--[[ Script to take off/put on your helmet by holding hotkey. ]]-- local holdDelay = 0.5 --Delay in seconds while holding key before action for non MCM version local lastHelmet local lastHelmetId = nil local KEY = headgear_animations_mcm.get_config("keybind") --change this if you don't use MCM or havn't updated to the curent version local modifier = headgear_animations_mcm.get_config("modifier") local mode = headgear_animations_mcm.get_config("mode") local mcm_keybinds = ui_mcm and ui_mcm.key_hold --there will be a better way to test for MCM versions soon, but this will always be a solid way to check for keybind support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Callbacks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("on_option_change", on_option_change) RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_hold", on_key_hold) RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_press", on_key_press) RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_release", on_key_release) RegisterScriptCallback("load_state", on_load_state) RegisterScriptCallback("save_state", on_save_state) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_first_update", actor_on_first_update) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function on_option_change() --new in mcm 1.6.0 mcm passes true to the on_option_change callback KEY = headgear_animations_mcm.get_config("keybind") -- if it can't find the option it will return nil this form insures that with old versions of mcm the key doesn't get reset modifier = headgear_animations_mcm.get_config("modifier") mode = headgear_animations_mcm.get_config("mode") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MCM Keybinding setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function on_key_hold(key) if mcm_keybinds and (key == KEY) and (mode == 2) and ui_mcm.get_mod_key(modifier) and ui_mcm.key_hold("liz_qht",key) then --repeating after 5 seconds for demo pourposes. toggle_helmet() end end function on_key_press(key) if key ~= KEY then return end if (not mcm_keybinds) then --No MCM case CreateTimeEvent("quick_actions", "toggleHelmet", holdDelay, toggle_helmet) return end if (mode == 0) and ui_mcm.get_mod_key(modifier) then ui_mcm.simple_press("liz_qht", key, toggle_helmet) end if (mode == 1) and ui_mcm.get_mod_key(modifier) and ui_mcm.double_tap("liz_qht",key) then toggle_helmet() return end end function on_key_release(key) if mcm_keybinds then return end if key == KEY then --if the released key matches, remove our event to stop it from firing if released earlier than holdDelay RemoveTimeEvent("quick_actions","toggleHelmet") end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Persistance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function on_save_state(m_data) if lastHelmet then m_data.lastHelmetId = lastHelmet:id() end end function on_load_state(m_data) lastHelmetId = m_data.lastHelmetId end function actor_on_first_update() local function itr(actor, item) if item:id() == lastHelmetId then lastHelmet = item return end end if lastHelmetId ~= nil then db.actor:iterate_ruck(itr, nil) end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toggle_helmet() if (not db.actor) and (not db.actor:alive()) then return end if enhanced_animations and enhanced_animations.used_item ~= nil then return end -- if enhanced_animations.used_item ~= nil then return end local currentHelmet = db.actor:item_in_slot(12) --set currentHelmet to whatever player has equipped in helmet slot if currentHelmet then --if it's a helmet, move it to inventory and save it for re-equipping later headgear_animations.on_toggle_unequip(currentHelmet) lastHelmet = currentHelmet elseif lastHelmet then --if not, and lastHelmet is set, check player inventory for previously worn helmet if not is_have_helmet() then --if helmet slot is empty and not blocked by armor db.actor:iterate_ruck(function (actor, item) if item:id() == lastHelmet:id() then headgear_animations.on_toggle_equip(item) end end, nil) end end end function is_have_helmet() --check if we have helmet in helmet slot local o_helm = db.actor:item_in_slot(12) if o_helm then local m_headgear_is_in_whitelist = ini_whitelist:section_exist(o_helm:section()) if not m_headgear_is_in_whitelist then return true else return false end end --if not check if we have outfit that have integrated helmet local o_outfit = db.actor:item_in_slot(7) if o_outfit then local c_outfit = o_outfit:cast_CustomOutfit() if not c_outfit.bIsHelmetAvaliable then return true end end return false end