-- cache all existing barters, source of truth barters = {} -- list of all barters associated with trader (array index) trader_to_barter = {} -- track existing data when it comes to barters that have been partially completed n such, need to be reloaded, etc barter_mdata = { fixed = {}, -- limited restock = {}, -- resets on restock give_items = {} -- locks the current give item if there is a pool } local ini_barters = ini_file("barter\\importer.ltx") ini_parts = itms_manager.ini_parts gc = game.translate_string get_config = barter_mcm.get_config local dbg_log function print_dbg(msg, ...) -- printf("barter | %s | " .. msg, time_global(), ...) if get_config("debug") then dbg_log = dbg_log or mcm_log and mcm_log.new("DBG") if dbg_log then --dbg_log then dbg_log.enabled = true dbg_log:log( msg , ...) else printf( "barter: | %s | "..msg ,time_global(), ...) end end return nil end function get_desc(name) if ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "repeat") and ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "desc_done") and not check_limit(name) then return ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "desc_done") or "st_generic_done" else return ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "desc") or "st_ui_barter_rules" end end function npc_has_barter(npc) local name = npc and npc:section() or "" return trader_to_barter[name] and not is_empty(trader_to_barter[name]) end -- yoink function eval_func(f, ...) fc = str_explode(f, "%.") file, func = unpack(fc) if file and func and _G[file] and _G[file][func] then return _G[file][func](...) else print_dbg("Could not find function %s", f) end end local default_cond_funcs = { ["precondition"] = "barter_core.pre_std", ["postcondition"] = "barter_core.post_std", ["showcondition"] = "barter_core.check_pass", } -- barter name, "precondition"/*showocondition/"postcondition" function eval_barter(name, condition) conds = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, condition) if not conds then conds = default_cond_funcs[condition] or "barter_core.check_pass" end conds = str_explode(conds, ",") -- short circuit L->R evaluation local result = true for k,v in pairs(conds) do res = eval_func(v, name) if res then result = result and res else print_dbg("%s condition false", v) result = false end end return result end local repeat_ranks = { ["inf"] = 3, ["restock"] = 2, ["fixed"] = 1 } -- sorts barters function sort_func(a, b) -- goodwill or hard rank local a_rep = ini_barters:r_float_ex(a.name, "sort_rank") or ini_barters:r_float_ex(a.name, "goodwill") or 0 local b_rep = ini_barters:r_float_ex(b.name, "sort_rank") or ini_barters:r_float_ex(b.name, "goodwill") or 0 if a_rep ~= b_rep then return a_rep < b_rep end -- repeat type local a_type = ini_barters:r_string_ex(a.name, "repeat") or "inf" local b_type = ini_barters:r_string_ex(b.name, "repeat") or "inf" if a_type ~= b_type then return repeat_ranks[a_type] > repeat_ranks[b_type] end -- repeat limit local a_limit = ini_barters:r_float_ex(a.name, "limit") or 0 local b_limit = ini_barters:r_float_ex(b.name, "limit") or 0 if a_limit ~= b_limit then return a_limit > b_limit end -- cost return (SYS_GetParam(2, a.give.sec, "cost") * a.give.amt) > (SYS_GetParam(2, b.give.sec, "cost") * b.give.amt) end -- get barter list with data on each barter function get_barter_list(npc, random) if not npc_has_barter(npc) then return {} end local name = npc:section() print_dbg("Fetching list for %s", npc:character_name()) local barter_list = {} for k,v in pairs(trader_to_barter[name]) do print_dbg("Loading data for trade %s", v) local data = barter_get_data(v) if data and eval_barter(v, "showcondition") then table.insert(barter_list, data) end end table.sort(barter_list, sort_func) return barter_list end -- for a given barter, return data on barter eligibility and what items are taken function barter_get_data(name) -- eval precond local allowed = eval_barter(name, "precondition") -- eval items local data = {} copy_table(data, barters[name]) data.give = get_give_item(name) data.name = name -- sort rank is important as newlines will be inserted in differences between sort rank data.sort_rank = ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "sort_rank") or ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "goodwill") or 0 data.amt = data.limit and get_barter_amt(name) or nil local take_items = {} for k,v in pairs(data.take) do take_items[k] = { sec = k, ids = {}, amt = 0, limit = v } if k == "money" then take_items[k].amt = db.actor:money() end if IsItem("ammo", k) then take_items[k].limit = take_items[k].limit * SYS_GetParam(2, k, "box_size") end end db.actor:iterate_inventory(function(actor, item) local sec = item:section() local take_amt = data.take[sec] if not take_amt or take_amt == 0 then return end -- item specific stuff if IsItem("ammo", sec) and item:ammo_get_count() < item:ammo_box_size() then -- validate full box return end if item.condition then local cond_adj = math.ceil(item:condition()*100) if SYS_GetParam(1, item:section(), "cond_part") and cond_adj <= barter_mcm.get_config("cond_part") then return elseif cond_adj <= barter_mcm.get_config("cond") then -- validate max condition return end end local has_parts = ini_parts:r_string_ex("con_parts_list",sec) if has_parts then local parts = item_parts.get_parts_con(item, nil, true) local part_cond = barter_mcm.get_config("cond_part") for k,v in pairs(parts) do if string.find(v, "prt_") and v <= part_cond then return end end end -- process multiuse items local item_data = take_items[sec] if item_data.limit > item_data.amt then table.insert(item_data.ids, item:id()) end if IsItem("ammo", sec) then item_data.amt = item_data.amt + IsItem("ammo", sec) elseif IsItem("multiuse", sec) then item_data.amt = item_data.amt + item:get_remaining_uses() else item_data.amt = item_data.amt + 1 end end) if data.type == "anyOf" then local at_least_one = false for k,v in pairs(take_items) do print_dbg("Actor has %s of %s of item %s for barter",v.amt, v.limit, k) if v.amt >= v.limit then at_least_one = true end end allowed = allowed and at_least_one else for k,v in pairs(take_items) do print_dbg("Actor has %s of %s of item %s for barter",v.amt, v.limit, k) if v.limit > v.amt then allowed = false end end end print_dbg("Barter allowance for %s is %s", name, allowed) data.allowed = allowed local take_items_indx = {} for k,v in pairs(take_items) do table.insert(take_items_indx, v) end data.take_items = take_items_indx return data end local clr_g = utils_xml.get_color("d_green") local clr_r = utils_xml.get_color("d_red") local clr_1 = utils_xml.get_color("ui_gray_2") local clr_2 = utils_xml.get_color("ui_gray_1") function build_string(name) local str = "" local funcs = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "precond_text") or "barter_core.str_std" funcs = str_explode(funcs, ",") table.sort(funcs) for k,v in pairs(funcs) do val = eval_func(v, name) if val then if type(val) ~= "table" then val = {val} end for k,v in pairs(val) do str = str .. " " .. gc("st_dot") .. " " .. v .. " \\n" end end end return str end function safe_insert(tbl, itm) if itm then table.insert(tbl, itm) end end function str_any(name) if barters[name].type == "anyOf" then return gc("st_barter_anyOf") end end function str_limit(name) local rep = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "repeat") if rep then local b_done = barter_mdata[rep][name] or 0 local b_limit = ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "limit") or 0 local clr = b_done < b_limit and clr_g or clr_r return gc("st_barter_limit") .. clr .. " " ..b_done .. "/" .. b_limit .. clr_2 .. " " .. gc("st_barter_"..rep) end end function str_goodwill(name) local faction = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "faction") local rep = ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "goodwill") or 0 if faction and rep > 0 then local actor_goodwill = relation_registry.community_goodwill(faction, AC_ID) or 0 local clr = actor_goodwill < rep and clr_r or clr_g return gc(faction) .. " " .. gc("st_barter_goodwill") .. " " .. clr .. actor_goodwill .. "/" .. rep .. clr_2 end end function str_mutant(name) local count = ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "kill_cnt") if count then local current = game_statistics.get_statistic_count("killed_monsters") or 0 local clr = current < count and clr_r or clr_g return gc("st_mutants_killed") .. " " .. clr .. current .. "/" .. count .. clr_2 end end function str_std(name) local str = {} if ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "repeat") then safe_insert(str, str_limit(name)) end if ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "faction") then safe_insert(str, str_goodwill(name)) end if ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "has_info") then safe_insert(str, gc("st_barter_info")) end if barters[name].type == "anyOf" then safe_insert(str, gc("st_barter_anyOf")) else safe_insert(str, gc("st_barter_allOf")) end return str end local function str_toolkit(lv) return gc("st_barter_toolkit"..lv) end function str_toolkit1(name) return str_toolkit(1) end function str_toolkit2(name) return str_toolkit(2) end function str_toolkit3(name) return str_toolkit(3) end local function remove(item) if item.sec == "money" then db.actor:give_money(-1 * item.limit) else local limit = item.limit print_dbg("Taking %s of item %s", item.limit, item.sec) for i=1,#item.ids do if