/** * @ Version: SCREEN SPACE SHADERS - UPDATE 22 * @ Description: Screen Space Shadows - Extend Shadows * @ Modified time: 2024-11-15 23:26 * @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457 * @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders */ #include "screenspace_shadows.h" float4x4 m_current; // Current projection matrix float4x4 m_previous; // Previous projection matrix float4 lights_data[8]; // Light data ( Position ) int id_offset; Texture2D sss_image; Texture2D s_prev_pos; float4 main(p_screen I) : SV_Target { // Var to accumulate the SSS, each channel is 2 lights float4 sss = 0.0f; { // Sample buffers and prepare all requiered data ------------------ // Scale TexCoor float2 tc = I.tc0; // * float2(2, 1); float2 Pos2D = I.hpos; // * float2(2, 1); // Sample buffers #ifndef USE_MSAA float4 Pos = s_position.Sample( smp_nofilter, tc ); #else float4 Pos = s_position.Load( int3( Pos2D, 0 ), 0 ); #endif // The s_hud_mask is declared on "screenspace_shadows.h" float3 HUD_mask = s_hud_mask.Sample(smp_nofilter, tc); // Reconstruct Position, Normal and Material float3 P = float3( Pos.z * ( Pos2D * pos_decompression_params.zw - pos_decompression_params.xy ), Pos.z ); float3 N = gbuf_unpack_normal( Pos.xy ); float mtl = gbuf_unpack_mtl( Pos.w ); // SSS ------------------------------------------------------------- bool mat_flora = abs(mtl - MAT_FLORA) <= 0.04f; bool mat_terrain = abs(mtl - 0.95f) <= 0.04f; if (!mat_flora && !mat_terrain && HUD_mask.x > 0) return 1; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { sss[x] = SSFX_ScreenSpaceShadows_Point(float4(P, mtl), tc, lights_data[x + (4 * id_offset)].xyz, HUD_mask.x, 0); sss[x] = saturate(sss[x] + lights_data[x + (4 * id_offset)].a); } // Accumulation ---------------------------------------------------- // Position float4 P4 = float4(P, 1.0); // Get current float4 p_current = mul(m_current, P4); // Get previous float4 p_previous = mul(m_previous, P4); float2 current = p_current.xy / p_current.w; float2 previous = p_previous.xy / p_previous.w; // Reprojection UV float2 uv_rp = current.xy - previous.xy; uv_rp = float2(uv_rp.x, -uv_rp.y) * 0.5f; float vel = 0; //distance(current.xy, previous.xy); // HUD Mask if (HUD_mask.x <= 0.0f) { // Use HUD motion vectors for reprojection uv_rp = float2(HUD_mask.y, -HUD_mask.z) * 0.5f; vel = (abs(uv_rp.x) + abs(uv_rp.y)) * 50.0f; } // Prev Position + Reprojection UV float4 prev_P = s_prev_pos.Sample( smp_linear, (tc - uv_rp) ); // Disocclusion float docc = saturate(abs(1.0f - P.z / prev_P.z)) * 2.5f; // Agressive disocclusion for the HUD elements docc *= 1.0f + 10.0f * (1.0f - HUD_mask.x); // Offscreen check int outoffsrc = any((tc - uv_rp) < 0) + any((tc - uv_rp) > 1.0); // AA Noise float2 rnd = hash22(tc * 100 + timers.xx * 100) * 2.0f - 1.0f; rnd = rnd * (1.0f / screen_res.xy) * 0.25f; // Previous frame + Reprojection UV + Noise float4 prev = sss_image.Sample(smp_linear, (I.tc0 + rnd) - uv_rp); // 0 Current frame ~ 1 Prev frame sss = lerp(sss, prev, saturate(0.97f - (outoffsrc + docc + vel))); } return sss; }