/** * @ Version: SCREEN SPACE SHADERS - UPDATE 20 * @ Description: Non-directional volumetric shader * @ Modified time: 2024-02-20 07:26 * @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457 * @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders */ // Remember: If you need new textures or samplers, remember to edit both `accum_volumetric.s` and `accum_volumetric_nomsaa.s` #include "common.h" #include "shadow.h" #ifndef ISAMPLE #define ISAMPLE 0 #endif struct v2p { float3 lightToPos : TEXCOORD0; // light center to plane vector float3 vPos : TEXCOORD1; // position in camera space float fDensity : TEXCOORD2; // plane density along Z axis }; float4 m_lmap[2]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pixel #ifndef MSAA_OPTIMIZATION float4 main ( v2p I ) : SV_Target #else float4 main ( v2p I, uint iSample : SV_SAMPLEINDEX ) : SV_Target #endif { // Screen UV ( view to uv ) // TODO : Use the Matrix mul from the vertex shader float4 Postc = mul(m_P, float4(I.vPos, 1)); float2 tc = (Postc.xy / Postc.w) * float2(0.5f, -0.5f) + 0.5f; // Shadow matrix float4 P4 = float4(I.vPos, 1); float4 PS = mul( m_shadow, P4); PS.xyz /= PS.w; // Occlusion from light perspective. float occ = s_smap.SampleCmpLevelZero( smp_smap, PS.xy, PS.z).x; // Occlusion from player perspective. float _depth = 0; #ifndef USE_MSAA _depth = s_position.Sample(smp_nofilter, tc).z; #else _depth = s_position.Load(int3(tc * screen_res.xy, 0), iSample).z; #endif _depth = _depth <= SKY_EPS ? 10000 : _depth; // Sky occ *= _depth < Postc.z ? 0.0f : 1.0f; // Texture mask PS.x = dot( P4, m_lmap[0]); PS.y = dot( P4, m_lmap[1]); PS.xy /= PS.w; float4 lightmap = s_lmap.Sample(smp_jitter, PS.xy); // Attenuate ( Vanilla light attenuation ) float rsqr = dot( I.lightToPos, I.lightToPos); // distance 2 light (squared) float att = saturate( 1.0f - rsqr * Ldynamic_pos.w ); // q-linear attenuate // Add extra attenuation when passing through. att *= saturate(Postc.z * 2.5f); // Result float3 result = I.fDensity * occ * att * lightmap * Ldynamic_color; return float4( result, 0); }