-- @ Version: SCREEN SPACE SHADERS - UPDATE 18 -- @ Description: Gloss & Wet Surfaces - Settings -- @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457 -- @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders -- If you're not using MCM you can customize your settings here -- ssfx_default_settings = { -- Gloss ["min_gloss"] = 0.65, -- Minimum value of gloss. ["max_gloss"] = 0.76, -- Maximum value of gloss. ["auto_gloss"] = true, -- Automatic adjustment of gloss based on wetness. ["auto_gloss_max"] = 1.0, -- Value to control the maximum value of gloss when full wetness is reached. ( 0 = 0% | 1 = 100% ) ["specular_int"] = 0.55, -- Set the intensity of specular lighting. ["specular_color"] = 1.0, -- Porcentage of the specular color. ( 0 = 0% | 1 = 100% ) -- Wet Surfaces ["buildup_speed"] = 1.4, -- ["dry_speed"] = 0.5, -- ["ripples_size"] = 1.5, -- ["ripples_speed"] = 1.4, -- ["ripples_min_speed"] = 0.7, -- ["ripples_intensity"] = 1.25, -- ["waterfall_size"] = 1.2, -- ["waterfall_speed"] = 1.5, -- ["waterfall_min_speed"] = 0.2, -- ["waterfall_intensity"] = 0.35, -- ["cover_res"] = 1, -- Resolution of the rain cover rendering. ( 0 Low ~ 5 High ) ["cover_distance"] = 30 -- Distance of the rain cover rendering. Higher values are more performance expensive. } ----------------------------------------------------