IsItem("multiuse", item.sec) then local obj = level.object_by_id(item.ids[i]) local to_discharge = clamp(limit, 0, obj:get_remaining_uses()) limit = limit - to_discharge utils_item.discharge(obj, to_discharge) else alife_release_id(item.ids[i]) end end end end -- assume that the player has filled their end of the bargain and wants to execute on the bargain function do_barter(name, give, items, ind) print_dbg("Performing barter %s, index %s", name, ind) if ind and barters[name].type == "anyOf" then remove(items[ind]) else for k,v in pairs(items) do remove(v) end end if IsItem("multiuse", give.sec) then local max_uses = SYS_GetParam(2, give.sec, "max_uses") local count = give.amt or max_uses while count > 0 do local uses = clamp(count, 0, max_uses) alife_create_item(give.sec, db.actor, {["uses"] = uses}) count = clamp(count - max_uses, 0, count) end else local amt = give.amt or 1 for i=1,amt do local meta = {} if give.type then meta[give.type] = give.meta end alife_create_item(give.sec, db.actor, meta) end end eval_barter(name, "postcondition") end function get_barter_amt(name) local rep = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "repeat") if not rep then return end print_dbg("Barter refresh type is %s", rep) local barter_sub = rep == "fixed" and barter_mdata.fixed or barter_mdata.restock if not barter_sub[name] then barter_sub[name] = 0 end return barter_sub[name] end function get_give_str(give) str = ui_item.get_sec_name(give.sec) if give.type then str = str .. ", " .. gc("st_barter_"..give.type) ..give.meta .. " " -- pluralize later end if give.amt > 1 then str = str .. " (x" .. give.amt .. ")" end return str end -- barter condition functions -- return true if barter is allowed (before even checking items to take) -- check against rep level function check_goodwill(name) -- return true local faction = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "faction") if not faction then return true end faction = str_explode(faction, ",") local rep = ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "goodwill") or 0 for i,fac in pairs(faction) do if relation_registry.community_goodwill(fac, AC_ID) < rep then return false end end return true end -- function check_supply_lv(name) -- local trade_lv = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "supply_lvl") -- if not trade_lv then return true end -- local npc = mob_trade.GetTalkingNpc() -- local lv = trader_autoinject.supply_level(npc, true) -- return lv >= trade_lv -- end -- check against limit with variable refresh rate function check_limit(name) if not barter_mdata.fixed then barter_mdata.fixed = {} end if not barter_mdata.restock then barter_mdata.restock = {} end local barter_amt = get_barter_amt(name) if not barter_amt then return end local limit = barters[name].limit--ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "limit") return barter_amt < limit end function check_info(name) local info = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "has_info") if info then info = str_explode(info, ",") else return true end for i,v in pairs(info) do if not db.actor:has_info(v) then return false end end return true end -- check all basic preconds function pre_std(name) if ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "repeat") and not check_limit(name) then return false end if ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "faction") and not check_goodwill(name) then return false end if ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "has_info") and not check_info(name) then return false end return true end function kill_mutant(name) local count = ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "kill_cnt") if count then local current = game_statistics.get_statistic_count("killed_monsters") or 0 return current >= count end end local function check_toolkit(lv) local npc = mob_trade.GetTalkingNpc() return has_alife_info(npc:section() .. "_upgrade_tier_" .. tostring(lv)) end function check_toolkit1(name) return check_toolkit(1) end function check_toolkit2(name) return check_toolkit(2) end function check_toolkit3(name) return check_toolkit(3) end -- allow function check_pass(name) return true end -- postconds function increment_limit(name) local rep = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "repeat") if not rep then return end if not barter_mdata.fixed then barter_mdata.fixed = {} end if not barter_mdata.restock then barter_mdata.restock = {} end local limit = ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "limit") or 0 local barter_sub = rep == "fixed" and barter_mdata.fixed or barter_mdata.restock if not barter_sub[name] then barter_sub[name] = 1 else barter_sub[name] = clamp(barter_sub[name] + 1, 0, limit) end end