/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEEF'S SHADER BASED NIGHT VISION EFFECT // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Huge credit TO LVutner from Anomaly Discord, who // // literally taught me everything I know, to Sky4Ace // // who's simple_blur function I've adapted for this // // shader, and to Meltac, who provided some advice // // and inspiration for developing this shader. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: You are free to distribute and adapt this // // Shader and any components, just please provide // // credit to myself and/or the above individuals. I // // have provided credit for individual functions and // // their original authors where applicable. - BEEF // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STEP 0 - GLOBAL DEFINITIONS AND INCLUDES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "night_vision.h" #include "common.h" float3 bokeh_pass_3 (float image, float2 tc) { float Pi = 6.28318530718; float blur_directions = 8.0; float blur_quality = 4.0; float blur_radius = 5; float3 color = 0.0f; float3 color_average = 0.0f; float light_avgs = 0.0f; float weight = 0.0f; float total_weight = 0.0f; for(float i=1.0; i<=blur_quality; i++) { for( float d=0.0; d 0.0f) { color.g *= 1.0f; light_avgs += 1.0f;} else {light_avgs += 0.5;} color_average += color; } } image = color_average.g / light_avgs; return image; } float4 main(p_screen I) : SV_Target { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STEP 0 - LOCAL DEFINITIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TC vars float2 corrected_texturecoords = aspect_ratio_correction(I.tc0); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STEP 0 - MAIN SAMPLES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float3 image = s_image.Sample(smp_rtlinear, I.tc0).xyz; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STEP 0 - MAIN FUNCTION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float3 half_res_blur = s_blur_2.Sample(smp_rtlinear, I.tc0).rgb; float lua_param_nvg_num_tubes = frac(shader_param_8.x) * 10.0f; if (compute_lens_mask(corrected_texturecoords, lua_param_nvg_num_tubes) == 1) // see if we're inside the lens mask { // GRAB SAMPLES FOR NVG SHADER float3 eighth_res_bloom = s_blur_8.Sample(smp_rtlinear, I.tc0).rgb; float3 quarter_res_bloom = s_blur_4.Sample(smp_rtlinear, I.tc0).rgb; float4 jitter = float4( frac(sin(dot(I.tc0, float2(12.0, 78.0) + (timers.x) )) * 12345.0), frac(sin(dot(I.tc0-fmod(I.tc0,float2(3.0,3.0)/screen_res.xy), float2(12.0, 78.0) + (timers.x) )) * 22738.0), frac(sin(dot(I.tc0-fmod(I.tc0,float2(3.0,3.0)/screen_res.xy), float2(12.0, 78.0) + (timers.x) )) * 78372.0), frac(sin(dot(I.tc0, float2(12.0, 78.0) + (timers.x) )) * 37857.0)); //float depth = s_position.Load(int3(I.tc0 * screen_res.xy,0),0).z; // Sample the depth buffer in a better way //float depth = pow(blurred_depth(I.tc0),2)*1000; float depth = blurred_depth(I.tc0); //image.r = lerp(half_res_blur.r,image.r,0.6f); //image = pow(image,0.75); image = lerp(image,half_res_blur,clamp(1-smoothstep(0,15,depth),0.4,1)); // NEAR BLUR if (depth < 1000) { float light_att = pow(1.0f-(smoothstep(5,300,depth)),0.5); // Distance from full brightness to full black if ((image.r+image.g) < 0.9f) { image.r *= (light_att+0.1f); //Apply light attenuation (plus offset to prevent sky turning black) } } // GLITCH EFFECT -- TO DO float lua_param_glitch_power = fmod(shader_param_8.z,1.0f); if (lua_param_glitch_power > 0.0f) { image = lerp(image, glitchEffect(image, I.tc0, lua_param_glitch_power),0.9); } // APPLY BLOOM / WASHOUT float addon = bokeh_pass_3( (eighth_res_bloom.g + quarter_res_bloom.g),I.tc0); float addon_hard = max(addon - 0.7,0.0) * 2.0f; float addon_soft = (max(half_res_blur.g - 0.6,0.0f) / 0.6) / 1.0f; // addon = max(addon - 0.01,0) * 3; image = image + (float3)addon_soft + (float3)addon_hard; // image *= 3; // APPLY CRT EFFECT image = lerp(image,make_crt_ified(half_res_blur, I.tc0),gen_2_crt_effect_factor); // Adds a CRT effect that I think looks better than draw_scanlines // APPLY NOISE float lua_param_nvg_gain_current = floor(shader_param_8.y) / 10.0f; image.r += jitter.y * (gen_2_nvg_noise_factor * (pow(lua_param_nvg_gain_current,0.5) )); // Add the noise to the image // APPLY SCINTILLATION EFFECT if (jitter.z > (gen_2_scintillation_constant - ( (1.0-gen_2_scintillation_constant) * (lua_param_nvg_gain_current - 1.0f) ) ) ) { image.r = 1.0f; } // APPLY IMAGE COLOR CORRECTION AND MAKE BRIGHT SPOTS WHITE image.rgb = saturate(image.r) * gen_2_saturation_color; if (image.g >= 0.95) { image.rgb = pow(image.ggg,2); } // APPLY VIGNETTE float lua_param_vignette_current = floor(shader_param_8.z) / 100.0f; float vignette = calc_vignette(lua_param_nvg_num_tubes, I.tc0, lua_param_vignette_current); image = clamp(image,0.0,1.0); image *= vignette; // RETURN THE RESULTING IMAGE return float4(image, 1.0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OUTSIDE NVG CIRCLES OF EFFECT - If the absolute distance from screen center is farther than circle_radius, then we'll run the other shader effects below /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else { float lua_param_nvg_mode = frac(shader_param_8.w) * 10; if (abs(lua_param_nvg_mode-0.0) <= 0.01) // mode 0 - blur { image = half_res_blur; image = clamp(image,0.0,1.0); } else if (abs(lua_param_nvg_mode-1.0) <= 0.01) // mode 1 - black { image = float3(0.0,0.0,0.0); } else if (abs(lua_param_nvg_mode-2.0) <= 0.01) // mode 2 - image overlay { image = clamp(image,0.0,1.0); } else if (abs(lua_param_nvg_mode-3.0) <= 0.01) // mode 3 - no changes (clear vision) { image = clamp(image,0.0,1.0); } // RETURN THE RESULTING IMAGE return float4(image, 1.0); } }