function level_input.action_quick_load(self, dik, bind) local flags = {} -- You must check in your callback, and set flags.ret = true if an action took place flags.ret = false SendScriptCallback("on_before_load_input", dik, bind, flags) if (flags.ret == true) then return true end if not (device():is_paused()) then device():pause(true) end local flist = getFS():file_list_open_ex("$game_saves$", bit_or(FS.FS_ListFiles, FS.FS_RootOnly), "*" .. ui_load_dialog.saved_game_extension) local f_cnt = flist and flist:Size() or 0 if (f_cnt > 0) then flist:Sort(FS.FS_sort_by_modif_down) for it = 0, f_cnt - 1 do local file_name = flist:GetAt(it):NameFull():sub(0, -6):lower() -- grab last modified save if true then exec_console_cmd("load " .. file_name) return true end end end return true end