--[[ - Tronex - 2020/2/3 - 2020/4/3 - Inventory simulation Modes: 1. Inventory 2. Loot 3. Trade 4. Repair/Upgrade --]] --[[ - HarukaSai - 05/04/2022 - Edited for EFP + Recoloring of stat bars and slot highlights based on faction + Fixed Modern UI rank displaying on stashes + Special sounds per slot type + Cleaning up of modern UI code + Colored faction badges -08/04/2022 + MCM configuration of colors -14/04/2022 + Highlights only showing if slot is unlocked -17/04/2022 + Alternative rank icons -26/04/2022 + Lazy way to make it work without MCM -12/05/2022 + Replacement of artis on belt via drag and drop --]] -- Added by Sota local gts = game.translate_string is_gamma = gts("ui_st_game_version"):find("G.A.M.M.A.") display_supply_level = true local enable_feature = true local enable_item_picker = true local is_shift_pressed = false local weight_unit = gts("st_kg") local snd_open = sound_object([[interface\inv_open]]) local snd_close = sound_object([[interface\inv_close]]) local snd_item_to_slot = sound_object([[interface\inv_slot]]) local snd_item_to_belt = sound_object([[interface\inv_belt]]) local snd_item_to_ruck = sound_object([[interface\inv_ruck]]) local snd_properties = sound_object([[interface\inv_properties_2]]) local snd_drop_item = sound_object([[interface\inv_drop]]) local snd_attach_addon = sound_object([[interface\inv_attach_addon]]) local snd_detach_addon = sound_object([[interface\inv_detach_addon]]) local snd_item_use = sound_object([[interface\inv_none]]) local clr_weight = { [1] = GetARGB(255,255,255,255), [2] = GetARGB(255,255,50,0), [3] = GetARGB(255,200,150,0), } -- Color settings color_settings = { ["stat_colors"] = true, ["banner_color"] = true, ["slot_colors"] = true, ["text_color"] = true, ["use_alt_ranks"] = 1, ["use_alt_factions"] = 1, ["use_alt_inv"] = 1, ["use_alt_grid"] = 1, ["use_alt_blockers"] = 1, ["use_alt_upgr"] = 1, ["use_alt_equ_bars"] = 1, ["use_alt_inv_bars"] = 1, ["use_alt_stats_bars"] = 1, ["use_inv_labels"] = true, ["use_small_icons"] = false, ["use_inv_vert"] = false, ["inv_hint_alpha"] = 255, ["use_alt_hts"] = 1, ["use_inv_weights"] = utils_ui_demonized_inventory_weights and true or false, -- if IWR patch is't installed need to set default depends on exist of IWR addon } faction_color = { ["stalker"] = GetARGB( 255 , 228 , 185 , 69 ), ["bandit"] = GetARGB( 255 , 217 , 217 , 217 ), ["csky"] = GetARGB( 255 , 0 , 182 , 222 ), ["dolg"] = GetARGB( 255 , 193 , 32 , 38 ), ["freedom"] = GetARGB( 255 , 79 , 162 , 69 ), ["killer"] = GetARGB( 255 , 3 , 94 , 168 ), ["army"] = GetARGB( 255 , 184 , 153 , 84 ), ["ecolog"] = GetARGB( 255 , 67 , 134 , 120 ), ["monolith"] = GetARGB( 255 , 81 , 231 , 241 ), ["renegade"] = GetARGB( 255 , 30 , 123 , 48 ), ["greh"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 93 , 0 ), ["isg"] = GetARGB( 255 , 145 , 5 , 0 ) } stat_colors = { ["health"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 0 , 0 ), ["radia"] = GetARGB( 255 , 253 , 208 , 23 ), ["acid"] = GetARGB( 255 , 0 , 255 , 0 ), ["shock"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ), ["fire"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 0 , 128 ), ["psi"] = GetARGB( 255 , 0 , 255 , 255 ), ["wound"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ), ["fire_wound"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 128 , 0 ), ["power"] = GetARGB( 255 , 128 , 255 , 255 ), ["hunger"] = GetARGB( 255 , 165 , 137 , 193 ), ["thirst"] = GetARGB( 255 , 154 , 206 , 223 ), ["sleep"] = GetARGB( 255 , 253 , 222 , 238 ) } slot_colors = { ["belt"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 0 , 147 ), ["quick"] = GetARGB( 255 , 21 , 236 , 135 ), [1] = GetARGB( 255 , 185 , 70 , 255 ), -- Knife [2] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 216 , 0 ), -- Pistol [3] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 126 , 70 ), -- Rifle [4] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 0 , 0 ), -- Grenade [5] = GetARGB( 255 , 75 , 181 , 255 ), -- Binoculars [6] = GetARGB( 255 , 234 , 70 , 150 ), -- Bolt [7] = GetARGB( 255 , 70 , 103 , 234 ), -- Outfit [8] = GetARGB( 255 , 0 , 193 , 255 ), -- PDA [9] = GetARGB( 255 , 0 , 108 , 255 ), -- Detector [10] = GetARGB( 255 , 59 , 244 , 146 ), -- Torch [12] = GetARGB( 255 , 122 , 0 , 244 ), -- Helmet [13] = GetARGB( 255 , 236 , 197 , 32 ) -- Backpack } faction_text_colors = { ["stalker"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["bandit"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["csky"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["dolg"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["freedom"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["killer"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["army"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["ecolog"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["monolith"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["renegade"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["greh"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ), ["isg"] = GetARGB( 255 , 255 , 232 , 208 ) } banner_color = GetARGB(255, 39, 39, 160) player_faction_color = GetARGB(255, 255, 232, 208) local sf = string.format -- UI events local K_Timer = false local K_M1 = DIK_keys.MOUSE_1 local K_M2 = DIK_keys.MOUSE_2 local K_CTRL = DIK_keys.DIK_LCONTROL local K_SHFT = DIK_keys.DIK_LSHIFT local E_PRESS = ui_events.WINDOW_KEY_PRESSED local E_RELEASE = ui_events.WINDOW_KEY_RELEASED -- Utils local in_actor_inv = utils_item.in_actor_inv local in_npc_inv = utils_item.in_npc_inv function keybind_pass() -- I added this to prevent inventory closing after starting because of release keybind if (K_Timer and (time_global() > K_Timer + 200)) or (not K_Timer) then K_Timer = time_global() return true end return false end local function init_mode(mode, flags, obj) if db.actor and db.actor:alive() then start(mode, obj) end flags.ret = true end local function on_key_press(key) if (key == DIK_keys.DIK_LSHIFT) or (key == DIK_keys.DIK_RSHIFT) then is_shift_pressed = true --printf( "shift pressed" ) end end local function on_key_release(key) if (key == DIK_keys.DIK_LSHIFT) or (key == DIK_keys.DIK_RSHIFT) then is_shift_pressed = false --printf( "shift released" ) end end -- Added by Sota local need_update = false local function settings_changed() need_update = true end function on_game_start() if enable_feature then overrides() RegisterScriptCallback("ActorMenu_on_before_init_mode",init_mode) RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_press",on_key_press) RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_release",on_key_release) end -- Added by Sota RegisterScriptCallback("on_option_change",settings_changed) end ---------------------------------------------------------------- GUI = nil -- instance, don't touch function start(mode, obj) if (not mode) then return end if (mode == "loot") and is_shift_pressed then return end if (not GUI) then GUI = UIInventory() end if (GUI) and (not GUI:IsShown()) and keybind_pass() then if mode == "inventory" then change_last_mode(1) GUI:IMode_Init() elseif mode == "loot" then change_last_mode(4) GUI:LMode_Init(obj) elseif mode == "trade" then change_last_mode(2) GUI:TMode_Init(obj) elseif mode == "repair" then change_last_mode(3) GUI:RMode_Init(obj) end GUI:ShowDialog(true) -- Edited by Sota - try to reduce duplicates of ui_inventory.script for new sorting tabs if new_sorting_tabs then -- Bartoche70 for my addon Bart's New Sorting Tabs because "Keypad 0" toggle hud in inventory _GUIs_keyfree["UIInventory"] = false else _GUIs_keyfree["UIInventory"] = true end Register_UI("UIInventory","ui_inventory") end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- class "UIInventory" (CUIScriptWnd) function UIInventory:__init() super() -- Base self.mode = nil -- "inventory" / "loot" / "trade" / "repair" self.npc_id = nil self.possible_kind = {} -- ["s_all"] = true -> show all item kinds self.CC = {} -- item cell containers self.flags = { ret_value = true } -- Technical self.hover = { idx = false , bag = false, tg = 0 } self.slot_hl = { idx = false , bag = false } self.holding_shift = false self.holding_ctrl = false self.update_info = false self.update_inv = false self.update_bags = {"actor_bag", "actor_trade", "actor_trade_bag", "npc_bag", "npc_trade", "npc_trade_bag" , "picker"} self.update_items = {} self.tg_info = nil self.tg_info_step = 2 --[ms] self.tg_inv = 0 --[ms] self.tg_inv_step = 100 --[ms] self.tg_stats = 0 self.tg_stats_step = 2000 --[ms] self.tg_hint = nil self.tg_hint_step = 500 --[ms] -- Edited by Sota - before 1000 self.tg_m1 = 0 self.box_init_update = { state = false , tg = 0 } -- Item cell containers self.bag_id = { ["actor_bag"] = EDDListType.iActorBag, ["actor_equ"] = EDDListType.iActorSlot, ["actor_belt"] = EDDListType.iActorBelt, ["actor_quick"] = EDDListType.iQuickSlot, ["actor_trade"] = EDDListType.iActorTrade, ["actor_trade_bag"] = EDDListType.iActorBag, ["npc_bag"] = EDDListType.iDeadBodyBag, ["npc_trade"] = EDDListType.iPartnerTrade, ["npc_trade_bag"] = EDDListType.iPartnerTradeBag, } -- Slot = Cell to take self.slot_cell = { -- base slot = {UI slots to fit in} [1] = {1}, -- Knife [2] = {2,1,3}, -- Pistol [3] = {3,2}, -- Rifle [4] = {4}, -- Grenade [5] = {5}, -- Binoculars [6] = {6}, -- Bolt [7] = {7}, -- Outfit [8] = {8}, -- PDA [9] = {9}, -- Detector [10] = {10}, -- Torch [11] = {11}, -- Artefact [12] = {12}, -- Helmet [13] = {13}, -- Backpack } -- Player stats self.stat_outfit = {} self.stat_helm = {} self.stat_arty = {} self.stat_boost = {} self.stat_list = { ["health"] = { min= 0 , max= 1 , hint= "st_ui_health_sensor_inv"}, ["radia"] = { min= 0 , max= (SYS_GetParam(2,"actor_condition","radio_zone_max_power")) , hint= "ui_inv_radiation_protection"}, ["acid"] = { min= 0 , max= (SYS_GetParam(2,"actor_condition","acid_zone_max_power")) , hint= "ui_inv_chemical_burn_protection"}, ["shock"] = { min= 0 , max= (SYS_GetParam(2,"actor_condition","electra_zone_max_power")) , hint= "ui_inv_shock_protection" }, ["fire"] = { min= 0 , max= (SYS_GetParam(2,"actor_condition","fire_zone_max_power")) , hint= "ui_inv_burn_protection" }, ["psi"] = { min= 0 , max= (SYS_GetParam(2,"actor_condition","psi_zone_max_power")) , hint= "ui_inv_telepatic_protection"}, ["wound"] = { min= 0 , max= (SYS_GetParam(2,"actor_condition","max_wound_protection")) , hint= "ui_inv_wound_protection" }, ["fire_wound"] = { min= 0 , max= (SYS_GetParam(2,"actor_condition","max_fire_wound_protection")) , hint= "ui_inv_fire_wound_protection" }, ["power"] = { min= 0 , max= (SYS_GetParam(2,"actor_condition","max_power_restore_speed")) , hint= "ui_inv_power_restore" }, } -- Added by Sota - add HTS bars and hint variable to stats list (if HTS addon is installed) if hts_inventory_bars then self.stat_list["hunger"] = { min= 0 , max= 1 , hint= hts_inventory_bars.get_satiety_val } self.stat_list["thirst"] = { min= 0 , max= 1 , hint= hts_inventory_bars.get_thirst_val } self.stat_list["sleep"] = { min= 0 , max= 1 , hint= hts_inventory_bars.get_sleep_val } end self.boost_id = { [ BoosterID["HpRestore"] ] = "health_restore", [ BoosterID["RadiationRestore"] ] = "radia_restore", [ BoosterID["PowerRestore"] ] = "power", [ BoosterID["RadiationProtection"] ] = "radia", [ BoosterID["TelepaticProtection"] ] = "psi", [ BoosterID["ChemicalBurnProtection"] ] = "acid", } self.boost_id_inv = invert_table( dup_table(BoosterID) ) for name,v in pairs(self.stat_list) do self.stat_outfit[name] = 0 self.stat_helm[name] = 0 self.stat_boost[name] = 0 self.stat_arty[name] = 0 end -- Item properties self.properties = { ["use"] = { index= 1 , name= "st_use", mode= {"inventory"}, cont= {"actor_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Use"}, action= {"Action_Use"} }, ["attach_1"] = { index= 2 , name_func= {"Name_Attach",1}, mode= {"inventory"}, cont= {"actor_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Attach",1}, action= {"Action_Attach",1} }, ["attach_2"] = { index= 3 , name_func= {"Name_Attach",2}, mode= {"inventory"}, cont= {"actor_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Attach",2}, action= {"Action_Attach",2} }, ["attach_3"] = { index= 4 , name_func= {"Name_Attach",3}, mode= {"inventory"}, cont= {"actor_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Attach",3}, action= {"Action_Attach",3} }, ["to_slot"] = { index= 5 , name_func= {"Name_Equip"}, mode= {"inventory"}, cont= {"actor_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Equip"}, action= {"Action_Equip"} }, ["to_ruck"] = { index= 6 , name_func= {"Name_UnEquip"}, mode= {"inventory","trade"}, cont= {"actor_equ","actor_belt"}, action= {"Action_UnEquip"} }, ["move"] = { index= 7 , name_func= {"Name_Move"}, mode= {"loot","trade"}, cont= {"actor_equ","actor_belt","actor_bag","actor_trade_bag","actor_trade","npc_bag","npc_trade","npc_trade_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Move"}, action= {"Action_Move"} }, ["move_all"] = { index= 8 , name= "st_move_all", mode= {"loot","trade"}, cont= {"actor_equ","actor_belt","actor_bag","actor_trade_bag","actor_trade","npc_bag","npc_trade","npc_trade_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Childs"}, precondition2= {"Cond_Move"}, action= {"Action_Move_All"} }, ["donate"] = { index= 9 , name= "st_donate", mode= {"trade"}, cont= {"actor_trade_bag","actor_trade"},precondition1= {"Cond_NotQuest"}, action= {"Action_Donate"} }, ["unload"] = { index= 10, name= "st_unload_magazine", mode= {"loot","inventory"}, cont= {"actor_equ","actor_bag","npc_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Unload"}, action= {"Action_Unload"} }, ["custom_1"] = { index= 11, name_func= {"Name_Custom",1}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",1}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",1}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",1 }, action= {"Action_Custom",1} }, ["custom_2"] = { index= 12, name_func= {"Name_Custom",2}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",2}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",2}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",2 }, action= {"Action_Custom",2} }, ["custom_3"] = { index= 13, name_func= {"Name_Custom",3}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",3}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",3}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",3 }, action= {"Action_Custom",3} }, ["custom_4"] = { index= 14, name_func= {"Name_Custom",4}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",4}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",4}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",4 }, action= {"Action_Custom",4} }, ["custom_5"] = { index= 15, name_func= {"Name_Custom",5}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",5}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",5}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",5 }, action= {"Action_Custom",5} }, ["custom_6"] = { index= 16, name_func= {"Name_Custom",6}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",6}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",6}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",6 }, action= {"Action_Custom",6} }, ["custom_7"] = { index= 17, name_func= {"Name_Custom",7}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",7}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",7}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",7 }, action= {"Action_Custom",7} }, ["custom_8"] = { index= 18, name_func= {"Name_Custom",8}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",8}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",8}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",8 }, action= {"Action_Custom",8} }, ["custom_9"] = { index= 19, name_func= {"Name_Custom",9}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",9}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",9}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",9 }, action= {"Action_Custom",9} }, ["custom_10"] = { index= 20, name_func= {"Name_Custom",10}, mode_func= {"Mode_Custom",10}, cont_func= {"Cont_Custom",10}, precondition1= {"Name_Custom",10}, action= {"Action_Custom",10} }, ["detach_silencer"] = { index= 21, name= "st_detach_silencer", mode= {"loot","inventory"}, cont= {"actor_equ","actor_bag","npc_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Detach_Silencer"}, action= {"Action_Detach_Silencer"} }, ["detach_scope"] = { index= 22, name= "st_detach_scope", mode= {"loot","inventory"}, cont= {"actor_equ","actor_bag","npc_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Detach_Scope"}, action= {"Action_Detach_Scope"} }, ["detach_gl"] = { index= 23, name= "st_detach_gl", mode= {"loot","inventory"}, cont= {"actor_equ","actor_bag","npc_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Detach_GL"}, action= {"Action_Detach_GL"} }, ["drop"] = { index= 