function item_recipe.UIRecipe:Reset(section) self.section = section local name = ui_item.get_sec_name(section) -- Edited by Sota -- self.cap_shadow:SetText( name ) self.cap:SetText( name ) -- Reset recipes empty_table( self:LoadRecipes() -- Clear scroll local xml = self.xml self.scroll:Clear() empty_table(self.cells) -- Collect valid items local itm_counter = {} function(temp, item) local sec = item:section() local cnt = IsItem("multiuse",nil,item) and item:get_remaining_uses() or 1 itm_counter[sec] = (itm_counter[sec] or 0) + cnt end) -- Edited by Sota -- local fnt = GetFontSmall() for i=1, do local _st = xml:InitStatic("recipe:form", nil) self.cells[i] = {} xml:InitFrame("recipe:list:frame_1", _st) xml:InitFrame("recipe:list:frame_2", _st) --xml:InitStatic("recipe:list:light", _st) --xml:InitStatic("recipe:list:arrow", _st) local line = xml:InitStatic("recipe:list:pic_line",_st) -- Edited by Sota -- line:InitTexture("ui_itm_line") local j=1 while true do if (j ~= 1) and (not[i][j-1]) then break end --xml_itm_shadow = xml:InitStatic("recipe:list:itm_" .. tostring(j) .. "_shadow", _st) --xml_itm_shadow:InitTexture("ui_button_light_h") local sec = (j == 1) and[i].sec or[i][j-1][1] local amount_req = (j == 1) and 1 or[i][j-1][2] local multi = 1 if IsItem("ammo",sec) then multi = IsItem("ammo",sec) end local txt = "" local clr = GetARGB(255, 255, 255, 255) if (j == 1) then txt = "x" .. (multi * amount_req) else txt = (multi * (itm_counter[sec] or 0)) .. "/" .. (multi * amount_req) -- Edited by Sota if ( (itm_counter[sec] or 0) >= amount_req ) then clr = GetARGB(255, 50, 255, 50) -- added red text color if not enough items else clr = GetARGB(255, 255, 50, 50) end end self.cells[i][j] = utils_ui.UICellItem( {path="container" , xml=xml , grid_size=35 } , { path="recipe:list:itm_" .. tostring(j) , base= _st } ) self.cells[i][j].showcase = 2 self.cells[i][j].disable_bar = true self.cells[i][j]:Set(sec) -- Edited by Sota - container with text can now be configured via xml file "ui_items_recipe.xml" -- self.cells[i][j]:Add_CustomText( txt, 4, nil, clr, fnt) self.cells[i][j].txt = xml:InitTextWnd("recipe:list:itm_" .. tostring(j), _st) self.cells[i][j].txt:SetText(txt) self.cells[i][j].txt:SetTextColor(clr) j = j + 1 end self.scroll:AddWindow(_st, true) _st:SetAutoDelete(true) end -- Showing toolkit icon if self.toolkit then self.cells_tool:Set(self.toolkit) end end