-- hud_style -- INHERIT | -4 Aydin | -3 BHS | -2 EFP | -1 GAMMA | ======= | MAIN | 0 S2 | 1 minimalistic | 2 minimalistic no ammo counter -- GAMMA ui_config = { -- hides vanilla ammo counter and ammo icon ["ui/show_ammo_counter_hud"] = true, ["ui/show_ammo_icon_hud"] = false, } mcm_config = { -- hideGui, hides the vanilla firemode indicator ["fireModeCheck/hideGui"] = true, -- display modes: 3 Full - 1 text only - 2 image ["fireModeCheck/displayMode"] = 3, ["rax_ammo_check/hidecounter"] = false, ["rax_ammo_check/hideicon"] = true, } if magazines then mcm_config["rax_ammo_check/hidecounter"] = true ui_config["show_ammo_counter_hud"] = false end HUD = { style, ui_config, mcm_config } HUD.mcm_config = mcm_config HUD.ui_config = ui_config HUD.style = -1 function init_hud_style() end local function restore_mcm_settings() end function destroy_init_style() restore_mcm_settings() end function on_game_start() end