24, name= "st_drop", mode= {"inventory"}, cont= {"actor_equ","actor_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_NotQuest"}, action= {"Action_Drop"} }, ["drop_all"] = { index= 25, name= "st_drop_all", mode= {"inventory"}, cont= {"actor_bag"}, precondition1= {"Cond_Childs"}, precondition2= {"Cond_NotQuest"}, action= {"Action_Drop_All"} }, } for _,props in pairs(self.properties) do if props.mode then t2k_table(props.mode) end if props.cont then t2k_table(props.cont) end end -- Repair/Upgrade mode self.upgr = { id = false , sec = false , idx = false , bag = false} self.upgr_tree = {} self.upgr_installed = {} self.upgr_last_row = nil self.upgr_last_col = nil self.upgr_last_ii = nil -- Controls self:InitControls() self:InitCallbacks() -- Added by Sota - inventory styles update self:UpdateStyles() -- Callbacks RegisterScriptCallback("actor_item_to_ruck",self) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_item_to_slot",self) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_item_to_belt",self) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_item_drop",self) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_item_use",self) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_item_put_in_box",self) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_item_take_from_box",self) RegisterScriptCallback("npc_on_item_take",self) RegisterScriptCallback("npc_on_item_drop",self) RegisterScriptCallback("npc_on_use",self) RegisterScriptCallback("physic_object_on_use_callback",self) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_net_destroy",self) end function UIInventory:__finalize() end -- Added by Sota ui_rework_support = { ["view_lst"] = { player = { node = "player", id = "actor" }, npc = { node = "npc", id = "npc" }, npc_up = { node = "upgrade" } }, ["ctrl_faction_lst"] = { "", "_alt" }, ["ctrl_size_lst"] = { "_bak", "_small" }, ["ctrl_equ_lst"] = { "_bak", "_vert" }, ["id_bag_lst"] = { "_bag", "_trade", "_trade_bag" }, ["str_rank_lst"] = { "", "_mui", "_svui", "_svui_alt" }, ["str_inv_lst"] = { "", "_alt", "_alt_bg" }, ["str_grid_lst"] = { "", "_alt" }, ["str_blocker_lst"] = { "_lock", "_cross", "_dash" }, ["str_upgr_lst"] = { "", "_gear", "_arrow", "_wrench" }, ["ctrl_stats_lst"] = { "_bak", "_htsp", "_hts_alt" }, ["str_bars_lst"] = { "", "_flat", "_fade" } } -- Added by Sota - ratio postfix for wide/uwide screen function get_screen_ratio_postfix() local ratio = utils_xml.screen_ratio() if (ratio > 0.9) then return "" elseif (ratio > 0.6) then return "_16" else return "_21" end end function UIInventory:InitControls() self:SetWndRect(Frect():set(0,0,1024,768)) self:SetAutoDelete(true) self.xml = CScriptXmlInit() local xml = self.xml xml:ParseFile("ui_inventory.xml") -- backup ui_inventory.xml local xml_bak = self.xml -- Added by Sota - need to close rounding of screen corners (for def inv texture) self.side_plugs = { left = xml:InitStatic( "side_plugs:left" , self ), right = xml:InitStatic( "side_plugs:right" , self ) } -- Right side - Player self.trade_bg = xml:InitStatic("trade_bg", self) -- Edited by Sota - parse info (actor, npc, upgrade) from a separate file "actor_menu_info.xml" local xml_info = CScriptXmlInit() xml_info:ParseFile("actor_menu_info.xml") for view,view_v in pairs(ui_rework_support.view_lst) do local base_dialog = sf( "%s_dialog" , view ) self[base_dialog] = xml:InitStatic( view_v.node , self ) self[sf( "%s_background" , view )] = xml:InitStatic( view_v.node .. ":background" , self[base_dialog] ) if (view ~= "npc_up") then self[sf( "%s_grid" , view )] = xml:InitStatic( view .. ":grid" , self[base_dialog] ) end for _,ctrl_faction in ipairs(ui_rework_support.ctrl_faction_lst) do local base_faction = sf( "%s_faction_dialog%s" , view , ctrl_faction ) self[base_faction] = xml:InitStatic( view_v.node , self ) local xml_faction = (ctrl_faction == "_alt") and xml_info or xml self[sf( "%s_community_bg%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitStatic ( view_v.node .. ":community_bg" , self[base_faction] ) self[sf( "%s_community_overlay%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitStatic ( view_v.node .. ":community_overlay" , self[base_faction] ) self[sf( "%s_community_icon%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitStatic ( view_v.node .. ":community_icon" , self[base_faction] ) self[sf( "%s_name%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitTextWnd( view_v.node .. ":name" , self[base_faction] ) self[sf( "%s_community%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitTextWnd( view_v.node .. ":community" , self[base_faction] ) self[sf( "%s_rank%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitTextWnd( view_v.node .. ":rank" , self[base_faction] ) self[sf( "%s_rank_icon%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitStatic ( view_v.node .. ":rank_icon" , self[base_faction] ) self[sf( "%s_icon%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitStatic ( view_v.node .. ":icon" , self[base_faction] ) self[sf( "%s_money%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitTextWnd( view_v.node .. ":money" , self[base_faction] ) self[sf( "%s_money_icon%s" , view , ctrl_faction )] = xml_faction:InitStatic ( view_v.node .. ":money_icon" , self[base_faction] ) end if (view ~= "npc_up") then self[sf( "%s_weight_cap" , view )] = xml:InitStatic ( view .. ":weight_caption" , self[base_dialog] ) self[sf( "%s_weight" , view )] = xml:InitTextWnd( view .. ":weight" , self[base_dialog] ) self[sf( "%s_weight_max" , view )] = xml:InitTextWnd( view .. ":weight_max" , self[base_dialog] ) if (view == "player") then local ele = sf( "%s_putall" , view ) self[ele] = xml:Init3tButton( view .. ":putall_button" , self[base_dialog] ) self:Register( self[ele] , "put_all" ) else -- is "npc" local ele = sf( "%s_takeall" , view ) self[ele] = xml:Init3tButton( view .. ":takeall_button" , self[base_dialog] ) self:Register( self[ele] , "take_all" ) end local base_trade = sf( "%s_trade" , view ) self[base_trade] = xml:InitStatic( view .. ":trade_delimiter" , self[base_dialog] ) self[sf( "%s_trade_cap" , view )] = xml:InitStatic ( view .. ":trade_delimiter:trade_caption" , self[base_trade] ) self[sf( "%s_trade_price" , view )] = xml:InitTextWnd( view .. ":trade_delimiter:trade_price" , self[base_trade] ) self[sf( "%s_trade_weight" , view )] = xml:InitTextWnd( view .. ":trade_delimiter:trade_weight_max" , self[base_trade] ) if (view == "player") then local ele = sf( "%s_trade_sell" , view ) self[ele] = xml:Init3tButton( view .. ":trade_delimiter:trade_sell_button" , self[base_trade] ) self:Register( self[ele] , "sell" ) else -- is "npc" local ele = sf( "%s_trade_buy" , view ) self[ele] = xml:Init3tButton( view .. ":trade_delimiter:trade_buy_button" , self[base_trade] ) self:Register( self[ele] , "buy" ) end -- init main bag container controls for _,id_bag in ipairs(ui_rework_support.id_bag_lst) do local ele_bag = sf( "%s%s" , view_v.id , id_bag ) self.CC[ele_bag] = utils_ui.UICellContainer( ele_bag , self , nil , view .. ":cont" .. id_bag , self[base_dialog] ) self.CC[ele_bag].stack_all = enable_item_picker and true or false end -- temp values (backup and small) controls to take size from them for i,ctrl_size in ipairs(ui_rework_support.ctrl_size_lst) do -- parse inv grid and bag container layouts from a separate file "actor_menu_grid.xml" if (ctrl_size ~= "_bak") then local xml_grid = CScriptXmlInit() xml_grid:ParseFile("actor_menu_grid.xml") self.xml = xml_grid end -- init grid controls local ele_grid = sf( "%s_grid%s" , view , ctrl_size ) self[ele_grid] = self.xml:InitStatic( view .. ":grid", self[base_dialog] ) self[ele_grid]:Show(false) -- init trade_delimiter controls local ele_trade = sf( "%s_trade%s" , view , ctrl_size ) self[ele_trade] = self.xml:InitStatic( view .. ":trade_delimiter", self[base_dialog] ) self[ele_trade]:Show(false) -- init bag container controls for _,id_bag in ipairs(ui_rework_support.id_bag_lst) do local ele_bag = sf( "cc_%s%s%s" , view_v.id , id_bag , ctrl_size ) local ele_id = sf( "%s%s" , view_v.id , id_bag ) self[ele_bag] = utils_ui.UICellContainer( ele_id , self , nil , view .. ":cont" .. id_bag , self[base_dialog] ) self[ele_bag]:Show(false) end -- recovery ui_inventory.xml from backup if (i == #ui_rework_support.ctrl_size_lst) then self.xml = xml_bak end end else -- is "npc_up" self[sf( "%s_scheme" , view )] = xml:InitScrollView( view_v.node .. ":scheme" , self[base_dialog] ) self[sf( "%s_item" , view )] = xml:InitStatic ( view_v.node .. ":item_static" , self[base_dialog] ) local ele_repair = sf( "%s_repair" , view ) self[ele_repair] = xml:Init3tButton( view_v.node .. ":repair_button" , self[base_dialog] ) self:Register( self[ele_repair], "repair" ) end end self.equ_dialog = xml:InitStatic( "equipment" , self ) self.equ_background = xml:InitStatic( "equipment:background" , self.equ_dialog ) -- Slots -- Edited by Sota - init horz(bak)/vert equ cell controls and add txt label controls for equ cells for i,ctrl_equ in ipairs(ui_rework_support.ctrl_equ_lst) do -- parse vert equ cells layout from a separate file "actor_menu_equipment.xml" if (i ~= 1) then local xml_equ = CScriptXmlInit() xml_equ:ParseFile("actor_menu_equipment.xml") self.xml = xml_equ end -- init inv equ layout local ele_equ = sf( "actor_equ%s" , ctrl_equ ) self[ele_equ] = utils_ui.UICellContainer( "actor_equ", self, "equipment:cont_equ", "equipment:cont_equ", self.equ_dialog, true ) self[ele_equ].disable_callback["On_CC_Add"] = true self[ele_equ].disable_callback["On_CC_Remove"] = true for i=1,13 do -- add equ cells self[ele_equ]:AddItemManual(nil, nil, i) -- add txt label controls for equ cells self[ele_equ].cell[i].txt = self.xml:InitTextWnd("equipment:cont_equ:cell_" .. i .. ":txt", self[ele_equ].cell[i].cell) end -- self[ele_equ]:Show(false) -- init blocker_helm local ele_helm = sf( "blocker_helm%s" , ctrl_equ ) self[ele_helm] = self.xml:InitStatic("equipment:cont_equ:blocker_12", self[ele_equ].prof) -- self[ele_helm]:Show(false) -- init blocker_bkpk local ele_bkpk = sf( "blocker_bkpk%s" , ctrl_equ ) self[ele_bkpk] = self.xml:InitStatic("equipment:cont_equ:blocker_13", self[ele_equ].prof) -- self[ele_bkpk]:Show(false) -- recovery ui_inventory.xml from backup if (i == #ui_rework_support.ctrl_equ_lst) then self.xml = xml_bak end end -- init main (real) controls local ctrl_equ_bak = ui_rework_support.ctrl_equ_lst[1] self.CC["actor_equ"] = self[sf( "actor_equ%s" , ctrl_equ_bak )] self.blocker_helm = self[sf( "blocker_helm%s" , ctrl_equ_bak )] self.blocker_bkpk = self[sf( "blocker_bkpk%s" , ctrl_equ_bak )] -- Belt self.CC["actor_belt"] = utils_ui.UICellContainer("actor_belt", self, "equipment:cont_belt", "equipment:cont_belt", self.equ_dialog, true) self.CC["actor_belt"].disable_callback["On_CC_Add"] = true self.CC["actor_belt"].disable_callback["On_CC_Remove"] = true self.blocker_arty = {} for i=1,5 do self.CC["actor_belt"]:AddItemManual(nil, nil, i) self.blocker_arty[i] = xml:InitStatic("equipment:cont_belt:blocker_" .. i, self.CC["actor_belt"].prof) end -- Quick items self.CC["actor_quick"] = utils_ui.UICellContainer("actor_quick", self, "equipment:cont_quick", "equipment:cont_quick", self.equ_dialog, true) self.CC["actor_quick"].disable_drag = true self.CC["actor_quick"].disable_info = false self.CC["actor_quick"].disable_callback["On_CC_Add"] = true self.CC["actor_quick"].disable_callback["On_CC_Remove"] = true self.CC["actor_quick"].showcase = true self.quick_txt = {} for i=1,4 do --self.CC["actor_quick"]:AddItemManual(nil, "bread", i) self.CC["actor_quick"]:AddItemManual(nil, nil, i) self.quick_txt[i] = xml:InitStatic("equipment:cont_quick:cell_" .. i .. ":txt", self.CC["actor_quick"].cell[i].cell) end -- Stats -- Edited by Sota - init def (normal) stat icons and bg for stat bars -- also init controls for various HTS layouts (if HTS addon is installed) for i,ctrl_stats in ipairs(ui_rework_support.ctrl_stats_lst) do -- parse stats layout from a separate file "actor_menu_state_info.xml" if (ctrl_stats ~= "_bak") then local xml_stats = CScriptXmlInit() xml_stats:ParseFile("actor_menu_state_info" .. ctrl_stats .. ".xml") xml = xml_stats end local ele_dialog = sf( "stats_dialog%s" , ctrl_stats ) self[ele_dialog] = xml:InitStatic("equipment:actor_state_info", self.equ_dialog) self[ele_dialog]:Show(false) local ele_stat = sf( "stat%s" , ctrl_stats ) self[ele_stat] = {} for name,_ in pairs(self.stat_list) do self[ele_stat][name] = {} self[ele_stat][name].base = xml:InitStatic("equipment:actor_state_info:" .. name .. "_sensor", self[ele_dialog]) -- init bg for stat bars self[ele_stat][name].bar_bg = xml:InitStatic("equipment:actor_state_info:" .. name .. "_sensor:state_progress", self[ele_stat][name].base) self[ele_stat][name].bar = xml:InitProgressBar("equipment:actor_state_info:" .. name .. "_sensor:state_progress", self[ele_stat][name].base) self[ele_stat][name].ico_base = xml:InitStatic("equipment:actor_state_info:icon", self[ele_stat][name].base) -- init def stat icons self[ele_stat][name].ico_def = xml:InitStatic("equipment:actor_state_info:icon:normal", self[ele_stat][name].ico_base) self[ele_stat][name].ico_def:InitTexture("ui_inGame2_inv_state_" .. name) -- self[ele_stat][name].ico_def:Show(true) self[ele_stat][name].ico_p = xml:InitStatic("equipment:actor_state_info:icon:active", self[ele_stat][name].ico_base) self[ele_stat][name].ico_p:InitTexture("ui_inGame2_inv_state_P_" .. name) self[ele_stat][name].ico_p:Show(false) self[ele_stat][name].ico_n = xml:InitStatic("equipment:actor_state_info:icon:active", self[ele_stat][name].ico_base) self[ele_stat][name].ico_n:InitTexture("ui_inGame2_inv_state_N_" .. name) self[ele_stat][name].ico_n:Show(false) end -- break after first iteration (if HTS addon is not installed) if (not hts_inventory_bars) then break end -- recovery ui_inventory.xml from backup if (i == #ui_rework_support.ctrl_stats_lst) then xml = xml_bak end end -- init main (real) controls local ctrl_stats_bak = ui_rework_support.ctrl_stats_lst[1] self.stats_dialog = self[sf( "stats_dialog%s" , ctrl_stats_bak )] self.stats_dialog:Show(true) self.stat = self[sf( "stat%s" , ctrl_stats_bak )] -- Sorter self.sort_dialog = xml:InitStatic("equipment:sorter", self.equ_dialog) self.sort_btn = {} -- self.sort_num = {} -- Edited by Sota - try to reduce duplicates of ui_inventory.script for new sorting tabs local sort_btn_num = new_sorting_tabs and 10 or 8 -- Bartoche70 for my addon Bart's New Sorting Tabs 30/10/2020 -- for i=1,8 do --> because tabs are now 10 for i=1,sort_btn_num do self.sort_btn[i] = xml:InitCheck("equipment:sorter:btn_" .. i, self.sort_dialog) self.sort_btn[i]:SetCheck(false) local _wrapper = function(handler) -- we need wrapper in order to pass ctrl to method self:On_Sort(i) end self:Register(self.sort_btn[i], "sort_" .. i) self:AddCallback("sort_" .. i, ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, _wrapper, self) -- Edited by Sota -- self.sort_num[i] = xml:InitTextWnd("equipment:sorter:txt_" .. i, self.sort_dialog) -- self.sort_num[i]:SetFont(GetFontSmall()) -- self.sort_num[i]:SetText(i) self.sort_btn[i].num = xml:InitTextWnd("equipment:sorter:num", self.sort_btn[i]) self.sort_btn[i].num:SetText(i) end -- Trash can self.trash = xml:InitStatic("npc:trash", self) -- Item picker self.CC["picker"] = utils_ui.UICellContainer("picker", self, nil, "equipment:cont_picker", self.equ_dialog, nil) self.CC["picker"].sort_method = "props" self.CC["picker"].disable_stack = true self.CC["picker"].disable_scroll_dragdrop = true self.CC["picker"].parent = { bag= false , idx= false } self.CC["picker"].disable_callback["On_CC_Add"] = true -- needed to prevent update loop self.CC["picker"].disable_callback["On_CC_Remove"] = true -- Edited by Sota -- self.CC["picker"].scroll:SetWndPos(vector2():set( 10 , 0 )) -- Added by Sota - backup picker size self.picker_size = { w = self.CC["picker"].scroll:GetWidth(), h = self.CC["picker"].scroll:GetHeight() } -- self.CC["picker"]:SetGridSpecs() self.CC["picker"]:Show(false) -- Message box self.message_box = CUIMessageBoxEx() self:Register(self.message_box, "mbr") self.message_box_up = CUIMessageBoxEx() self:Register(self.message_box_up, "mbu") -- Info box self.item_info = utils_ui.UIInfoItem(self) self.item_info.can_compare = true -- Upgrade box self.upgr_info = utils_ui.UIInfoUpgr(self) -- Item Properties box self.item_props = utils_ui.UICellProperties(self) -- Hint Window self.hint_wnd = xml:InitFrame("hint_wnd:background",self) self.hint_wnd:SetAutoDelete(false) self.hint_wnd_text = xml:InitTextWnd("hint_wnd:text",self.hint_wnd) self.hint_wnd:Show(false) -- Trader Level -- Edited by Sota - parse trader_level txt wnd from a separate file "actor_menu_info.xml" if is_gamma then self.haruka_trader_supply_level = xml:InitTextWnd("npc:trader_level", self.npc_faction_dialog) self.haruka_trader_supply_level_alt = xml_info:InitTextWnd("npc:trader_level", self.npc_faction_dialog_alt) end end function UIInventory:InitCallbacks() self:AddCallback("sell", ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.TMode_Sell, self) self:AddCallback("buy" , ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.TMode_Buy, self) self:AddCallback("put_all" , ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.LMode_PutAll, self) self:AddCallback("take_all" , ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.LMode_TakeAll, self) self:AddCallback("repair" , ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.RMode_OnRepair, self) self:AddCallback("mbr", ui_events.MESSAGE_BOX_YES_CLICKED, self.RMode_RepairYes, self) self:AddCallback("mbr", ui_events.MESSAGE_BOX_NO_CLICKED, self.Discard, self) self:AddCallback("mbr", ui_events.MESSAGE_BOX_OK_CLICKED, self.Discard, self) self:AddCallback("mbu", ui_events.MESSAGE_BOX_YES_CLICKED, self.RMode_UpgradeYes, self) self:AddCallback("mbu", ui_events.MESSAGE_BOX_NO_CLICKED, self.Discard, self) end -- Added by Sota local ctrl_faction = ui_rework_support.ctrl_faction_lst[ (color_settings.use_alt_factions ~= 1) and 2 or 1 ] -- Added by Sota - inventory styles update function UIInventory:UpdateStyles() -- change HTS layout (if HTS addon is installed) if hts_inventory_bars and (not stat_bar_hints_hack) then local ctrl_stats_crnt = ui_rework_support.ctrl_stats_lst[ color_settings.use_alt_hts ] for _,ctrl_stats in ipairs(ui_rework_support.ctrl_stats_lst) do local ele_dialog = sf( "stats_dialog%s" , ctrl_stats ) local ele_stat = sf( "stat%s" , ctrl_stats ) if (ctrl_stats == ctrl_stats_crnt) then self.stats_dialog = self[ele_dialog] self.stats_dialog:Show(true) self.stat = self[ele_stat] else self[ele_dialog]:Show(false) end end end --[[ -- change stat bars texture local str_bars = ui_rework_support.str_bars_lst[ color_settings.use_alt_stats_bars ] local nm for name,_ in pairs(self.stat_list) do if (name == "health") then nm = name elseif (name == "hunger") or (name == "thirst") or (name == "sleep") then if (color_settings.use_alt_hts == 1) then nm = "hts" elseif (color_settings.use_alt_hts == 2) then nm = "hts_power" else nm = "progress" end else nm = "progress" end local tex_bar_bg = sf( "ui_inGame2_inventory_%s_bar%s_bg" , nm , str_bars ) local tex_bar = sf( "ui_inGame2_inventory_%s_bar%s" , nm , str_bars ) self.stat[name].bar_bg:InitTexture( tex_bar_bg ) -- self.stat[name].bar:InitTexture( tex_bar ) end --]] -- change equ layout (horz/vert) local ctrl_equ = ui_rework_support.ctrl_equ_lst[ color_settings.use_inv_vert and 2 or 1 ] local ctrl_equ_opp = ui_rework_support.ctrl_equ_lst[ color_settings.use_inv_vert and 1 or 2 ] self[sf( "actor_equ%s" , ctrl_equ_opp )]:Show(false) self.CC["actor_equ"] = self[sf( "actor_equ%s" , ctrl_equ )] self.CC["actor_equ"]:Show(true) -- change cell blockers layout self.blocker_helm = self[sf( "blocker_helm%s" , ctrl_equ )] self.blocker_bkpk = self[sf( "blocker_bkpk%s" , ctrl_equ )] -- resize inv mid side cells local grid_size = color_settings.use_small_icons and 35 or 41 local grid_line = self.grid_line or 2 self.CC["actor_equ"]:SetGridSpecs( grid_size , grid_line ) self.CC["actor_belt"]:SetGridSpecs( grid_size , grid_line ) self.CC["actor_quick"]:SetGridSpecs( grid_size , grid_line ) -- change picker layout local ratio = utils_xml.screen_ratio() local picker_x_offset = color_settings.use_small_icons and 2.75 or 0 local picker_h_offset = color_settings.use_small_icons and 0 or 19 self.CC["picker"].scroll:SetWndPos( vector2():set( ( 7.25 + picker_x_offset ) * ratio , 0 ) ) self.CC["picker"].scroll:SetWndSize( vector2():set( self.picker_size.w , self.picker_size.h - picker_h_offset ) ) self.CC["picker"]:SetGridSpecs( grid_size , grid_line ) -- show/hide equ labels and set alignment depending on addon Inventory Weights Revised for i=1,13 do -- set alignment (1 - right / 0 - left) self.CC["actor_equ"].cell[i].txt:SetTextAlignment( color_settings.use_inv_weights and 1 or 0 ) self.CC["actor_equ"].cell[i].txt:Show( color_settings.use_inv_labels ) end -- set equ bg texture -- postfix for equ orientation local str_equ = color_settings.use_inv_vert and ui_rework_support.ctrl_equ_lst[2] or "" -- postfix for inv style local str_inv = ui_rework_support.str_inv_lst[ color_settings.use_alt_inv ] -- set equ bg texture local tex_equ = sf( "ui_inGame2_inventory_back%s%s" , str_equ , str_inv ) self.equ_background:InitTexture( tex_equ ) -- change layout and textures -- postfix for sizing of controls local ctrl_size = ui_rework_support.ctrl_size_lst[ color_settings.use_small_icons and 2 or 1 ] -- inv bg texture local tex_inv -- current faction selection ctrl_faction = ui_rework_support.ctrl_faction_lst[ (color_settings.use_alt_factions ~= 1) and 2 or 1 ] -- opposite faction selection local ctrl_faction_opp = ui_rework_support.ctrl_faction_lst[ (color_settings.use_alt_factions ~= 1) and 1 or 2 ] -- lazy fix for 16:10 ratio local is_1610 = (ratio > 0.75) and (ratio < 1) for view,view_v in pairs(ui_rework_support.view_lst) do -- is player or npc sides if (view ~= "npc_up") then -- change grid layout -- offset trade delimiter local elem = self[sf( "%s_trade" , view )] local base = self[sf( "%s_trade%s" , view , ctrl_size )] utils_xml.sync_pos( base , elem ) -- change textures -- set grid and picker textures -- 1 is no grid if (color_settings.use_alt_grid == 1) then -- hide grid (player, npc) self[sf( "%s_grid" , view )]:Show(false) -- set picker texture no grid self.CC["picker"].prof:InitTexture( "ui_item_picker_background" ) -- 2 and 3 is alt grid styles else -- texture definition based on cell size local str_size = color_settings.use_small_icons and ui_rework_support.ctrl_size_lst[2] or "" -- texture definition based on grid style local str_grid = ui_rework_support.str_grid_lst[ (color_settings.use_alt_grid == 2) and 1 or 2 ] -- grid texture local tex_grid = sf( "ui_inGame2_actor_menu_grid%s%s%s" , str_size , str_grid , is_1610 and "_1610" or get_screen_ratio_postfix() ) -- resize grid control and set texture local elem = self[sf( "%s_grid" , view )] local base = self[sf( "%s_grid%s" , view , ctrl_size )] utils_xml.sync_size( base , elem )-- (base, element) elem:InitTexture( tex_grid ) -- lazy fix for 16:10 ratio if is_1610 then local ratio_1610 = (4/3) / (16/10) -- specifically for 1600x1024 otherwise could be use "ratio" local w = elem:GetTextureRect().x2 - elem:GetTextureRect().x1 w = w / 2 * ratio_1610 -- because texture is x2 size of control elem:SetWndSize(vector2():set( w , elem:GetHeight() )) end elem:Show(true) -- set picker texture local tex_picker = sf( "ui_item_picker_background_grid%s%s" , str_size , str_grid ) self.CC["picker"].prof:InitTexture( tex_picker ) end -- inv bg texture (player, npc) tex_inv = sf( "ui_inGame2_left_side%s%s" , str_inv , get_screen_ratio_postfix() ) -- resize inv bag containers for _,id_bag in ipairs(ui_rework_support.id_bag_lst) do -- main controls to change local elem = self.CC[sf( "%s%s" , view_v.id , id_bag )] -- controls to get layout local base = self[ sf( "cc_%s%s%s" , view_v.id , id_bag , ctrl_size )] -- resize bag controls utils_xml.sync_element( elem.prof , base.prof )-- (element, base) utils_xml.sync_size ( base.prof , elem.scroll )-- (base, element) utils_xml.sync_size ( base.prof , elem.st )-- (base, element) -- lazy fix for 16:10 ratio if is_1610 then local ratio_1610 = (4/3) / (16/10) -- specifically for 1600x1024 otherwise could be use "ratio" local w_mul = ratio / ratio_1610 -- fix bag containers width for 1600x1024 local w_pad = color_settings.use_small_icons and 5 or -1 local w = self[sf( "%s_grid" , view )]:GetWidth() - w_pad local h = elem.prof:GetHeight() elem.prof:SetWndSize(vector2():set( w , h )) elem.scroll:SetWndSize(vector2():set( w * w_mul , h )) elem.st:SetWndSize(vector2():set( w * w_mul , h )) end -- resize inv bag cells elem:SetGridSpecs( grid_size , grid_line ) end -- is npc_up side else -- inv bg texture (npc_up) tex_inv = sf( "ui_inGame2_repair_panel%s%s" , str_inv , get_screen_ratio_postfix() ) end -- set inv bg textures self[sf( "%s_background" , view )]:InitTexture( tex_inv ) -- hide faction overlays opposite selected setting self[sf( "%s_faction_dialog%s" , view , ctrl_faction_opp )]:Show(false) end -- change cell blockers style local str_blocker = ui_rework_support.str_blocker_lst[ color_settings.use_alt_blockers ] self.blocker_helm:InitTexture( "ui_inGame2_helmet_blocker" .. str_blocker ) self.blocker_bkpk:InitTexture( "ui_inGame2_backpack_blocker" .. str_blocker ) for i=1,5 do self.blocker_arty[i]:InitTexture( "ui_inGame2_artefact_blocker" .. str_blocker ) end end function UIInventory:Reset(obj) -- Added by Sota - update inventory styles if settings change -- printf("Need to call UpdateStyles(): %s",need_update) if need_update then self:UpdateStyles() need_update = false end local to_show = obj and self:IsInvOwner(obj) local mode = self.mode local mI = mode == "inventory" local mL = mode == "loot" local mT = mode == "trade" local mR = mode == "repair" -- Trader Level if is_gamma then self[sf( "haruka_trader_supply_level%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( mT and display_supply_level ) end -- Info self.npc_id = obj and obj:id() or false self.npc_is_companion = obj and mL and IsStalker(obj) and obj:alive() and obj:has_info("npcx_is_companion") and true or false self.npc_is_box = obj and IsInvbox(obj) or false self.npc_is_not_npc = obj and ((obj:name() == "esc_m_trader") or (obj:section() == "m_lesnik")) self.faction_color = faction_color[db.actor:character_community():sub(7)] or faction_color.stalker -- Containers self.CC["actor_bag"]:Show ( mI or mL or mR ) self.CC["actor_trade"]:Show ( mT ) self.CC["actor_trade_bag"]:Show( mT ) self.CC["npc_bag"]:Show ( mL ) self.CC["npc_trade"]:Show ( mT ) self.CC["npc_trade_bag"]:Show ( mT ) self:Picker_Toggle() self.trash:Show ( mI ) self.CC["actor_bag"].can_select = mR self.CC["actor_equ"].can_select = mR self.CC["picker"].can_select = mR for name,cc in pairs(self.CC) do cc.trade_profile = nil end -- Elements -- Added by Sota - inventory side plugs local ratio = utils_xml.screen_ratio() local is_21_to_16 = (ratio < 0.75) and (get_screen_ratio_postfix() == "_16") local need_plugs = (color_settings.use_alt_inv == 1) and (not is_21_to_16) or (color_settings.use_alt_inv == 3) and is_21_to_16 self.side_plugs.left:Show( need_plugs and (mL or mT or mR) ) self.side_plugs.right:Show( need_plugs and mode ) -- Edited by Sota - trade background is now in repair mode self.trade_bg:Show( mT or mR ) -- Right side - Player self[sf( "player_faction_dialog%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( mode ) self.player_trade:Show( mT ) self.player_putall:Show( mL ) -- Left side -- NPC self.npc_dialog:Show( mL or mT ) self[sf( "npc_faction_dialog%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( mL or mT ) self[sf( "npc_name%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( to_show ) self[sf( "npc_community%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( to_show ) self[sf( "npc_rank_icon%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( not self.npc_is_box ) self[sf( "npc_icon%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( to_show ) self[sf( "npc_money%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( mT ) self[sf( "npc_money_icon%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( mT and (not self.npc_is_box)) self.npc_weight_max:Show( self.npc_is_companion and mL ) self.npc_trade:Show( mT ) self.npc_takeall:Show( mL ) -- Upgrade/Repair self.npc_up_dialog:Show( mR ) self[sf( "npc_up_faction_dialog%s" , ctrl_faction )]:Show( mR ) self.npc_up_repair:Enable(false) -- Added by HarukaSai self:ShowFaction( "neutral" , "npc" ) self:RecolorBars() -- Hints self.item_info:Update() self.upgr_info:Update() self:SetHint(false) if self.item_props:IsShown() then self.item_props:OnHide() end -- Reset sorting self.sort_btn[1]:SetCheck(true) self:On_Sort(1, true) self.upgr = { id = false , sec = false , idx = false , bag = false} self.hover = { idx = false , bag = false, tg = 0 } self.slot_hl = { idx = false , bag = false } self.holding_ctrl = false self.holding_shift = false -- Allow player movement for this UI self:AllowMovement( mI ) end -- General function UIInventory:ParseInventory(npc, all, id_list, ignore_kind) local inv = {} local size_c = 0 local pkind = self.possible_kind local sec, kind, w, h local function iterate(owner,obj) sec = obj:section() kind = SYS_GetParam(0,sec,"kind") or "na" -- Parsing for kinds, according to sorter if ignore_kind or pkind["s_all"] or pkind[kind] then if id_list then inv[obj:id()] = obj else size_c = size_c + 1 inv[size_c] = obj end end end if self:IsInvOwner(npc) then if all then npc:iterate_inventory(iterate,nil) else npc:iterate_ruck(iterate,nil) end elseif npc and self.npc_is_box then npc:iterate_inventory_box(iterate,nil) end return inv end function UIInventory:ParseInventory_Companion(npc, id_list, ignore_kind) -- only for alive NPCs, player shouldn't get NPC equipped items -- companions are a special case, player can only get their assigned items if npc == nil then return end local npc_id = npc:id() local inv = {} local size_c = 0 local pkind = self.possible_kind local id, sec, kind local pass = false local is_assigned_item = axr_companions.is_assigned_item npc:iterate_inventory( function(owner,obj) id = obj:id() sec = obj:section() kind = SYS_GetParam(0,sec,"kind") or "na" pass = false -- Player's assigned items if is_assigned_item(npc_id, id) then pass = true -- Player's strapped weapons elseif IsWeapon(obj) and se_load_var(id, nil, "strapped_item") then pass = true end -- Parsing for kinds, according to sorter if pass then if ignore_kind or pkind["s_all"] or pkind[kind] then if id_list then inv[obj:id()] = obj else size_c = size_c + 1 inv[size_c] = obj end end end end) return inv end function UIInventory:IsMode(bag, mode, ...) local bags = {...} if (not mode) or (self.mode == mode) then for i=1,#bags do if bags[i] == bag then return true end end end return false end function UIInventory:Item_On_Mode(name, bag) local props = self.properties[name] return props.mode[self.mode] and props.cont[bag] end function UIInventory:CheckItem(obj, msg) if (type(obj) == "number") then obj = level.object_by_id(obj) end if (not obj) then callstack() printe("!ERROR Can't get item game object!") else self:Print(nil, msg, obj:name()) end return obj end function UIInventory:GetPartner() if self.npc_id then return (db.storage[self.npc_id] and db.storage[self.npc_id].object or level.object_by_id(self.npc_id)) end end function UIInventory:ValidOwner(obj, state) local p = obj:parent() if (not p) then return false end if state then return p:id() == AC_ID else local npc = self:GetPartner() return npc and p:id() == npc:id() end end function UIInventory:IsInvOwner(npc) -- We need this cause Sid and Forester are not NPCs return IsStalker(npc) or self.npc_is_not_npc end function UIInventory:InitProperties(obj, bag) if not (obj and bag) then return end self:Print("InitProperties | bag: %s - obj: %s", bag, obj:name()) local id = obj:id() local mode = self.mode local context_str = {} local context_action = {} local context_params = {} for n,props in spairs(self.properties, func_index) do -- Check if prop is aimed for active container local bag_allowed = true if props.cont then bag_allowed = props.cont[bag] and true or false end if props.cont_func and props.cont_func[1] and self[props.cont_func[1]] then bag_allowed = self[props.cont_func[1]](self, obj, bag, unpack(props.cont_func)) and true or false end -- Check if prop is aimed for active mode local mode_allowed = true if props.mode then mode_allowed = props.mode[mode] and true or false end if props.mode_func and props.mode_func[1] and self[props.mode_func[1]] then mode_allowed = self[props.mode_func[1]](self, obj, bag, unpack(props.mode_func)) and true or false end if mode_allowed and bag_allowed then -- Evaluate preconditions local cond = true local k = 1 while cond and props["precondition" .. k] do local precond = props["precondition" .. k] if precond[1] and self[precond[1]] then cond = self[precond[1]](self, obj, bag, unpack(precond)) and true or false else cond = false end k = k + 1 end if cond then -- Get prop name local name = props.name or "" local func_name = props.name_func if func_name and func_name[1] and self[func_name[1]] then name = self[func_name[1]](self, id, bag, unpack(func_name)) or name end table.insert(context_str, name) -- Get action local func_action = props.action if func_action and func_action[1] and self[func_action[1]] then table.insert(context_action, func_action[1]) table.insert(context_params, {id, bag, unpack(func_action)}) end end end end if is_not_empty(context_action) and