function give_info(name) local info = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "give_info") if not info then return end db.actor:give_info_portion(info) end function post_std(name) if ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "repeat") then increment_limit(name) end if ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "give_info") then give_info(name) end end function trader_on_restock(npc) local sec = npc:section() if not trader_to_barter[sec] then return end if not barter_mdata.fixed then barter_mdata.fixed = {} end if not barter_mdata.restock then barter_mdata.restock = {} end if not barter_mdata.give_items then barter_mdata.give_items = {} end for k,v in pairs(trader_to_barter[sec]) do if barter_mdata.restock[v] then -- also rotate items barter_mdata.restock[v] = 0 end barter_mdata.give_items[v] = false end end local function parse_barterstring(str) local temp = str_explode(str, ",") local t = {} for k,v in pairs(temp) do local group = str_explode(v, ":") local item = group[1] local uses = group[2] if not uses or uses == "full" then if IsItem("multiuse", item) then uses = IsItem("multiuse", item) else uses = 1 end end t[item] = tonumber(uses) end return t end function check_addon(addon) if not addon then return true end if addon:sub(1, 1) == "!" then return not _G[addon:sub(2)] else return _G[addon] end end function get_give_item(name) local to_give = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "give") to_give = str_explode(to_give, ",") local give if #to_give > 1 then -- search up cached if exists, select and cache if not if not barter_mdata.give_items then barter_mdata.give_items = {} end if not barter_mdata.give_items[name] then barter_mdata.give_items[name] = to_give[math.random(#to_give)] end give = barter_mdata.give_items[name] else give = to_give[1] end give = str_explode(give, ":") give_t = { sec = give[1] } if IsItem("multiuse", give_t.sec) then give_t.amt = tonumber(give[2]) or SYS_GetParam(2, give_t.sec, "max_uses") else give_t.amt = tonumber(give[2]) or 1 end local meta = ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "give_meta") if meta then give_t.meta = meta if IsItem("ammo", give_t.sec) and give_t.meta <= SYS_GetParam(2, give_t.sec, "box_size") then give_t.type = "ammo" elseif (IsItem("outfit", give_t.sec) or IsItem("helmet", give_t.sec) or (string.find(give_t.sec, "wpn_") and not IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn", give_t.sec))) and give_t.meta <= 100 then give_t.type = "cond" end end return give_t end -- cycle through all barters and load only valid ones in local function validate_barters() ini_barters:section_for_each(function(name) print_dbg("Parsing barter %s", name) local npc = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "trader") local give = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "give") local addon = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "addon") if not check_addon(addon) then print_dbg("Barter %s failed check for addon %s", name, addon) return end if not give then print_dbg("Barter %s has no give item", name) return end give = str_explode(give, ",") -- validate each item for k,v in pairs(give) do g = str_explode(v, ":") if not g[1] or (g[1] ~= "money" and not ini_sys:section_exist(g[1])) then print_dbg("Barter %s attempted to add nonexistant give item %s", name, g[1]) return false end end local take = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "take") if not take then print_dbg("Barter %s has no take items", name) return end take = parse_barterstring(take) for k,v in pairs(take) do if (k ~= "money" and not ini_sys:section_exist(k)) then print_dbg("Barter %s attempted to add nonexistant take item %s", name, k) return end end local data = { -- give = give_t, take = take, } local restricted = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "restricted") if restricted then restricted = str_explode(restricted, ",") data.restricted = t2k_table(restricted) end data.type = ini_barters:r_string_ex(name, "type") or "allOf" data.limit = ini_barters:r_float_ex(name, "limit") if not trader_to_barter[npc] then trader_to_barter[npc] = {} end table.insert(trader_to_barter[npc], name) barters[name] = data end) end local function save_state(mdata) mdata.barter_mdata = barter_mdata end local function load_state(mdata) barter_mdata = mdata.barter_mdata or {} end function actor_on_first_update() validate_barters() end function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("save_state",save_state) RegisterScriptCallback("load_state",load_state) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_first_update", actor_on_first_update) RegisterScriptCallback("trader_on_restock", trader_on_restock) end