; AtmosFear 3 by Cromm Cruac ; Tronex ; 2018/2019 ; Global Weather ; support for Weather cycles and presets ; Every cycle has presets, those presets represent the weather files (match their names so the script will read them correctly) ; You can have as much as you want of cycles and presets for them ; Example of weather preset/profile: w_cloudy.ltx ; Naming rule: w_(cycle preset)_(moon pharse) ; Directory: environment\weathers\ ; cycle preset: a name of your choice, its better to have the cycle name included. like foggy_01 and foggy_02 ; moon pharse: only needed for clear and partly presets, used to detemind the moon pharse for the weather preset ; NOTE: add your new presets to [dof_kernels] section too, this will help with extra weather effects based on preset parameters (and prevent crashes) ;------------------------------------------ ;-- Weather cycles ;------------------------------------------ [weather_cycles] clear partly cloudy rain storm foggy ;------------------------------------------ ;-- Presets per cycle ;------------------------------------------ [cycle_clear] w_clear1 w_clear2 [cycle_partly] w_partly1 w_partly2 [cycle_cloudy] w_cloudy1 w_cloudy2_dark w_cloudy3_dark [cycle_rain] w_rain1 w_rain2 w_rain3 w_cloudy3 [cycle_storm] w_storm1 w_storm2 [cycle_foggy] w_foggy1 w_foggy2 w_foggy3 [cycle_pre_blowout] ;-- special, only used before emission/psi-storm event w_foggy2 ;------------------------------------------ ;-- Weather parameter modifiers ;------------------------------------------ ; These are modifiers for weather color parameters, they are picked based on brightness choice from weather settings then applied to weather parameters when game is loaded ; You can boost a weather parameter value by brightness, renderer, weather like this: ; [index].[renderer].[weather].[parameter] = [value] , [hour1]:[hour2]:[hour3]:[hour4]... ; [index]: doesn't serve any purpose except for having unlimited keys, in case you have identical lines ; [renderer]: you can specify modifiers by used renderer, for example "r2" will apply the modifier only on r2 (DX9). use "rr" if you want to apply a modifer regardless of the used renderer ; [weather]: you can specify a weather profile to be affected by a modifier, for example "w_rain2" will apply the modifier only for w_rain2. use "all" if you want to apply a modifer to all weather profiles ; [parameter]: the parameter that you want to be modified, keep in mind not all of them work. it's mainly aimed for color parameters ; [hour]: determine when your modifier is activated by defining hours range ; Example: ; 1.r2.w_foggy2.rain_color = 0.2 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 ; This modifier will add +0.2 to rain color from 9 PM to 4 AM, in foggy weather "w_foggy2", and only if you're playing on DX9 "r2" ; NOTE: ; modifiers that meet same conditions will add to each others for a total value effect, this allows you combine modifiers freely ;------------------------------------------ [global_modifiers] ;-- put modifiers that can work on all brightness settings here [brightness_bright]:global_modifiers 1.rr.all.ambient_color = 0.002 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.hemisphere_color = 0.02 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.rain_color = 0.2 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.sky_color = 0.1 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.sun_color = 0.02 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 [brightness_medium]:global_modifiers 1.rr.all.ambient_color = 0.001 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.hemisphere_color = 0.01 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.rain_color = 0.1 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.sky_color = 0.05 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.sun_color = 0.01 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 [brightness_slight]:global_modifiers ;-- reference, no modified color [brightness_dark]:global_modifiers 1.rr.all.ambient_color = -0.002 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.hemisphere_color = -0.01 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.rain_color = -0.1 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.sky_color = -0.05 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 1.rr.all.sun_color = -0.01 , 21:22:23:0:1:2:3:4 ;------------------------------------------ ;-- DoF kernals, used for effects ;------------------------------------------ [dof_kernels] w_clear1 = 2 w_clear2 = 2 w_partly1 = 2 w_partly2 = 2 w_foggy1 = 6 w_foggy2 = 6 w_foggy3 = 6 w_cloudy1 = 3 w_cloudy2_dark = 3 w_cloudy3 = 3 w_cloudy3_dark = 3 w_rain1 = 8 w_rain2 = 8 w_rain3 = 8 w_storm1 = 4 w_storm2 = 4 ;------------------------------------------ ;-- Distant storm sounds ;------------------------------------------ [distant_storm_sounds] nature\pre_storm_6 nature\pre_storm_7 nature\pre_storm_8 nature\pre_storm_9 nature\pre_storm_10 nature\pre_storm_11 nature\pre_storm_12 nature\pre_storm_new_1 nature\pre_storm_new_2 nature\pre_storm_new_3 nature\pre_storm_new_4 nature\pre_storm_new_5 nature\pre_storm_new_6 nature\pre_storm_new_7 nature\pre_storm_new_8 nature\pre_storm_new_9