_data.drx_da_opened_articles end RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", drx_da_actor_on_update_callback) end function actor_on_first_update() load_state(alife_storage_manager.get_state()) end function save_anomalies(m_data) local t = {} for key, effect in pairs(timed_effects) do if effect.save then t[key] = {} copy_table(t[key], effect) t[key].effect = nil t[key].on_end = nil end end m_data.drx_da_effects = t m_data.drx_da_updated_anomaly_levels = updated_anomaly_levels m_data.drx_da_last_surge_time = last_surge_time m_data.drx_da_opened_articles = opened_articles end function save_level(m_data) m_data.drx_da_previous_level = level.name() end function on_before_level_changing() printf("saving previous_level") alife_storage_manager.get_state().drx_da_previous_level = level.name() UnregisterScriptCallback("save_state", save_level) end local function on_option_change() load_settings() if settings.delete_dynamic_anomalies then unregister_anomalies_behaviour() force_clean_dynamic_anomalies_global() build_anomalies_pos_tree() if ui_mcm then ui_mcm.set("drx_da/delete_dynamic_anomalies", false) end return end unregister_anomalies_behaviour() if updated_anomaly_levels[level.name()] and not updated_anomaly_levels[level.name()].disabled then if settings.enable_anomalies_behaviour or level_weathers.bLevelUnderground then register_anomalies_behaviour() else enable_anomalies_on_level() end end end -- Register callback scripts: function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_before_hit", actor_on_before_hit) RegisterScriptCallback("monster_on_before_hit", monster_on_before_hit) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_item_take", actor_on_item_take) RegisterScriptCallback("npc_on_item_take", npc_on_item_take) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_interaction", actor_on_interaction) RegisterScriptCallback("on_before_level_changing", on_before_level_changing) RegisterScriptCallback("save_state", save_anomalies) RegisterScriptCallback("save_state", save_level) -- RegisterScriptCallback("load_state", load_state) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_first_update", actor_on_first_update) RegisterScriptCallback("on_game_load", load_settings) RegisterScriptCallback("on_option_change", on_option_change) end -- Patches -- Encyclopedia articles about new anomalies -- Table contains category and entries in game section => article string id format additional_articles_to_category = { encyclopedia_anomalies = { zone_mine_radar = "encyclopedia_anomalies_radar", zone_mine_darkness = "encyclopedia_anomalies_darkness", zone_mine_flash = "encyclopedia_anomalies_flash", zone_mine_ghost = "encyclopedia_anomalies_ghost", zone_mine_gold = "encyclopedia_anomalies_gold", zone_mine_green_dragon = "encyclopedia_anomalies_green_dragon", zone_mine_mefistotel = "encyclopedia_anomalies_mefistotel", zone_mine_net = "encyclopedia_anomalies_net", zone_mine_point = "encyclopedia_anomalies_point", zone_mine_sphere = "encyclopedia_anomalies_sphere", } } -- Table contains opened articles after interacting with anomalies opened_articles = { encyclopedia_anomalies = {} } -- Open anomaly article function open_anomaly_article(section) -- If there is no article to begin with - return if not additional_articles_to_category.encyclopedia_anomalies[section] then printf("article not found for %s", section) return end -- If already opened - return if opened_articles.encyclopedia_anomalies[additional_articles_to_category.encyclopedia_anomalies[section]] then printf("article already opened for %s", section) return end -- Return if the player didn't spend 3 hours in the zone if not (has_alife_info("actor_spent_2_hrs_in_zone") or utils_obj.is_time_spent_in_zone(0,0,2)) then printf("youre too stupid for article boy") return end -- Add statistics and notify game_statistics.increment_statistic("articles") actor_menu.set_notification(nil, "ui_inGame2_notify_article", 20, "device\\pda\\pda_guide_2") -- Add to already opened articles opened_articles.encyclopedia_anomalies[additional_articles_to_category.encyclopedia_anomalies[section]] = true -- Instance of the pda_ui object. local pda_ui = ui_pda_encyclopedia_tab.get_ui() pda_ui:InitCategories() pda_ui:SelectCategory("encyclopedia_anomalies") pda_ui:SelectArticle(additional_articles_to_category.encyclopedia_anomalies[section]) if