is_not_empty(context_str) then self.item_props:Reset(GetCursorPosition(), context_action, context_str, context_params) self:PlaySND(snd_properties) end end -- Added by HarukaSai - recolors of stat colors based on settings function UIInventory:RecolorBars() for name,_ in pairs(self.stat) do local color = color_settings.stat_colors and self.faction_color or stat_colors[name] self.stat[name].bar:SetColor(color) end end function UIInventory:Discard() self:Print(nil, "Discard") end -- Property naming function UIInventory:Name_Equip(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Name_Equip") local clsid = obj:clsid() local sec = obj:section() if IsOutfit(nil,clsid) then return "st_dress_outfit" elseif IsHeadgear(nil,clsid) then return "st_dress_helmet" elseif IsItem("backpack",sec) then return "st_equip_backpack" elseif IsArtefact(nil,clsid) then return "st_move_on_belt" end return "st_move_to_slot" end function UIInventory:Name_UnEquip(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Name_UnEquip") local clsid = obj:clsid() local sec = obj:section() if IsOutfit(nil,clsid) then return "st_undress_outfit" elseif IsHeadgear(nil,clsid) then return "st_undress_helmet" elseif IsItem("backpack",sec) then return "st_unequip_backpack" end return "st_unequip" end function UIInventory:Name_Attach(obj, bag, temp, slot) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Name_Attach") local sec = obj:section() local wpn = slot and db.actor:item_in_slot(slot) local name = wpn and ui_item.get_obj_name(wpn) or "" if IsItem("sil",sec) then return (gts("st_attach_silencer_to_pistol") .. " (" .. name .. ")") elseif IsItem("scope",sec) then return (gts("st_attach_scope_to_pistol") .. " (" .. name .. ")") elseif IsItem("gl",sec) then return (gts("st_attach_gl_to_rifle") .. " (" .. name .. ")") end end function UIInventory:Name_Move(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Name_Move") if (self.mode == "loot") and (bag == "npc_bag") then return "st_move_to_bag" end return "st_move_to" end function UIInventory:Name_Custom(obj, bag, temp, i) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Name_Custom " .. i) local sec = obj:section() local str = SYS_GetParam(0,sec, "use" .. i .. "_functor") if str then str = str_explode(str,"%.") -- dot needs escape character! if str[1] and str[2] and _G[ str[1] ] and _G[ str[1] ][ str[2] ] then return _G[ str[1] ][ str[2] ](obj) else printe("!ERROR UIInventory:Name_Custom | can't find function (%s) for %s in section [%s]", str[1] .. str[2], "use" .. i .. "_functor", sec) end end return false end -- Precondition function UIInventory:Mode_Custom(obj, bag, temp, i) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Mode_Custom " .. i) local mode = self.mode local sec = obj:section() local str = SYS_GetParam(0,sec, "use" .. i .. "_modes","") if str then str = str_explode(str,",") for i=1,#str do if (mode == str[i]) then return true end end end return (mode == "inventory") -- default end function UIInventory:Cont_Custom(obj, bag, temp, i) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cont_Custom " .. i) local sec = obj:section() local str = SYS_GetParam(0,sec, "use" .. i .. "_containers","") if str then str = str_explode(str,",") for i=1,#str do if (bag == str[i]) then return true end end end return (bag == "actor_bag") or (bag == "actor_equ") or (bag == "actor_belt") -- default end function UIInventory:DB_Custom(obj, bag, temp, i) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"DB_Custom " .. i) return SYS_GetParam(1,obj:section(), "use" .. i .. "_allow_db",false) end function UIInventory:Cond_Childs(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Childs") local ci = self.CC[bag]:GetCell_ID(obj:id()) return ci.ID == obj:id() and ci:HasChild() end function UIInventory:Cond_Use(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Use") return IsItem("consumable",obj:section()) and true or false end function UIInventory:Cond_Move(obj, bag, temp, bag_to) if (not obj) then return false end obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Move") self.flags.ret_value = true SendScriptCallback("ActorMenu_on_item_before_move", self.flags, self.npc_id, obj, self.mode, self.bag_id[bag]) if (not self.flags.ret_value) then return false end -- For custom use of this function if bag_to then if (self.mode == "loot") then if (bag == "actor_bag") or (bag == "actor_equ") then if bag_to ~= "npc_bag" then return false end elseif bag_to == "npc_bag" then if bag_to ~= "actor_bag" then return false end end elseif (self.mode == "trade") then if (bag == "actor_trade_bag") then if bag_to ~= "actor_trade" then return false end elseif (bag == "actor_trade") then if bag_to ~= "actor_trade_bag" then return false end elseif (bag == "npc_trade_bag") then if bag_to ~= "npc_trade" then return false end elseif (bag == "npc_trade") then if bag_to ~= "npc_trade_bag" then return false end end end end -- Don't move quest items if (bag == "actor_bag") and self:Cond_Quest(obj, bag) then return false end if (self.mode == "loot") then local npc = self.npc_id and get_object_by_id(self.npc_id) return npc and true or false elseif (self.mode == "trade") then if (bag == "actor_trade") or (bag == "npc_trade") then return true elseif (bag == "actor_trade_bag") or (bag == "npc_trade_bag") then return self.CC[bag]:IsTradable(obj) end end end function UIInventory:Cond_Quest(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_NotQuest") return (SYS_GetParam(1,obj:section(),"quest_item") == true) end function UIInventory:Cond_NotQuest(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_NotQuest") return (SYS_GetParam(1,obj:section(),"quest_item") ~= true) end function UIInventory:Cond_Attach(obj, bag, temp, slot, wpn) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Attach") local add_sec = obj:section() local is_sil = IsItem("sil",add_sec) local is_scope = IsItem("scope",add_sec) local is_gl = IsItem("gl",add_sec) if not (is_sil or is_scope or is_gl) then return false end local wpn = wpn or slot and db.actor:item_in_slot(slot) if wpn then if utils_item.can_attach_scope(wpn, obj) then return true elseif utils_item.can_attach_silencer(wpn, obj) then return true elseif utils_item.can_attach_gl(wpn, obj) then return true end end return false end function UIInventory:Cond_Equip(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Equip") -- Attention: equipping something outside of actor inventory will cause a crash! if (bag ~= "actor_bag") then return false end local sec = obj:section() local arty = IsArtefact(obj) local slot = (SYS_GetParam(2,sec,"slot") or -1) + 1 if arty or (slot == 12) or (slot == 13) then local outfit = db.actor:item_in_slot(7) if outfit then local c_outfit = outfit:cast_CustomOutfit() if arty then local arty_rooms = c_outfit:get_artefact_count() or 0 local arty_cnt = db.actor:belt_count() return (arty_rooms > 0) and (arty_rooms > arty_cnt) elseif (slot == 12) then return (c_outfit.bIsHelmetAvaliable and true or false) elseif (slot == 13) then return (c_outfit.bIsBackpackAvaliable and true or false) end end end return (not arty) and (SCANNED_SLOTS[slot] == true) end function UIInventory:Cond_Unload(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Unload") local sec = obj:section() if IsWeapon(obj) and (not IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn",sec)) then return obj:get_ammo_in_magazine() > 0 end return false end function UIInventory:Cond_Detach_Silencer(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Detach_Silencer") return utils_item.has_attached_silencer(obj) end function UIInventory:Cond_Detach_Scope(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Detach_Scope") return utils_item.has_attached_scope(obj) end function UIInventory:Cond_Detach_GL(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Cond_Detach_GL") return utils_item.has_attached_gl(obj) end -- Actions function UIInventory:Action_Use(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Use") -- Force hiding picker on use self:Picker_Toggle(nil, nil, nil, true) if (CInventory__eat(obj) == false) then return end db.actor:eat(obj) -- Sound effect self:PlaySND(snd_item_use) self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:Action_Donate(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Donate") local npc = self.npc_id and get_object_by_id(self.npc_id) if (not npc) then return end self:On_Item_Exchange(db.actor, npc, obj) end function UIInventory:Action_Move(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Move") if (self.mode == "loot") then local npc = self.npc_id and get_object_by_id(self.npc_id) if (not npc) then return end if (bag == "actor_bag") or (bag == "actor_equ") then self:On_Item_Exchange(db.actor, npc, obj) elseif (bag == "npc_bag") then self:On_Item_Exchange(npc, db.actor, obj) end elseif (self.mode == "trade") then local bag_to if (bag == "actor_trade") then bag_to = "actor_trade_bag" elseif (bag == "actor_trade_bag") then bag_to = "actor_trade" elseif (bag == "npc_trade") then bag_to = "npc_trade_bag" elseif (bag == "npc_trade_bag") then bag_to = "npc_trade" end -- Make sure item is tradable first if (not self.CC[bag]:IsTradable(obj)) then return end if bag_to and self.CC[bag_to] then self.CC[bag]:TransferItem( self.CC[bag_to] , obj) end end SendScriptCallback("ActorMenu_on_item_after_move", self.npc_id, obj, self.mode, self.bag_id[bag]) self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:Action_Move_All(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Move_All") local ci = self.CC[bag]:GetCell_ID(obj:id()) for id,_ in pairs(ci.childs) do self:Action_Move(id, bag) end self:Action_Move(obj, bag) end function UIInventory:Action_UnEquip(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_UnEquip") db.actor:move_to_ruck(obj) --self:UpdateInfo(true) self:PlaySND(snd_item_to_ruck) self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:Action_Equip(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Equip") -- Belt if IsArtefact(obj) then db.actor:move_to_belt(obj) self:PlaySND(snd_item_to_belt) -- Slots else -- Gather free compatible slots local slot = (SYS_GetParam(2,obj:section(),"slot") or -1) + 1 local cc = self.CC["actor_equ"] local free_slots = {} local cslots = self.slot_cell[slot] or {} for i=1,#cslots do local ci = cc.cell[cslots[i]] if ci and (not ci:IsShown()) then table.insert(free_slots, cslots[i]) end end if is_empty(free_slots) then db.actor:make_item_active(obj) else -- Get free slot local slot_new = free_slots[1] -- Just to make sure local obj_in = cc:GetObj(slot_new) if obj_in then db.actor:move_to_ruck(obj_in) end -- Move to slot db.actor:move_to_slot(obj, slot_new) end self:PlaySND(snd_item_to_slot) end self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:Action_Attach(obj, bag, temp, slot, wpn) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Attach") if (bag ~= "actor_bag") then return end local wpn = wpn or slot and db.actor:item_in_slot(slot) if (not wpn) then return end local add_sec = obj:section() local typ = (IsItem("scope",add_sec) and "scope") or (IsItem("sil",add_sec) and "sil") or (IsItem("gl",add_sec) and "gl") if (not typ) then return end utils_item.attach_addon(wpn, obj, typ, true) self:PlaySND(snd_attach_addon) self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:Action_Custom(obj, bag, temp, i) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Custom " .. i) local sec = obj:section() local str = SYS_GetParam(0,sec, "use" .. i .. "_action_functor") if str then str = str_explode(str,"%.") -- dot needs escape character! if str[1] and str[2] and _G[ str[1] ] and _G[ str[1] ][ str[2] ] then _G[ str[1] ][ str[2] ](obj) -- excute else printe("!ERROR UIInventory:Action_Custom | can't find function (%s) for %s in section [%s]", str[1] .. str[2], "use" .. i .. "_action_functor", sec) end end self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:Action_Detach_Silencer(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Detach_Silencer") utils_item.detach_addon(obj, nil, "sil") self:On_Item_Update() self:PlaySND(snd_detach_addon) end function UIInventory:Action_Detach_Scope(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Detach_Scope") utils_item.detach_addon(obj, nil, "scope") self:PlaySND(snd_detach_addon) self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:Action_Detach_GL(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Detach_GL") utils_item.detach_addon(obj, nil, "gl") self:PlaySND(snd_detach_addon) self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:Action_Unload(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Unload") obj:force_unload_magazine(true) self:On_Item_Update() if self.mode == "loot" and bag == "npc_bag" then --self:LMode_ResetNPCInventory() end end function UIInventory:Action_Drop(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Drop") db.actor:drop_item(obj) self:PlaySND(snd_drop_item) end function UIInventory:Action_Drop_All(obj, bag) obj = self:CheckItem(obj,"Action_Drop_All") local ci = self.CC[bag]:GetCell_ID(obj:id()) for id,_ in pairs(ci.childs) do local obj_c = level.object_by_id(id) if obj_c then db.actor:drop_item(obj_c) end end db.actor:drop_item(obj) self:PlaySND(snd_drop_item) end -- Shared function UIInventory:UpdateInfo(go) -- Update timer -- Timer ensures that info update happens only once when something change, regardless of how many calls are done -- pass (go) as true to update instantly if (not go) then if (self.update_info) then self.update_info = false self.tg_info = time_global() return end if (not self.tg_info) then return end if (time_global() < self.tg_info + self.tg_info_step) then return end end self.tg_info = nil -- Update weight, character and prices self:UpdateWeight() self:UpdateCharacter() self:UpdateSlots() self:UpdateBelt() self:UpdateQuick() self:UpdateStats() self:UpdateInventories() self:UpdateItems() self:Picker_Refresh() if (self.mode == "trade") then self:TMode_UpdatePrice(self.player_trade_price, self.player_trade_sell, "actor_trade") self:TMode_UpdatePrice(self.npc_trade_price, self.npc_trade_buy, "npc_trade") end -- Update scroll pads for bag,cc in pairs(self.CC) do if cc:IsShown() and cc.pad:IsShown() then cc.pd.update = true end end end -- Modern UI functions refactored by HarukaSai and Sota function UIInventory:ShowRank(rank, view) local str_rank = ui_rework_support.str_rank_lst[ color_settings.use_alt_ranks ] local ele_rank = sf( "%s_rank_icon%s" , view , ctrl_faction ) local tex_rank = sf( "ui_rank_%s%s" , rank , str_rank ) self[ele_rank]:InitTexture( tex_rank ) end -- Edited by HarukaSai and Sota function UIInventory:ShowFaction(faction, view) faction = (faction == "army_npc") and "army" or faction local str_faction = ui_rework_support.ctrl_faction_lst[ color_settings.use_alt_factions ] or "_alt2" local ele_bg = sf( "%s_community_bg%s" , view , ctrl_faction ) local tex_bg = sf( "ui_inGame2_faction_bg%s%s" , str_faction , get_screen_ratio_postfix() ) self[ele_bg]:InitTexture( tex_bg ) local ele_icon = sf( "%s_community_icon%s" , view , ctrl_faction ) if faction_color[faction] and faction and (color_settings.use_alt_factions ~= 2) then local tex_icon = sf( "ui_mm_faction_icon_%s" , faction ) self[ele_icon]:InitTexture( tex_icon ) self[ele_icon]:Show(true) else self[ele_icon]:Show(false) end local ele_overlay = sf( "%s_community_overlay%s" , view , ctrl_faction ) local tex_overlay = sf( "ui_inGame2_faction_%s%s%s" , ( faction_color[faction] and faction or "neutral" ) , str_faction , get_screen_ratio_postfix() ) self[ele_overlay]:InitTexture( tex_overlay ) local color = faction_color[faction] or faction_color.stalker if (view == "player") then color = color_settings.banner_color and color or banner_color end self[ele_overlay]:SetTextureColor( color ) end -- Added by HarukaSai - supply level calculation function supply_level(npc, as_number) local profile = trade_manager.get_trade_profile(npc:id(), "cfg_ltx") --printf("Profile is %s", profile) local config = trade_manager.get_trade_cfg(profile) if not config then return end local str = config:r_string_ex("trader", "buy_supplies") if not (str) then return -- no buy_supplies this is normal end local condlist = xr_logic.parse_condlist(npc, "trader", "buy_supplies", str) str = condlist and xr_logic.pick_section_from_condlist(db.actor, npc, condlist) if as_number then local num = str_explode(str, "_") return tonumber(num[2]) else return str end end -- Edited by HarukaSai and Sota adapted Trader Level function UIInventory:UpdateCharacter() local actor = db.actor local actor_rank = ranks.get_obj_rank_name( actor ) local actor_community = actor:character_community():sub(7) self[sf( "player_name%s" , ctrl_faction )]:SetText ( alife():actor():character_name() ) self[sf( "player_community%s" , ctrl_faction )]:SetText ( gts( actor_community ) ) self[sf( "player_community%s" , ctrl_faction )]:SetTextColor( color_settings.text_color and faction_text_colors[actor_community] or player_faction_color ) -- self[sf( "player_rank%s" , ctrl_faction )]:SetText ( gts( "st_rank_" .. actor_rank ) ) self[sf( "player_icon%s" , ctrl_faction )]:InitTexture ( actor:character_icon() ) self[sf( "player_money%s" , ctrl_faction )]:SetText ( actor:money() ) self:ShowRank ( actor_rank , "player" ) self:ShowFaction( actor_community , "player" ) -- NPC local npc = self:GetPartner() if (not npc) or (self.npc_is_box) then return end -- Trader Level if is_gamma and (not npc:has_info("npcx_is_companion")) then local supply_level = supply_level( npc , true ) or 1 local ele = sf( "haruka_trader_supply_level%s" , ctrl_faction ) self[ele]:Show(false) if supply_level and npc:alive() then self[ele]:SetText( gts("st_haruka_sulpplies_level") .. " " .. supply_level ) self[ele]:Show( display_supply_level ) end end -- in case of rich NPCs local npc_money = npc:money() npc_money = npc_money > 999999 and "..." or npc_money local npc_rank = ranks.get_obj_rank_name(npc) local npc_community = npc:character_community() local mode = self.mode == "repair" and "npc_up" or "npc" self[sf( "%s_name%s" , mode , ctrl_faction )]:SetText ( npc:character_name() ) self[sf( "%s_community%s" , mode , ctrl_faction )]:SetText ( gts( npc_community ) ) self[sf( "%s_community%s" , mode , ctrl_faction )]:SetTextColor( faction_text_colors[npc_community] or player_faction_color ) -- self[sf( "%s_rank%s" , mode , ctrl_faction )]:SetText ( gts( "st_rank_" .. npc_rank ) ) self[sf( "%s_icon%s" , mode , ctrl_faction )]:InitTexture ( npc:character_icon() ) self[sf( "%s_money%s" , mode , ctrl_faction )]:SetText ( npc_money ) self:ShowRank ( npc_rank , mode ) self:ShowFaction( npc_community , mode ) end function UIInventory:UpdateWeight() -- Player local actor = db.actor local outfit = actor:item_in_slot(7) local backpack = actor:item_in_slot(13) -- Current weight local tot_weight = actor:get_total_weight() -- Additional weight - Actor local max_weight = actor:get_actor_max_weight() -- Additional weight - Outfit max_weight = max_weight + (outfit and outfit:get_additional_max_weight() or 0) -- Additional weight - Backpack max_weight = max_weight + (backpack and backpack:get_additional_max_weight() or 0) -- Additional weight - Artefacts actor:iterate_belt( function(owner, obj) local c_arty = obj:cast_Artefact() max_weight = max_weight + (c_arty and c_arty:AdditionalInventoryWeight() or 0) end) -- Additional weight - Booster actor:cast_Actor():conditions():BoosterForEach( function(booster_type, booster_time, booster_value) if (booster_type == 4) then --eBoostMaxWeight max_weight = max_weight + booster_value end end) -- Change weight color according to how heavy the actor is local clr = clr_weight[1] if (tot_weight > max_weight) then clr = clr_weight[2] elseif (tot_weight + 10 > max_weight) then clr = clr_weight[3] end self.player_weight:SetTextColor( clr ) self.player_weight:SetText( strformat("%s %s", round_idp(tot_weight,1), weight_unit) ) self.player_weight_max:SetText( strformat("(max %s %s)", round_idp(max_weight,1), weight_unit) ) -- NPC local npc = self:GetPartner() if npc and (self.mode ~= "repair") then local weight = 0 if self.npc_is_box then npc:iterate_inventory_box( function(owner,itm) weight = weight + itm:weight() end) elseif self:IsInvOwner(npc) then weight = npc:get_total_weight() end self.npc_weight:SetText( round_idp(weight,1) .. " " .. weight_unit ) self.npc_weight_max:SetText( strformat("(max %s %s)", 30, weight_unit) ) end end function UIInventory:UpdateInventories() if (self.mode == "inventory") or (self.mode == "repair") then self:IMode_RefreshInventories() elseif (self.mode == "loot") then self:LMode_RefreshInventories() elseif (self.mode == "trade") then self:TMode_RefreshInventories() end end function UIInventory:UpdateItems() for i,bag in ipairs(self.update_bags) do local cc = self.CC[bag] if cc:IsShown() then for idx,ci in pairs(cc.cell) do if ci:IsShown() then ci:Update() end end end end end function UIInventory:UpdateSlots() self:Print(nil, "UpdateSlots") local cc = self.CC["actor_equ"] -- update items local actor = db.actor for i=1,13 do local slot = self.slot_cell[i] and self.slot_cell[i][1] if slot then local item = actor:item_in_slot(i) if item then cc:AddItemManual(item, nil, slot) else cc:RemoveItemManual(slot) end end end -- Helmet/Backpack slots blockers local helm_block = false local bkpk_block = false local outfit = actor:item_in_slot(7) if outfit then local c_outfit = outfit:cast_CustomOutfit() helm_block = not (c_outfit.bIsHelmetAvaliable and true or false) bkpk_block = not (c_outfit.bIsBackpackAvaliable and true or false) end self.blocker_helm:Show( helm_block ) self.blocker_bkpk:Show( bkpk_block ) end function UIInventory:UpdateBelt() self:Print(nil, "UpdateBelt") local cc = self.CC["actor_belt"] -- update items local actor = db.actor local outfit = actor:item_in_slot(7) local cnt_arty = actor:belt_count() local cnt_arty_slot = outfit and outfit:cast_CustomOutfit():get_artefact_count() or 0 for i=1,5 do self.blocker_arty[i]:Show(i > cnt_arty_slot) local item = i <= cnt_arty and actor:item_on_belt(i-1) if item then cc:AddItemManual(item, nil, i) else cc:RemoveItemManual(i) end end end function UIInventory:UpdateQuick() self:Print(nil, "UpdateQuick") local cc = self.CC["actor_quick"] for i=1,4 do local quick_item = get_console_cmd(0,"slot_" .. (i-1)) if quick_item and ini_sys:section_exist(quick_item) then if (cc.cell[i].sec ~= quick_item) then cc:AddItemManual(nil, quick_item, i) end cc.cell[i]:Colorize( db.actor:object(quick_item) and "def" or "hide" ) end end end function UIInventory:UpdateStats() --self:Print(nil, "UpdateStats") local actor = db.actor -- Outfit for name,val in pairs(self.stat_outfit) do self.stat_outfit[name] = 0 end self.stat_outfit["health_restore"] = 0 self.stat_outfit["radia_restore"] = 0 local outfit = actor:item_in_slot(7) if outfit then local c_outfit = outfit:cast_CustomOutfit() if (not c_outfit) then printe("UIInventory | can't get cast_CustomOutfit of [%s]", outfit:name()) end local sec = outfit:section() local id = outfit:id() local cond = outfit:condition() self.stat_outfit["health_restore"] = c_outfit.m_fHealthRestoreSpeed self.stat_outfit["radia_restore"] = c_outfit.m_fRadiationRestoreSpeed self.stat_outfit["fire"] = c_outfit:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Burn"] ) or 0 self.stat_outfit["shock"] = c_outfit:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Shock"] ) or 0 self.stat_outfit["acid"] = c_outfit:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["ChemicalBurn"] ) or 0 self.stat_outfit["radia"] = c_outfit:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Radiation"] ) or 0 self.stat_outfit["psi"] = c_outfit:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Telepatic"] ) or 0 self.stat_outfit["wound"] = c_outfit:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Wound"] ) or 0 self.stat_outfit["power"] = (c_outfit.m_fPowerRestoreSpeed or 0) * cond local bone_value = c_outfit:GetBoneArmor( BoneID["bip01_spine"] ) or 0 if (not c_outfit.bIsHelmetAvaliable) then bone_value = bone_value + c_outfit:GetBoneArmor( BoneID["bip01_head"] ) or 0 end self.stat_outfit["fire_wound"] = bone_value * cond end -- Helmet for name,val in pairs(self.stat_helm) do self.stat_helm[name] = 0 end local helm = actor:item_in_slot(12) if helm then local c_helm = helm:cast_Helmet() if (not c_helm) then printe("UIInventory | can't get cast_Helmet of [%s]", outfit:name()) end local sec = helm:section() local id = helm:id() local cond = helm:condition() self.stat_helm["fire"] = c_helm:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Burn"] ) or 0 self.stat_helm["shock"] = c_helm:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Shock"] ) or 0 self.stat_helm["acid"] = c_helm:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["ChemicalBurn"] ) or 0 self.stat_helm["radia"] = c_helm:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Radiation"] ) or 0 self.stat_helm["psi"] = c_helm:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Telepatic"] ) or 0 self.stat_helm["wound"] = c_helm:GetDefHitTypeProtection( HitTypeID["Wound"] ) or 0 local bone_value = c_helm:GetBoneArmor( BoneID["bip01_head"] ) or 0 self.stat_helm["fire_wound"] = bone_value * cond end -- Artefacts for name,val in pairs(self.stat_arty) do self.stat_arty[name] = 0 end self.stat_arty["health_restore"] = 0 self.stat_arty["radia_restore"] = 0 actor:iterate_belt( function(owner, obj) local sec = obj:section() local cond = obj:condition() local immunities_sec = SYS_GetParam(0,obj:section(),"hit_absorbation_sect") self.stat_arty["health_restore"] = self.stat_arty["health_restore"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, sec, "health_restore_speed", 0) ) self.stat_arty["radia_restore"] = self.stat_arty["radia_restore"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, sec, "radiation_restore_speed", 0) ) self.stat_arty["power"] = self.stat_arty["power"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, sec, "power_restore_speed", 0) ) self.stat_arty["radia"] = self.stat_arty["radia"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "radiation_immunity", 0) ) self.stat_arty["acid"] = self.stat_arty["acid"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "chemical_burn_immunity", 0) ) self.stat_arty["shock"] = self.stat_arty["shock"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "shock_immunity", 0) ) self.stat_arty["fire"] = self.stat_arty["fire"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "burn_immunity", 0) ) self.stat_arty["psi"] = self.stat_arty["psi"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "telepatic_immunity", 0) ) -- self.stat_arty["wound"] = self.stat_arty["wound"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "wound_immunity", 0) ) -- self.stat_arty["fire_wound"] = self.stat_arty["fire_wound"] + ( cond * SYS_GetParam(2, immunities_sec, "fire_wound_immunity", 0) ) end) -- Boosters for name,val in pairs(self.stat_boost) do self.stat_boost[name] = 0 end self.stat_boost["health_restore"] = 0 self.stat_boost["radia_restore"] = 0 actor:cast_Actor():conditions():BoosterForEach( function(booster_type, booster_time, booster_value) local boost_id = self.boost_id[booster_type] --printf("!Booster: %s - %s - %s - %s", self.boost_id_inv[booster_type], booster_type, booster_time, booster_value) if boost_id then self.stat_boost[boost_id] = booster_value end end) -- Progress bars self.stat["health"].bar:SetProgressPos( clamp( actor.health, 0, 1) ) local radia_val = ((self.stat_outfit["radia"] + self.stat_helm["radia"] + self.stat_arty["radia"] + self.stat_boost["radia"]) / self.stat_list["radia"].max) self.stat["radia"].bar:SetProgressPos( clamp( radia_val, 0, 1) ) local acid_val = ((self.stat_outfit["acid"] + self.stat_helm["acid"] + self.stat_arty["acid"] + self.stat_boost["acid"]) / self.stat_list["acid"].max) self.stat["acid"].bar:SetProgressPos( clamp( acid_val, 0, 1) ) local shock_val = ((self.stat_outfit["shock"] + self.stat_helm["shock"] + self.stat_arty["shock"]) / self.stat_list["shock"].max) self.stat["shock"].bar:SetProgressPos( clamp( shock_val, 0, 1) ) local fire_val = ((self.stat_outfit["fire"] + self.stat_helm["fire"] + self.stat_arty["fire"]) / self.stat_list["fire"].max) self.stat["fire"].bar:SetProgressPos( clamp( fire_val, 0, 1) ) local psi_val = ((self.stat_outfit["psi"] + self.stat_helm["psi"] + self.stat_arty["psi"] + self.stat_boost["psi"]) / self.stat_list["psi"].max) self.stat["psi"].bar:SetProgressPos( clamp( psi_val, 0, 1) ) local wound_val = ((self.stat_outfit["wound"] + self.stat_helm["wound"] + self.stat_arty["wound"]) / self.stat_list["wound"].max) self.stat["wound"].bar:SetProgressPos( clamp( wound_val, 0, 1) ) local fire_wound_val = ((self.stat_outfit["fire_wound"] + self.stat_helm["fire_wound"] + self.stat_arty["fire_wound"]) / self.stat_list["fire_wound"].max) self.stat["fire_wound"].bar:SetProgressPos( clamp( fire_wound_val, 0, 1) ) -- Edited by Sota - use HTS utils from "hts_inventory_bars.script" by xcvb -- Satiety Bar if self.stat["hunger"] then self.stat["hunger"].bar:SetProgressPos( hts_inventory_bars.get_satiety_val() ) end -- Thirst Bar if self.stat["thirst"] then self.stat["thirst"].bar:SetProgressPos( hts_inventory_bars.get_thirst_val() ) end -- Sleep bar if self.stat["sleep"] then self.stat["sleep"].bar:SetProgressPos( hts_inventory_bars.get_sleep_val() ) end -- Blinking Icons for name,v in pairs(self.stat) do v.ico_p:Show(false) v.ico_n:Show(false) end -- HTS compatibility added by Sota - power bar is displayed (if HTS + Power bar is installed) if hts_inventory_bars and (color_settings.use_alt_hts ~= 2) then -- use_alt_hts = 2 is htsp layout self.stat["power"].base:Show(false) else -- Special case for power (similar to engine method) local power = actor:cast_Actor():conditions():V_SatietyPower() --db.actor.satiety power = power + self.stat_arty["power"] if outfit then power = power + self.stat_outfit["power"] local power_loss = outfit:cast_CustomOutfit().m_fPowerLoss or 0 if power_loss ~= 0 then power = power / power_loss end else power = power / 0.5 end power = power / self.stat_list["power"].max self.stat["power"].bar:SetProgressPos( clamp( power , 0, 15) ) self.stat["power"].base:Show(true) -- Power Blinking if (self.stat_boost["power"] < 0) then self.stat["power"].ico_n:Show(true) elseif (self.stat_boost["power"] > 0) then self.stat["power"].ico_p:Show(true) end end -- Health local health_restore = self.stat_outfit["health_restore"] + self.stat_arty["health_restore"] + self.stat_boost["health_restore"] if (actor.bleeding > 0) or (health_restore < 0) then self.stat["health"].ico_n:Show(true) elseif (health_restore > 0) then self.stat["health"].ico_p:Show(true) end -- Radiation local radia_restore = self.stat_outfit["radia_restore"] + self.stat_arty["radia_restore"] + self.stat_boost["radia_restore"] if (actor.radiation > 0) then self.stat["radia"].ico_n:Show(true) elseif (radia_restore < 0) or (self.stat_boost["radia"] > 0) then self.stat["radia"].ico_p:Show(true) end -- Psi if (self.stat_boost["psi"] < 0) then self.stat["psi"].ico_n:Show(true) elseif (self.stat_boost["psi"] > 0) then self.stat["psi"].ico_p:Show(true) end -- Chemical if (self.stat_boost["acid"] < 0) then self.stat["acid"].ico_n:Show(true) elseif (self.stat_boost["acid"] > 0) then self.stat["acid"].ico_p:Show(true) end end function UIInventory:On_Sort(ii, ignore) self:Print(nil, "On_Sort [%s]", ii) -- Uncheck the rest of buttons if (not self.sort_btn[ii]:GetCheck()) then self.sort_btn[ii]:SetCheck(true) return end for i=1,#self.sort_btn do if i ~= ii then self.sort_btn[i]:SetCheck(false) end end -- Collect kinds self.possible_kind = parse_list(ini_sys, "button_sort_tab_" .. ii, "kinds", true) or { ["s_all"] = true } if ignore then return end -- Update inventories if (self.mode == "inventory") or (self.mode == "repair") then self:IMode_ResetInventories() elseif (self.mode == "loot") then self:LMode_ResetInventories() elseif (self.mode == "trade") then -- Special case because we want to keep trade items there without resetting local cc_a1 = self.CC["actor_trade"] local cc_a2 = self.CC["actor_trade_bag"] local cc_b1 = self.CC["npc_trade"] local cc_b2 = self.CC["npc_trade_bag"] local actor_trade_ids = {} for id,idx in pairs(cc_a1.indx_id) do actor_trade_ids[id] = true end local npc_trade_ids = {} for id,idx in pairs(cc_b1.indx_id) do npc_trade_ids[id] = true end self:TMode_ResetInventories(true) for id,_ in pairs(actor_trade_ids) do local obj = level.object_by_id(id) if obj then --cc_a1:AddItem(obj) cc_a2:RemoveItem(obj) end end for id,_ in pairs(npc_trade_ids) do local obj = level.object_by_id(id) if obj then --cc_b1:AddItem(obj) cc_b2:RemoveItem(obj) end end end end function UIInventory:Highlight(sec, bag_id) for bag, id in pairs(self.bag_id) do if id == bag_id then local cc = self.CC[bag] if cc:IsShown() then local use_main_clr = (bag == "actor_equ") or (bag == "actor_belt") or (bag == "actor_quick") for idx,ci in pairs(cc.cell) do if ci.section == sec then ci:Highlight(true, "blue", use_main_clr) -- Edited by HarukaSai - display colors based on settings if use_main_clr then local color = color_settings.slot_colors and self.faction_color or ( (bag == "actor_belt") and slot_colors.belt or (bag == "actor_quick") and slot_colors.quick or slot_colors[idx] ) ci.hl:SetTextureColor(color) end -- end of edit end end end end end end function UIInventory:UnHighlight_All() for bag, cc in pairs(self.CC) do for idx,ci in pairs(cc.cell) do if (cc.selected ~= idx) then ci:Highlight(false) end end end end function UIInventory:highlight_section_in_slot(sec, bag_id) self:Highlight(sec, bag_id) end -- Item picker function UIInventory:Picker_Refresh() if (not enable_item_picker) then return end local cc = self.CC["picker"] if (not cc:IsShown()) then return end local bag = cc.parent.bag local idx = cc.parent.idx local ci = bag and idx and self.CC[bag].cell[idx] if not (ci and ci:HasChild()) then self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | nothing to deal with -> hide", bag, idx) self:Picker_Update(true) return end local list = cc.indx_id local inv = dup_table(ci.childs) inv[ci.ID] = true for id,_ in pairs(inv) do if (not list[id]) then local obj = level.object_by_id(id) if obj then cc:AddItem(obj, obj:section()) end end end for id,idx in pairs(list) do if (not inv[id]) then cc:RemoveItem_byID(id) end end end function UIInventory:Picker_Toggle(bag, idx, update_mode, force_hide) if (not enable_item_picker) then return end if force_hide then self:Picker_Update(true) return end -- This is needed to avoid resetting picker when we click on item property -- (300 ms should be fine because low time scope might not be enough) local no_hide = self.item_props.action_moment and (time_continual() < self.item_props.action_moment + 300) -- Avoid hiding picker if we are scrolling a pad for bag,cc in pairs(self.CC) do if cc:IsShown() and cc.pad:IsShown() and cc.pad:IsCursorOverWindow() then no_hide = true break end end local cc = self.CC["picker"] if (update_mode) then if (not cc:IsShown()) then return end bag = cc.parent.bag idx = cc.parent.idx if not (bag and idx) then return end no_hide = true else if no_hide then self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | clicked item property -> continue", bag, idx) return end -- Interacting with picker: hide if clicking outside if cc:IsShown() then if cc:IsCursorOverWindow() then self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | dealing with picker -> continue", bag, idx) return elseif (cc.hold.ico:IsShown()) then self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | was holding cell -> continue", bag, idx) return else self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | clicking outside picker area -> hide", bag, idx) self:Picker_Update(true) return end end -- Nothing to interact with if not (bag and idx) then self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | nothing to deal with -> hide", bag, idx) self:Picker_Update(true) return end -- Interacting with picker cell if (bag == "picker") then self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | dealing with picker -> continue", bag, idx) return end end -- Interacting with cell local ci = self.CC[bag].cell[idx] if not (ci and ci:HasChild() and ( cc:IsCursorOverWindow() or ci:IsCursorOverWindow() or no_hide )) then self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | cell has no childs or not focused-> hide", bag, idx) self:Picker_Update(true) return end local obj = level.object_by_id(ci.ID) if (not obj) then self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | cell has no object -> hide", bag, idx) self:Picker_Update(true) return end -- No picker for items without condition bar local clsid = obj:clsid() local use_cond = SYS_GetParam(1,ci.section,"use_condition") or IsWeapon(nil,clsid) or IsOutfit(nil,clsid) or IsHeadgear(nil,clsid) if not (use_cond or IsAmmo(nil,clsid)) then self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | cell has no condition -> hide", bag, idx) self:Picker_Update(true) return end -- Prepare picker local t = {} t[#t+1] = obj for id,_ in pairs(ci.childs) do t[#t+1] = level.object_by_id(id) end if self.mode == "trade" then cc.trade_profile = dup_table( self.CC[bag].trade_profile ) end cc:Reinit(t) cc:Show(true) cc.parent.bag = bag cc.parent.idx = idx -- For closing picker if player clicked M1 in outer areas self.tg_m1 = time_global() self:Print(nil, "Picker_Toggle(%s, %s) | started picker -> stop", bag, idx) end function UIInventory:Picker_Ownership(bag, idx, obj) if bag == "picker" then local cc = self.CC["picker"] local ci = self:Picker_OwnerCell(cc) if ci and ci:IsShown() and obj and (ci.ID == obj:id() or ci:HasChild(obj)) then local p = cc.parent self:Print(nil, "Picker_Ownership | bag: %s - idx: %s", p.bag, p.idx) return p.bag, p.idx end end return bag, idx end function UIInventory:Picker_OwnerCell(cc) cc = cc or self.CC["picker"] local p = cc.parent return p.bag and p.idx and self.CC[p.bag].cell[p.idx] end function UIInventory:Picker_IsFocused() local cc = self.CC["picker"] if cc:IsShown() then local ci = self:Picker_OwnerCell(cc) if cc:IsCursorOverWindow() or (ci and ci:IsShown() and ci:IsCursorOverWindow()) then return true end end return false end function UIInventory:Picker_Update(force_hide) local cc = self.CC["picker"] if cc:IsShown() then -- Get Parent Cell local ci = self:Picker_OwnerCell(cc) -- Unhighlight and hide if (size_table(cc.indx_id) <= 1) or force_hide then if ci and ci:IsShown() then ci:Highlight(false) local cip = cc:GetCell_ID(ci.ID) if cip and cip:IsShown() then cip:Highlight(true,"green") end end cc:Show(false) cc.parent.bag = false cc.parent.idx = false return false -- Highlight parent cell else if ci and ci:IsShown() then ci:Highlight(true,"green") local cip = cc:GetCell_ID(ci.ID) if cip and cip:IsShown() then cip:Highlight(true,"green") end return true end end end return false end -- Inventory mode function UIInventory:IMode_Init() self:Print(nil, "IMode_Init") self.mode = "inventory" -- Show/Hide needed elements self:Reset() -- Update inventories self:IMode_ResetInventories() -- Update info self:UpdateInfo(true) -- Sound effect self:PlaySND(snd_open) end function UIInventory:IMode_ResetInventories() self:Picker_Toggle() self.CC["actor_bag"]:Reinit( self:ParseInventory(db.actor) ) end function UIInventory:IMode_RefreshInventories() -- Actor local cc_a = self.CC["actor_bag"] local list_a = cc_a.indx_id local inv_a = self:ParseInventory(db.actor, nil, true) for id,obj in pairs(inv_a) do if (not list_a[id]) then cc_a:AddItem(obj, obj:section()) end end for id,idx in pairs(list_a) do if (not inv_a[id]) then cc_a:RemoveItem_byID(id) end end end -- Loot mode function UIInventory:LMode_Init(obj) self:Print(nil, "LMode_Init | obj: %s", obj and obj:name()) self.mode = "loot" -- Show/Hide needed elements self:Reset(obj) -- We need this because box can spawn items after opening, so they don't update those instantly if self.npc_is_box and (not self.box_init_update.state) then self.box_init_update.tg = time_global() self.box_init_update.state = true self:LMode_ResetInventories(true) return end self.box_init_update.state = false -- Update inventories self:LMode_ResetInventories() -- Update info self:UpdateInfo(true) -- Known info (Special case for corpses) self:LMode_TransferInfo(obj) -- Sound effect self:PlaySND(snd_open) end function UIInventory:LMode_ResetInventories(reset_only) if reset_only then self.CC["actor_bag"]:Reset() self.CC["npc_bag"]:Reset() return end local npc = self:GetPartner() local is_box = npc and IsInvbox(npc) self:Picker_Toggle() self.CC["actor_bag"]:Reinit( self:ParseInventory(db.actor) ) if self.npc_is_companion then self.CC["npc_bag"]:Reinit( self:ParseInventory_Companion(npc) ) else local all = (not is_box) and (npc and (not npc:alive())) self.CC["npc_bag"]:Reinit( self:ParseInventory(npc, all) ) end end function UIInventory:LMode_ResetNPCInventory() local npc = self:GetPartner() local is_box = npc and IsInvbox(npc) self:Picker_Toggle() if self.npc_is_companion then self.CC["npc_bag"]:Reinit( self:ParseInventory_Companion(npc) ) else local all = (not is_box) and (npc and (not npc:alive())) self.CC["npc_bag"]:Reinit( self:ParseInventory(npc, all) ) end end function UIInventory:LMode_RefreshInventories() -- Actor local added, removed = {}, {} local cc_a = self.CC["actor_bag"] local list_a = cc_a.indx_id local inv_a = self:ParseInventory(db.actor, nil, true) for id,obj in pairs(inv_a) do if (not list_a[id]) then cc_a:AddItem(obj, obj:section()) added[id] = true end end for id,idx in pairs(list_a) do if (not inv_a[id]) then cc_a:RemoveItem_byID(id) removed[id] = true end end -- NPC local npc = self:GetPartner() local is_box = npc and IsInvbox(npc) local all = (not is_box) and (npc and (not npc:alive())) local cc_b = self.CC["npc_bag"] local list_b = cc_b.indx_id local inv_b = self.npc_is_companion and self:ParseInventory_Companion(npc, true) or self:ParseInventory(npc, all, true) for id,obj in pairs(inv_b) do if (not list_b[id]) then cc_b:AddItem(obj, obj:section()) if is_box and removed[id] then SendScriptCallback("actor_on_item_put_in_box", npc, obj) end end end for id,idx in pairs(list_b) do if (not inv_b[id]) then cc_b:RemoveItem_byID(id) if is_box and added[id] then SendScriptCallback("actor_on_item_take_from_box", npc, level.object_by_id(id)) end end end end function UIInventory:LMode_PutAll() self:Print(nil, "LMode_PutAll") local npc = self:GetPartner() if (not npc) then return end local cc = self.CC["actor_bag"] if (not cc) then return end -- We need to make sure that the other NPC has enough carry weight if IsStalker(npc) and npc:alive() then local tot_weight = 0 for id,idx in pairs(cc.indx_id) do local ci = cc:GetCell_ID(id) if ci then -- Transfer item local obj = level.object_by_id(id) if self:Cond_Move(obj, "actor_bag") then tot_weight = tot_weight + obj:weight() end end end if utils_item.is_overweight(npc, nil, tot_weight) then return end end -- Move all possible items for id,idx in pairs(cc.indx_id) do local ci = cc:GetCell_ID(id) if ci then local obj = level.object_by_id(id) if self:Cond_Move(obj, "actor_bag") then self:Action_Move(obj, "actor_bag") end end end -- Update info self.update_info = true end function UIInventory:LMode_TakeAll() self:Print(nil, "LMode_TakeAll") local npc = self:GetPartner() if (not npc) then return end local cc = self.CC["npc_bag"] if (not cc) then return end for id,idx in pairs(cc.indx_id) do local ci = cc:GetCell_ID(id) if ci then -- Transfer item local obj = level.object_by_id(id) if self:Cond_Move(obj, "npc_bag") then self:Action_Move(obj, "npc_bag") end end end -- Update info self.update_info = true end function UIInventory:LMode_TransferInfo(npc) -- Only for dead stalkers if not (npc and IsStalker(npc) and (not npc:alive())) then return end local custom_data = ini_sys:r_string_ex(npc:section(),"custom_data") local char_ini = custom_data and ini_file(custom_data) local known_info = char_ini and char_ini:r_string_ex("logic","known_info") if known_info and char_ini:section_exist(known_info) then local n = char_ini:line_count(known_info) for i=0,n-1 do local result, id, value = char_ini:r_line(known_info,i,"","") -- Transfer info portion from corpse to actor if id and npc:has_info(id) then npc:disable_info_portion(id) give_info(id) end end end end -- Trade mode function UIInventory:TMode_Init(npc) self:Print(nil, "TMode_Init | npc: %s", npc and npc:name()) self.mode = "trade" -- Show/Hide needed elements self:Reset(npc) -- Update inventories self:TMode_InitProfile(npc) self:TMode_ResetInventories() -- Update info self:UpdateInfo(true) -- Sound effect self:PlaySND(snd_open) end function UIInventory:TMode_ResetInventories(only_bags) local npc = self:GetPartner() self:Picker_Toggle() if (not only_bags) then self.CC["actor_trade"]:Reinit() self.CC["npc_trade"]:Reinit() end self.CC["actor_trade_bag"]:Reinit( self:ParseInventory(db.actor) ) self.CC["npc_trade_bag"]:Reinit( self:ParseInventory(npc) ) end function UIInventory:TMode_RefreshInventories() -- Actor local cc_a = self.CC["actor_trade_bag"] local cc_at = self.CC["actor_trade"] local list_a = cc_a.indx_id local list_at = cc_at.indx_id local inv_a = self:ParseInventory(db.actor, nil, true) for id,obj in pairs(inv_a) do if (not list_a[id]) and (not list_at[id]) then cc_a:AddItem(obj, obj:section()) end end for id,idx in pairs(list_a) do if (not inv_a[id]) then cc_a:RemoveItem_byID(id) end end for id,idx in pairs(list_at) do if (not inv_a[id]) then local obj = level.object_by_id(id) if obj and (not in_actor_inv(obj)) then -- Important because trade bag is proccessed differently cc_at:RemoveItem_byID(id) end end end -- NPC local npc = self:GetPartner() local cc_b = self.CC["npc_trade_bag"] local cc_bt = self.CC["npc_trade"] local list_b = cc_b.indx_id local list_bt = cc_bt.indx_id local inv_b = self:ParseInventory(npc, nil, true) for id,obj in pairs(inv_b) do if (not list_b[id]) and (not list_bt[id]) then cc_b:AddItem(obj, obj:section()) end end for id,idx in pairs(list_b) do if (not inv_b[id]) then cc_b:RemoveItem_byID(id) end end -- for id,idx in pairs(list_bt) do if (not inv_b[id]) then local obj = level.object_by_id(id) if obj and (not in_npc_inv(npc, obj)) then -- Important because trade bag is proccessed differently cc_bt:RemoveItem_byID(id) end end end -- end function UIInventory:TMode_InitProfile(npc) self:Print(nil, "TMode_InitProfile | npc: %s", npc and npc:name()) local id = npc:id() -- Actor local actor_trade_profile = { mode = 1, cfg = trade_manager.get_trade_profile(id, "cfg_ltx"), list = trade_manager.get_trade_profile(id, "current_buy_condition"), -- list of all items that npc can buy cond_factor = trade_manager.get_trade_profile(id, "current_buy_item_condition_factor"), -- no buy below this condition cond_exponent = trade_manager.get_trade_profile(id, "current_buy_item_exponent"), -- multiplier for condition discount = trade_manager.get_buy_discount(id), -- cost factor for items in player side } local actor_trade_bags = {"actor_trade","actor_trade_bag","actor_equ","actor_belt"} for i,bag in ipairs(actor_trade_bags) do self.CC[bag].trade_profile = dup_table(actor_trade_profile) end -- NPC local npc_trade_profile = { mode = 2, cfg = trade_manager.get_trade_profile(id, "cfg_ltx"), list = trade_manager.get_trade_profile(id, "current_sell_condition"), -- list of all items that npc can sell -- cond_factor = 1, cond_exponent = trade_manager.get_trade_profile(id, "current_sell_item_exponent"), -- multiplier for condition discount = trade_manager.get_sell_discount(id), -- cost factor for items in npc side } local npc_trade_bags = {"npc_trade","npc_trade_bag"} for i,bag in ipairs(npc_trade_bags) do self.CC[bag].trade_profile = dup_table(npc_trade_profile) end --[[ ['current_sell_item_exponent'] = 0.75, ['cfg_ltx'] = 'items\trade\trade_mercenary.ltx', ['current_buy_item_condition_factor'] = 0.6, ['resupply_time'] = { ['M'] = 10, ['s'] = 58, ['ms'] = 674, ['Y'] = 2018, ['h'] = 9, ['m'] = 40, ['D'] = 25 }, ['current_sell_condition'] = 'trade_generic_sell', ['current_buy_condition'] = 'trade_generic_buy', ['checked'] = true, ['current_buy_item_exponent'] = 2.25, ['current_buy_supplies'] = 'supplies_1' --]] end function UIInventory:TMode_UpdatePrice(ele_txt, ele_btn, bag) self:Print(nil, "TMode_UpdatePrice | bag: %s", bag) local tot_cost = 0 local cc = self.CC[bag] if (not cc) then return end for idx,ci in pairs(cc.cell) do tot_cost = tot_cost + cc:GetCellCost(ci) end tot_cost = math.floor(tot_cost) ele_txt:SetText(tot_cost .. " RU") ele_btn:Enable( tot_cost > 0 ) end function UIInventory:TMode_Sell() self:Print(nil, "TMode_Sell") local npc = self:GetPartner() if (not npc) then return end local cc = self.CC["actor_trade"] if (not cc) then return end if not npc:alive() then return end -- Calculate full price local tot_cost = 0 for idx,ci in pairs(cc.cell) do tot_cost = tot_cost + cc:GetCellCost(ci) end tot_cost = math.floor(tot_cost) -- Don't processed if NPC doesn't have enough money if npc:money() < tot_cost then self.message_box:InitMessageBox("message_box_ok") self.message_box:SetText( gts("not_enough_money_partner") ) self.message_box:ShowDialog(true) return end -- Transfer items for id,idx in pairs(cc.indx_id) do local ci = cc:GetCell_ID(id) if ci then self:On_Item_Exchange(db.actor, npc, level.object_by_id(id)) end end -- Transfer money db.actor:give_money(tot_cost) npc:give_money(-tot_cost) -- Update UI self.update_info = true end function UIInventory:TMode_Buy() self:Print(nil, "TMode_Buy") local npc = self:GetPartner() if (not npc) then return end local cc = self.CC["npc_trade"] if (not cc) then return end -- Calculate full price local tot_cost = 0 for idx,ci in pairs(cc.cell) do tot_cost = tot_cost + cc:GetCellCost(ci) end tot_cost = math.floor(tot_cost) -- Don't processed if player doesn't have enough money if db.actor:money() < tot_cost then self.message_box:InitMessageBox("message_box_ok") self.message_box:SetText( gts("not_enough_money_actor") ) self.message_box:ShowDialog(true) return end -- Transfer items for id,idx in pairs(cc.indx_id) do local ci = cc:GetCell_ID(id) if ci then self:On_Item_Exchange(npc, db.actor, level.object_by_id(id)) end end -- Transfer money npc:give_money(tot_cost) db.actor:give_money(-tot_cost) -- Update UI self.update_info = true end -- Repair/Upgrade mode function UIInventory:RMode_Init(npc) self:Print(nil, "RMode_Init | %s", npc and npc:name()) self.mode = "repair" -- Show/Hide