function turn_off_lamp(obj_id) local obj = get_object_by_id(obj_id) if not (obj) then return end if not (obj.get_hanging_lamp) then return end if not hf_obj_manager.get_data(obj_id).is_on then obj:get_hanging_lamp():turn_off() end return true end local function get_time_elapsed() return game.get_game_time():diffSec(level.get_start_time()) end gc = game.translate_string --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Physic objects binding ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local lights = {} local switch = false local psi_influence_clsid = { [clsid.poltergeist_s] = true, [clsid.controller_s] = true, } function need_flicker(lamp_obj) -- Flicker on Emission Wave or Vortex if (level_environment.get_light_flicker()) then return true end -- Flicker if Psi Mutant nearby local psi_influence = false local function iterate_func(obj) if (obj and psi_influence_clsid[obj:clsid()] and obj:alive()) then psi_influence = true return true end end level.iterate_nearest(lamp_obj:position(), 15, iterate_func) if psi_influence then return true end return switch end function init(obj) obj:bind_object(placeable_light_wrapper(obj).binder) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class "placeable_light_wrapper" (bind_hf_base.hf_binder_wrapper) function placeable_light_wrapper:__init(obj) super(obj) lights[obj:id()] = "light_flicker" -- Get paths to sound files local section = self.object:section() self.humming_snd_path = ini_sys:r_string_ex(section,"snd_on") self.turn_on_snd_path = ini_sys:r_string_ex(section,"snd_turn_on") self.turn_off_snd_path = ini_sys:r_string_ex(section,"snd_turn_off") self.particle_path = ini_sys:r_string_ex(section,"particle") self.hide_bone_off = ini_sys:r_string_ex(section,"hide_bone_off") if self.particle_path then self.particles = particles_object(self.particle_path) end self.object:set_tip_text(gc("st_interact")) = time_global() self.time_last = get_time_elapsed() -- used to keep track of time difference in between updates self.max_duration = ini_sys:r_string_ex(section,"fuel_duration")*3600 -- get data local data = hf_obj_manager.get_data(obj:id()) self.fuel = data and data.condition or 1 self.infinite_fuel = data and data.is_world_obj self.last_state = data and data.is_on or false -- Turn off lamp is light is turned off CreateTimeEvent("hf_light", "turn_off_"..obj:id(), 0, turn_off_lamp, obj:id()) end function placeable_light_wrapper:update(delta) bind_hf_base.hf_binder_wrapper.update(self, delta) self.object:set_callback(callback.death, placeable_light_wrapper.death_callback, self) local lamp_obj = self.object:get_hanging_lamp() local is_flickering = lamp_obj:is_flickering() local is_on = hf_obj_manager.get_data(self.object:id()).is_on if (self.fuel <= 0.0 or not is_on) then if lamp_obj:is_on() then lamp_obj:turn_off() end else if not lamp_obj:is_on() then lamp_obj:turn_on() end end if (self.last_state ~= is_on) then -- Play humming sound if (is_on) then if (self.humming == nil and self.humming_snd_path) then self.humming = sound_object(self.humming_snd_path) end if (self.humming ~= nil and not self.humming:playing()) then self.humming:play_at_pos(self.object, self.object:position(), 0, sound_object.s3d + sound_object.looped) self.humming.volume = 0.0 self.humming_max = time_global() + 5000 end -- 'Turn on' sound if self.turn_on_snd_path then sound_object(self.turn_on_snd_path):play_no_feedback(self.object, sound_object.s3d, 0, self.object:position(), math.random(5,8), random_float(0.9, 1.1)) end -- Show bone when on if self.hide_bone_off then self.object:set_bone_visible(self.hide_bone_off, true, true, false) end -- Stop humming sound else if (self.humming ~= nil and self.humming:playing()) then self.humming:stop() end -- 'Turn off' sound if self.turn_off_snd_path then sound_object(self.turn_off_snd_path):play_no_feedback(self.object, sound_object.s3d, 0, self.object:position(), random_float(0.5, 0.9), random_float(0.9, 1.1)) end -- Hide bone when off if self.hide_bone_off then self.object:set_bone_visible(self.hide_bone_off, false, true, false) end end end self.last_state = is_on -- Slow Startup for Humming Sound if (self.humming ~= nil and self.humming:playing() and (self.humming_max > time_global())) then self.humming.volume = 0.6 - (self.humming_max - time_global()) / 5000.0 end local needflicker = need_flicker(self.object) if (needflicker and not is_flickering) then -- color animator flicker on/off chance on/off base time color animator fps lamp_obj:set_color_animator(lights[self.object:id()], true, math.random(25,75), random_float(0.75,1.75), math.random(10,20)) elseif (not needflicker and is_flickering) then lamp_obj:reset_color_animator() end if (self.humming ~= nil and self.humming:playing()) then self.humming:set_position(self.object:position()) end local time_current = get_time_elapsed() local time_diff = time_current - self.time_last if is_on then -- Create and move particles to bone_light if self.particle_path then if not self.particles:playing() then self.particles:play_at_pos(self.object:bone_position("bone_light")) end self.particles:move_to(self.object:bone_position("bone_light"), VEC_Z) end -- Deplete light fuel by adjusting condition if not self.infinite_fuel then self.fuel = self.fuel - (time_diff / self.max_duration) end else -- Stop particles if turned off if self.particles and self.particles:playing() then self.particles:stop() end end self.time_last = time_current self:save_data() end function placeable_light_wrapper:net_destroy() self:save_data() if (self.humming) then self.humming:stop() self.humming = nil end if self.particles and self.particles:playing() then self.particles:stop() end lights[self.object:id()] = nil end function placeable_light_wrapper:death_callback(victim, who) if (self.humming) then self.humming:stop() self.humming = nil end lights[self.object:id()] = nil end function placeable_light_wrapper:save_data() hf_obj_manager.update_data(self.object:id(), { condition = self.fuel }) end