pda_ui.article_list and pda_ui.article_list.GetSelectedIndex then pda_ui.article_list:SetSelectedIndex(pda_ui.article_list:GetSelectedIndex() + 1) end if zz_Encyclopedia_messages_restored or zz_encyclopedia_messages_restored or encyclopedia_messages_restored then -- Article and category texts. local message = game.translate_string("pda_encyclopedia_notify") --printf("Monkeyzz " .. categories[index_c].section) local text_c = game.translate_string("encyclopedia_anomalies") local text_a = game.translate_string(additional_articles_to_category.encyclopedia_anomalies[section]) -- Other information. local header = game.translate_string("st_tip") local texture = news_manager.tips_icons["guide_unlock"] or "ui_inGame2_Poslednie_razrabotki" db.actor:give_game_news(header, strformat(message, text_c, text_a), texture, 0, 5000, 0) end end -- Patch article list InitArticles = ui_pda_encyclopedia_tab.pda_encyclopedia_tab.InitArticles ui_pda_encyclopedia_tab.pda_encyclopedia_tab.InitArticles = function(self, section_c) InitArticles(self, section_c) -- If not existing list - return if is_empty(opened_articles[section_c]) then return end local n = self.article_list:GetSize() for article, _ in pairs(opened_articles[section_c]) do local clr = ui_pda_encyclopedia_tab.UpdateColor(article) local item = ui_pda_encyclopedia_tab.pda_encyclopedia_entry(article, n, clr) self.article_list:AddExistingItem(item) n = n + 1 end end -- Extra Utils function reset_timers() last_surge_time = 0 for k, v in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels) do v.time = -1 printf("time resetted for %s", k) end printf("last_surge_time is 0") end function print_anomalies() return print_r(updated_anomaly_levels) end function debug_spawn_anomaly(sec) local gvid = db.actor:game_vertex_id() local r = level.get_target_dist and level.get_target_dist() or 3 local pos = vector():set(db.actor:position()) pos:add(device().cam_dir:mul(r)) pos = vector():set(pos.x,db.actor:position().y,pos.z) local lvid = level.vertex_id(pos) local level_name = level.name() local level_data = get_level_data(level_name) if not level_data then printf("Error, unable to get data for %s", level_name) return end local level_file = level_data.level_file drx_da_spawn_anomaly(sec, pos, lvid, gvid, level_file) build_anomalies_pos_tree() end -- Buggy consecutive update leading to softlocks and crashes -- Refresh anomalies on level after surge, in concurrent fashion function update_dynamic_anomalies_on_level_after_surge(level_name) local level_name = level_name or level.name() -- Clean all anomalies in one action first clean_dynamic_anomalies_global() local function generate_anomalies() local level_data = get_level_data(level_name) if not level_data then printf("Error, unable to get data for %s", level_name) return end local level_file = level_data.level_file local spawn_percent = level_data.spawn_percent local anomaly_max_number = level_data.anomaly_max_number local anomaly_max_active = level_data.anomaly_max_active -- Build a list of available smart terrains: local smart_list = utils_data.collect_section(level_file, "available_smarts") local pairs = pairs local collect_section = utils_data.collect_section local size_table = size_table local to_generate = {} -- Build anomalies table if is_not_empty(smart_list) then local anomalies = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies or {} local anomalies_by_smart = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart or {} local smart_by_anomalies = updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies or {} for i, smart_name in pairs(smart_list) do if true or not smart_restrictions[smart_name] then -- Choose an anomaly type to spawn: local anomaly_list = collect_section(level_file, "anomaly_types") if anomaly_list and #anomaly_list >= 1 then local anomaly_type = anomaly_list[random(#anomaly_list)] printf("picked anomaly type %s", anomaly_type) if not anomalies_by_smart[smart_name] then anomalies_by_smart[smart_name] = {} end local j = size_table(anomalies_by_smart[smart_name]) while j < anomaly_max_number do if random() <= spawn_percent then to_generate[#to_generate + 1] = { anomaly_type = anomaly_type, level_file = level_file, smart_name = smart_name, level_name = level_name } end j = j + 1 end else