Actor Speed Config
Run speed multiplier
Multiplies actor running speed (when you move without any other key pressed) by the defined factor.
Sprint speed multiplier
Multiplies actor sprinting speed (when you move with the "Sprint" key pressed) by the defined factor.
Walk speed multiplier
Multiplies actor walking speed (when you move with the "Walk" key pressed) by the defined factor.
Crouch speed multiplier
Multiplies actor crouching speed (when you move with the "Crouch" key pressed) by the defined factor.
Prone speed multiplier
Multiplies actor proning speed (when you move with the "Walk + Crouch" key pressed) by the defined factor.
Climb speed multiplier
Multiplies actor climbing speed (when you climb a ladder) by the defined factor.
Walking while leaning speed multiplier
Multiplies actor walking speed while leaning (when you move with the "Walk + Lean left/right" key pressed) by the defined factor.
Walking while aiming speed multiplier
Multiplies actor walking speed while aiming (when you move with the "Aim" key pressed) by the defined factor.