---==================================================================================================================--- --- --- --- Original Author(s) : RavenAscendant --- --- Edited : NLTP_ASHES --- --- Date : 17/04/2023 --- --- License : Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) --- --- --- --- Script used to define the options in MCM. --- --- --- --- If you do not have MCM installed, you can directly modify the values in the 'defaults' table just bellow. --- --- Note that editing that table will require you to reload your save before changes can take effect. --- --- --- ---==================================================================================================================--- -- If you don't use MCM, change your defaults from here. local defaults = { ["guided_surge"] = false, ["guided_tasks"] = false, ["heli_attack"] = DIK_keys.DIK_K, ["rangefinder_nv"] = DIK_keys.DIK_J, ["magazine_psi_regen"] = 1.0, ["corpse_loot_factor"] = 1.0, ["trader_loot_factor"] = 1.0, ["max_item_per_corpse"] = 5, ["debug_mode"] = false, ["addon_removal"] = false, } --- Function used to get a given setting defined in MCM. --- If MCM isn't installed, it will default back to a value in defaults table. --- @param key string --- @return any function get_config(key) if ui_mcm then return ui_mcm.get("western_goods/"..key) else return defaults[key] end end --- Function used to set the value of a given setting defined in MCM. --- If MCM isn't installed, it will temporarily change the value of the setting in the defaults table. --- @param key string --- @return any function set_config(key,value) if ui_mcm then return ui_mcm.set("western_goods/"..key, value) else defaults[key] = value end end --- MCM UI definition. --- @return table function on_mcm_load() op = { id="western_goods", sh=true, gr={ { id="title", type="slide", text="ui_mcm_western_goods_title", link="ui_options_slider_disguise", spacing=20, size={512,50} }, { type="title", text="ui_mcm_western_goods_general_settings_title" }, { id="guided_surge", type="check", val=1, def=false }, { id="guided_tasks", type="check", val=1, def=false }, { id="magazine_psi_regen", type="track", val=2, def=1.0, min=0.25, max=2.0, step=0.25 }, { id="divider", type="line" }, { type="title", text="ui_mcm_western_goods_keybindings_title" }, { id="heli_attack", type="key_bind", val=2, def=DIK_keys.DIK_K }, { id="rangefinder_nv", type="key_bind", val=2, def=DIK_keys.DIK_J }, { id="divider", type="line" }, { type="title", text="ui_mcm_western_goods_loot_settings_title" }, { id="trader_loot_factor", type="track", val=2, def=1.0, min=0.0, max=2.0, step=0.25 }, { id="corpse_loot_factor", type="track", val=2, def=1.0, min=0.0, max=2.0, step=0.25 }, { id="max_item_per_corpse", type="track", val=2, def=5, min=0, max=5, step=1 }, { id="divider", type="line" }, --{ type="title", text="ui_mcm_western_goods_compatibility_title" }, --{ id="divider", type="line" }, { type="title", text="ui_mcm_western_goods_technical_settings_title" }, { id="debug_mode", type="check", val=1, def=false }, { id="addon_removal", type="check", val=1, def=false }, } } return op end -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Device Selector Key Integration -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if detector_selector_mcm then detector_selector_mcm.categories.wg_gps = { devices = { ["wg_gps"] = 1 }, defaults = {keybind = DIK_keys.DIK_B, modifier = 2, second_key = 1} } detector_selector_mcm.categories.wg_minedetect = { devices = { ["wg_minedetect"] = 1 }, defaults = {keybind = DIK_keys.DIK_B, modifier = 2, second_key = 2} } end