printf("No dynamic anomaly types specified for level %s", level_name) end else printf("no anomalies spawn on smart %s, level %s in restriction", smart_name, level_name) end end end return to_generate end local anomalies = generate_anomalies() if is_not_empty(anomalies) then local tg_interval = 100 local tg = time_global() + 500 local anomalies_ids = {} process_queue("drx_da_spawn_anomalies_on_level", anomalies, function(k, anomaly) local t = time_global() if t < tg then return end tg = t + tg_interval local anom_id = drx_da_spawn_anomaly_on_smart(anomaly.level_file, anomaly.smart_name, anomaly.anomaly_type, level_name) if anom_id then updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies[#updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies + 1] = anom_id updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomalies_by_smart[anomaly.smart_name][anom_id] = true updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].anomaly_types_by_smart[anomaly.smart_name] = anomaly.anomaly_type updated_anomaly_levels[level_name].smart_by_anomalies[anom_id] = anomaly.smart_name end return true end, function() printf("anomalies updated after surge on level %s", level_name) end) end end -- Removes all anomalies forcefully function force_clean_dynamic_anomalies_global() remove_all_restrictions() get_obj_restrictions(true) unregister_anomalies_behaviour() local alife_release_id = alife_release_id local gg = game_graph() local gg_vertex = gg.vertex local level_name = level.name() local load_var = load_var local pairs = pairs local printf = printf local sim = alife() local sim_level_name = sim.level_name local sim_object = sim.object local sim_release = sim.release local alife_record = alife_record local strformat = strformat for k, v in pairs(updated_anomaly_levels) do get_anomalies_by_smart(k) clean_artefacts_on_level(k) if false then -- disable_anomalies_on_level(level_name) -- v.disabled = true -- clean_dynamic_anomalies_on_level_func(level_name) else for k1, v1 in pairs(v.anomalies) do if true then local se_obj = sim_object(sim, v1) if se_obj then if IsAnomaly(_, se_obj:clsid()) then printf("Deleting anomaly %s, %s globally, level %s", se_obj:section_name(), v1, k) alife_record(se_obj ,false) alife():release(se_obj, true) else printf("Error, object is not an anomaly, %s, %s, on level %s", se_obj:section_name(), v1, k) end end for k2, v2 in pairs(v.anomalies_by_smart) do v2[v1] = nil v.anomaly_types_by_smart[k2] = nil if is_empty(v2) then v.anomalies_by_smart[k2] = nil v.available_smarts_reduced[k2] = nil end end v.smart_by_anomalies[v1] = nil v.anomalies_properties[v1] = nil v.anomalies[k1] = nil else printf("can't delete anomaly %s globally, level %s, in restriction", v1, k) end end -- Old anomalies if true then local fully_cleaned = true for smart_name, v in pairs(SIMBOARD.smarts_by_names) do local smart_level = sim_level_name(sim, gg_vertex(gg, v.m_game_vertex_id):level_id()) if smart_level == k then for j = 1, 1000 do local anom_id = load_var(db.actor, strformat("drx_da_anom_id_%s_%s", smart_name, j), nil) if anom_id then if true then local o = alife_object(anom_id) if o then alife_record(o ,false) alife():release(o, true) end else printf("Error, can't remove old anomaly %s, level %s, in restriction", anom_id, k) fully_cleaned = false end end end end end v.cleaned_old_anomalies = fully_cleaned else printf("old anomalies already cleaned on level %s", k) end end end -- Clean from new sections local new_sections = { zone_mine_darkness = true, zone_mine_flash = true, zone_mine_ghost = true, zone_mine_gold = true, zone_mine_green_dragon = true, zone_mine_mefistotel = true, zone_mine_net = true, zone_mine_point = true, zone_mine_radar = true, zone_mine_sphere = true, zone_unknown = true, zone_mine_acid = true, zone_mine_electra = true, zone_mine_springboard = true, zone_mine_vortex = true, zone_mine_blast = true, zone_mine_zharka = true, zone_mine_vapour = true, } for i = 1, 65534 do local se_obj = sim_object(sim, i) if se_obj and new_sections[se_obj:section_name()] then sim_release(sim, se_obj, true) end end printf("Cleaned dynamic anomalies globally") if settings.save_after_cleanup then CreateTimeEvent("drx_da_save_after_cleanup", 0, 0.1, function() exec_console_cmd("save " .. (user_name() or "") .. " - DAO tempsave") return true end) end end