#include "common.h" Texture2D noise_tex; // Igor: used for volumetric light #ifndef USE_MSAA Texture2D s_vollight; #else #ifndef SM_5 Texture2DMS s_vollight; #else Texture2DMS s_vollight; #endif #endif struct _input { float4 tc0 : TEXCOORD0; // tc.xy, tc.w = tonemap scale }; struct _out { float4 low : SV_Target0; float4 high : SV_Target1; }; // TODO: DX10: Use load instead of sample _out main( _input I ) { _out o; float4 color; #ifndef USE_MSAA // Get Volumetric Buffer [ No MSAA ] color = s_vollight.SampleLevel( smp_linear, I.tc0.xy, 0); // Read Depth float _depth = s_position.Sample(smp_nofilter, I.tc0.xy).z; #else // Get Volumetric Buffer [ MSAA ] float2 tc = I.tc0.xy * screen_res.xy; color = s_vollight.Load(int3(tc, 0), 0); [unroll] for(int iSample = 1; iSample < MSAA_SAMPLES; ++iSample) { color += s_vollight.Load(int3(tc, 0), iSample); } color /= MSAA_SAMPLES; // Read Depth [ MSAA ] float _depth = s_position.Load(int3(tc, 0), iSample).z; #endif // Noise TC float2 uv_noise = I.tc0.xy; uv_noise.x *= screen_res.x / screen_res.y; // Add noise to dither the result color = saturate(color - noise_tex.Sample( smp_linear, uv_noise * 2.5).xxxx * 0.01f); // Discard Sky. color *= _depth < 0.001 ? 1.0f : saturate(_depth * 1.5f); tonemap(o.low, o.high, color, I.tc0.w ); return o; }