function on_game_start() base_craft = ui_workshop.UIWorkshopCraft.Craft function ui_workshop.UIWorkshopCraft:Craft() for idx,v in pairs(self.craft_item) do local sec -- Save item section if it's degradable local item = level.object_by_id(self.craft_item[idx][1]) if item and utils_item.is_degradable(item) then sec = item:section() end if sec then -- Save # of item needed. Empty craft table local craft_cnt = #self.craft_item[idx] self.craft_item[idx] = {} local cond_sort_list = {} -- Make list of the same items on actor local function search(temp, item) if item:section() == sec then cond_sort_list[item:id()] = item:condition() end end,nil) -- Sort item list by condition ascending and add the first items to craft table local counter = 1 for id, cond in spairs(cond_sort_list, value_sort_ascending) do self.craft_item[idx][#self.craft_item[idx] + 1] = id counter = counter + 1 if counter > craft_cnt then break end end end end base_craft(self) end end function value_sort_ascending(t, a, b) return t[a] < t[b] end