-- Table of new anomalies sections new_anomalies_sections = { zone_mine_radar = true, zone_mine_darkness = true, zone_mine_flash = true, zone_mine_ghost = true, zone_mine_gold = true, zone_mine_green_dragon = true, zone_mine_mefistotel = true, zone_mine_net = true, zone_mine_point = true, zone_mine_sphere = true, } -- Table of variations of old anomalies variations_anomalies_sections = { zone_unknown = true, zone_mine_acid = true, zone_mine_electra = true, zone_mine_springboard = true, zone_mine_vortex = true, zone_mine_blast = true, zone_mine_zharka = true, zone_mine_vapour = true, } presets = { [0] = { anomaly_zone_spawn_chance = 0.5, anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_max = 35, anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_min = 2, anomaly_amount_modifier = 0.5, max_artefacts_per_zone = 2, artefacts_spawn_chance = 15, random_artefact_spawn_chance = 25, gravitational_shake_modifier = 0.5, electric_field_modifier = 0.5, enable_anomalies_behaviour = "true", -- Pass as string, thats important }, [1] = { anomaly_zone_spawn_chance = 1, anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_max = 25, anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_min = 1, anomaly_amount_modifier = 1, max_artefacts_per_zone = 2, artefacts_spawn_chance = 15, random_artefact_spawn_chance = 25, gravitational_shake_modifier = 1, electric_field_modifier = 1, enable_anomalies_behaviour = "true", -- Pass as string, thats important }, [2] = { anomaly_zone_spawn_chance = 1, anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_max = 25, anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_min = 0.5, anomaly_amount_modifier = 1.5, max_artefacts_per_zone = 2, artefacts_spawn_chance = 25, random_artefact_spawn_chance = 25, gravitational_shake_modifier = 1, electric_field_modifier = 1.5, enable_anomalies_behaviour = "true", -- Pass as string, thats important }, } op_id = "drx_da" op_preset_id = "presets" op = { id = op_id, sh = true, gr = { {id = "banner", type = "slide", text = "ui_mcm_drx_da_title", size = {512, 50}, spacing = 20}, {id=op_preset_id, type="list", val=2, def=1, content={ {0, "drx_da_preset_easy"}, {1, "drx_da_preset_normal"}, {2, "drx_da_preset_hard"}, }}, {id = "anomaly_zone_spawn_chance", type = "track", val = 2, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.1, def = presets[1].anomaly_zone_spawn_chance or 1}, {id = "anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_max", type = "track", val = 2, min = 1, max = 60, step = 1, def = presets[1].anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_max or 40}, {id = "anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_min", type = "track", val = 2, min = -5, max = 5, step = 0.1, def = presets[1].anomaly_zone_anomalies_distance_min or 1.5}, {id = "anomaly_amount_modifier", type = "track", val = 2, min = 0, max = 3, step = 0.1, def = presets[1].anomaly_amount_modifier or 1}, {id = "max_artefacts_per_zone", type = "track", val = 2, min = 0, max = 3, step = 1, def = presets[1].max_artefacts_per_zone or 2}, {id = "artefacts_spawn_chance", type = "track", val = 2, min = 0, max = 25, step = 1, def = presets[1].artefacts_spawn_chance or 15}, {id = "random_artefact_spawn_chance", type = "track", val = 2, min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, def = presets[1].random_artefact_spawn_chance or 25}, {id = "divider", type = "line"}, {id = "gravitational_shake_modifier", type = "track", val = 2, min = 0, max = 2, step = 0.1, def = presets[1].gravitational_shake_modifier or 1}, {id = "electric_field_modifier", type = "track", val = 2, min = 0, max = 3, step = 0.1, def = presets[1].electric_field_modifier or 1}, {id = "enable_anomalies_behaviour", type = "check", val = 1, def = presets[1].enable_anomalies_behaviour ~= nil and presets[1].enable_anomalies_behaviour == "true" or presets[1].enable_anomalies_behaviour == nil and true}, {id = "save_after_cleanup", type = "check", val = 1, def = false}, {id = "disable_new_anomalies", type = "check", val = 1, def = false}, {id = "divider", type = "line"}, {id = "drx_da_choose_help", type = "desc", clr = {200, 200, 255, 200}, text = "ui_mcm_drx_da_choose_help"}, {id = "drx_da_choose_divider_begin", type = "line"}, -- Here will be anomalies choose to disable (see on_mcm_load) {id = "drx_da_choose_divider_end", type = "line"}, {id = "delete_dynamic_anomalies", type = "check", val = 1, def = false}, {id = "debug_mode", type = "check", val = 1, def = false}, } } function add_drx_da_choose_options() for i = #op.gr, 1, -1 do if op.gr[i].id == "drx_da_choose_divider_end" then -- Build list of new anomalies from drx_da_main.script for k, _ in spairs(new_anomalies_sections, function(t, a, b) return a > b end) do table.insert(op.gr, i, {id = k .. "_enable", type = "check", val = 1, def = true}) table.insert(op.gr, i, {id = k .. "_banner", type = "slide", link = "banner_" .. k .. ".dds", text = k .. "_section_name", size = {512, 50}, spacing = 20}) end break end end end function remove_drx_da_choose_options() for i = 1, #op.gr do if op.gr[i].id == "drx_da_choose_divider_begin" then i = i + 1 while op.gr[i].id ~= "drx_da_choose_divider_end" do table.remove(op.gr, i) end break end end end function is_enabled_anomaly(section) if ui_mcm then return ui_mcm.get("drx_da/" .. section .. "_enable") end return true end function set_preset(self, p) if not presets[p] then printf("DRX DA preset %s not found", p) return end -- Pre-build available MCM values local t = {} for _, v in ipairs(op.gr) do if v.def ~= nil then t[v.id] = v.def end end for k, value in pairs(presets[p]) do if t[k] then -- Validate option local v = ui_mcm.get_opt_table(op_id .. "/" .. k) if v and v.type then -- Get proper value if v.val == 0 then -- Pass input value as is elseif v.val == 1 then value = (value == "true") and true or false elseif v.val == 2 then value = clamp(tonumber(value), v.min or 0, v.max or 100) end -- Extract path and opt local t = ui_mcm.str_opt_explode(op_id .. "/" .. k) local opt = t[#t] local path = t[1] for i=2,#t-1 do path = ui_mcm.cc(path , t[i]) end -- Cache changes self:CacheValue(path, opt, value, v) end end end -- Update XML elements self:Reset_opt(self.last_curr_tree, self.last_path) -- Update state self:UpdatePending() end if ui_mcm and ui_mcm.UIMCM and ui_mcm.UIMCM.Callback_List then MCM_Callback_List = ui_mcm.UIMCM.Callback_List ui_mcm.UIMCM.Callback_List = function(self, ctrl, path, opt, v) MCM_Callback_List(self, ctrl, path, opt, v) if path ~= op_id then return end if opt == op_preset_id then local value = self:GetValue(path, opt, v) set_preset(self, value) end end end function on_mcm_load() remove_drx_da_choose_options() add_drx_da_choose_options() return op end