needed elements self:Reset(npc) -- Update inventories self:IMode_ResetInventories() -- Hide existing tree self:RMode_InitItem() -- Update info self:UpdateInfo(true) -- Sound effect self:PlaySND(snd_open) end function UIInventory:RMode_InitElements() self:Print(nil, "RMode_InitElements") local xml = self.xml self.upx = {} -- upgrade_xml -- All possible rows for r=1,5 do local _st = xml:InitStatic("upgrade:st", nil) -- All possible elements for c=1,6 do -- In case colomn has solo element for s=1,2 do local str = "" if odd(c) then str = (s == 2) and "b" or "" end if not ((s == 2) and (not odd(c))) then local ii = (r..c..str) self:Print(nil, "RMode_InitElements | init for index: %s", ii) self.upx[ii] = {} self.upx[ii].base = xml:InitStatic("upgrade:row_cells:cell_" .. (c..str), _st) self.upx[ii].ico = xml:InitStatic("upgrade:cell_upgrade:ico", self.upx[ii].base) self.upx[ii].btn = xml:InitCheck("upgrade:cell_upgrade:btn", self.upx[ii].base) self.upx[ii].row = r self.upx[ii].col = c -- Callback self:Register(self.upx[ii].btn, "btn_up_" .. ii) local _wrapper = function(self) -- we need wrapper in order to pass ctrl to method self:RMode_OnUpgrade(r, c, ii) end self:AddCallback("btn_up_" .. ii, ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, _wrapper, self) end end end self.npc_up_scheme:AddWindow(_st, true) _st:SetAutoDelete(false) end -- Upgrade order table self.upgr_order = {} local upg_gr = { [1] = "first", [2] = "secon", [3] = "third", [4] = "fourt", [5] = "fifth", } local upg_ind = { [1] = "a", [2] = "b", [3] = "c", [4] = "d", [5] = "e", [6] = "f", } for i=1,#upg_gr do for ii=1,#upg_ind do self.upgr_order[#self.upgr_order + 1] = upg_gr[i] .. upg_ind[ii] end end end function UIInventory:RMode_InitItem(obj, bag, idx) self:Print(nil, "RMode_InitItem | %s", obj and obj:name()) -- Init upgrade scheme if it's not set if is_empty(self.upx) then self:RMode_InitElements() end -- Clear old data, assign new empty_table(self.upgr_tree) empty_table(self.upgr_installed) -- Hide all possible upgrades for ii,ele in pairs(self.upx) do ele.base:Show(false) ele.btn:Enable(true) ele.btn:SetCheck(false) ele.section = nil ele.prereq = "" end -- No object -> reset and return if (not obj) then self.upgr = { id = false , sec = false , idx = false , bag = false} self.npc_up_repair:Enable(false) self:RMode_InitItemIcon() return end -- Selected object -> get id and section local id = obj:id() local sec = obj:section() self.upgr.id = id self.upgr.sec = sec self.upgr.bag = bag self.upgr.idx = idx -- Set up upgrade icon self:RMode_InitItemIcon(obj) -- Repair button state self.npc_up_repair:Enable( inventory_upgrades.can_repair_item(sec) and (obj:condition() < 0.99) ) -- Parse mechanic's discount condition local can_upgrade = inventory_upgrades.can_upgrade_item() if (not can_upgrade) then return end -- Upgrades tree self.upgr_tree = utils_item.get_upgrades_tree(sec, true) if is_empty(self.upgr_tree) then return end -- Installed upgrades self.upgr_installed = utils_item.get_upgrades_installed(obj, nil, true) -- Show upgrade tree for row,v in pairs(self.upgr_tree) do for col,info in pairs(v) do local ii = row .. col .. ( info.solo and "b" or "" ) self.upx[ii].section = info.section self.upx[ii].ico:InitTexture(info.icon) self.upx[ii].ico:SetStretchTexture(true) self.upx[ii].base:Show(true) end end self:RMode_EvaluateUpgrAll() end function UIInventory:RMode_InitItemIcon(obj) self:Print(nil, "RMode_InitItemIcon | %s", obj and obj:name()) if (not obj) then self.npc_up_item:Show(false) return end local sec = obj:section() -- Edited by Sota - fix stretched upgradeable item icon for 21/9 ratio -- local ratio = (utils_xml.is_widescreen() and 0.8 or 1) local ratio = utils_xml.screen_ratio() local x = SYS_GetParam(2,sec,"upgr_icon_x") local y = SYS_GetParam(2,sec,"upgr_icon_y") local w = SYS_GetParam(2,sec,"upgr_icon_width") local h = SYS_GetParam(2,sec,"upgr_icon_height") if not (x and y and w and h) then self.npc_up_item:Show(false) return end -- Get upgrade dds local path = SYS_GetParam(0,sec,"upgr_icon_path") or (IsWeapon(obj) and "ui\\ui_actor_weapons") or "ui\\ui_actor_armor" self.npc_up_item:InitTexture(path) self.npc_up_item:SetTextureRect(Frect():set(x, y, x + w, y + h)) self.npc_up_item:SetWndSize(vector2():set( w * ratio , h )) self.npc_up_item:SetStretchTexture(true) self.npc_up_item:Show(true) end function UIInventory:RMode_OnUpgrade(row, col, ii) self:Print(nil, "RMode_OnUpgrade | row: %s - col: %s - ii: %s", row, col, ii) local btn = self.upx[ii].btn if (not btn) then return end -- You cannot uninstall if (not btn:GetCheck()) then btn:SetCheck(true) return end btn:SetCheck(false) self.upgr_last_row = row self.upgr_last_col = col self.upgr_last_ii = ii local str = gts("st_upgrade_install") .. " " .. gts(self.upgr_tree[row][col].name or "") .. "?" self.message_box_up:InitMessageBox("message_box_yes_no") self.message_box_up:SetText(str) self.message_box_up:ShowDialog(true) end function UIInventory:RMode_UpgradeYes() local row = self.upgr_last_row local col = self.upgr_last_col local ii = self.upgr_last_ii self.upx[ii].btn:SetCheck(true) self:Print(nil, "RMode_UpgradeYes | row: %s - col: %s - ii: %s", row, col, ii) -- Install new upgrade local obj = self.upgr.id and level.object_by_id(self.upgr.id) if (not obj) then return end -- For weapons, unload mag and clear ammo cache in case of ammo type upgrades if IsWeapon(obj) and (not IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn",obj:section())) then obj:force_unload_magazine(true) item_weapon.clear_cache(obj) end -- Install upgrade local upgr_section = self.upgr_tree[row][col].section if (not upgr_section) then return end obj:install_upgrade(upgr_section) self.upgr_installed[upgr_section] = true --[[ -- Effect on upgrading (not needed because it's called by install_upgrade) local section_states = self.upgr_tree[row][col].stats inventory_upgrades.effect_functor_a( nil, section_states, 0 ) --]] inventory_upgrades.effect_upgrade_item(obj) -- Evaluate all other upgrades self:RMode_EvaluateUpgrAll() self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:RMode_EvaluateUpgr(row, col, ii, info) self:Print(nil, "RMode_EvaluateUpgr | row: %s - col: %s - ii: %s", row, col, ii) local btn = self.upx[ii].btn -- We don't evalute installed upgrades if btn:GetCheck() or self.upgr_installed[info.section] then btn:SetCheck(true) self.upx[ii].prereq = gts("st_upgr_installed") return end -- Check if upgrade group is installed if (not self.upgr_tree[row][col].solo) then local col_g = odd(col) and col+1 or col-1 local section_g = self.upgr_tree[row][col_g].section if self.upgr_installed[section_g] then btn:Enable(false) self.upx[ii].prereq = gts("st_upgr_disable") return end end -- Check price + mechanic info portion + parsed profile local ret = inventory_upgrades.precondition_functor_a(nil, info.stats) local prereq = parse_func(info.section, "prereq_functor", nil, info.stats) or "" -- Check if parent upgrades is not installed local prev_installed = col <= 2 and true or false local section = self.upgr_tree[row][col].section if (not prev_installed) then for c, v in pairs(self.upgr_tree[row]) do if v.effect and v.effect[section] and self.upgr_installed[v.section] then prev_installed = true end end end if (not prev_installed) then ret = 2 -- Edited by Sota -- prereq = prereq .. "\\n - " .. gts("st_upgr_parents") prereq = prereq .. "\\n • " .. gts("st_upgr_parents") end -- Finale if prereq and prereq ~= "" then prereq = gts("st_upgr_disable") .. " \\n" .. prereq end self.upx[ii].prereq = prereq btn:Enable( (ret == 0) ) end function UIInventory:RMode_EvaluateUpgrAll() self:Print(nil, "RMode_EvaluateUpgrAll") for row,v in pairs(self.upgr_tree) do for col,info in pairs(v) do local ii = row .. col .. (info.solo and "b" or "") self:RMode_EvaluateUpgr(row, col, ii, info) end end end function UIInventory:RMode_OnRepair() self:Print(nil, "RMode_OnRepair") if (not self.upgr.id) then return end local obj = level.object_by_id(self.upgr.id) if (not obj) then return end local sec = obj:section() local cond = obj:condition() local can_afford = inventory_upgrades.can_afford_repair_item(sec , cond) local str = inventory_upgrades.question_repair_item( sec, cond, true ) if (str == nil) then str = gts("st_upgr_cant_do") end if can_afford then self.message_box:InitMessageBox("message_box_yes_no") else self.message_box:InitMessageBox("message_box_ok") end self.message_box:SetText(str) self.message_box:ShowDialog(true) end function UIInventory:RMode_RepairYes() self:Print(nil, "RMode_RepairYes") if (not self.upgr.id) then return end local obj = level.object_by_id(self.upgr.id) if (not obj) then return end inventory_upgrades.effect_repair_item( obj:section(), obj:condition()) obj:set_condition(0.99999) self:On_Item_Update() -- Repair button state goes off (cause full repaired) self.npc_up_repair:Enable(false) end -- Callbacks - object function UIInventory:actor_item_to_ruck(obj) if self:IsShown() then self:Print(nil, "Callback actor_item_to_ruck - %s", obj and obj:name()) self:On_Item_Update() end -- Unequip artefacts if player unequipped outfit if IsOutfit(obj) and (not db.actor:item_in_slot(7)) then db.actor:iterate_belt( function(owner, arty) db.actor:move_to_ruck(arty) end) end end function UIInventory:actor_item_to_slot(obj) if self:IsShown() then self:Print(nil, "Callback actor_item_to_slot - %s", obj and obj:name()) self:On_Item_Update() end -- Unequip helmet/backpack if equipped outfit prevent them if IsOutfit(obj) then local c_outfit = obj:cast_CustomOutfit() local helm = db.actor:item_in_slot(12) if (not c_outfit.bIsHelmetAvaliable) and helm then db.actor:move_to_ruck(helm) end local bkpk = db.actor:item_in_slot(13) if (not c_outfit.bIsBackpackAvaliable) and bkpk then db.actor:move_to_ruck(bkpk) end end end function UIInventory:actor_item_to_belt(obj) if self:IsShown() then self:Print(nil, "Callback actor_item_to_belt - %s", obj and obj:name()) self:On_Item_Update() end end function UIInventory:actor_on_item_drop(obj) if self:IsShown() then self:Print(nil, "Callback actor_on_item_drop - %s", obj and obj:name()) self:On_Item_Update() end -- Unequip artefacts if player unequipped outfit if IsOutfit(obj) and (not db.actor:item_in_slot(7)) then db.actor:iterate_belt( function(owner, arty) db.actor:move_to_ruck(arty) end) end end function UIInventory:actor_on_item_use(obj) if self:IsShown() then self:Print(nil, "Callback actor_on_item_use - %s", obj and obj:name()) self:On_Item_Update() end end function UIInventory:actor_on_item_put_in_box(npc, obj) if self:IsShown() and (self.npc_id == npc:id()) then self:Print(nil, "Callback actor_on_item_put_in_box - %s", obj and obj:name()) self:On_Item_Update() itms_manager.play_item_sound(obj, 0.75) end end function UIInventory:actor_on_item_take_from_box(npc, obj) if self:IsShown() and (self.npc_id == npc:id()) then self:Print(nil, "Callback actor_on_item_take_from_box - %s", obj and obj:name()) self:On_Item_Update() end end function UIInventory:npc_on_item_take(npc, obj) if self:IsShown() and (self.npc_id == npc:id()) then self:Print(nil, "Callback npc_on_item_take - %s", obj and obj:name()) -- Companions exchange mode: don't show non-assigned items if (self.mode == "loot") and self.npc_is_companion and (not axr_companions.is_assigned_item(npc:id(), obj:id())) then return end self:On_Item_Update() itms_manager.play_item_sound(obj, 0.75) end end function UIInventory:npc_on_item_drop(npc, obj) if self:IsShown() and (self.npc_id == npc:id()) then self:Print(nil, "Callback npc_on_item_drop - %s", obj and obj:name()) self:On_Item_Update() end end function UIInventory:npc_on_use(obj, who) if (who:id() == AC_ID) and (not self:IsShown()) and IsStalker(obj) and (not obj:alive()) then start("loot", obj) end end function UIInventory:physic_object_on_use_callback(obj, who) -- sometimes who isn't passed! if who and (who:id() == AC_ID) and (not self:IsShown()) and IsInvbox(obj) then start("loot", obj) end end function UIInventory:actor_on_net_destroy() if self:IsShown() then self:Close() end GUI = nil end -- Callbacks - UI function UIInventory:On_CC_DragDrop(bag_from, idx_from) local obj_from = self.CC[bag_from]:GetObj(idx_from) if (not obj_from) then return end if self.mode == "trade" then return end -- When interacting with item picker, get parent cell bag and index bag_from, idx_from = self:Picker_Ownership(bag_from, idx_from, obj_from) self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_DragDrop | bag: %s - idx: %s", bag_from, idx_from) -- Throw items outside if self.trash:IsShown() and self.trash:IsCursorOverWindow() then if self:Item_On_Mode("drop", bag_from) and self:Cond_NotQuest(obj_from, bag_from) then self:Action_Drop(obj_from, bag_from) return end -- Drag Drop item on other item else -- Get hovered container and cell local bag_to, idx_to, obj_to for name,cc in pairs(self.CC) do bag_to, idx_to, obj_to = cc:GetCell_Focused() if bag_to then break end end -- When interacting with item picker, get parent cell bag and index if obj_to then bag_to, idx_to = self:Picker_Ownership(bag_to, idx_to, obj_to) end self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_DragDrop | obj_f: %s - bag_f: %s - idx_f: %s | obj_t: %s - bag_t: %s - idx_t: %s", obj_from:name(), bag_from, idx_from, obj_to and obj_to:name(), bag_to, idx_to) -- Ruck/Slot to Slot if (bag_to == "actor_equ") and (self:Cond_Equip(obj_from, bag_from) or bag_from == "actor_equ") and (not IsArtefact(obj_from)) then local slot = (SYS_GetParam(2,obj_from:section(),"slot") or -1) + 1 local cslots = self.slot_cell[slot] or {} for i=1,#cslots do if (cslots[i] == idx_to) then self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_DragDrop | Ruck to Slot | obj_from: %s - obj_to: %s - base slot: %s - new slot: %s", obj_from:name(), obj_to and obj_to:name(), slot, idx_to) if obj_to then db.actor:move_to_ruck(obj_to) end db.actor:move_to_slot(obj_from, idx_to) self:PlaySND(snd_item_to_slot) break end end -- Ruck to Belt elseif (bag_to == "actor_belt" and bag_from == "actor_bag") and IsArtefact(obj_from) then -- Edited by HarukaSai - replacing artefact in slot instead of doing nothing if obj_to then db.actor:move_to_ruck(obj_to) CreateTimeEvent("haru_to_belt", "haru_to_belt", 0, function(self, obj_from, bag_from) self:Action_Equip(obj_from, bag_from) return true end, self, obj_from, bag_from) elseif self:Cond_Equip(obj_from, bag_from) then self:Action_Equip(obj_from, bag_from) end -- end of edit -- To Quick access elseif (bag_to == "actor_quick") and IsItem("consumable",obj_from:section()) then quick_item = exec_console_cmd("slot_" .. (idx_to - 1) .. " " .. obj_from:section()) self.update_info = true return -- Case object to drop on elseif obj_to then -- Attachment if ((bag_to == "actor_bag") or (bag_to == "actor_equ")) and self:Cond_Attach(obj_from, "actor_bag", nil, nil, obj_to) then self:Action_Attach(obj_from, "actor_bag", nil, nil, obj_to) -- Callback else SendScriptCallback("ActorMenu_on_item_drag_drop", obj_from, obj_to, self.bag_id[bag_from], self.bag_id[bag_to]) end -- No object to drop on else if (not bag_to) then for bag,cc in pairs(self.CC) do if (bag ~= "picker") and cc:IsCursorOverWindow() then bag_to = bag break end end end -- Case bag to drop on if bag_to then -- Move to other suitable bag if self:Item_On_Mode("move", bag_from) and self:Cond_Move(obj_from, bag_from, nil, bag_to) then if self.holding_ctrl and self:Cond_Childs(obj_from, bag_from) then self:Action_Move_All(obj_from, bag_from) else self:Action_Move(obj_from, bag_from) end -- Unequip elseif self:Item_On_Mode("to_ruck", bag_from) and (bag_to == "actor_bag" or bag_to == "actor_trade_bag") then self:Action_UnEquip(obj_from, bag_from) end end end self:On_Item_Update() end end function UIInventory:On_CC_Hover(bag, idx) -- self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Hover | bag: %s - idx: %s", bag, idx) local prev_idx = self.hover.idx local prev_bag = self.hover.bag self.hover.bag = bag self.hover.idx = idx self.hover.tg = time_global() -- Added by Sota - since now quick bag overlaps equ bag and need an additional condition to avoid logic of hiding highlighters local quick_overlaps_equ = (bag == "actor_quick") and (prev_bag == "actor_equ") or (bag == "actor_equ") and (prev_bag == "actor_quick") -- Unhighlight all on hover changes -- Edited by Sota - fix quick cell highlighter is hiding if it overlaps equ bag -- if (bag ~= prev_bag) or (idx ~= prev_idx) then if ( (bag ~= prev_bag) or (idx ~= prev_idx) ) and (not quick_overlaps_equ) then self:UnHighlight_All() end -- Highlight hovered cell if bag and idx then local ci = self.CC[bag].cell[idx] if ci and ci:IsShown() then -- Edited by HarukaSai - display color based on settings local use_main_clr = (bag == "actor_equ") or (bag == "actor_belt") or (bag == "actor_quick") ci:Highlight(true, "def", use_main_clr) if use_main_clr then local color = color_settings.slot_colors and self.faction_color or ( (bag == "actor_belt") and slot_colors.belt or (bag == "actor_quick") and slot_colors.quick or slot_colors[idx] ) ci.hl:SetTextureColor(color) end -- end of edit end end -- On Item focus lost if prev_idx and prev_bag and (prev_idx ~= idx) then local obj = self.CC[prev_bag]:GetObj(prev_idx) if obj then SendScriptCallback("ActorMenu_on_item_focus_lost", obj) end end -- On Item focus receive if idx and bag and (prev_idx ~= idx) then local obj = self.CC[bag]:GetObj(idx) if obj then SendScriptCallback("ActorMenu_on_item_focus_receive", obj) end end -- Highlight slots for equippable items if ((self.slot_hl.idx ~= idx) or (self.slot_hl.bag ~= bag)) then local force = (self.slot_hl.bag ~= bag) -- force unhighlight when switching bags to avoid stucking highlighting -- Less hooks self.slot_hl.idx = idx self.slot_hl.bag = bag -- Obviously we don't want to highlight compatible slots when hovered item is in a slot local can_highlight = (bag ~= "actor_equ") and (bag ~= "actor_belt") and (bag ~= "actor_quick") -- Unhighlight all first -- Edited by Sota - fix quick cell highlighter is hiding if it overlaps equ bag -- if force or can_highlight then if (force or can_highlight) and (not quick_overlaps_equ) then local cc1 = self.CC["actor_equ"] for i=1,#cc1.cell do cc1.cell[i]:Highlight(false) end local cc2 = self.CC["actor_belt"] for i=1,#cc2.cell do cc2.cell[i]:Highlight(false) end local cc3 = self.CC["actor_quick"] for i=1,#cc3.cell do cc3.cell[i]:Highlight(false) end end -- Highlight compatible items if can_highlight and bag and idx then local obj = self.CC[bag]:GetObj(idx) if obj then -- For slots, we higlight when item is equippable if self:Cond_Equip(obj, bag) then local slot = (SYS_GetParam(2,obj:section(),"slot") or -1) + 1 local slot_cells = self.slot_cell[slot] -- For belt, we higlight when item is an artefact if IsArtefact(obj) then local cc = self.CC["actor_belt"] for i=1,#cc.cell do -- Edited by HarukaSai - removal of highlights when there's blocker in that cell if not (self.blocker_arty[i]:IsShown()) then cc.cell[i]:Highlight(true, "def", true) local color = color_settings.slot_colors and self.faction_color or slot_colors.belt cc.cell[i].hl:SetTextureColor(color) end end elseif slot_cells then local cc = self.CC["actor_equ"] for i=1,#slot_cells do local ci = cc.cell[ slot_cells[i] ] if ci then ci:Highlight(true, "def", true) -- Edited by HarukaSai - add slot recolors local color = color_settings.slot_colors and self.faction_color or slot_colors[slot_cells[i]] ci.hl:SetTextureColor(color) end end end -- For quick slots, we higlight when item is consumable elseif IsItem("consumable", obj:section()) then local cc = self.CC["actor_quick"] for i=1,#cc.cell do cc.cell[i]:Highlight(true, "def", true) -- Edited by HarukaSai - add slot recolors local color = color_settings.slot_colors and self.faction_color or slot_colors.quick cc.cell[i].hl:SetTextureColor(color) end end end end end end function UIInventory:On_CC_Mouse1(bag, idx) -- Start or Hide picker self:Picker_Toggle(bag, idx) local obj = self.CC[bag]:GetObj(idx) if (not obj) then self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Mouse1 | no object recieved!", bag, idx) return end -- When interacting with item picker, get parent cell bag and index bag, idx = self:Picker_Ownership(bag, idx, obj) self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Mouse1 | bag: %s - idx: %s", bag, idx) -- Upgrade tree if self:IsMode(bag,"repair","actor_bag","actor_equ") then self:RMode_InitItem(obj, bag, idx) end end function UIInventory:On_CC_Mouse1_DB(bag, idx) -- Fix for quick-slot double clicking crash the game if (bag == "actor_quick") then --self.CC["actor_quick"]:AddItemManual(nil, nil, idx) --exec_console_cmd("slot_"..(idx - 1).." (NULL)") return end local obj = self.CC[bag]:GetObj(idx) if (not obj) then self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Mouse1_DB | no object recieved!", bag, idx) return end -- When interacting with item picker, get parent cell bag and index bag, idx = self:Picker_Ownership(bag, idx, obj) self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Mouse1_DB | bag: %s - idx: %s", bag, idx) -- Eat consumable if self:Item_On_Mode("use", bag) and self:Cond_Use(obj, bag) then self:Action_Use(obj, bag) -- Equip item elseif self:Item_On_Mode("to_slot", bag) and self:Cond_Equip(obj, bag) then self:Action_Equip(obj, bag) -- Unequip item elseif self:Item_On_Mode("to_ruck", bag) then self:Action_UnEquip(obj, bag) -- Move items between bags elseif self:Item_On_Mode("move", bag) and self:Cond_Move(obj, bag) then if self.holding_ctrl and self:Cond_Childs(obj, bag) then self:Action_Move_All(obj, bag) else self:Action_Move(obj, bag) end return true -- continue double clicking! -- Execute first custom property that support double-click else local i = 1 local mode = self.mode while (self.properties["custom_" .. i] ~= nil) do -- Check if double-click is enabled if self:DB_Custom(obj, bag, nil, i) then local props = self.properties["custom_" .. i] -- Check if prop is aimed for active container local bag_allowed = true if props.cont then bag_allowed = props.cont[bag] and true or false end if props.cont_func and props.cont_func[1] and self[props.cont_func[1]] then bag_allowed = self[props.cont_func[1]](self, obj, bag, unpack(props.cont_func)) and true or false end -- Check if prop is aimed for active mode local mode_allowed = true if props.mode then mode_allowed = props.mode[mode] and true or false end if props.mode_func and props.mode_func[1] and self[props.mode_func[1]] then mode_allowed = self[props.mode_func[1]](self, obj, bag, unpack(props.mode_func)) and true or false end if mode_allowed and bag_allowed then -- Evaluate preconditions local cond = true local k = 1 while cond and props["precondition" .. k] do local precond = props["precondition" .. k] if precond[1] and self[precond[1]] then cond = self[precond[1]](self, obj, bag, unpack(precond)) and true or false else cond = false end k = k + 1 end if cond then local id = obj:id() -- Get prop name local name = props.name local func_name = props.name_func if func_name and func_name[1] and self[func_name[1]] then name = self[func_name[1]](self, id, bag, unpack(func_name)) or name end if name then -- Execute action local func_action = props.action if func_action and func_action[1] and self[func_action[1]] then self[func_action[1]](self, id, bag, unpack(func_action)) break end end end end end i = i + 1 end end end function UIInventory:On_CC_Mouse2(bag, idx) -- Start or Hide picker self:Picker_Toggle(bag, idx) local obj = self.CC[bag]:GetObj(idx) if (not obj) then self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Mouse2 | no object recieved!", bag, idx) return end -- When interacting with item picker, get parent cell bag and index bag, idx = self:Picker_Ownership(bag, idx, obj) self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Mouse2 | bag: %s - idx: %s", bag, idx) if (not self.CC[bag].showcase) then self:InitProperties(obj, bag) end end function UIInventory:On_CC_Add(bag, idx, on_area) self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Add | bag: %s - idx: %s - on_area", bag, idx, on_area) -- Update info self.update_info = true end function UIInventory:On_CC_Remove(bag, idx, on_area) -- after cell removal! self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Remove | bag: %s - idx: %s - on_area", bag, idx, on_area) -- Update info self.update_info = true end function UIInventory:On_CC_Trasfer(bag_from, bag_to, idx_from, idx_to, obj) self:Print(nil, "Callback On_CC_Trasfer | bag_from: %s - bag_to: %s - idx_from: %s - idx_to: %s", bag_from, bag_to, idx_from, idx_to) -- Special case for item picker local cc = self.CC["picker"] if cc:IsShown() and (cc.parent.bag == bag_from) then cc:RemoveItem(obj) end -- Update info self.update_info = true end -- Cell management function UIInventory:On_Item_Exchange(npc_from, npc_to, obj) npc_from:transfer_item(obj, npc_to) self:On_Item_Update() end function UIInventory:On_Item_Update() self:Print(nil, "On_Item_Update") -- Update info self.tg_inv = time_global() - 30 self.update_info = true end -- Technical function UIInventory:PlaySND(snd, vol) self:Print(nil, "PlaySND") -- Anti sound spam local tg = time_global() if self.tg_play and (tg - self.tg_play < 500) then return end self.tg_play = tg snd:play(db.actor,0,sound_object.s2d) snd.volume = vol or 1 end function UIInventory:SetHint(text, pos) if (not text) then self.tg_hint = time_global() self.hint_wnd:Show(false) return end if (time_global() < self.tg_hint + self.tg_hint_step) then return end -- Added by Sota - set hint faction color and transparency -- self.hint_wnd:SetColor( utils_ui.change_alpha(self.faction_color, color_settings.inv_hint_alpha) ) -- Added by Sota - set hint transparency -- self.hint_wnd:SetColor( GetARGB(color_settings.inv_hint_alpha, 255, 255, 255) ) self.hint_wnd:Show(true) self.hint_wnd_text:SetText(text) self.hint_wnd_text:AdjustHeightToText() -- Edited by Sota local w = self.hint_wnd:GetWidth() -- w = w >= 150 and w or 150 -- local h = self.hint_wnd_text:GetHeight()+44 local h = self.hint_wnd_text:GetHeight() + self.hint_wnd_text:GetWndPos().y * 2.5 -- h = h >= 265 and h or 265 self.hint_wnd:SetWndSize(vector2():set(w,h)) FitInRect(self.hint_wnd,Frect():set(0,0,1024,768),0,100) -- Edited by Sota - move below FitInRect and center cursor on bottom edge pos = pos or GetCursorPosition() pos.y = pos.y - self.hint_wnd:GetHeight() pos.x = pos.x - self.hint_wnd:GetWidth() / 2 self.hint_wnd:SetWndPos(pos) end function UIInventory:Update() CUIScriptWnd.Update(self) -- Update all info: weight/prices/slots/bags/stats self:UpdateInfo() -- Update stats cycle if (time_global() > self.tg_stats) then self.tg_stats = time_global() + self.tg_stats_step self:UpdateStats() end -- Reinit loot mode (special case for boxes because they spawn items after opening inventory) if self.box_init_update.state and (time_global() > self.box_init_update.tg) then self:LMode_Init( self:GetPartner() ) end -- More GUI are opened at once, distable inventory showcase elements if Overlapped_UI() then self:Picker_Toggle() self.item_info:Update() self.upgr_info:Update() self:SetHint(false) return end -- Update upgrades info box local hide_upgr_info = true if (self.mode == "repair") and self.upgr.id then for ii,ele in pairs(self.upx) do if ele.base:IsShown() and ele.btn:IsCursorOverWindow() then self.upgr_info:Update(ele.section, ele.prereq, ele.btn:GetCheck()) hide_upgr_info = false break end end end if hide_upgr_info then self.upgr_info:Update() end -- Updating item info box and item cell containers self.found_cell = false local no_info = self.item_props:IsShown() or (self.item_in_hold and true or false) for name,cc in pairs(self.CC) do if cc:IsShown() then -- We don't want to trigger info box for cells belong to bag below picker area self.found_cell = cc:Update(self.item_info, no_info) or self.found_cell end end -- Unhighlight all cells if no cell is focused on if (self.found_cell) then self:SetHint(false) self:Picker_Update() return else self.item_info:Update() self:UnHighlight_All() end local show_hint = not self:Picker_Update() -- Hint for name,v in pairs(self.stat) do if show_hint and v and v.bar and v.bar:IsCursorOverWindow() then local str = self.stat_list[name].hint if str then -- Edited by Sota - add function that creates descr for HTS bars or outputs str line for other bars -- self:SetHint( gts(str) ) self:SetBarDescr(name, str) end return end end self:SetHint(false) end local max_hunger = 900 local max_thirst = 580 local max_sleep = 9 local clr_w = utils_xml.get_color("white") local clr_d = utils_xml.get_color("ui_gray_1") -- Added by Sota - creates a specific descr for HTS bars or outputs str line for other bars function UIInventory:SetBarDescr(bar, hint) if (bar == "hunger") then local hunger_prcnt = math.ceil( hint() * 100 ) local hunger_left = round_idp( hint() * max_hunger ) local hunger_need = round_idp( max_hunger - hint() * max_hunger ) self:SetHint( clr_d .. gts("st_hts_title_hunger") .. ": " .. clr_w .. hunger_prcnt .. "%\\n \\n" .. clr_d .. gts("st_hts_subtitle_left") .. ": " .. hunger_left .. " " .. gts("st_hts_unit_kcal") .. "\\n" .. gts("st_hts_subtitle_need") .. ": " .. hunger_need .. " " .. gts("st_hts_unit_kcal") ) elseif (bar == "thirst") then local thirst_prcnt = math.ceil( hint() * 100 ) local thirst_left = round_idp( hint() * max_thirst ) local thirst_need = round_idp( max_thirst - hint() * max_thirst ) self:SetHint( clr_d .. gts("st_hts_title_thirst") .. ": " .. clr_w .. thirst_prcnt .. "%\\n \\n" .. clr_d .. gts("st_hts_subtitle_left") .. ": " .. thirst_left .. " " .. gts("st_hts_unit_ml") .. "\\n" .. gts("st_hts_subtitle_need") .. ": " .. thirst_need .. " " .. gts("st_hts_unit_ml") ) elseif (bar == "sleep") then local sleep_prcnt = math.ceil( hint() * 100 ) local sleep_left = round_idp( hint() * max_sleep, 1 ) local sleep_need = round_idp( max_sleep - hint() * max_sleep, 1 ) self:SetHint( clr_d .. gts("st_hts_title_sleep") .. ": " .. clr_w .. sleep_prcnt .. "%\\n \\n" .. clr_d .. gts("st_hts_subtitle_left") .. ": " .. sleep_left .. " " .. gts("st_hts_unit_hours") .. "\\n" .. gts("st_hts_subtitle_need") .. ": " .. sleep_need .. " " .. gts("st_hts_unit_hours") ) else self:SetHint( gts(hint) ) end end function UIInventory:OnKeyboard(dik, keyboard_action) local res = CUIScriptWnd.OnKeyboard(self,dik,keyboard_action) if (res == false) then for bag, cc in pairs(self.CC) do if cc:IsShown() then cc:OnKeyboard(dik, keyboard_action) end end if keyboard_action == E_RELEASE then -- This is needed to close the picker when player press mouse 1 elsewhere if dik == K_M1 or dik == K_M2 then if (not self:Picker_IsFocused()) and (self.tg_m1 + 25 < time_global()) then self:Picker_Toggle(self.hover.bag, self.hover.idx) end -- Take/Put all (SHIFT + T/P) elseif (self.mode == "loot") and self.holding_shift then if (dik == DIK_keys.DIK_P) then self:LMode_PutAll() elseif (dik == DIK_keys.DIK_T) then self:LMode_TakeAll() end -- Refresh elseif dik == DIK_keys.DIK_F5 then if self.mode == "inventory" then self:IMode_Init() elseif self.mode == "loot" then self:LMode_Init(self:GetPartner()) elseif self.mode == "trade" then self:TMode_Init(self:GetPartner()) elseif self.mode == "repair" then self:RMode_Init(self:GetPartner()) end ------------------------------ elseif dik == K_CTRL then self.holding_ctrl = false elseif dik == K_SHFT then self.holding_shift = false end ------------------------------ elseif keyboard_action == E_PRESS then local bind = dik_to_bind(dik) ------------------------------ if dik == K_CTRL then self.holding_ctrl = true elseif dik == K_SHFT then self.holding_shift = true ------------------------------ -- Exit elseif (bind == key_bindings.kINVENTORY) or (bind == key_bindings.kUSE) then if keybind_pass() then self:Close() end -- Exit elseif dik == DIK_keys.DIK_ESCAPE then self:Close() -- PDA elseif bind == key_bindings.kACTIVE_JOBS then if (db.actor:item_in_slot(8)) then self:Close() if (get_console_cmd(1,"g_3d_pda")) then db.actor:activate_slot(8) else ActorMenu.get_pda_menu():ShowDialog(true) end end -- Sort tabs else for i=1,#self.sort_btn do -- Bartoche70 for my addon Bart's New Sorting Tabs --> To add a quick access for the tenth tab, 0 or keypad 0 -- if (dik == DIK_keys["DIK_" .. i]) or (dik == DIK_keys["DIK_NUMPAD" .. i]) then if (dik == DIK_keys["DIK_" .. i]) or (dik == DIK_keys["DIK_NUMPAD" .. i]) or i == 10 and ((dik == DIK_keys["DIK_0"]) or (dik == DIK_keys["DIK_NUMPAD0"])) then self:On_Sort(i,true) self:On_Sort(i) break end end end end end return res end function UIInventory:Close() self:Print(nil, "Close") -- Sound effect self:PlaySND(snd_close) self:HideDialog() self:Show(false) change_last_mode(0) Unregister_UI("UIInventory") end function UIInventory:Print(mark,fmt,...) --printf( (mark or "/") .. " UIInventory | " .. fmt, ...) end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------- function func_index(t,a,b) return (t[a].index) < (t[b].index) end function overrides() _G.hide_hud_inventory = ui_inventory.hide_actor_menu actor_menu_inventory.CUIActorMenu_OnHideActorMenu = ui_inventory.hide_inventory -- Get inventory menu _G.GetActorMenu = function() if (not GUI) then GUI = UIInventory() end return GUI end ui_companion_inv.start = function(npc) start("loot", npc) end end function hide_actor_menu() if GUI and GUI:IsShown() then GUI:Close() return true end local hud = get_hud() if (hud) then hud:HideActorMenu() return true end return false end function hide_inventory() if GUI and GUI:IsShown() then GUI:Close() end end function change_last_mode(mode) actor_menu.actor_menu_mode(mode) end function is_enabled() return enable_feature end