-- try with barter ui lol gc = game.translate_string print_dbg = barter_core.print_dbg -- imports get_barter_list = barter_core.get_barter_list barter_get_data = barter_core.barter_get_data build_string = barter_core.build_string do_barter = barter_core.do_barter get_desc = barter_core.get_desc npc_has_barter = barter_core.npc_has_barter -- temp way to start trade window ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GUI = nil -- instance, don't touch function start() local hud = get_hud() if (hud) then hide_hud_inventory() end if (not GUI) then GUI = UIBarter() end if (GUI) and (not GUI:IsShown()) then GUI:Reset() GUI:ShowDialog(true) Register_UI("UIBarter","barter_ui") end end function ui_inventory.UIInventory:InitBarterButton() self.npc_barter_btn = self.xml:Init3tButton("npc:trade_delimiter:trade_buy_button", self.npc_trade) local weight = self.npc_trade_weight:GetWndPos() -- printf("trade button at %s %s, delimter at %s %s", pos.x, pos.y, rcoord.x, rcoord.y) local pos = self.npc_barter_btn:GetWndPos() self.npc_barter_btn:SetWndPos(vector2():set( weight.x + 20 , -- TODO: Add sliders in MCM to adjust button position pos.y )) self.npc_barter_btn:TextControl():SetText(game.translate_string("st_ui_mm_barter")) self:Register(self.npc_barter_btn, "barter") self:InitBarterButtonCallback() local npc = mob_trade.GetTalkingNpc() local enable = npc_has_barter(npc) self.npc_barter_btn:Enable(enable) end function ui_inventory.UIInventory:InitBarterButtonCallback() self:AddCallback("barter", ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, start, self) end function GUI_on_show(name, path) local instance = ui_inventory.GUI if name ~= "UIInventory" or (not instance ) then return end if (not instance.npc_barter_btn) then instance:InitBarterButton() end local partner = instance:GetPartner() instance.npc_barter_btn:Show(partner and npc_has_barter(partner)) end function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("GUI_on_show", GUI_on_show) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class "UIBarter" (CUIScriptWnd) function UIBarter:__init(obj,section) super() self.section = section self.obj = obj -- Reload settings self.clr_b = utils_xml.get_color("pda_blue") self:InitControls() self:InitCallBacks() end function UIBarter:__finalize() end function UIBarter:InitControls() self:SetWndRect (Frect():set(0,0,1024,768)) self:SetAutoDelete(true) self.xml = CScriptXmlInit() local xml = self.xml xml:ParseFile ("ui_barter.xml") self.dialog = xml:InitStatic("barter", self) xml:InitStatic("barter:background", self.dialog) self.cap_menu = xml:InitTextWnd("barter:cap_tab" , self.dialog) self.cap = {} self.b_inv = {} self.b_item = {} self.list = {} -- List of items self.cell_item = {} -- infobox (rename) self.cell_scroll = {} -- infobox scroll (rename) self.text_item = {} -- Item to be traded for self.CC = {} for i=1,2 do self.cap[i] = xml:InitStatic("barter:cap_barter_" .. tostring(i),self.dialog) self.b_inv[i] = xml:InitStatic("barter:back_inv_" .. tostring(i) , self.dialog) self.b_item[i] = xml:InitStatic("barter:back_item_" .. tostring(i) , self.dialog) self.text_item[i] = xml:InitTextWnd("barter:text_item_" .. tostring(i) , self.dialog) self.cell_item[i] = xml:InitTextWnd("barter:box_item_" .. tostring(i) , nil) self.cell_scroll[i] = xml:InitScrollView("barter:scroll_desc_" .. tostring(i) , self.dialog) self.cell_scroll[i]:AddWindow(self.cell_item[i], true) self.cell_item[i]:SetAutoDelete(false) self.CC[i] = barter_cellcont.UIBarterCellContainer(i, self, nil, "barter:cont_inv_" .. tostring(i), self.dialog) self.CC[i].can_select = true self.CC[i].disable_drag = true self.CC[i].showcase = true self.CC[i]:SetGridSpecs(35, 2) end self.CC[1].sort_method = "none" self.CC[2].sort_method = "none" self.item_info = utils_ui.UIInfoItem(self, 1000) -- Main icon - change to npc face self.box_item_main = xml:InitStatic("barter:pic_item_main" , self.dialog) self.box_item_main_temp = xml:InitStatic("barter:pic_item_main" , self.dialog) -- Main Buttons self.btn_barter = xml:Init3tButton("barter:btn_barter", self.dialog) self:Register(self.btn_barter,"btn_barter") self.btn_cancel = xml:Init3tButton("barter:btn_back", self.dialog) self:Register(self.btn_cancel,"btn_cancel") end function UIBarter:InitCallBacks() self:AddCallback("btn_barter", ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.OnBarter, self) self:AddCallback("btn_cancel", ui_events.BUTTON_CLICKED, self.OnCancel, self) end function UIBarter:Reset() local npc = mob_trade.GetTalkingNpc() self.section = npc:section() -- Settings self.barter_frame = "ui_itm_repair_1" self.barters = get_barter_list(npc) -- barters for this npc self.index_barter = {} -- self.selected = "" -- currently selected barter -- Elements self.CC[2]:Reset() self.text_item[1]:SetText("") self.text_item[2]:SetText("") self.cell_item[1]:SetText("") self.cell_item[2]:SetText("") self.btn_barter:Enable(false) -- string.format(gc("st_ui_barter_rules"), get_config("cond")) local to_show = true --self.use_parts and true or false self.cap[2]:Show(to_show) self.b_inv[2]:Show(to_show) self.b_item[2]:Show(to_show) self.text_item[2]:Show(to_show) self.CC[2]:Show(to_show) -- Set npc face if npc:section() == "m_trader" then self.box_item_main:InitTexture( "ui_saff" ) else self.box_item_main:InitTexture( npc:character_icon() ) end -- Set npc trader name self.cap_menu:SetText(gc(npc:character_name())) -- Show barters self:InitInventory(1) -- Hide active item actor_effects.toggle_active_slot(0) end local clr_g = utils_xml.get_color("d_green", true) local clr_r = utils_xml.get_color("d_red", true) function UIBarter:InitInventory(n) local inv = {} local inf = {} -- get all the barters for this npc -- gray out items and make unclickable if not valid if n == 1 then local prev_rank = nil for k,v in pairs(self.barters) do -- custom cell container supports adding 'newlines' which will force subsequent items to start occupying the next line -- default behavior segments based on sort rank if not prev_rank then prev_rep = v.sort_rank end if prev_rank ~= v.sort_rank then inv[#inv+1] = "newline" inf[#inf+1] = "" prev_rank = v.sort_rank end inv[#inv+1] = v.give.sec inf[#inf+1] = v.amt and v.amt .. "/" .. v.limit or "" end self.CC[1]:Reinit(inv, inf) -- colorize what can be traded for for i,ci in pairs(self.CC[1].cell) do if ci:IsShown() then local b = self.barters[ci.indx] if b.allowed then ci:Colorize("def") else ci:Colorize("hide") end if ci.flags.info ~= "" then local clr = b.amt < b.limit and clr_g or clr_r ci:Add_CustomText(ci.flags.info, nil, nil, clr, fnt) end end end -- get all the required items to exchange, grayed out if requirements not met elseif n == 2 then -- assume self.selected has the selected barter if not self.selected then return end local barter_data = self.barters[self.selected] local take = barter_data.take_items for i=1,#take do if take[i].sec == "money" then inv[#inv+1] = "money_1000_5000" inf[#inf+1] = take[i].limit else inv[#inv+1] = take[i].sec inf[#inf+1] = take[i].amt .. "/" .. take[i].limit end end -- second arg to reinit paints the numbered cell with the appropriate text self.CC[2]:Reinit(inv, inf) local fnt = GetFontSmall() for i,ci in pairs(self.CC[2].cell) do if ci:IsShown() then local data = take[ci.indx] local clr = clr_r if data.amt < data.limit then ci:Colorize("hide") else ci:Colorize("def") clr = clr_g end ci:Add_CustomText(ci.flags.info, nil, nil, clr, fnt) end end end end function UIBarter:Update() CUIScriptWnd.Update(self) -- Warning messages timer if (self.msg_wnd_timer and time_global() > self.msg_wnd_timer) then self.msg_wnd_timer = nil self.msg_wnd:Show(false) end -- Updating item info box and item cell containers local found_cell = false for name,cc in pairs(self.CC) do found_cell = cc:Update(self.item_info) or found_cell end if (not found_cell) then self.item_info:Update() end end -- Callbacks function UIBarter:On_CC_Mouse1(cont, idx) -- idx is the cell clicked, check index_barter to determine name local ci = self.CC[cont].cell[idx] if ci then self:OnItemSelect(cont) if cont == 1 then self:InitInventory(2) end end end -- set the text box to be scrolly n shit function UIBarter:SetWindowText(n, str) self.cell_item[n]:SetText(str) self.cell_item[n]:AdjustHeightToText() self.cell_item[n]:SetWndSize(vector2():set(self.cell_item[n]:GetWidth(),self.cell_item[n]:GetHeight()+10)) self.cell_scroll[n]:Clear() self.cell_scroll[n]:AddWindow(self.cell_item[n], true) self.cell_item[n]:SetAutoDelete(false) end function UIBarter:OnItemSelect(n) local obj_1 = self.CC[1]:GetCell_Selected() local idx = obj_1.indx if n == 1 then self.selected = idx -- -- Text (Name) local give = self.barters[self.selected].give local name = barter_core.get_give_str(give) -- set name of barter give item self.text_item[n]:SetText(name) self:SetWindowText(1, gc(get_desc(self.barters[self.selected].name))) self:SetWindowText(2, build_string(self.barters[self.selected].name)) if self.barters[self.selected].type == "allOf" then self.btn_barter:Enable(self.barters[self.selected].allowed) else self.btn_barter:Enable(false) end else -- for anyof barters, if the selected item is sufficient use that local barter_data = self.barters[self.selected] if barter_data.type ~= "anyOf" then return end -- check if the selected cell is full local obj_n = self.CC[n]:GetCell_Selected() local n_indx = obj_n.indx local take = barter_data.take_items[n_indx] print_dbg("Any of check index %s, selected item %s", n_indx, take.sec) local name = ui_item.get_sec_name(take.sec) -- set name of barter give item self.text_item[n]:SetText(name) self.btn_barter:Enable(take.amt >= take.limit and barter_data.allowed) end end function UIBarter:OnBarter() local obj_1 = self.CC[1]:GetCell_Selected() local obj_2 = self.CC[2]:GetCell_Selected() do_barter(self.barters[self.selected].name, self.barters[self.selected].give, self.barters[self.selected].take_items, obj_2 and obj_2.indx) -- consider resetting ui? self.CC[1]:Reset() CreateTimeEvent("barter", math.random(69), 0, function() self:Reset() return true end) end function UIBarter:OnKeyboard(dik, keyboard_action) local res = CUIScriptWnd.OnKeyboard(self,dik,keyboard_action) if (res == false) then for i=1,#self.CC do if self.CC[i]:IsShown() then self.CC[i]:OnKeyboard(dik, keyboard_action) end end local bind = dik_to_bind(dik) if keyboard_action == ui_events.WINDOW_KEY_PRESSED then if dik == DIK_keys.DIK_ESCAPE then self:OnCancel() end end end return res end function UIBarter:OnCancel() utils_obj.play_sound("interface\\inv_close") self:HideDialog() Unregister_UI("UIBarter") end